Watch "Dr Umar Johnson Talks America's War Against The Black Man" ~VladTV


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015
Watch "Dr Umar Johnson Talks America's War Against The Black Man"

Greetings. With all due respect, are citizens like Pan African ProBlack Nationalist Dr. Umar Johnson who choose to practice people and Nation harming Intra-Racial Discrimination, as well as HATE toward independent-minded, successful, accomplished black or American men of African descent...

...declaring war on independent-minded, accomplished, successful black or American men of African descent whose ONLY OFFENSE is choosing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for life liberty (love) and happiness?


ProBlack BLM Modus Operandi Revealed:

The following is my dilemma with Dr. Umar Johnson...

Dr Johnson chooses to denigrate citizens peacefully pursuing their own vision for happiness...causing me to question his character and values, as well as mental health.

Then, much to my approval, he specifically identifies parental behaviors I have personally witnessed that are primarily responsible for impeding black or American children and teens of African descent from acquiring basic skills needed to navigate life and for achieving success in a competitive capitalist Society.

Ask yourself, does school psychologist & author Dr. Umar Johnson, PhD, offer sound advice about Child Literacy & Education..

"Admonishing Child Caregivers About Child Literacy" ~Dr. Umar Johnson

"Thugs, Criminals, Parenting" ~Dr. Umar Johnson

Well there's my problem with Dr Johnson, the same problem I have with most citizens choosing to practice ProBlack BLM Supremacy...

One moment Dr. Johnson is denigrating successful accomplished citizens, the next moment he's explaining why many citizens are being impeded from becoming successful... All while clinging to his ProBlack banner of RACISM.



☮️♥️🇺🇸 EndHate2021
AveryJarhman Dr. Johnson is a mixed bag. He at least acknowledges the crippling affects of early childhood trauma that plagues generation after generation of American Blacks. But as you point out, Dr. Johnson can't let go of his hatred of White people and men of his own race who in his mind "sell out to the White man". But maybe a man like this is more likely to resonate with someone like IM2 who shares his hatred for White people and "sell-outs" but refuse to acknowledge the crisis of early childhood trauma in the Black community, particularly those raised in the 'hood' without Fathers.
AveryJarhman Dr. Johnson is a mixed bag. He at least acknowledges the crippling affects of early childhood trauma that plagues generation after generation of American Blacks. But as you point out, Dr. Johnson can't let go of his hatred of White people and men of his own race who in his mind "sell out to the White man". But maybe a man like this is more likely to resonate with someone like IM2 who shares his hatred for White people and "sell-outs" but refuse to acknowledge the crisis of early childhood trauma in the Black community, particularly those raised in the 'hood' without Fathers.

Hi, Mike. Umar Johnson is a reasonably intelligent man who in my opinion does not hate white people, though much like most Race Hustlers he recognizes embracing cries of Racism provides him with a fairly consistent stream of income, as well as maintains his status with America's emotionally troubled, Female Dominated, Matriarchal Focused, Child Neglecting, NO SNITCHING, Segregation-minded, Intra-Racial Discrimination & HATE practicing ProBlack BLM community.

Are Black People Ready To Talk About Race Hustlers?" ~Vanessa Gothix

Mike, looking further into Umar Johnson, you will learn there are a good many citizens believing he's a con artist and grifter.

☮️♥️🇺🇸 EndHate2021

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