Washington Post: Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries like Haiti

Yes, people are crying about it, but have any of them disputed that Haiti is a shithole? Even the liberals here won’t deny it.

Guy, you miss the point.

No one denies these countries are horrible places to live.

But by calling them "shitholes', Trump denigrates the people who have the misfortune of living there.

Here, let Anderson explain it to you.

For some reason

Norway wasn't thrilled with Trumps favoritism
This issue has blown up in a way regressives didn’t expect. Everyone talking about this agrees 100% those countries are shitholes, and most agree we shouldn’t be taking so many immigrants and refugees from those shitholes.

Uh, Dude, even Republicans are denouncing his racist comments. He's even trying to pretend he didn't say them.

I really don’t care about the politically correct cucks in the GOP.
Irish American anyone? The Irish came to America to get out of Ireland. Until recently Ireland was one of the poorest places in Western Europe. The greatest emigration happened during the Great Famine (1845-1850), where people would emigrate to foreign shores in an attempt to survive and better their lives, while escaping from extreme poverty and workhouses. America was seen as the land of opportunity (to many, it is still seen that way). This is why most people came to America, not just the Irish. There were about 500,000 Irish immigrants in 1900. Poor people from rural areas whose only skills were farming and fishing. Uneducated and poor people. People fleeing famine and poverty.

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

It doesn't say "as long as you are white and Christian.'

That isn't in the Constitution, shit-for-brains. It's just a poem, and it's long out-of-date. Democrat scum claim it represents America's "ideals," but I don't know anyone who thinks it's one of our ideals. I think it's bullshit from another age.

Wonderful but dated ideal. That was written long, long ago when America needed a population. Those 'huddled masses' wanted to become Americans and adopt American morals and values. Nowhere in the poem does it say that illegal aliens should be welcomed to or shores.
It was 1884: that is not 'long, long ago.' The America value it expresses is still very, very much alive today. Trump was not talking about illegal aliens; he was talking about people of one race from poor countries.
Trump wasn't talking about race. He was talking about culture. The left wants to make it about race so they can have a legitimate argument. The fact is Haiti and some other countries really are shitholes, and the color of the skin of those that predominantly live there isn't the point.
LOL Nobody but right-wingers like you believe that BS. Haiti is 95% black, sub-Saharan African countries as well. Tell me, if a country has a 95% Muslim population, would you say it was Christian? Not a Muslim country? Your denials are completely disingenuous.
Yes, people are crying about it, but have any of them disputed that Haiti is a shithole? Even the liberals here won’t deny it.

Guy, you miss the point.

No one denies these countries are horrible places to live.

But by calling them "shitholes', Trump denigrates the people who have the misfortune of living there.

Here, let Anderson explain it to you.

So, all the outrage is over the use of the word “shit”?

Aside from that, why is it our responsibility to take in these people? How will those countries ever rebuild themselves if their “best” keep leaving?

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump referred to Haiti and African nations as "shithole countries" during a meeting with a bipartisan group of senators at the White House, a Democratic aide briefed on Thursday's meeting told NBC News.

Trump's comments were first reported by The Washington Post, which said the nations referred to by Trump also included El Salvador.

The U.N. human rights office said the comments, if confirmed, were "shocking and shameful" and "racist," while Haiti's foreign minister summoned the U.S. Chargé d’Affaires Robin Diallo for clarification.

Two sources briefed on the conversation say that during the portion of the conversation about Haiti — which came at the top of the exchange that led to the “shithole” comment — the president questioned why Haitians should be given specific consideration.

“Why do we need more Haitians, take them out,” he said, according to sources. Someone else in the room responded: “Because if you do, it will be obvious why.”

The White House issued a statement that did not deny the remarks, however Trump tweeted an apparent denial early Friday: "The language used by me at the ... meeting was tough, but this was not the language used."

It came as senators huddled in the Oval Office with the president to discuss a path forward on an immigration deal. Trump questioned why the United States would want people from nations such as Haiti while he was being briefed on changes to the visa lottery system.

According to the aide, when the group came to discussing immigration from Africa, Trump asked why America would want immigrants from "all these shithole countries" and that the U.S. should have more people coming in from places like Norway.

