Washington Post: Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries like Haiti

This issue has blown up in a way regressives didn’t expect. Everyone talking about this agrees 100% those countries are shitholes, and most agree we shouldn’t be taking so many immigrants and refugees from those shitholes.

Uh, Dude, even Republicans are denouncing his racist comments. He's even trying to pretend he didn't say them.
The liberal posturing on Trump's alleged s-hole comment is a sight to behold, not to mention pathetic, hypocritical, double-standard-full. How many times have liberals described certain Southern states like Alabama and Mississippi with equally and much more offensive terms?

Can you point out where a public figure has done this? Thanks.

The last time I checked, Trump was denying that he used that term. I won't be shocked if it turns out that he did. If he did, I would just say that if we are going to start attacking presidents based on what they say in private meetings, no president will survive.

No, Trump just needs to realize that not every thought that comes into his head needs to be said or tweeted out loud.

Just like normal people do.
Your Messiah swore all the time, but you don't know it because you get all your news from MSLSD.

At any rate, decorum is something Americans expect in their POTUS. We won't get it from Trump. I could care less about decorum and being an adult (unlike you), I focus on his actions.

You know that nobody cares if he swears. It's his message that matters. Why are you so dishonest.

If you focus on his actions you must determine that he's grown the swamp. He is your kind of guy.
Unlike you I expect only SHIT from the POTUS, no matter what party he/she is from. You should learn this...but being dupe partisan you never will.

Compared to Hillary, Trump is fantastic. However, that isn't saying much because your girl Cankles may be the worst person in the whole f-ing world. Yet you voted for her...LMFAO!

We know Cankles swears like a drunken sailor...well no doubt, she is drunk rather often.

You are so boring. When will you start trying?
Thanks. I win!!!

Of course. Have you ever lost?
I am glad you admit defeat. I have a newly found respect for you.
Haiti has been an abject disaster for years. It's an ongoing tragedy. It's a shithole.

Ahhhh, Good Old Mac, still looking for the approval of white people.

Had a friend of yours called it a shithole, you wouldn't have been offended or outraged in the least.

Had a friend of yours called Appalachia a shithole, you wouldn't have been offended or outraged in the least.

Um, yeah, the thing is, we kind of expect the President to conduct himself to a higher standard than our friends or some drunk at a bar. Or at least we did with the previous 44 guys.

So if he comes out and says the N-word next week, are you going to say, "Hey, you wouldn't be that offended if a friend of yours said the N-word".

Again I have to ask: Is this all just a game? Are we EVER supposed to take partisans seriously?

I know you see "Partisans" in every corner, standing next to the PC Police and the Scary Muslim.

But even Republicans are denouncing this comment. It's beyond the pale of common decency.

The real problem isn't "Partisanship".

The real problem is that we are all trying to pretend this is normal or at least something we can live with.
If the morons in Brazil managed the forests as Whitey would we would still have Brazilian Rosewood for guitars (one of the best tone woods ever). Fortunately the morons in Africa have not yet impacted tone woods. Recently got an African mahogany (upper tree - lighter, better tone) with flamed maple top (pacific northwest). Love it.
This issue has blown up in a way regressives didn’t expect. Everyone talking about this agrees 100% those countries are shitholes, and most agree we shouldn’t be taking so many immigrants and refugees from those shitholes.
Everyone? LOL.....on my FB feeds dozens of people from all over the world, 4 languages they are all insulting Trump because of his comments....What fucking world you live in ? Do you even travel outside your county? Trump is the most laughed at president and persona in the world right now....they also know that he has the dumbest followers.
For your next holiday, I recommend you go to Haiti. Great weather!!!
You know that nobody cares if he swears. It's his message that matters. Why are you so dishonest.

If you focus on his actions you must determine that he's grown the swamp. He is your kind of guy.
Unlike you I expect only SHIT from the POTUS, no matter what party he/she is from. You should learn this...but being dupe partisan you never will.

Compared to Hillary, Trump is fantastic. However, that isn't saying much because your girl Cankles may be the worst person in the whole f-ing world. Yet you voted for her...LMFAO!

We know Cankles swears like a drunken sailor...well no doubt, she is drunk rather often.

You are so boring. When will you start trying?
Thanks. I win!!!

Of course. Have you ever lost?
I am glad you admit defeat. I have a newly found respect for you.

You didn't answer the question.

Have you ever lost an argument?
Unlike you I expect only SHIT from the POTUS, no matter what party he/she is from. You should learn this...but being dupe partisan you never will.

Compared to Hillary, Trump is fantastic. However, that isn't saying much because your girl Cankles may be the worst person in the whole f-ing world. Yet you voted for her...LMFAO!

We know Cankles swears like a drunken sailor...well no doubt, she is drunk rather often.

You are so boring. When will you start trying?
Thanks. I win!!!

Of course. Have you ever lost?
I am glad you admit defeat. I have a newly found respect for you.

You didn't answer the question.

Have you ever lost an argument?
I can't think of any., but it must have happened.

