Washington Post writer claims Covid vaccines don't work

Absolutely incorrect
It has been advertised but utterly unproven
It does not reduce your chances of getting it nor transmitting it. Two major failures. It does seem to prevent those who already have it from becoming critical to fatal-a modest success

I bet you were wearing a mask when you wrote your nonsense lie.
Simply not true. You should be ashamed of yourself. God knows every one else is
Your chances of living are dramatically increased by taking the jab. This has been proven

There has never been an effective vaccination against a coronavirus, these injections didn't change that. It's fraud to advertise them as a vaccination. Also there are other treatments that have proven more effective.

Simply not true. You should be ashamed of yourself. God knows every one else is
Don’t you all just love the attempted liberal shame based condemnations of “be ashamed…every one else is”??
No fact rebuttal just shaming
We are sure this is how you were raised. Always condemned about what you should have said or done so Others will approve
Healthy thinkers like me were either raised properly or shook off that yoke . You are still so ill effected that you still try to use that ploy
It's not much of a claim. No one ever said the COVID vaccines would prevent catching or passing on the virus. Not the vaccine manufacturers or the CDC or even the WHO.

The only thing they did claim was it it was supposed to lessen the effects in people most at risk. But, to date, there isn't significant evidence that this was ever the case.

You're not paying attention.

There has never been an effective vaccination against a coronavirus, these injections didn't change that. It's fraud to advertise them as a vaccination. Also there are other treatments that have proven more effective.

Don’t you all just love the attempted liberal shame based condemnations of “be ashamed…every one else is”??
No fact rebuttal just shaming
We are sure this is how you were raised. Always condemned about what you should have said or done so Others will approve
Healthy thinkers like me were either raised properly or shook off that yoke . You are still so ill effected that you still try to use that ploy

It’s not politics. It’s simply a matter of smart vs. stupid. The shot has proven to be safe and effective. It’s free and it’s available.

Not taking it is simply stupid. If that offends you…be smarter
Another circle jerk of jerks - all non-thinkers and brainwashed.

Trump said that in the summer of 2020 would put this hoax of a pandemic gone.

Great Scott, a Republican President tried to not overreact! That was like the first month when no one knew what it was. I like how you hold grudges forever.

Has Biden said anything stupid in your eyes or is your brain completely melted now?
It’s not politics. It’s simply a matter of smart vs. stupid. The shot has proven to be safe and effective. It’s free and it’s available.

Not taking it is simply stupid. If that offends you…be smarter

If it was "stupid," why didn't any Democrats know better than what he said in the FIRST MONTH of the pandemic? Or is this your way of admitting that Queen Nancy and little Chuckie are "stupid?"
If it was "stupid," why didn't any Democrats know better than what he said in the FIRST MONTH of the pandemic? Or is this your way of admitting that Queen Nancy and little Chuckie are "stupid?"
It’s not politics. It’s simply a matter of smart vs. stupid. The shot has proven to be safe and effective. It’s free and it’s available.

Not taking it is simply stupid. If that offends you…be smarter
I would not be smarter by participating in the ruse that you demand. Do you feel uncomfortable that me and other thinkers are responsible for any ill health that may come your way?
Pull your mask down while typing response please
I would not be smarter by participating in the ruse that you demand. Do you feel uncomfortable that me and other thinkers are responsible for any ill health that may come your way?
Pull your mask down while typing response please
I think “people” like you are responsible for deaths that were preventable.
At this point...if Republicans still refuse the vaccine I couldn't care less.

DON'T get the shit.

You won't be missed
"We have zero effective drugs that prevent infection."

Interesting coming from Bezos' blog. Looks like they're setting up plausible deniability for the coming shitstorm. Joe Biden's deadly lie is still hanging out there for all to see and hear, of course.

COVID Vaccines do not PREVENT anyone from getting COVID.

COVID Vaccines are supposed to make the symptoms more tolerable, less severe...however, no one has identified what all the negative side effects of the vaccine are because they EVER went through all safety protocols and testing to find out.

Those were waived IOT get the Vvaccines produced and out quickly.

This is why the pharma-companies were given immunity from law suits later.

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