A source familiar with the meeting told NBC News the president was particularly frustrated during discussions about the visa lottery system — a program Trump has railed against repeatedly in recent months. Another White House source explained the language Trump used as his way of trying to emphasize his support for a merit-based immigration system.

Later Thursday, railed against Democrats over ongoing talks on an immigration deal. "The Democrats seem intent on having people and drugs pour into our country from the Southern Border, risking thousands of lives in the process. It is my duty to protect the lives and safety of all Americans. We must build a Great Wall, think Merit and end Lottery & Chain. USA!" he wrote.

Botswana's government on Friday said Trump had been "reprehensible and racist," and said it has summoned the U.S. ambassador to clarify whether the nation is regarded as, to use Trump's word, a "shithole" country.

U.N. human rights office spokesman Robert Colville told reporters that the remarks could "potentially damage and disrupt the lives of many people."

The "shocking and shameful" remark "legitimizes the targeting of people based on who they are," he said, adding: "I'm sorry, but there's no other word one can use but racist."

Haiti Ambassador to the U.S. Paul G. Altidor called Trump's comments “regrettable” and based on “clichés and stereotypes rather than actual fact.”

The ambassador underscored the indelicate timing of the comment, pointing out that Friday is the eighth anniversary of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, which is estimated to have killed well over 200,000 people.

Altidor said that since the reports of Trump's remarks, he had been “bombarded by emails from the American public apologizing” and said he knew Trump's comments were “not the views of the American public.”

The African Union said it was "alarmed" by Trump's statement. "Given the historical reality of how many Africans arrived in the United States as slaves, this statement flies in the face of all accepted behavior and practice," spokeswoman Ebba Kalondo said, adding that it was “particularly surprising as the United States of America remains a global example of how migration gave birth to a nation built on strong values of diversity and opportunity."

In Lagos, Nigeria, IT worker Mayowa Okuwade said: “I think every African country should just learn from this and probably just stay in their country and work with their resources … I am very much sure things will get better."

Others quickly decided to own Trump's language or throw it back in his face. "Good morning from the greatest most beautiful 'shithole country' in the world!!!" South African Broadcasting Corporation anchor Leanne Manas tweeted.

Republican Rep. Mia Love of Utah — the daughter of Haitian immigrants — released a statement saying Trump's comments were "unkind, divisive, elitist, and fly in the face of our nation's values" and demanding an apology from the president.

And Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla., said in a tweet that the reported remark "ignores the contributions thousands of Haitians have made to our #SoFla community and nation. Language like that shouldn't be heard in locker rooms and it shouldn't be heard in the White House".

It’s not the first time reports have surfaced of Trump speaking unfavorably about immigrants, and Haitians in particular. The New York Times reported in December that Trump said Haitian immigrants "all have AIDS," during a summer 2017 meeting about immigration.

According to the Times, Trump also targeted Nigerian immigrants during that meeting, complaining that once they came the United States they would never "go back to their huts." The White House vigorously denied the claims in the story at the time.

... Now News ...

Do you have a comment of your own?

Sure If he said this countries is "shithole" so he is like them if he said so .. we don't like to be like him "shithole"
Wow!! You libs really are stupid!
Hillary ripped off aid for Haiti to the tune of 6 billion dollars and the leftist trash in Puerto Rico was stashing all the relief in a warehouse and refusing to distribute it.

Six billion, really? Did she buy a gold plated spaceship with that money?
I really don’t care about the politically correct cucks in the GOP.

Yup, you like "Real Men" like President Bone Spur, as opposed to "Cucks" like Commander McCain who spent 5 years in a prison camp.

Manly men, who are open about their bigotry.

So, all the outrage is over the use of the word “shit”?

Aside from that, why is it our responsibility to take in these people? How will those countries ever rebuild themselves if their “best” keep leaving?

NO, the outrage is over the denigration of the people who live there.

Ironically, the three countries Trump called "Shitholes" - El Salvador, Haiti and Somalia - all have history of the US "Helping' them and making matters worse. Taking in some of their people is probably the least we could do.
This issue has blown up in a way regressives didn’t expect. Everyone talking about this agrees 100% those countries are shitholes, and most agree we shouldn’t be taking so many immigrants and refugees from those shitholes.
Everyone? LOL.....on my FB feeds dozens of people from all over the world, 4 languages they are all insulting Trump because of his comments....What fucking world you live in ? Do you even travel outside your county? Trump is the most laughed at president and persona in the world right now....they also know that he has the dumbest followers.

