Wasserman Schultz: "Natural Home" For Minorities Is Democratic Party

video at site.

DNC Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL) appeared on the season premiere of HBO's "Real Time" with host Bill Maher this Friday.

In the Overtime portion of the show, which is broadcasted and available only on the internet, Wasserman Schultz got into race politics, claiming the Democratic Party is the "natural home" for minorities.

Wasserman Schultz says minorities feel "comfortable" because the Democratic Party stands up for "the issues that matter to those communities and Republicans shun them." Transcript below.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DNC Chairwoman: "Just look at the chamber at the State of the Union. Look at the side of the chamber that the Democrats sit on and the side of the chamber that Republicans sit on. And you can notice a dramatic difference in who chooses to affiliate as Democrats and who chooses to affiliate as Republicans. The diversity in the Democratic Party is remarkable. We truly are the big tent party."

all of it here with comments.
Wasserman Schultz: "Natural Home" For Minorities Is Democratic Party | RealClearPolitics

Wasserman Schultz says minorities feel "comfortable" because the Democratic Party stands up for "the issues that matter to those communities and Republicans shun them."

hellllll yeah, like education....and abortion.....and defense of marriage....
It's a great arrangement.
Democrats get a steady stream of votes.
Their supporters get taken care of.
Everybody is happy.
And the Debbie Wasserman Whatevers of the world continue in power.
video at site.

DNC Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL) appeared on the season premiere of HBO's "Real Time" with host Bill Maher this Friday.

In the Overtime portion of the show, which is broadcasted and available only on the internet, Wasserman Schultz got into race politics, claiming the Democratic Party is the "natural home" for minorities.

Wasserman Schultz says minorities feel "comfortable" because the Democratic Party stands up for "the issues that matter to those communities and Republicans shun them." Transcript below.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DNC Chairwoman: "Just look at the chamber at the State of the Union. Look at the side of the chamber that the Democrats sit on and the side of the chamber that Republicans sit on. And you can notice a dramatic difference in who chooses to affiliate as Democrats and who chooses to affiliate as Republicans. The diversity in the Democratic Party is remarkable. We truly are the big tent party."

all of it here with comments.
Wasserman Schultz: "Natural Home" For Minorities Is Democratic Party | RealClearPolitics

Boy you guys really hate Debbie Wasserman, don't you. She must be doing something right to get the Teaparty slugs this hopping mad. :)

Don't get me wrong G, I like you... but considering that you actually believe the right are responsible for Gifford's being shot, your opinion carries considerably less value to me than it has previously.

And, by your own standards, Romney must be right too... cuz the left seem to be melting down over him too.

You know, I would have more respect for liberals if they would stop towing the party line and call obvious bullshit for what it is. Race baiting is as disgusting as racism. And the left just can't seem to break their addiction to it. Shame on you. Seriously. Shame. On. You.

A lot of people believe that and at the time the shooting happened, many cons tried to distance themselves from Sarah Palin and the teaparty parade she and a couple of others jumped out in front of.

Seriously, where have these so called teaparty leaders gone? They are in stunningly noticable hiding.

You say that you don't have respect for what I post, tough. This is a message board and I am allowed to post my opinion, whether you approve is of no consequence. Shame on you for always attempting to come across so fair and balanced when everyone knows you are a winger.
Boy you guys really hate Debbie Wasserman, don't you. She must be doing something right to get the Teaparty slugs this hopping mad. :)

Don't get me wrong G, I like you... but considering that you actually believe the right are responsible for Gifford's being shot, your opinion carries considerably less value to me than it has previously.

And, by your own standards, Romney must be right too... cuz the left seem to be melting down over him too.

You know, I would have more respect for liberals if they would stop towing the party line and call obvious bullshit for what it is. Race baiting is as disgusting as racism. And the left just can't seem to break their addiction to it. Shame on you. Seriously. Shame. On. You.

A lot of people believe that and at the time the shooting happened, many cons tried to distance themselves from Sarah Palin and the teaparty parade she and a couple of others jumped out in front of.

Seriously, where have these so called teaparty leaders gone? They are in stunningly noticable hiding.

You say that you don't have respect for what I post, tough. This is a message board and I am allowed to post my opinion, whether you approve is of no consequence. Shame on you for always attempting to come across so fair and balanced when everyone knows you are a winger.

