Watch as Capitol Police Fight for Their Lives Against J6 Insurrectionists

They're not told that Byrd was literally protecting the congresspeople right behind him.

They're conditioned to ignore the context, an entire Capitol building under seige.

They have to ignore the crowd that was right behind her, breaking the windows and pushing at the door.

This is a cult. There is nothing that can be said to them.
Would that be the Congresspeople that were being evacuated? The truth, that chamber would have been emptied of members of Congress well before the protesters broke through that door and managed to break through the next one. Byrd wasn't protecting anyone...he made a decision to kill a protester...a decision that was not made by the hundreds of other law enforcement officers at the Capitol that day. That's on Byrd.
Would that be the Congresspeople that were being evacuated? The truth, that chamber would have been emptied of members of Congress well before the protesters broke through that door and managed to break through the next one. Byrd wasn't protecting anyone...he made a decision to kill a protester...a decision that was not made by the hundreds of other law enforcement officers at the Capitol that day. That's on Byrd.
“Being evacuated..”

Which means that there were still congressmen in the Chambers when this happened.

Another huge fail on your part. Stop playing the fool
“Being evacuated..”

Which means that there were still congressmen in the Chambers when this happened.

Another huge fail on your part. Stop playing the fool
You mean like AOC who told America of her near death experience on J6, only to find out later she wasn't even in the Capitol building?

The vidEO that shows he was in no danger?
Video shows he crept up on her as his predetermined target while half dozen police within 25 feet who were out in the open and did nothing. Horrible police officer snd murdering coward .
“Being evacuated..”

Which means that there were still congressmen in the Chambers when this happened.

Another huge fail on your part. Stop playing the fool
They were literally being evacuated when Byrd stepped out and fired that fatal shot. The protesters weren't through that outer door and they still had to breach yet another door...yet the Left claims Byrd acted to "defend" Congress! Quite frankly? That's bullshit! Always has been. It's as big a lie as those of you that claim Babbitt was a threat to Byrd.
They were literally being evacuated when Byrd stepped out and fired that fatal shot. The protesters weren't through that outer door and they still had to breach yet another door...yet the Left claims Byrd acted to "defend" Congress! Quite frankly? That's bullshit! Always has been. It's as big a lie as those of you that claim Babbitt was a threat to Byrd.
“Being evacuated”

That means they were still THERE you dolt.

Just stop
Still on this side of the door, Candy. She's TRYING to climb through the window! She isn't through it.
You’ve gone from being just an idiot to being a comedian now. The post you just made is hilariously silly. That you think it was some sort of scholarly “gotcha” makes me laugh harder.
They had just moments before begged the Police in front of the door to get out of the way so they WOULDN'T get hurt,
Ahh, the angry mob was telling the authority to get out of the way.

How’s that song go? “Try that in a small town”.
It's obvious that they had no intention of assaulting Byrd.
Yeah...they didn’t want to assault the other 140 officers either, right Carrot Top?
They were there to stop the certification...not to assault the Police.
Yeah, thats called a violent insurrection dumb fuck.
Byrd can't use that as a reason to use deadly force without warning!
Sure he could...and did. And got a medal for it.

I hope he polishes it every day.
I saw this and thought it was both funny and accurate.

Jan 6th.jpg
Ahh, the angry mob was telling the authority to get out of the way.

How’s that song go? “Try that in a small town”.

Yeah...they didn’t want to assault the other 140 officers either, right Carrot Top?

Yeah, thats called a violent insurrection dumb fuck.

Sure he could...and did. And got a medal for it.

I hope he polishes it every day.
The left gives medals for shooting unarmed protesters! That's what you've become these days. Martin Luther King would be SO proud! (eye roll)
I hope every time Byrd sees his medal he thinks of Ashli Babbitt lying dead on the ground because HE was the only law enforcement officer who pulled the trigger that day! It's not a medal for's a medal for cowardice.

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