Waste of money...

Yes, we held that money from back when the Shah was driven from power. He had made a down payment on some military hardware and we refused to send it back to the terrorist regime---------------------the same regime is in power today, idiot.


Obama and Kerry and Clinton made the payment as part of the nuke deal, wake the fuck up!
i have no doubt that the nuclear door opened the door to resolve this issue. it doesn't change that we got a good deal on it.
Now Iran has 400M, and will soon, thanks to obozo, have nuclear weapons, made with uranium that Hillary sold to the Russians.
wow. so ignorant of the facts.
Damn, people. Wake the fuck up and see what our so-called leaders are doing to our country.
you seem to be the one living a fantasy. i suggest a visit to reality.

you think the Iran nuke deal was a "good deal". Good for Iran for sure. We got nothing but a promise that they have already said they do not intend to keep.
and the tools to verify they would. plus a vast reduction in nuclear materials and equipment.
Damn man, the Iranians were chanting 'death to america' the day after the stupid "deal".

you are as stupid as Kerry, and that is saying a lot.
i don't care what they chanted. they could chant 'less filling, tastes great' for all i care. reality is the nuclear deal moved the breakout time for iran to produce a nuclear weapon from months to over a decade.

but you're more concerned with ego than results.

you live in liberal fantasy land. There is no way the Iranians are going to comply with any restrictions on their nuclear program.
except that they already are complying
They have openly said so.
Kerry and obozo got out negotiated and the world is laughing at us again.
"the world" is not laughing because "the world" is part of the same agreement
Bad deals like this one will not happen when Trump is president. US incompetent leadership will end.
lol. this has been a good deal by any objective analysis.

A good deal? WTF? We give Iran millions of dollars, they get to continue their nuclear program, they release 4 hostages and then take more, and we get?????? nothing.

Iran is a major sponsor of Islamic terrorist organizations, organizations that want to kill YOU.

It was a terrible deal, maybe one of the worst in history.
The fricken ayatollah was saying 'death to America and death to israel' just after Kerry and obozo made the stupid "deal".

Yes, libtardians, the world is laughing at us, and the terrorists are taking advantage of our weak president and his anti-US policies.

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