A lot of people believe that and at the time the shooting happened, many cons tried to distance themselves from Sarah Palin and the teaparty parade she and a couple of others jumped out in front of.

humm, what cons are you referring to?

and a lot of people think a lot of things, the truth is it has and had exactly zip to do with palin or any r/w hate speech 'mongers' etc etc ........what do you think of the media peddling ( from day one) a falsehood?
Don't get me wrong G, I like you... but considering that you actually believe the right are responsible for Gifford's being shot, your opinion carries considerably less value to me than it has previously.

And, by your own standards, Romney must be right too... cuz the left seem to be melting down over him too.

You know, I would have more respect for liberals if they would stop towing the party line and call obvious bullshit for what it is. Race baiting is as disgusting as racism. And the left just can't seem to break their addiction to it. Shame on you. Seriously. Shame. On. You.

A lot of people believe that and at the time the shooting happened, many cons tried to distance themselves from Sarah Palin and the teaparty parade she and a couple of others jumped out in front of.

Seriously, where have these so called teaparty leaders gone? They are in stunningly noticable hiding.

You say that you don't have respect for what I post, tough. This is a message board and I am allowed to post my opinion, whether you approve is of no consequence. Shame on you for always attempting to come across so fair and balanced when everyone knows you are a winger.

A lot of people believe that and at the time the shooting happened, many cons tried to distance themselves from Sarah Palin and the teaparty parade she and a couple of others jumped out in front of.

humm, what cons are you referring to?

and a lot of people think a lot of things, the truth is it has and had exactly zip to do with palin or any r/w hate speech 'mongers' etc etc ........what do you think of the media peddling ( from day one) a falsehood?

Well, that may be your version of the truth. Were I a Republican, I wouldn't risk bringing this up too awfully much. To be sure everytime Gabby stumps for Obama, that fateful day will be summoned once again.
Boy you guys really hate Debbie Wasserman, don't you. She must be doing something right to get the Teaparty slugs this hopping mad. :)

Don't get me wrong G, I like you... but considering that you actually believe the right are responsible for Gifford's being shot, your opinion carries considerably less value to me than it has previously.

And, by your own standards, Romney must be right too... cuz the left seem to be melting down over him too.

You know, I would have more respect for liberals if they would stop towing the party line and call obvious bullshit for what it is. Race baiting is as disgusting as racism. And the left just can't seem to break their addiction to it. Shame on you. Seriously. Shame. On. You.

A lot of people believe that and at the time the shooting happened, many cons tried to distance themselves from Sarah Palin and the teaparty parade she and a couple of others jumped out in front of.

Seriously, where have these so called teaparty leaders gone? They are in stunningly noticable hiding.

You say that you don't have respect for what I post, tough. This is a message board and I am allowed to post my opinion, whether you approve is of no consequence. Shame on you for always attempting to come across so fair and balanced when everyone knows you are a winger.

"Everyone knows"? :lol::lol::lol: If they 'know' that - then I pity them. Because they are brain dead... and sadly, nothing can cure that.

I have never said you cannot or should not post your opinion. I said that my opinion of your opinion decreased somewhat when you voted 'yes' that the right were responsible for Gifford's shooting. That opinion cannot be based on fact - because there is no facts to support it.

It may annoy you that I 'come across' as 'fair and balanced' but, that is, in fact, what I try to be. Naturally, I am a conservative and that influences my opinion... but I make an effort not to let it influence my facts.

Since I don't really pay much attention to 'tea party leaders' I had not notice whether they had 'disappeared'. I support their principles.... but, unlike many on both left and right, I do not need 'leaders'.... you follow if you want. I will walk my own path.... I prefer it to either yours or theirs..... It may be solitary, but at least I know I'm finding my own way and not following someone who is lost.
Don't get me wrong G, I like you... but considering that you actually believe the right are responsible for Gifford's being shot, your opinion carries considerably less value to me than it has previously.

And, by your own standards, Romney must be right too... cuz the left seem to be melting down over him too.

You know, I would have more respect for liberals if they would stop towing the party line and call obvious bullshit for what it is. Race baiting is as disgusting as racism. And the left just can't seem to break their addiction to it. Shame on you. Seriously. Shame. On. You.

A lot of people believe that and at the time the shooting happened, many cons tried to distance themselves from Sarah Palin and the teaparty parade she and a couple of others jumped out in front of.

