Watch Copenhagen Imam: Jihad necessitates the Muslim invasion and conquest for Europe


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Imam Mundhir Abdallah, of the Masjid Al-Faruq mosque in Copenhagen, told his followers “the final solution to the problem of the Levant – after the establishment of the Caliphate and the elimination of the Jewish entity – will be through the conquest of Europe.”

WATCH - Copenhagen Imam: 'Jihad Necessitates Conquest of Europe'

Really worth listening to esp. if you at least want to be aware of their game. We told you they fake thier way to kindness, they work from within ......... Some aren't able to comprehend that action.

Imam Mundhir Abdallah, of the Masjid Al-Faruq mosque in Copenhagen, told his followers “the final solution to the problem of the Levant – after the establishment of the Caliphate and the elimination of the Jewish entity – will be through the conquest of Europe.”

WATCH - Copenhagen Imam: 'Jihad Necessitates Conquest of Europe'

Really worth listening to esp. if you at least want to be aware of their game. We told you they fake thier way to kindness, they work from within ......... Some aren't able to comprehend that action.

I would seriously hate to live in fear and muslimphobia the way you right wingers do.

You act as if this imam represents all Muslims in the west.

The fact of the matter is most western Muslims don't give a shit about this conquering nonsense.
Fear is a big part of the Alt-Right ethos, that's why they are so invested in the gun culture.
Fear is a big part of the Alt-Right ethos, that's why they are so invested in the gun culture.

How is the muslim invasion working out for Europe about right now? Sucks to be as blatantly stupid as you are. The elites are following the last of Albert Pike's three world wars "that must be fomented" to the proverbial "letter".

Imam Mundhir Abdallah, of the Masjid Al-Faruq mosque in Copenhagen, told his followers “the final solution to the problem of the Levant – after the establishment of the Caliphate and the elimination of the Jewish entity – will be through the conquest of Europe.”

WATCH - Copenhagen Imam: 'Jihad Necessitates Conquest of Europe'

Really worth listening to esp. if you at least want to be aware of their game. We told you they fake thier way to kindness, they work from within ......... Some aren't able to comprehend that action.

I would seriously hate to live in fear and muslimphobia the way you right wingers do.

You act as if this imam represents all Muslims in the west.

The fact of the matter is most western Muslims don't give a shit about this conquering nonsense.

how do you know what "most western muslims don's give a
shit about" Nia?. I would be interested in how the "audience" in that mosque responded to the "khutbah jumaat". How would you respond, Nia----would you jump up
and DISPUTE?. I would REALLY be interested in your opinion regarding this issue or would you rather not know?
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Imam Mundhir Abdallah, of the Masjid Al-Faruq mosque in Copenhagen, told his followers “the final solution to the problem of the Levant – after the establishment of the Caliphate and the elimination of the Jewish entity – will be through the conquest of Europe.”

WATCH - Copenhagen Imam: 'Jihad Necessitates Conquest of Europe'

Really worth listening to esp. if you at least want to be aware of their game. We told you they fake thier way to kindness, they work from within ......... Some aren't able to comprehend that action.

I would seriously hate to live in fear and muslimphobia the way you right wingers do.

You act as if this imam represents all Muslims in the west.

The fact of the matter is most western Muslims don't give a shit about this conquering nonsense.

how do you know what "most western muslims don's give a
shit about" Nia?. I would be interested in how the "audience" in that mosque responded to the "khutbah jumaat". How would you respond, Nia----would you jump up
and DISPUTE?. I would REALLY be interested in your opinion regarding this issue or would you rather no know?

I’ve been to tons of different mosques in a number of different countries. Countless . And I’ve never personally come across such a kutbah. And I’ve been to some pretty conservative mosques.

But I have met individuals who do hold such views. And I have spoken up.

I recenty left Islam ( I believe all religions are nonsense). And as much bs that is present in Islam, I can confidently say that most Muslims are peaceful. In the west anyway. Most Muslims don’t even know what’s in the Quran.