"Trump is the most laughed at president and persona in the world right now....they also know that he has the dumbest followers."

Yes, people are crying about it, but have any of them disputed that Haiti is a shithole? Even the liberals here won’t deny it.

Guy, you miss the point.

No one denies these countries are horrible places to live.

But by calling them "shitholes', Trump denigrates the people who have the misfortune of living there.

Here, let Anderson explain it to you.

For some reason, our President hates Haiti
Last month, he was ranting about how they all have AIDS
Now he is calling them a shithole

Evidently, in a meeting about DACA, he went into a tirade when Haiti was brought up

TE="Siete, post: 19053489, member: 49106"]a small country wiped off the planet by a huge quake ...

POS RW's have the mentality of earthworms - not to insult earthworms.[/QUOTE]

Spare us. It was a democrat who dropped two nuclear bombs that killed hundreds of thousands of innocent women and children. Go. Pound. Sand. We don't care.
Whenever I hear a black person bitching about racism in America I sometimes say, "Why haven't you immigrated back to Africa?"
They usually say I'm crazy.
Then I tell them that I've been to Africa several times, and I describe what I saw. How in some countries they don't take baths because of a lack of water. How darker Africans are extremely prejudice against lighter skinned Africans. They don't like people with white blood. Also, most Africans look down their noses at American Blacks......because they know they were removed during the Islamic ethnic cleansing that took place periodically hundreds of years ago. They treat them like Islamic countries treat Palestinians.....like bums. Homeless people. I also told them when we went out in the bush, that the only person in an entire tribe with a clean shirt was the tribal chief. That's how I knew who he was without asking.

Then they get real quiet and say..'Maybe America isn't so bad"
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If Trump was in White Appalachia, he would think he was in a sh!thole country. He would insist they never come here.

Not even close, rDerp. I guarantee them crackers have septic and running water. Comparison fail for you.

Meanwhile Dem's in their filthy polluted cities spill hundreds of millions of gallons of raw untreated sewage into public waterways. Total crickets from environmental groups on this, shocker.
Those are whites in RED states. Please. Try to be honest for once in your life. There have been a couple of long, in depth articles about these poor folks recently.

If you want to learn the truth about these problems always remember Google is your friend.

You posted pictures of 8 people who may have a septic system. I'm talking hundreds of millions of gallons of Dem sewage spilled input public waterways so polluting the water swimming had to be banned. Good job on the environment Dem's /SARCASM
surely you've heard of Flint Michigan and how the Republican governor and his emergency managers poisoned the water there.
Sure....yeah....right....some RINO Democrat posing as a Republican won election and immediately starts doing shit to piss everyone off.
We've seen this crap all over the country.
Gray Davis and Arnold Schwarzenegger were RINOs and they led to Jerry Brown.
Bloomberg was one and he led to De Blasio.
Sundquist was one here in TN and he led to Bredesen.
Every one of them a RINO Democrat posing as Repubicans which intentionally did things to piss off the voters to assure a Democrat win.
This issue has blown up in a way regressives didn’t expect. Everyone talking about this agrees 100% those countries are shitholes, and most agree we shouldn’t be taking so many immigrants and refugees from those shitholes.
Everyone? LOL.....on my FB feeds dozens of people from all over the world, 4 languages they are all insulting Trump because of his comments....What fucking world you live in ? Do you even travel outside your county? Trump is the most laughed at president and persona in the world right now....they also know that he has the dumbest followers.

"Trump is the most laughed at president and persona in the world right now....they also know that he has the dumbest followers."


When did you become a follower? Lord knows a liberal dumb ass could never be a leader!
This issue has blown up in a way regressives didn’t expect. Everyone talking about this agrees 100% those countries are shitholes, and most agree we shouldn’t be taking so many immigrants and refugees from those shitholes.

Uh, Dude, even Republicans are denouncing his racist comments. He's even trying to pretend he didn't say them.

I really don’t care about the politically correct cucks in the GOP.
And I really don't care a diddly about your opinion, either. Bigoted assholes all sound the same.

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