Washington Times Poll

The only poll that matters is the polling booth.

And when the 47% enter that booth, they will invariably do what comes naturally. They are here to stay and they will sway our say.

And with tens of thousands of illegal and undocumented voting "Americans", it's Game/Set/Match.

Obama has fundamentally transformed America into a Liberal voting machine which is destined to chart the course of this once great Nation for generations to come.

We are fucked, on a scale never before experienced by this Constitutional Democratic Republic.
Poll: Do you believe Hillary Clinton's email explanation
  • Yes 972 (6%)
  • No 14238 (92%)
  • I haven't decided 188 (1%)

Did they ask, "Do you give two shits about Emailapalooza?"
It is another example of politicians ignoring the rules and laws of this land.................They understand what they are doing and later claim ignorance to the situation...............

It is a Lie and to be expected by the immoral non ethical types we have in power today.............

A farmer was told he should do more for his community...........He agreed........

A bus full of politicians crashed into his corn field...........
Wanting to help out he buried them.............

When the police arrived, they asked........you buried them..........were they all dead.............

The Farmer replied...........some said they weren't dead, but you Know How Politicians Lie.
Poll: Do you believe Hillary Clinton's email explanation
  • Yes 972 (6%)
  • No 14238 (92%)
  • I haven't decided 188 (1%)

Did they ask, "Do you give two shits about Emailapalooza?"

Apparently not because the above adds up to 99%.

I think you had to answer an entry question: "Do you have any life at all?". Only those who checked "no" were allowed to participate in the poll.
Poll: Do you believe Hillary Clinton's email explanation
  • Yes 972 (6%)
  • No 14238 (92%)
  • I haven't decided 188 (1%)

Well let's see. This poll by the Washington Times is an online poll. Check. The Washington Times' readers are dominated by what ideology? Check.
So we have an online poll, which is one of the most inaccurate poll methodology's available, particularly when it's conducted by an highly partisan site who audience shares the partisan resource's ideological view.
So in other words. This thread is a waste of space.
Here's the poll.
Poll Do you believe Hillary Clinton s email explanation - Washington Times
Poll: Do you believe Hillary Clinton's email explanation
  • Yes 972 (6%)
  • No 14238 (92%)
  • I haven't decided 188 (1%)

Well let's see. This poll by the Washington Times is an online poll. Check. The Washington Times' readers are dominated by what ideology? Check.
So we have an online poll, which is one of the most inaccurate poll methodology's available, particularly when it's conducted by an highly partisan site who audience shares the partisan resource's ideological view.
So in other words. This thread is a waste of space.
Here's the poll.
Poll Do you believe Hillary Clinton s email explanation - Washington Times
What did you want the Daily KOS poll? Or the NY Times? How about the Democratic National Committee poll? By the way, thanks for reminding me. Here's an update just for you...And at least this was open to ALL people.

Poll: Do you believe Hillary Clinton's email explanation
  • Yes 1710 (6%)
  • No 24736 (92%)
  • I haven't decided 324 (1%)
Poll: Do you believe Hillary Clinton's email explanation
  • Yes 972 (6%)
  • No 14238 (92%)
  • I haven't decided 188 (1%)

Well let's see. This poll by the Washington Times is an online poll. Check. The Washington Times' readers are dominated by what ideology? Check.
So we have an online poll, which is one of the most inaccurate poll methodology's available, particularly when it's conducted by an highly partisan site who audience shares the partisan resource's ideological view.
So in other words. This thread is a waste of space.
Here's the poll.
Poll Do you believe Hillary Clinton s email explanation - Washington Times
What did you want the Daily KOS poll? Or the NY Times? How about the Democratic National Committee poll? By the way, thanks for reminding me. Here's an update just for you...And at least this was open to ALL people.

Poll: Do you believe Hillary Clinton's email explanation
  • Yes 1710 (6%)
  • No 24736 (92%)
  • I haven't decided 324 (1%)

Hardly,Now if you want a serious poll.
Reuters Poll 34 of Republicans see Obama as the US s greatest threat US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

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