What this imam is saying is crazy. But how is what he saying any different than the nonsense that evangelicals say about wanting America. To be a Christian nation and bringing god back In schools?
Fear is not the right word... I am going to be 64 on Wednesday and not to much scares me anymore...
Concern when I see videos like the one in the OP leaves me concerned... What my concern comes from is the difference between political, geographical confrontations (Communism, Socialism) and Religious conflicts… Obviously when you hear Imam's proselytizing to followers re: a Global Caliphate it is in my mind, concerning... People hold their religious thoughts a lot differently than their political beliefs...
So bizarre, Western man tried to civilize Africa and then instead of permanently destroying the terrorist organizations like the ANC which supported terrorist Nelson Mandela, they let them fester and are now celebrated. Then the zionist controlled post WWII governments let the Muslim savages into Europe and the Muslim savages threaten the zionists instead of thanking them. Ironic. The filthy Muslim savages need to go back to before Western man built their infrastructure so they can focus on what they do best, raping and beating women, humping goats and eating camel spiders.
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Imam Mundhir Abdallah, of the Masjid Al-Faruq mosque in Copenhagen, told his followers “the final solution to the problem of the Levant – after the establishment of the Caliphate and the elimination of the Jewish entity – will be through the conquest of Europe.”

WATCH - Copenhagen Imam: 'Jihad Necessitates Conquest of Europe'

Really worth listening to esp. if you at least want to be aware of their game. We told you they fake thier way to kindness, they work from within ......... Some aren't able to comprehend that action.

I would seriously hate to live in fear and muslimphobia the way you right wingers do.

You act as if this imam represents all Muslims in the west.

The fact of the matter is most western Muslims don't give a shit about this conquering nonsense.

how do you know what "most western muslims don's give a
shit about" Nia?. I would be interested in how the "audience" in that mosque responded to the "khutbah jumaat". How would you respond, Nia----would you jump up
and DISPUTE?. I would REALLY be interested in your opinion regarding this issue or would you rather no know?

I’ve been to tons of different mosques in a number of different countries. Countless . And I’ve never personally come across such a kutbah. And I’ve been to some pretty conservative mosques.

But I have met individuals who do hold such views. And I have spoken up.

I recenty left Islam ( I believe all religions are nonsense). And as much bs that is present in Islam, I can confidently say that most Muslims are peaceful. In the west anyway. Most Muslims don’t even know what’s in the Quran.

What this imam is saying is crazy. But how is what he saying any different than the nonsense that evangelicals say about wanting America. To be a Christian nation and bringing god back In schools?

Nia----what is it you have heard evangelical speakers say that you believe supports violence?
Nia88 suggests that it is religion that is the issue. The fact is it is the racial makeup of the savages and adhering to Islam is just coincidence. Muslims may not know the koran, but they are generally third world savages who hate the West, in particular White people and seek to destroy it.
Nia88 suggests that it is religion that is the issue. The fact is it is the racial makeup of the savages and adhering to Islam is just coincidence. Muslims may not know the koran, but they are generally third world savages who hate the West, in particular White people and seek to destroy it.[/QUOTE

"white people"??? nevah tell a real arab person that he is NOT WHITE. -----even more----NEVER SAY THAT TO AN IRANIAN. You are very confused, porcine-snout
Third world savages? sheeeeesh porcine-snout. Be a good boy-----wash your face and go to bed
Who is this speaker? Where is the proof that he represents anything? We hear outlandish things everywhere, especially in these threads, about all sorts of people; 'blacks', Mexicans, 'Liberals', 'Jews', 'Whites', immigrants...
This video only shows, at most, that 'anal openings' exist. All he says is abhorrent garbage. All his ideas are to be thoroughly rejected. That he has the 'right' to state them contradicts what he wants to achieve. He is a nothing, a zero. Those who agree with him join that level. Inferring that a significant number of people agree with him is unfounded.
Who is this speaker? Where is the proof that he represents anything? We hear outlandish things everywhere, especially in these threads, about all sorts of people; 'blacks', Mexicans, 'Liberals', 'Jews', 'Whites', immigrants...
This video only shows, at most, that 'anal openings' exist. All he says is abhorrent garbage. All his ideas are to be thoroughly rejected. That he has the 'right' to state them contradicts what he wants to achieve. He is a nothing, a zero. Those who agree with him join that level. Inferring that a significant number of people agree with him is unfounded.

you do not have much experience in mosques----do you? ---you do not even have experience with muslims "educated" in muslim countries or non-muslims who have survived that
experience------do you? I do----feel free to ask questions.
The "sermon" is genuine KHUTBAH JUMAAT. Why do you imagine that muslims OBJECT to surveillance?

Imam Mundhir Abdallah, of the Masjid Al-Faruq mosque in Copenhagen, told his followers “the final solution to the problem of the Levant – after the establishment of the Caliphate and the elimination of the Jewish entity – will be through the conquest of Europe.”

WATCH - Copenhagen Imam: 'Jihad Necessitates Conquest of Europe'

Really worth listening to esp. if you at least want to be aware of their game. We told you they fake thier way to kindness, they work from within ......... Some aren't able to comprehend that action.

