Wasserman Schultz: "Natural Home" For Minorities Is Democratic Party

White Democrat: There, there, Mr. Minority. We know you're just not good enough to succeed on your own without the help of white Democrats. You just keep pulling the D lever, and we'll keep pretending we care about you.

Yes, because you and your ilk will are better? I don't need the help of anyone and I've taught my kids to trust only themselves and their own abilities to achieve their success.

Didn't you also once say that you teach your kids to 'hate white people'? You'll perhaps excuse me for not giving a crap what you think. I despise racists.
White Democrat: There, there, Mr. Minority. We know you're just not good enough to succeed on your own without the help of white Democrats. You just keep pulling the D lever, and we'll keep pretending we care about you.

Yes, because you and your ilk will are better? I don't need the help of anyone and I've taught my kids to trust only themselves and their own abilities to achieve their success.

Didn't you also once say that you teach your kids to 'hate white people'? You'll perhaps excuse me for not giving a crap what you think. I despise racists.

Yep and black men who date white women.
Yes, because you and your ilk will are better? I don't need the help of anyone and I've taught my kids to trust only themselves and their own abilities to achieve their success.

Didn't you also once say that you teach your kids to 'hate white people'? You'll perhaps excuse me for not giving a crap what you think. I despise racists.

Yep and black men who date white women.

Yea, you're a real peach. You are more irrational than rdean and truffmocker.
By the way? There are no minorities in this Republic...you're American, or you aren't.

There are only minorities in the minds of the weak-minded and thier inability to think for themselves and take advantage of the liberty they have.

But that would require hard work. Glad to see you are on the side of moochers of all stripes.
Yes, because you and your ilk will are better? I don't need the help of anyone and I've taught my kids to trust only themselves and their own abilities to achieve their success.

Didn't you also once say that you teach your kids to 'hate white people'? You'll perhaps excuse me for not giving a crap what you think. I despise racists.

Yep and black men who date white women.

Holy toledo. I come from a place where black and white are cool runnings together.

Your politicians drive and thrive on this shit. It's all dem driven. Don't you guys get it yet?
This feminazi k00k Schultz cant be on the TV enough for me..........I hope the Dums keep trotting her out all year!!!
It really is offensive when politicians treat minorities as a homogenous group instead of individuals. That's fucking racism.

But it's ok for herman cain et al to say that blacks are on the "democratic plantation"?

Irony is lost on the ironic.

Or that 'racism isn't holding blacks back' until he got caught. Then, suddenly, the fact that he's black is the reason we don't want a philandering ignorant fool for a president.

Cain was pretty small time compared to Newt though. Jeeez, he is an equal opportunity racist/ignorant pig. African Americans, Hispanics, Jews, Palestinians, white bread wasps - name it. He has insulted just about everyone.

As for Wasserman-Schultz - she was terrific on Bill Maher last Friday. No wonder the rw's hate her. Very calm, factual and to the point. David Shrum tried to hang gitmo not closing on President Obama. The crowd came down on him and she very quietly informed him of what the entire world already knows - that the repub house has filibustered that bill and won't let it budge. Shrum had to admit she is right.:clap2:
White Democrat: There, there, Mr. Minority. We know you're just not good enough to succeed on your own without the help of white Democrats. You just keep pulling the D lever, and we'll keep pretending we care about you.

Yeah, everyone knows that the only thing minorities care about is getting a handout from the government.

Not all of them.
White Democrat: There, there, Mr. Minority. We know you're just not good enough to succeed on your own without the help of white Democrats. You just keep pulling the D lever, and we'll keep pretending we care about you.

Yes, because you and your ilk will are better? I don't need the help of anyone and I've taught my kids to trust only themselves and their own abilities to achieve their success.
Then you're raising them to be conservatives. :clap2:
Of course minorities feel more aligned to the Democratic Party, between Republicans shitting in the face of Hispanics with "papers please" laws for driving while brown and constant rants against African-Americans about "strapping young bucks buying steaks" with their money from the "food stamp president".
By the way? There are no minorities in this Republic...you're American, or you aren't.

There are only minorities in the minds of the weak-minded and thier inability to think for themselves and take advantage of the liberty they have.

But that would require hard work. Glad to see you are on the side of moochers of all stripes.

Damn straight! If only black people had acted like Jim Crow didn't exist, they could have been living in a land of milk and honey.
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Of course minorities feel more aligned to the Democratic Party, between Republicans shitting in the face of Hispanics with "papers please" laws for driving while brown and constant rants against African-Americans about "strapping young bucks buying steaks" with their money from the "food stamp president".

You have too much rep. Let me fix that.
Let's not forget, the minorities in the Republican party are all just a bunch of Uncle Tom's anyway.......

Not really.

They are told they are either second class citizens, by Republicans..or not wanted at all.

Fine by me.

Democrats see humans. Republicans, not so much.
Wrong. They are told by Democrats that Republicans see them as second class citizens or not wanted.

Look at the way you treat minorities who decide that they are indeed Republicans. Talk about treating people as second class citizens...

even this is demeaning. Minorities don't need to go through democrats to understand what republicans are saying. it is quite clear when you just listen to what republicans say. they are racist.
Not really.

They are told they are either second class citizens, by Republicans..or not wanted at all.

Fine by me.

Democrats see humans. Republicans, not so much.
Wrong. They are told by Democrats that Republicans see them as second class citizens or not wanted.

Look at the way you treat minorities who decide that they are indeed Republicans. Talk about treating people as second class citizens...

even this is demeaning. Minorities don't need to go through democrats to understand what republicans are saying. it is quite clear when you just listen to what republicans say. they are racist.
I believe you mean, "It is quite clear when you listen to what lying liberals say Republicans say".
Wrong. They are told by Democrats that Republicans see them as second class citizens or not wanted.

Look at the way you treat minorities who decide that they are indeed Republicans. Talk about treating people as second class citizens...

even this is demeaning. Minorities don't need to go through democrats to understand what republicans are saying. it is quite clear when you just listen to what republicans say. they are racist.
I believe you mean, "It is quite clear when you listen to what lying liberals say Republicans say".

no. I mean, all you have to do is listen to the garbage that comes of out of republicans mouths, and almost worse, their commentators on fox news. you can go straight to the source. people are smarter than you think, although I know you would like to think all liberals are stupid, that is not the case.
Of course it's natural for African-Americans to be Dems. At one time it was different, but former southern Dems turned into Rep heroes and carried the torch for segregation, while most of the southern white population scurried like rats to the GOP.

I wanna tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that there's not enough troops in the army to force the Southern people to break down segregation and admit the ****** race into our theaters, into our swimming pools, into our homes, and into our churches.

Strom Thurmond ^ Noah, Timothy (December 16, 2002). "The Legend of Strom's Remorse". Slate. Slate Magazine - Politics, Business, Technology, and the Arts - Slate Magazine . Retrieved January 12, 2010.

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