Washington state plans to ban most non-electric vehicles by 2030

Funny how conservatives scream about states' rights until a state does something they don't like ... then it's federalism federalism federalism ... too funny ...

Washington State has inititive petition rights and the people there know how to use them ... Oregon can ban burning coal for electricity if we want to ... who are you to say otherwise ... and we shut down all the coal burning power plants in the entire state ... there was just the one and the operators were losing money against the wind farm on the Columbia so ... they elected not to use the ten year grace period Oregon was allowing and shut down immediately ...
the governor is not the state. just saying you seem to get mixed up quite often on general topics.
You actually think that is what I said? How fking stupid are you?
well yeah, I gave you that at best 45% of the people of the state would have voted for the fkwad. You told me I didn't do math. That implies you think that half of the people of the state voted for him. And that's a laugh at best.
well yeah, I gave you that at best 45% of the people of the state would have voted for the fkwad. You told me I didn't do math.
I guess I don't really care how the WA pre-schoolers feel about it but of those that bothered to vote, what percent voted Dem?
I guess I don't really care how the WA pre-schoolers feel about it but of those that bothered to vote, what percent voted Dem?
there you go, so fk all the people who don't follow the dictator huh? You're still giving away freedom. you're an anti american fk
there you go, so fk all the people who don't follow the dictator huh? You're still giving away freedom. you're an anti american fk
Since I believe in democracy and, with minority safeguards, majority rule, I'd say I'm 100% American. It is you here complaining when your side doesn't get its way.
Since I believe in democracy and, with minority safeguards, majority rule, I'd say I'm 100% American. It is you here complaining when your side doesn't get its way.
democracy doesn't take away rights. Forced compliance isn't freedom.
then why the discussion about the governor? I swear we were talking about the governor and his right to call for no more ICE cars. hmmmmmmmmmmmm

Does not the President have to sign off on legislature bills in Russia before they become law? ... hmmmmmmmmmmmm ...

Try using google and educate yourself in this matter ... yes, electricity is cheaper than gasoline in Washington State ... Bonneville Power Administration ... look it up ...
Does not the President have to sign off on legislature bills in Russia before they become law? ... hmmmmmmmmmmmm ...

Try using google and educate yourself in this matter ... yes, electricity is cheaper than gasoline in Washington State ... Bonneville Power Administration ... look it up ...
Did he sign it? yes
Washington state plans to ban most non-electric vehicles by 2030, according to a newly signed bill by Gov. Jay Inslee.

The bill says that all vehicles of the model year 2030 or later that are sold, purchased, or registered in the state must be electric.

"On or before December 31, 2023, the interagency electric vehicle coordinating council ... shall complete a scoping plan for achieving the 2030 target," it reads.

The bill covers a lot of transportation issues in the state and is a part of a larger $16.9 billion transportation package called “Move Ahead Washington," which Inslee described as a way to create more efficient transportation options.

"Transportation is our state’s largest source of greenhouse gas emissions. There is no way to talk about climate change without talking about transportation," Inslee said. "This package will move us away from the transportation system our grandparents imagined and towards the transportation system our grandchildren dream of."

My Gawd, what a bunch of tards.....There's a damn good reason a U-Haul is near 5K to get out of that state.

What do you believe is wrong with such a program? Do the US or Washington state constitutions guarantee the right to own ICE vehicles?

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