Seriously, where have these so called teaparty leaders gone? They are in stunningly noticable hiding.

You say that you don't have respect for what I post, tough. This is a message board and I am allowed to post my opinion, whether you approve is of no consequence. Shame on you for always attempting to come across so fair and balanced when everyone knows you are a winger.

"Everyone knows"? :lol::lol::lol: If they 'know' that - then I pity them. Because they are brain dead... and sadly, nothing can cure that.

I have never said you cannot or should not post your opinion. I said that my opinion of your opinion decreased somewhat when you voted 'yes' that the right were responsible for Gifford's shooting. That opinion cannot be based on fact - because there is no facts to support it.

It may annoy you that I 'come across' as 'fair and balanced' but, that is, in fact, what I try to be. Naturally, I am a conservative and that influences my opinion... but I make an effort not to let it influence my facts.

Since I don't really pay much attention to 'tea party leaders' I had not notice whether they had 'disappeared'. I support their principles.... but, unlike many on both left and right, I do not need 'leaders'.... you follow if you want. I will walk my own path.... I prefer it to either yours or theirs..... It may be solitary, but at least I know I'm finding my own way and not following someone who is lost.

I said you are attempting to come across that way.
A lot of people believe that and at the time the shooting happened, many cons tried to distance themselves from Sarah Palin and the teaparty parade she and a couple of others jumped out in front of.

Seriously, where have these so called teaparty leaders gone? They are in stunningly noticable hiding.

You say that you don't have respect for what I post, tough. This is a message board and I am allowed to post my opinion, whether you approve is of no consequence. Shame on you for always attempting to come across so fair and balanced when everyone knows you are a winger.

"Everyone knows"? :lol::lol::lol: If they 'know' that - then I pity them. Because they are brain dead... and sadly, nothing can cure that.

I have never said you cannot or should not post your opinion. I said that my opinion of your opinion decreased somewhat when you voted 'yes' that the right were responsible for Gifford's shooting. That opinion cannot be based on fact - because there is no facts to support it.

It may annoy you that I 'come across' as 'fair and balanced' but, that is, in fact, what I try to be. Naturally, I am a conservative and that influences my opinion... but I make an effort not to let it influence my facts.

Since I don't really pay much attention to 'tea party leaders' I had not notice whether they had 'disappeared'. I support their principles.... but, unlike many on both left and right, I do not need 'leaders'.... you follow if you want. I will walk my own path.... I prefer it to either yours or theirs..... It may be solitary, but at least I know I'm finding my own way and not following someone who is lost.

I said you are attempting to come across that way.

I am attempting to be fair and balanced. Which is more than I can say for you... and many others on this board. Is being fair and balanced a bad thing in America now?
"Everyone knows"? :lol::lol::lol: If they 'know' that - then I pity them. Because they are brain dead... and sadly, nothing can cure that.

I have never said you cannot or should not post your opinion. I said that my opinion of your opinion decreased somewhat when you voted 'yes' that the right were responsible for Gifford's shooting. That opinion cannot be based on fact - because there is no facts to support it.

It may annoy you that I 'come across' as 'fair and balanced' but, that is, in fact, what I try to be. Naturally, I am a conservative and that influences my opinion... but I make an effort not to let it influence my facts.

Since I don't really pay much attention to 'tea party leaders' I had not notice whether they had 'disappeared'. I support their principles.... but, unlike many on both left and right, I do not need 'leaders'.... you follow if you want. I will walk my own path.... I prefer it to either yours or theirs..... It may be solitary, but at least I know I'm finding my own way and not following someone who is lost.

I said you are attempting to come across that way.

I am attempting to be fair and balanced. Which is more than I can say for you... and many others on this board. Is being fair and balanced a bad thing in America now?

Wrong again. Here:

Shame on you for always attempting to come across so fair and balanced when everyone knows you are a winger.

That is what I said, hope that helps.
A lot of people believe that and at the time the shooting happened, many cons tried to distance themselves from Sarah Palin and the teaparty parade she and a couple of others jumped out in front of.

Seriously, where have these so called teaparty leaders gone? They are in stunningly noticable hiding.

You say that you don't have respect for what I post, tough. This is a message board and I am allowed to post my opinion, whether you approve is of no consequence. Shame on you for always attempting to come across so fair and balanced when everyone knows you are a winger.

