WasserWoman to open and close DNC convention anyway...Flying Hag Monkey

BLM group is protesting at the DNC as well~ I have a feeling many are going to stay home in the next election.

Caine's ability to attract the Hispanics will bring more to the party..
Is there anyway that Bernie could jump in right now as a independent? I think with this DNC corruption Bernie is more popular now than ever.

Bernie should run as an independent.

Not gonna happen. He sold out.

Losing a primary and endorsing the winner is not selling out.

He sold his soul to the bitch hound of Lucifer just to get a speaking platform at the convention... Say what you want about Ted Cruz but he stood his ground and after the emails Sanders should tell Clinton to fuck off and tell those that voted for him to vote third party instead!

I'd vote for Lucifer too if the option was Donald.
Bet you would.
Wasserman Schultz said she plans to step down at the end of the convention, though some Democrats are already saying she may not last that long. "As Party Chair, this week I will open and close the Convention and I will address our delegates about the stakes involved in this election not only for Democrats, but for all Americans," Wasserman Schultz added.

DNC Chief Stepping Down in Wake of Leaked Email Scandal

Has it been pointed out you've been proven full of shit?
Wasserman Schultz said she plans to step down at the end of the convention, though some Democrats are already saying she may not last that long. "As Party Chair, this week I will open and close the Convention and I will address our delegates about the stakes involved in this election not only for Democrats, but for all Americans," Wasserman Schultz added.

DNC Chief Stepping Down in Wake of Leaked Email Scandal

Has it been pointed out you've been proven full of shit?

What? I saw this on the news too.
Losing a primary and endorsing the winner is not selling out.

No. But abandoning your 3 1/2 decade Independent status to try jumping on a party's ticket, while telling the party members that their preferred candidate is unfit, and then endorsing the allegedly unfit candidate after you lose, IS kinda selling out.
Well, only if you think Bernie actually meant much of that. The fact is he extracted policy concessions. Wall St will not support Clinton with Warren on the ticket, but Clinton does support continued regulation.

I do not deny for a moment that the public discourse has benefited from Sanders' policy message. But that's neither here nor there.
Wasserman Schultz said she plans to step down at the end of the convention, though some Democrats are already saying she may not last that long. "As Party Chair, this week I will open and close the Convention and I will address our delegates about the stakes involved in this election not only for Democrats, but for all Americans," Wasserman Schultz added.

DNC Chief Stepping Down in Wake of Leaked Email Scandal

she didn't...and isn't....

but it's not like you rightwingnut hacks are misogynist or anything
Wasserman Schultz said she plans to step down at the end of the convention, though some Democrats are already saying she may not last that long. "As Party Chair, this week I will open and close the Convention and I will address our delegates about the stakes involved in this election not only for Democrats, but for all Americans," Wasserman Schultz added.

DNC Chief Stepping Down in Wake of Leaked Email Scandal

she didn't...and isn't....

but it's not like you rightwingnut hacks are misogynist or anything

Do you have a link showing that Debbie will stay in her position..This story came out before she decided not to open the DNC, thinking people would just brush it off..
I voted for Obama Jillian, I am not too happy with Hillary, although after Kaine became VP pick I was good with that, now these emails came out.....
Sorry I don't vote for just the party and ignore the character of the one running is..
The real tragedy here is that Wasserman-Schulz finally did something decent with her hair the day before the scandal broke.

I am not going to read all the threads but some of the ones I read were pretty sure she never said that she would open the convention, from PBR:

Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook said Monday Wasserman Schultz still intended to gavel the convention into order Monday afternoon, but she told the South Florida Sun Sentinel that she was passing along those duties as well to Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, the secretary of the DNC.

"I have decided that in the interest of making sure that we can start the Democratic convention on a high note that I am not going to gavel in the convention," the Florida congresswoman told her local paper. ""I stepped down the other day because I wanted to make sure that having brought us to this momentous day and to Philadelphia and planned the convention that is going to be the best one that we've ever had in our party's history that this needs to be all about making sure that everyone knows that Hillary Clinton would make the best president."

