Washington Redskins trademark cancelled

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See here is where we come to the point, as miss peach, (I'm sorry I don't know if your married) said, the word had a specific meaning two centuries ago. but my question is what does the team name symbolize now? the Washington Redskins, a team of players who go out onto the field every season to battle their opponents for the top slot in the NFL.
To me this symbolizes, Today, a warrior spirit best personified by the native american peoples. The tribal warriors of the native american tribes are an amazing people. This concept i believe is upheld in todays world.

I mean look at the fact that Geronimo one of the most famous of the Native american warriors to stand against the military of the new formed united states lies at rest in a private cemetary along with all the members of his family since him, around a monument in his honor on the grounds of Fort Sill, Oklahoma.

people focus too much on the past and what something meant 200 years ago is not really indicative of what it means today. take the long pointed caps of the klu klux klan, 400 years ago similar styles of hats were worn by certain orders of monks, and are still used by some remote sects of monks in spain as i understand it, I may be mistaken on that. Yet today no one remembers what the style meant 400 years ago, they just associate it with something evil.

I would further amend my belief (and it is personal belief) that those who live in the past are doomed to repeat it. What the earlier colonists did to the native american peoples was horrific, no one can argue that it wasn't. But what good does it do now over 200 years later, to dredge all that horror back up and hold it as a mark against people who have no intention or connection to the original act? the word is just a word, the power it has is the power you give it, if you chose to uphold the word as an evil from nearly 3 centuries ago, then that is the words power to you. to me I chose to see the word in the spirit it is intended, as honorific to the intense warrior spirit of the symbol the team uses.
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"The group argued that the Redskins should lose their federal trademark protection based on a law that prohibits registered names that are disparaging, scandalous, contemptuous or disreputable. The case involves six registered trademarks that involve the use of the word Redskins, but it does not apply to the team's logo."...

Really?... Seems like a LOT of things could fall under that one. "You might be a Redneck if" has a "Common Law Trademark" on it that the Feds Respect and a Court has upheld... Give it some thought...

Maybe the United States should just change it's name the "Thinskins".



First and foremost doesn't the federal government have far more important things to deal with than the name of a football team? Second if people keep pushing Snyder to change the name I think he should come up with most moronic, stupid, idiotic name he can think of and change it to that then sell the team with the provision the new owners can not change the name or move the team. I kind of like Washington wipeouts

Look, blackhawk....Obama is just trying to create his legacy and here you are harshing his mellow.
"The group argued that the Redskins should lose their federal trademark protection based on a law that prohibits registered names that are disparaging, scandalous, contemptuous or disreputable. The case involves six registered trademarks that involve the use of the word Redskins, but it does not apply to the team's logo."...

Really?... Seems like a LOT of things could fall under that one. "You might be a Redneck if" has a "Common Law Trademark" on it that the Feds Respect and a Court has upheld... Give it some thought...

Maybe the United States should just change it's name the "Thinskins".



First and foremost doesn't the federal government have far more important things to deal with than the name of a football team? Second if people keep pushing Snyder to change the name I think he should come up with most moronic, stupid, idiotic name he can think of and change it to that then sell the team with the provision the new owners can not change the name or move the team. I kind of like Washington wipeouts

Apparently not :cuckoo:

"The group argued that the Redskins should lose their federal trademark protection based on a law that prohibits registered names that are disparaging, scandalous, contemptuous or disreputable. The case involves six registered trademarks that involve the use of the word Redskins, but it does not apply to the team's logo."...

Really?... Seems like a LOT of things could fall under that one. "You might be a Redneck if" has a "Common Law Trademark" on it that the Feds Respect and a Court has upheld... Give it some thought...

Maybe the United States should just change it's name the "Thinskins".



First and foremost doesn't the federal government have far more important things to deal with than the name of a football team? Second if people keep pushing Snyder to change the name I think he should come up with most moronic, stupid, idiotic name he can think of and change it to that then sell the team with the provision the new owners can not change the name or move the team. I kind of like Washington wipeouts

Look, blackhawk....Obama is just trying to create his legacy and here you are harshing his mellow.

Oh he has created his legacy and then some we will all remember the presidency of Obama for many years.
See here is where we come to the point, as miss peach, (I'm sorry I don't know if your married) said, the word had a specific meaning two centuries ago. but my question is what does the team name symbolize now? the Washington Redskins, a team of players who go out onto the field every season to battle their opponents for the top slot in the NFL.
To me this symbolizes, Today, a warrior spirit best personified by the native american peoples. The tribal warriors of the native american tribes are an amazing people. This concept i believe is upheld in todays world.

I mean look at the fact that Geronimo one of the most famous of the Native american warriors to stand against the military of the new formed united states lies at rest in a private cemetary along with all the members of his family since him, around a monument in his honor on the grounds of Fort Sill, Oklahoma.

people focus too much on the past and what something meant 200 years ago is not really indicative of what it means today. take the long pointed caps of the klu klux klan, 400 years ago similar styles of hats were worn by certain orders of monks, yet today no one remembers what the style meant 400 years ago, they just associate it with something evil.

Five of the First Nations disagree, and the history of the term is part of its meaning. Few today think of those with Italian heritage as "without papers" yet the slur lives on.
"The group argued that the Redskins should lose their federal trademark protection based on a law that prohibits registered names that are disparaging, scandalous, contemptuous or disreputable. The case involves six registered trademarks that involve the use of the word Redskins, but it does not apply to the team's logo."...

