Washington Redskins Football Trademark Defense Is So Vulgar It's Silly

I'd guess most people really don't give a shit.
I agree - mostly insensitive white racists.

You folks are a hoot.
How about the Washington Crackers?
I think that would be hilarious.

What's even MORE hilarious is the fact that you whine about racism and then toss out racist words.

The team owner is Dan Snyder, a Jew, so one would think he of all people would be sensitive to ethnic slurs.
I'd guess most people really don't give a shit.
I agree - mostly insensitive white racists.

You folks are a hoot.
How about the Washington Crackers?
I think that would be hilarious.

What's even MORE hilarious is the fact that you whine about racism and then toss out racist words.

The team owner is Dan Snyder, a Jew, so one would think he of all people would be sensitive to ethnic slurs.
Well, I'll let you folks keep close track of everyone's ethnicity and skin color, I really don't give a shit.
The Washington Redskins team name IS NOT offensive and DOES NOT need to be changed, as we are all being led to believe by the liberals and progressives who has shit-for-brains and who continually pretend to know what's best everybody. :cuckoo:

This is all about Native Americans - not white racists.

Instead of being whiny pussies and crying about how offended they are and how much "muh feels" hurt, just use some of that sweet casino money to buy the team and rename it. Telling people what to do with their property because someone got some sand in their vaginas is simply wrong.
I'd guess most people really don't give a shit.
I agree - mostly insensitive white racists.

You folks are a hoot.
How about the Washington Crackers?
I think that would be hilarious.

What's even MORE hilarious is the fact that you whine about racism and then toss out racist words.

The team owner is Dan Snyder, a Jew, so one would think he of all people would be sensitive to ethnic slurs.

Or maybe he isn't some thin-skinned member of the perpetually offended tribe.
Since team owner Dan Snyder is Jewish, I think this would be the perfect logo for him:

You can't be mad at the Redskins AND post that picture. Doing so makes you a raging hypocrite.
Which ethnic part of society uses the word "yo" when meaning you as in "take yo panties off"? Think about it.
I'd guess most people really don't give a shit.
I agree - mostly insensitive white racists.

You folks are a hoot.
How about the Washington Crackers?
I think that would be hilarious.

What's even MORE hilarious is the fact that you whine about racism and then toss out racist words.

The team owner is Dan Snyder, a Jew, so one would think he of all people would be sensitive to ethnic slurs.
Why would he be sensitive to ethnic slurs? He's a grown-up.
I agree - mostly insensitive white racists.

You folks are a hoot.
How about the Washington Crackers?
I think that would be hilarious.

What's even MORE hilarious is the fact that you whine about racism and then toss out racist words.

The team owner is Dan Snyder, a Jew, so one would think he of all people would be sensitive to ethnic slurs.
Why would he be sensitive to ethnic slurs? He's a grown-up.

In fact, I'm gonna STEAL that one.
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It's very offensive.

Now.....the donkey of the Democrat Party dates back to the early 1800s and oversaw the Democrats creation of the KKK, Jim Crowe laws, fighting to preserve slavery, founding of an organization whose intent is to exterminate blacks, and on and on.

Redskins should change their mascot....when Dems change theirs.

Can't any of you retarded NaziCons focus on just one topic at a time? BTW, I've never met a donkey KKK member.
Would please tell us what power us "nazicons" have in DC???? I'm all ears
And most jews if not all are dems. What's daniel snyders affiliation
You lay this Redskin deal at conservative feet, but I fail to see the connetion.
It's very offensive.

Now.....the donkey of the Democrat Party dates back to the early 1800s and oversaw the Democrats creation of the KKK, Jim Crowe laws, fighting to preserve slavery, founding of an organization whose intent is to exterminate blacks, and on and on.

Redskins should change their mascot....when Dems change theirs.

Can't any of you retarded NaziCons focus on just one topic at a time? BTW, I've never met a donkey KKK member.
Sorry that we don't have tunnel vision like you. All conservatives on this forum are to stop your multitasking. The donkey party can't keep up.
Don't change the name. Have had it however long, time to bitch about it was when it was new. If it's really so offensive, shoulda complained before, not later. This is so obviously about something other than the name. Something personal. Outta investigate who brought this issue up in the first place and find that personal grudge.
Tough shit, but they've already lost their trademark status. That means anyone else could also use it in the meantime.

It's under appeal as you well know. If the Redskins lose the appeals, expect Snyder to shut the franchise down permanently. No more NFL in one of the country's biggest media markets. Nor would the NFL be able to simply start a new franchise there without Snyder's approval.

DC isn't that big a market...and the area already HAS another NFL team. There are plenty of cities that could host an expansion team (LA tops the list) if Snyder does anything that stupid.

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