I would seriously hate to live in fear and muslimphobia the way you right wingers do.

You act as if this imam represents all Muslims in the west.

The fact of the matter is most western Muslims don't give a shit about this conquering nonsense.

how do you know what "most western muslims don's give a
shit about" Nia?. I would be interested in how the "audience" in that mosque responded to the "khutbah jumaat". How would you respond, Nia----would you jump up
and DISPUTE?. I would REALLY be interested in your opinion regarding this issue or would you rather no know?

I’ve been to tons of different mosques in a number of different countries. Countless . And I’ve never personally come across such a kutbah. And I’ve been to some pretty conservative mosques.

But I have met individuals who do hold such views. And I have spoken up.

I recenty left Islam ( I believe all religions are nonsense). And as much bs that is present in Islam, I can confidently say that most Muslims are peaceful. In the west anyway. Most Muslims don’t even know what’s in the Quran.

What this imam is saying is crazy. But how is what he saying any different than the nonsense that evangelicals say about wanting America. To be a Christian nation and bringing god back In schools?

Because Christians don't have a country of their own and Muslims have several countries where Christians can't even live there without violence and discrimination.

America was founded with Christian values and several states were founded as Christian states.
Who is this speaker? Where is the proof that he represents anything? We hear outlandish things everywhere, especially in these threads, about all sorts of people; 'blacks', Mexicans, 'Liberals', 'Jews', 'Whites', immigrants...
This video only shows, at most, that 'anal openings' exist. All he says is abhorrent garbage. All his ideas are to be thoroughly rejected. That he has the 'right' to state them contradicts what he wants to achieve. He is a nothing, a zero. Those who agree with him join that level. Inferring that a significant number of people agree with him is unfounded.
The fact that he hasn't been arrested yet for hate speech in a European country proves that he is not a "nobody".

Islam dominates the politics in Europe.
you re

Imam Mundhir Abdallah, of the Masjid Al-Faruq mosque in Copenhagen, told his followers “the final solution to the problem of the Levant – after the establishment of the Caliphate and the elimination of the Jewish entity – will be through the conquest of Europe.”

WATCH - Copenhagen Imam: 'Jihad Necessitates Conquest of Europe'

Really worth listening to esp. if you at least want to be aware of their game. We told you they fake thier way to kindness, they work from within ......... Some aren't able to comprehend that action.

I would seriously hate to live in fear and muslimphobia the way you right wingers do.

You act as if this imam represents all Muslims in the west.

The fact of the matter is most western Muslims don't give a shit about this conquering nonsense.

how do you know what "most western muslims don's give a
shit about" Nia?. I would be interested in how the "audience" in that mosque responded to the "khutbah jumaat". How would you respond, Nia----would you jump up
and DISPUTE?. I would REALLY be interested in your opinion regarding this issue or would you rather no know?

I’ve been to tons of different mosques in a number of different countries. Countless . And I’ve never personally come across such a kutbah. And I’ve been to some pretty conservative mosques.

But I have met individuals who do hold such views. And I have spoken up.

I recenty left Islam ( I believe all religions are nonsense). And as much bs that is present in Islam, I can confidently say that most Muslims are peaceful. In the west anyway. Most Muslims don’t even know what’s in the Quran.

What this imam is saying is crazy. But how is what he saying any different than the nonsense that evangelicals say about wanting America. To be a Christian nation and bringing god back In schools?

Because Christians don't have a country of their own and Muslims have several countries where Christians can't even live there without violence and discrimination.

America was founded with Christian values and several states were founded as Christian states.

you raise a TIMELY issue. You probably know that there are lots of "MUSLIM COUNTRIES" -----even those that harbor non muslim minorities STYLE THEMSELVES "MUSLIM COUNTRIES" and cite the Koran in their constitutions and laws and customs etc. Lately Israel decided to call itself a "jewish country" ---lots of the same countries that call themselves "muslim countries"-----got sorta
hysterical. For the record------My suggestion to FRANCE IS-------DESIGNATE YOURSELF A CATHOLIC COUNTRY ---it might solved some of your demographic problems. I have no objection to the USA being-----a "Christian country"
(almost no objection----I could live with it)
France is a militantly secular state, and will justly remain that way. It will have no domination by a religion nor any declaration of adherence to any.
That is what any free nation should do.
Religion by definition cannot exclude itself from politics and power. That is why the state must exclude them, actively, if need be.
If Islam would truly dominate the world, were that truly and demonstrably the case confronting us today, it would result in an overwhelming, totally crushing defeat of that cause. Not many would agree that the world is even nearly at such a place. At the same time, there are also dangers, equal to the above scenario in potentially terrifying effects, that we need to be fully aware and fully informed of.

