Watch Fearless girl statue gets Burqa treatment during the march against Sharia

Sharia Law is something that needs to stop in America, these women are in America yet are still slaves to this law.
What? Wtf is going on...
Is this about headscarfs and coverings?
That is part of their religion... I'm confused.

You know, you can't exactly wear masks when you go to the bank in America.

That's generally not allowed.

Okay, it's not allowed at all.
Sharia Law doesn't need stopped in America because it hasn't started.
Oh, come on now...seriously?!

If this were the case, it wouldn't just be about
enforcing coverings, it would pretty much eliminate
music and the likes of Madonna, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga,
Snoop Dog, JayZ, Beyonce, on and on and on....

Movies, all other religions, homosexuality,
what we eat, drink, everything ...
come on, could you really see that happening?....., culture and tradition is oppressive

That's why, in this day and age, less is more,
men dress like women, women like men,
young girls like little whores and for some reason,
boxer shorts and pants worn under your ass cheeks,
is where western culture has ended up...

Jeebus, but you are a freaking idiot.

Not wanting to hurt keepitreal... I have to agree with JimBowie1958,:thup:
Not wanting to hurt keepitreal... I have to agree with JimBowie1958,:thup:
Well, that's nice of you but, no worries, I'm not hurt, I'm confused

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