Wasserman-Schults Implies the Tea Party to Blame for Gifford Shooting


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2011
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is such a whackjob. So a group of people who don't like taxes and big government are to blame for the madman who shot Gifford.
Seriously, I can't stand that woman. She's as stupid as Michele Bachmann (well, almost).
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is such a whackjob. So a group of people who don't like taxes and big government are to blame for the madman who shot Gifford.
Seriously, I can't stand that woman. She's as stupid as Michele Bachmann (well, almost).

Can we get a link so we know what you are talking about?
Wasserman Schultz Mentions AZ Shooting, Says Rise Of Tea Party Has Led To "Lack Of Civility" | RealClearPolitics
"We need to make sure that we tone things down, particularly in light of the Tucson tragedy from a year ago, where my very good friend, Gabby Giffords -- who is doing really well, by the way, -- [was shot]," Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the Democratic National Committee chair, said in New Hampshire on Wednesday. "The discourse in America, the discourse in Congress in particular . . . has really changed, I'll tell you. I hesitate to place blame, but I have noticed it take a very precipitous turn towards edginess and lack of civility with the growth of the Tea Party movement."
We certainly don't need to hear anymore talk about Second Amendment remedies.
Does anyone disagree that their has been a decrease in the level of civility in our political environment?
Does anyone disagree that their has been a decrease in the level of civility in our political environment?

Politics was alot nastier in the early days... read up on our forefathers and the things they said and did to eachother.

Wait.... I know I know.... cant read my posts right?
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Tea Party, Palin, Angle and Loughner's Second Amendment Remedy - National Democrat | Examiner.com

VIDEO: The Extreme, Violent Rhetoric Of GOP Lawmakers | ThinkProgress

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, caught in Sarah Palin's crosshairs, shot in Arizona - National Democrat | Examiner.com
Does anyone disagree that their has been a decrease in the level of civility in our political environment?

Politics was alot nastier in the early days... read up on our forefathers and the things they said and did to eachother.

Wait.... I know I know.... cant read my posts right? :tongue:
There were alot of duels. Notably Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr.

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The Infidel just negged me for the above post. Gee, that didn't take long...
Does anyone disagree that their has been a decrease in the level of civility in our political environment?

Politics was alot nastier in the early days... read up on our forefathers and the things they said and did to eachother.

Wait.... I know I know.... cant read my posts right? :tongue:
There were alot of duels. Notably Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr.

Yes sir

Todays politicians are pussies in comparison.
Wasserman Schultz Mentions AZ Shooting, Says Rise Of Tea Party Has Led To "Lack Of Civility" | RealClearPolitics
"We need to make sure that we tone things down, particularly in light of the Tucson tragedy from a year ago, where my very good friend, Gabby Giffords -- who is doing really well, by the way, -- [was shot]," Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the Democratic National Committee chair, said in New Hampshire on Wednesday. "The discourse in America, the discourse in Congress in particular . . . has really changed, I'll tell you. I hesitate to place blame, but I have noticed it take a very precipitous turn towards edginess and lack of civility with the growth of the Tea Party movement."

She did blame the 'Tea Party'......it was unfortunate, it was a lie......but it it was typical
of a liberal to put blame there. It's sad, uncouth and predictable. I'm earnestly believing the liberal party will lie at any cost......so disheartening....I'm starting to wonder
what the heck is happening to the U.S.A.....
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is such a whackjob. So a group of people who don't like taxes and big government are to blame for the madman who shot Gifford.
Seriously, I can't stand that woman. She's as stupid as Michele Bachmann (well, almost).

Funny that.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7046bo92a4]Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Talks Palin Cross Hairs - YouTube[/ame]

Seems that Congresswoman Giffords implied the very fucking same thing.

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