Imam Mundhir Abdallah, of the Masjid Al-Faruq mosque in Copenhagen, told his followers “the final solution to the problem of the Levant – after the establishment of the Caliphate and the elimination of the Jewish entity – will be through the conquest of Europe.”

WATCH - Copenhagen Imam: 'Jihad Necessitates Conquest of Europe'

Really worth listening to esp. if you at least want to be aware of their game. We told you they fake thier way to kindness, they work from within ......... Some aren't able to comprehend that action.

I would seriously hate to live in fear and muslimphobia the way you right wingers do.

You act as if this imam represents all Muslims in the west.

The fact of the matter is most western Muslims don't give a shit about this conquering nonsense.

how do you know what "most western muslims don's give a
shit about" Nia?. I would be interested in how the "audience" in that mosque responded to the "khutbah jumaat". How would you respond, Nia----would you jump up
and DISPUTE?. I would REALLY be interested in your opinion regarding this issue or would you rather no know?

I’ve been to tons of different mosques in a number of different countries. Countless . And I’ve never personally come across such a kutbah. And I’ve been to some pretty conservative mosques.

But I have met individuals who do hold such views. And I have spoken up.

I recenty left Islam ( I believe all religions are nonsense). And as much bs that is present in Islam, I can confidently say that most Muslims are peaceful. In the west anyway. Most Muslims don’t even know what’s in the Quran.

What this imam is saying is crazy. But how is what he saying any different than the nonsense that evangelicals say about wanting America. To be a Christian nation and bringing god back In schools?

Because Christians don't have a country of their own and Muslims have several countries where Christians can't even live there without violence and discrimination.

America was founded with Christian values and several states were founded as Christian states.

Why do Christians ( and Muslims) even need their own country?

And yeah Muslims do have their own countries and look at many of them. It shows that that a country that is based on one particular faith is bad for the nation.

And America is a secular country. We aren’t a Patricia religion.
you re

Imam Mundhir Abdallah, of the Masjid Al-Faruq mosque in Copenhagen, told his followers “the final solution to the problem of the Levant – after the establishment of the Caliphate and the elimination of the Jewish entity – will be through the conquest of Europe.”

WATCH - Copenhagen Imam: 'Jihad Necessitates Conquest of Europe'

Really worth listening to esp. if you at least want to be aware of their game. We told you they fake thier way to kindness, they work from within ......... Some aren't able to comprehend that action.

I would seriously hate to live in fear and muslimphobia the way you right wingers do.

You act as if this imam represents all Muslims in the west.

The fact of the matter is most western Muslims don't give a shit about this conquering nonsense.

how do you know what "most western muslims don's give a
shit about" Nia?. I would be interested in how the "audience" in that mosque responded to the "khutbah jumaat". How would you respond, Nia----would you jump up
and DISPUTE?. I would REALLY be interested in your opinion regarding this issue or would you rather no know?

I’ve been to tons of different mosques in a number of different countries. Countless . And I’ve never personally come across such a kutbah. And I’ve been to some pretty conservative mosques.

But I have met individuals who do hold such views. And I have spoken up.

I recenty left Islam ( I believe all religions are nonsense). And as much bs that is present in Islam, I can confidently say that most Muslims are peaceful. In the west anyway. Most Muslims don’t even know what’s in the Quran.

What this imam is saying is crazy. But how is what he saying any different than the nonsense that evangelicals say about wanting America. To be a Christian nation and bringing god back In schools?

Because Christians don't have a country of their own and Muslims have several countries where Christians can't even live there without violence and discrimination.

America was founded with Christian values and several states were founded as Christian states.

you raise a TIMELY issue. You probably know that there are lots of "MUSLIM COUNTRIES" -----even those that harbor non muslim minorities STYLE THEMSELVES "MUSLIM COUNTRIES" and cite the Koran in their constitutions and laws and customs etc. Lately Israel decided to call itself a "jewish country" ---lots of the same countries that call themselves "muslim countries"-----got sorta
hysterical. For the record------My suggestion to FRANCE IS-------DESIGNATE YOURSELF A CATHOLIC COUNTRY ---it might solved some of your demographic problems. I have no objection to the USA being-----a "Christian country"
(almost no objection----I could live with it)

You have no objection to America being Christian because that’s the fairy tale you choose to believe in. But what about people of other faiths?

A country should be free religions association. Secularism is the only way to ensure everyone is equal.

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