Now answer my question.
Just read that fiat Chrysler is bringing back jobs to the USA and investing a billion bucks. Gotta suck being you! Go president Trump!
These kinds of decisions by major corporations are made over a period of years — they have NOTHING to do with the Orange Fuckhead.
Tax cuts, please keep up. Your transgendered gay boy said those kinda jobs were gone for good. Sucks to be you too.





If Trump was in White Appalachia, he would think he was in a sh!thole country. He would insist they never come here.

Not even close, rDerp. I guarantee them crackers have septic and running water. Comparison fail for you.

Meanwhile Dem's in their filthy polluted cities spill hundreds of millions of gallons of raw untreated sewage into public waterways. Total crickets from environmental groups on this, shocker.
Those are whites in RED states. Please. Try to be honest for once in your life. There have been a couple of long, in depth articles about these poor folks recently.

If you want to learn the truth about these problems always remember Google is your friend.

You posted pictures of 8 people who may have a septic system. I'm talking hundreds of millions of gallons of Dem sewage spilled input public waterways so polluting the water swimming had to be banned. Good job on the environment Dem's /SARCASM
surely you've heard of Flint Michigan and how the Republican governor and his emergency managers poisoned the water there.
If the morons in Brazil managed the forests as Whitey would we would still have Brazilian Rosewood for guitars (one of the best tone woods ever). Fortunately the morons in Africa have not yet impacted tone woods. Recently got an African mahogany (upper tree - lighter, better tone) with flamed maple top (pacific northwest). Love it.

Yes, people should starve so you can get a better guitar....

This is why white people are hated.
a small country wiped off the planet by a huge quake ...

POS RW's have the mentality of earthworms - not to insult earthworms.
Haiti has been an abject disaster for years. It's an ongoing tragedy. It's a shithole.

Had a friend of yours called it a shithole, you wouldn't have been offended or outraged in the least.

Had a friend of yours called Appalachia a shithole, you wouldn't have been offended or outraged in the least.

Again I have to ask: Is this all just a game? Are we EVER supposed to take partisans seriously?
The difference is that when a president of country says it, he sends a message of hate and insensitivity. We loose allies and we make new enemies that way....with the Orange is by the day. China is taking over slowly, I bet their boats are sailing to Haiti as we Speak.

Do you think they'll steal billions from em like hillary did?
a small country wiped off the planet by a huge quake ...

POS RW's have the mentality of earthworms - not to insult earthworms.

Yeah.....hillary really fucked em over good didnt she.

Hillary caused the Earthquake? She's a monster!!!!

Anything else you want to blame Hillary for? The Tsunami in Japan? The Hurricane in Puerto Rico? Your inability to get a date?
a small country wiped off the planet by a huge quake ...

POS RW's have the mentality of earthworms - not to insult earthworms.

Yeah.....hillary really fucked em over good didnt she.

Hillary caused the Earthquake? She's a monster!!!!

Anything else you want to blame Hillary for? The Tsunami in Japan? The Hurricane in Puerto Rico? Your inability to get a date?

Wow!! You libs really are stupid!
Hillary ripped off aid for Haiti to the tune of 6 billion dollars and the leftist trash in Puerto Rico was stashing all the relief in a warehouse and refusing to distribute it.
Irish American anyone? The Irish came to America to get out of Ireland. Until recently Ireland was one of the poorest places in Western Europe. The greatest emigration happened during the Great Famine (1845-1850), where people would emigrate to foreign shores in an attempt to survive and better their lives, while escaping from extreme poverty and workhouses. America was seen as the land of opportunity (to many, it is still seen that way). This is why most people came to America, not just the Irish. There were about 500,000 Irish immigrants in 1900. Poor people from rural areas whose only skills were farming and fishing. Uneducated and poor people. People fleeing famine and poverty.

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

It doesn't say "as long as you are white and Christian.'

That isn't in the Constitution, shit-for-brains. It's just a poem, and it's long out-of-date. Democrat scum claim it represents America's "ideals," but I don't know anyone who thinks it's one of our ideals. I think it's bullshit from another age.

Wonderful but dated ideal. That was written long, long ago when America needed a population. Those 'huddled masses' wanted to become Americans and adopt American morals and values. Nowhere in the poem does it say that illegal aliens should be welcomed to or shores.
It was 1884: that is not 'long, long ago.' The America value it expresses is still very, very much alive today. Trump was not talking about illegal aliens; he was talking about people of one race from poor countries.
Trump wasn't talking about race. He was talking about culture. The left wants to make it about race so they can have a legitimate argument. The fact is Haiti and some other countries really are shitholes, and the color of the skin of those that predominantly live there isn't the point.
This issue has blown up in a way regressives didn’t expect. Everyone talking about this agrees 100% those countries are shitholes, and most agree we shouldn’t be taking so many immigrants and refugees from those shitholes.
Everyone? LOL.....on my FB feeds dozens of people from all over the world, 4 languages they are all insulting Trump because of his comments....What fucking world you live in ? Do you even travel outside your county? Trump is the most laughed at president and persona in the world right now....they also know that he has the dumbest followers.

Yes, people are crying about it, but have any of them disputed that Haiti is a shithole? Even the liberals here won’t deny it.

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