A lot of people believe that and at the time the shooting happened, many cons tried to distance themselves from Sarah Palin and the teaparty parade she and a couple of others jumped out in front of.

humm, what cons are you referring to?

and a lot of people think a lot of things, the truth is it has and had exactly zip to do with palin or any r/w hate speech 'mongers' etc etc ........what do you think of the media peddling ( from day one) a falsehood?

Well, that may be your version of the truth. Were I a Republican, I wouldn't risk bringing this up too awfully much. To be sure everytime Gabby stumps for Obama, that fateful day will be summoned once again.

I don't have a version of the truth.

I'll show you; please post evidence that jared loughner was motivated by right wing articles, speech, slant etc.

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White Democrat: There, there, Mr. Minority. We know you're just not good enough to succeed on your own without the help of white Democrats. You just keep pulling the D lever, and we'll keep pretending we care about you.
Some of have a habit of NOT voting for people who insult the people they want votes from.

Why would anyone vote for a politician that is quick to tell you that YOU are nothing without them? it's an ultimate insult...but yet they puill the lever anyway...

Boortz has a term for them...dumbmasses. And they exist courtesy of the Gubmint run education system...it's all by design.

Great that Wasserkopf -Shultz admits to what many of us have known for decades.
By the way? There are no minorities in this Republic...you're American, or you aren't.
video at site.

DNC Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL) appeared on the season premiere of HBO's "Real Time" with host Bill Maher this Friday.

In the Overtime portion of the show, which is broadcasted and available only on the internet, Wasserman Schultz got into race politics, claiming the Democratic Party is the "natural home" for minorities.

Wasserman Schultz says minorities feel "comfortable" because the Democratic Party stands up for "the issues that matter to those communities and Republicans shun them." Transcript below.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DNC Chairwoman: "Just look at the chamber at the State of the Union. Look at the side of the chamber that the Democrats sit on and the side of the chamber that Republicans sit on. And you can notice a dramatic difference in who chooses to affiliate as Democrats and who chooses to affiliate as Republicans. The diversity in the Democratic Party is remarkable. We truly are the big tent party."

all of it here with comments.
Wasserman Schultz: "Natural Home" For Minorities Is Democratic Party | RealClearPolitics

Boy you guys really hate Debbie Wasserman, don't you. She must be doing something right to get the Teaparty slugs this hopping mad. :)

As some editorialist once said: "She has a talent for getting under the skin of conservatives".

I guess every party needs one.
I said you are attempting to come across that way.

I am attempting to be fair and balanced. Which is more than I can say for you... and many others on this board. Is being fair and balanced a bad thing in America now?

Wrong again. Here:

Shame on you for always attempting to come across so fair and balanced when everyone knows you are a winger.

That is what I said, hope that helps.

Again, I do attempt (and sometimes I fail - but it is better to try and fail than not to try)... not to come across but TO BE fair and balanced. The alternative is to be like you - a blind partisan fool. And, while you may believe I am a 'winger'.... unless you can prove that 'everyone' knows it.... that makes you a bit of an ass... and a liar.

I hope that helps too.

Again... I would rather be like me... and attempt to understand the issues, evaluate both sides, and find the truth... and support the truth even when that puts me at loggerheads with my natural conservative beliefs... than to be a foolish partisan hack who believes things when there is no evidence on which to base that belief.
White Democrat: There, there, Mr. Minority. We know you're just not good enough to succeed on your own without the help of white Democrats. You just keep pulling the D lever, and we'll keep pretending we care about you.

Yeah, everyone knows that the only thing minorities care about is getting a handout from the government.
That's funny. Business has been buying Republican politicians for the last 30 years. It's why the Chamber of Commerce gives to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

You know that's not something you can deny. Admit it.

They give more to Republicans because the Democrat party is only interested in destroying business. Why should they give money to their enemy?
It really is offensive when politicians treat minorities as a homogenous group instead of individuals. That's fucking racism.
White Democrat: There, there, Mr. Minority. We know you're just not good enough to succeed on your own without the help of white Democrats. You just keep pulling the D lever, and we'll keep pretending we care about you.

Yes, because you and your ilk will are better? I don't need the help of anyone and I've taught my kids to trust only themselves and their own abilities to achieve their success.

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