Washington State Trooper Tells Governor to Kiss His Ass

The "good" ones will quit. Same goes for soldiers, sailors, marines and federal law enforcement agents. Come this time next year about the only Americans still in any form of uniform will be wearing the uniform of the enemy. They will be the ones who turn blind eyes and enforce vaccine passports, etc.

Good riddance!

If you're in the military or the police and refusing the vaccine, it might be a good signal that you need a career change.

If I can't trust you to take a small risk that will keep others safe, not sure I can trust you to take a big risk, which is kind of what this whole profession is built on.
It's a crowded field but Jay Inslee is one of the five worst governors in America. Easily.
Unfortunately he is like his neighbors in Oregon and Washington and the big coastal population
centers, that are socialist indoctrination hubs, keep leftists in power, to their detriment.
Good riddance!

If you're in the military or the police and refusing the vaccine, it might be a good signal that you need a career change.

If I can't trust you to take a small risk that will keep others safe, not sure I can trust you to take a big risk, which is kind of what this whole profession is built on.

The vax doesn't keep anyone safe, according to fellows like Fauci. People who have been vaxxed can spread the virus just like anyone else. Hence the supposed need for ineffective masks even among the vaxxed population.
So he quits over not wanting to take a drug the state wants him to take after having arrested people for taking drugs the state didn't want them to take.
Everyone knows injecting meth, coke, heroin, and God knows what else is dangerous, will almost certainly ruin your life and at the very least cause you harm. I personally don't give a shit if people kill themselves, and the state can choose not to keep you employed if you choose to inject that shit.

If the state to forces you to take a VACCINE, which is NOT A DRUG, and may have long term consequences that have yet to be discovered is an entirely different thing you mouth breathing,
vacuous, bed wetting jabbering, Left Syndrome imbecile.

Classy way to leave, saying thanks and voicing your real opinions free from future influence of an organization. I hope he enjoys retirement.
Well, if he decides to get a job elsewhere.....I'm sure any of the red state third world southern states are hiring.
Democracy is done when the New Resurrected Nazi Party is in charge in America, and around the globe.

The DemNazis are the same as Them Nazis.

The difference being is that The Dirty Humans they want to eliminate in a final solution are selected along ideological lines and beliefs and is not just limited to being a Jew or other undesirable!

Look at their policies:

Anti Life
Anti Freedom
Anti Christian
Anti Jew
Anti Free Speech
Pro Mandates and Suppressing The Legislative Branch
Pro Censorship
Spies on its citizens
Cancel Culture
Promotes Unity while destroying and attacking and punishing all dissent
Segregationists - Separating and Persecutes anyone who is an Anti Vaxxer, Pro Life, Pro Traditional Values
Weaponizes Government against its citizens
Tries to keep a nation in a perpetual state of Crisis to keep wielding unconstitutional Fascist Totalitarian power.
Promotes Propaganda 24-7-365
Strict adherence to PC Religion required to belong: Gender Fluidity, Political Correctness, Critical Race Theory, Global Warming, Sexualization and indoctrination of Children, Social PC Purity
Attempts to constantly agitate fear of others utilizes labeling and mobilizes discriminatory practices against others who do not March lockstep with them
Blame shifting, Cixtimization and Scape Goating.
Criminalization or Social Ostracization of of Dissenters
Attempts to Nationalize and Centrally control Economies.
Gains power by any means even as far as manipulating elections, illegally changing election laws and inviting foreign powers to interfere in elections: Faux Russian Collusion (Russia) & Bioweapons attacks (China) in 2016 and 2020.
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...free from future influence of an organization.
You're funny! Quitting your job and telling the Governor to kiss your ass does not free you from retribution from the Governor or his minions. You must have lived in Stupidville for some time.
Seattle is currently in a "stage 3 emergency" because of a lack of manpower. They standing by to lose another 180 officers. The vaccine won't mean Jack shit, after that.

Same is true all over the country, including the states where we have vax idiot governors like Texas and Florida.

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