WATCH: Wasserman Schultz Won't Open Democratic Convention, Booed By Floridians

I have no love affair with Wassermann but she was sacrificed like an Inca slave on the bidding of Mrs. Tuzla. Who was making the sacrifice to appease Bernie. Sorry Debbie someone had to go. I guess there are consequences for mishandling emails, just not for royalty.
I am not going to read all the threads but some of the ones I read were pretty sure she never said that she would open the convention, from PBR:

Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook said Monday Wasserman Schultz still intended to gavel the convention into order Monday afternoon, but she told the South Florida Sun Sentinel that she was passing along those duties as well to Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, the secretary of the DNC.

"I have decided that in the interest of making sure that we can start the Democratic convention on a high note that I am not going to gavel in the convention," the Florida congresswoman told her local paper. ""I stepped down the other day because I wanted to make sure that having brought us to this momentous day and to Philadelphia and planned the convention that is going to be the best one that we've ever had in our party's history that this needs to be all about making sure that everyone knows that Hillary Clinton would make the best president."

WATCH: Wasserman Schultz Won't Open Democratic Convention, Booed By Floridians

I have no love affair with Wassermann but she was sacrificed like an Inca slave on the bidding of Mrs. Tuzla. Who was making the sacrifice to appease Bernie. Sorry Debbie someone had to go. I guess there are consequences for mishandling emails, just not for royalty.

Your statement came out in later morning..I record Morning Joe and it was on there..After the DNC realized how upset they were and booed her , she decided not to speak..


Darn it won't let me copy and paste, but here is the link for a quick read.

DNC Chief Stepping Down in Wake of Leaked Email Scandal
You can't win a democratic nomination without the southern black vote. Bernie had done nothing for blacks since around 1970, or whenever he left Brooklyn for lilly whit Lillihamer or wherever the hell he want to find his commune.

African Americans vote Democrat. He was in no danger of losing em. And the target demographic now is Hispanics. The African American influence is waning. It's not all that important anymore. But regardless, there was a conspiracy to rig it for Clinton. And that's wrong.
Blacks only vote Democrat because of a media conspiracy to support Democrats. That's wrong too. Democrats encouraged millions of Hispanics to come to the US. That is a conspiracy and that's wrong. The conspiracy to elect Hillary is just one of many conspiracies which are wrong. Passing Obamacare was a conspiracy and that was wrong as well. Democrats can't win without lying and cheating.

BLM group is protesting at the DNC as well~ I have a feeling many are going to stay home in the next election.

Caine's ability to attract the Hispanics will bring more to the party..
As you already know the MSM will play this off as nothing important and will focus on Hillary Clinton while trying to keep Sideshow Bob bastard daughter in the closet as much as possible...



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Is there anyway that Bernie could jump in right now as a independent? I think with this DNC corruption Bernie is more popular now than ever.


Sanders sold out. He's likely got a nice cush job waiting for him if Clinton wins.
He didn't sell out. He couldn't afford to run without the DNC to fund him. He did fine in the primaries with his contributions, but it never would have been enough to run a presidential campaign. He's too old to "sell out." He'll go home and grow tomatoes.

Judging by what Wikileaks found, he'll likely enjoy a nice cushy job in Clinton's administration. I'm sure a sleazy deal was struck. It's how the Democrats operate. Sanders really sold his supporters out. He sold his soul to the Hillary Clinton Devil. It's shameful.
Blacks only vote Democrat because of a media conspiracy to support Democrats. That's wrong too. Democrats encouraged millions of Hispanics to come to the US. That is a conspiracy and that's wrong. The conspiracy to elect Hillary is just one of many conspiracies which are wrong. Passing Obamacare was a conspiracy and that was wrong as well. Democrats can't win without lying and cheating.

BLM group is protesting at the DNC as well~ I have a feeling many are going to stay home in the next election.

Caine's ability to attract the Hispanics will bring more to the party..

Is there anyway that Bernie could jump in right now as a independent? I think with this DNC corruption Bernie is more popular now than ever.

Bernie should run as an independent.

Not gonna happen. He sold out.

Losing a primary and endorsing the winner is not selling out.

He sold his soul to the bitch hound of Lucifer just to get a speaking platform at the convention... Say what you want about Ted Cruz but he stood his ground and after the emails Sanders should tell Clinton to fuck off and tell those that voted for him to vote third party instead!

Yeah, Cruz never sold out. Ya gotta respect him for that. Sanders is a joke. All those poor naive kids really did believe in him. They've learned some hard lessons.

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