Wasserman Schultz: "Natural Home" For Minorities Is Democratic Party

Of course it's natural for African-Americans to be Dems. At one time it was different, but former southern Dems turned into Rep heroes and carried the torch for segregation, while most of the southern white population scurried like rats to the GOP.

I wanna tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that there's not enough troops in the army to force the Southern people to break down segregation and admit the ****** race into our theaters, into our swimming pools, into our homes, and into our churches.

Strom Thurmond ^ Noah, Timothy (December 16, 2002). "The Legend of Strom's Remorse". Slate. Slate Magazine - Politics, Business, Technology, and the Arts - Slate Magazine . Retrieved January 12, 2010.

you are outdated
even this is demeaning. Minorities don't need to go through democrats to understand what republicans are saying. it is quite clear when you just listen to what republicans say. they are racist.
I believe you mean, "It is quite clear when you listen to what lying liberals say Republicans say".

no. I mean, all you have to do is listen to the garbage that comes of out of republicans mouths, and almost worse, their commentators on fox news. you can go straight to the source. people are smarter than you think, although I know you would like to think all liberals are stupid, that is not the case.
I never claimed all liberals are stupid. So it looks like what you know is wrong.

Much of what you know about Republicans is wrong.
Why wouldn't minorities vote for the party that best represents their interests vs the party that uses them to score points with the radical right?

Hey, if I needed food stamps and was here illegally I'd vote for the party that was supplying the free stuff. Of course they deal it out like a drug, just enough to keep them going till the next monthly fix. But hey.....that's better than republicans who actually expect them to work, no?
White Democrat: There, there, Mr. Minority. We know you're just not good enough to succeed on your own without the help of white Democrats. You just keep pulling the D lever, and we'll keep pretending we care about you.

Yeah, everyone knows that the only thing minorities care about is getting a handout from the government.

Not all of them.

Fair point. The ones that work and make something of themselves are welcome to move into my neighborhood. The ones that don't...they can deliver the pizza.
Let's not forget, the minorities in the Republican party are all just a bunch of Uncle Tom's anyway.......

Not really.

They are told they are either second class citizens, by Republicans..or not wanted at all.

Fine by me.

Democrats see humans. Republicans, not so much.

Talk about stereotyping and profiling.
I am Republican. I treat NO one as a 2nd class citizen unless they R 1.
I have seen Debbie Wasserman Schultz many times on TV and they have her name printed below her.

That is Kenny G with a wig on.
If I had to step and fetch for my keep from the Democratic Plantation Party I would also feel like a 2nd class citizen.
Substitute the word "plantation" for home and you have the democrat party's attitude in a nut shell.
video at site.

DNC Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL) appeared on the season premiere of HBO's "Real Time" with host Bill Maher this Friday.

In the Overtime portion of the show, which is broadcasted and available only on the internet, Wasserman Schultz got into race politics, claiming the Democratic Party is the "natural home" for minorities.

Wasserman Schultz says minorities feel "comfortable" because the Democratic Party stands up for "the issues that matter to those communities and Republicans shun them." Transcript below.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DNC Chairwoman: "Just look at the chamber at the State of the Union. Look at the side of the chamber that the Democrats sit on and the side of the chamber that Republicans sit on. And you can notice a dramatic difference in who chooses to affiliate as Democrats and who chooses to affiliate as Republicans. The diversity in the Democratic Party is remarkable. We truly are the big tent party."

all of it here with comments.
Wasserman Schultz: "Natural Home" For Minorities Is Democratic Party | RealClearPolitics

Tell that to Bull Connor, George Wallace, Robert Byrd and the KKK. Nuf sed.
White Democrat: There, there, Mr. Minority. We know you're just not good enough to succeed on your own without the help of white Democrats. You just keep pulling the D lever, and we'll keep pretending we care about you.

Can I get that on a T-shirt?

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