Really?... Seems like a LOT of things could fall under that one. "You might be a Redneck if" has a "Common Law Trademark" on it that the Feds Respect and a Court has upheld... Give it some thought...

Maybe the United States should just change it's name the "Thinskins".



First and foremost doesn't the federal government have far more important things to deal with than the name of a football team? Second if people keep pushing Snyder to change the name I think he should come up with most moronic, stupid, idiotic name he can think of and change it to that then sell the team with the provision the new owners can not change the name or move the team. I kind of like Washington wipeouts

The Washington Thinskins. :thup:


Daniel Snyder says Redskins will never change name

Daniel Snyder is owner of the Washington pro football team he grew up adoring. Would he ever consider changing the team name that many American Indians and others believe is a racial slur?

"We will never change the name of the team," Snyder told USA TODAY Sports this week. "As a lifelong Redskins fan, and I think that the Redskins fans understand the great tradition and what it's all about and what it means, so we feel pretty fortunate to be just working on next season."

"We'll never change the name," he said. "It's that simple. NEVER — you can use caps."
I believe the owner of the team has told them to shove it................

It's that simple. Never. To those that don't like it, oh well.
See here is where we come to the point, as miss peach, (I'm sorry I don't know if your married) said, the word had a specific meaning two centuries ago. but my question is what does the team name symbolize now? the Washington Redskins, a team of players who go out onto the field every season to battle their opponents for the top slot in the NFL.
To me this symbolizes, Today, a warrior spirit best personified by the native american peoples. The tribal warriors of the native american tribes are an amazing people. This concept i believe is upheld in todays world.

I mean look at the fact that Geronimo one of the most famous of the Native american warriors to stand against the military of the new formed united states lies at rest in a private cemetary along with all the members of his family since him, around a monument in his honor on the grounds of Fort Sill, Oklahoma.

people focus too much on the past and what something meant 200 years ago is not really indicative of what it means today. take the long pointed caps of the klu klux klan, 400 years ago similar styles of hats were worn by certain orders of monks, yet today no one remembers what the style meant 400 years ago, they just associate it with something evil.
:lol::lol: it's football for Christ sake .......the most trivial of past times it has fuck all to do with warrior spirit......it has far more to do with the god of cash....
See here is where we come to the point, as miss peach, (I'm sorry I don't know if your married) said, the word had a specific meaning two centuries ago. but my question is what does the team name symbolize now? the Washington Redskins, a team of players who go out onto the field every season to battle their opponents for the top slot in the NFL.
To me this symbolizes, Today, a warrior spirit best personified by the native american peoples. The tribal warriors of the native american tribes are an amazing people. This concept i believe is upheld in todays world.

I mean look at the fact that Geronimo one of the most famous of the Native american warriors to stand against the military of the new formed united states lies at rest in a private cemetary along with all the members of his family since him, around a monument in his honor on the grounds of Fort Sill, Oklahoma.

people focus too much on the past and what something meant 200 years ago is not really indicative of what it means today. take the long pointed caps of the klu klux klan, 400 years ago similar styles of hats were worn by certain orders of monks, yet today no one remembers what the style meant 400 years ago, they just associate it with something evil.

Five of the First Nations disagree, and the history of the term is part of its meaning. Few today think of those with Italian heritage as "without papers" yet the slur lives on.
like the term paddy wagon.....
Daniel Snyder says Redskins will never change name

Daniel Snyder is owner of the Washington pro football team he grew up adoring. Would he ever consider changing the team name that many American Indians and others believe is a racial slur?

"We will never change the name of the team," Snyder told USA TODAY Sports this week. "As a lifelong Redskins fan, and I think that the Redskins fans understand the great tradition and what it's all about and what it means, so we feel pretty fortunate to be just working on next season."

"We'll never change the name," he said. "It's that simple. NEVER — you can use caps."

I thought that quote was a year old. in any event, Obama did not make this decision, Snyder will continue his appeal, and gain free media attention............of course, Donald Sterling did that also. Snyder might reconsider when he realizes how much more $$$$$$ the team can make changing the name. All new merchandise lines.

Well this is good.

It's important that we punish anyone who says or does something that offends the American Left.

That's important.

After all, this is America.



this is slightly different...but the name should stand.
"The group argued that the Redskins should lose their federal trademark protection based on a law that prohibits registered names that are disparaging, scandalous, contemptuous or disreputable. The case involves six registered trademarks that involve the use of the word Redskins, but it does not apply to the team's logo."...

Really?... Seems like a LOT of things could fall under that one. "You might be a Redneck if" has a "Common Law Trademark" on it that the Feds Respect and a Court has upheld... Give it some thought...

Maybe the United States should just change it's name the "Thinskins".



First and foremost doesn't the federal government have far more important things to deal with than the name of a football team? Second if people keep pushing Snyder to change the name I think he should come up with most moronic, stupid, idiotic name he can think of and change it to that then sell the team with the provision the new owners can not change the name or move the team. I kind of like Washington wipeouts

The Washington Thinskins. :thup:



Washington "Capital Hill Eunuchs"
It's none of the Gov'ts business here. I'm tired of them saying everything is dang Racist. They need to get some new dang material.

Freedom of Speech Never meant only if you don't offend someone. If some one is offended by the Redskins name, I suggest they complain all they want. Then I suggest everyone else tell them to STFU.

This PC culture is ridiculous.
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