Washington Universities Feel Black Students Should Be Graded Differently

Just don't hire a Washington State graduate, period, as you cannot discriminate base of several things. Their degree is useless, if you need the trained skills you are trying to acquire. Normal university graduates are available at same price for entry level positions requiring a d a degree from normal schools all across the country.
You know who I feel bad for, White? Those black students at Washington and Washington State who HAVE studied their asses off and would have gotten good grades on their exams! They're now going to graduate with a degree from an institution where it is common knowledge that good grades by a black student may NOT have been earned! All because some other blacks decided that going to class was too much for them to handle!
The "Great Society" was all about robbing the security and motivation from minorities, chiefly by replacing the male head of household with a government check.

LBJ belongs down in Dante's 9th Circle
Just don't hire a Washington State graduate, period, as you cannot discriminate base of several things. Their degree is useless, if you need the trained skills you are trying to acquire. Normal university graduates are available at same price for entry level positions requiring a d a degree from normal schools all across the country.
You know who I feel bad for, White? Those black students at Washington and Washington State who HAVE studied their asses off and would have gotten good grades on their exams! They're now going to graduate with a degree from an institution where it is common knowledge that good grades by a black student may NOT have been earned! All because some other blacks decided that going to class was too much for them to handle!

Obama came out OK and he never ever opened a single book
Just don't hire a Washington State graduate, period, as you cannot discriminate base of several things. Their degree is useless, if you need the trained skills you are trying to acquire. Normal university graduates are available at same price for entry level positions requiring a d a degree from normal schools all across the country.
You know who I feel bad for, White? Those black students at Washington and Washington State who HAVE studied their asses off and would have gotten good grades on their exams! They're now going to graduate with a degree from an institution where it is common knowledge that good grades by a black student may NOT have been earned! All because some other blacks decided that going to class was too much for them to handle!

Obama came out OK and he never ever opened a single book


The major tenets of anti-colonialism include the following: “The wealth of the imperial countries is our wealth too,” writes Franz Fanon in “The Wretched of the Earth.” Fanon fought in the Algerian revolution against he French; Obama says that in college he relished reading and quoting Fanon. “or in a very concrete way Europe has stuffed herself inordinately with the gold and raw materials of the colonial countries….Europe is literally the creation of the Third world….wealth stolen from the underdeveloped peoples.”
Dinesh D’Souza, “Obama’s America,” p. 11.
Just don't hire a Washington State graduate, period, as you cannot discriminate base of several things. Their degree is useless, if you need the trained skills you are trying to acquire. Normal university graduates are available at same price for entry level positions requiring a d a degree from normal schools all across the country.
You know who I feel bad for, White? Those black students at Washington and Washington State who HAVE studied their asses off and would have gotten good grades on their exams! They're now going to graduate with a degree from an institution where it is common knowledge that good grades by a black student may NOT have been earned! All because some other blacks decided that going to class was too much for them to handle!
Very true. Every graduating student from that university (no matter their race) is having their diploma downgraded for nothing. If I were a Junior, Senior or 2020 graduate, I would sue. If I were Sophomore or Freshman, I would transfer while the credits are transferable.
Could you imagine being in a black doctor’s office and seeing a framed University of Washington diploma on the wall?

The smartest Democrat ever to be elected, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, used a phrase that is the motto for Democrat governance today: "defining deviancy down."

"In 1993, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D., N.Y.) coined the phrase “defining deviancy down.”* Moynihan’s thesis was that, as a society, America has been “re-defining deviancy” so as to exempt conduct previously stigmatized, and quietly raising the “normal” level for behavior that was abnormal by earlier standards."
Defining Deviancy Down — What Would The Founders Think?


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