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WATCH: Ferguson Protesters Chant ‘We’re Ready for War’

Before I continue, are you saying that fat phuck caught trevon in a foot race?

Why was he running?

What happened when Zimmerman met up with trevon?

I didn't say that GZ caught TM, I am saying he chased him and ran past TM's subsequent hiding place..see post 567 for more details!
Hiding place? Your story is sounding weaker and weaker as time goes on. Sorry, just being honest. I don't think the kid should have lost his life but I hope you are understanding where I'm coming from. Just doesn't add up. If the kid was in a gated community and a neighborhood watch guy is approaching him, no he doesn't get to beat the guy up because he's offended. What is he doing there? Maybe it was mistaken identity? Maybe Zimmerman was chasing after his tall black male lover. I would stop and ask why he's following me. Can I help you? And if he said I was trespassing I'd leave. Maybe I'd talk a little smack but when he pulled out a gun I'd change my tune.

Seems blacks aren't afraid when a gun is pulled on them.

It adds up, you just want to modify the numbers so the sum is in your favor. The weakness is in your failure to observe the facts. I even posted the time line and linked a map of the crime scene with labels

Still, you persist with the crazy notion that somehow GZ's unofficial status as a night watchman, who never identified himself as such, gives him the right to harass by following, then chasing after someone and putting them in fear of their life; intentional or not.. GZ was just a dumb fuck who had no idea of how to deal with people. If he wanted to question Martin, why not yell at a distance and ask him for a light or pretend he was lost and looking for someone? You don't just start harassing people who don't know you just because they are not white and look suspicious just based on their being black .GZ was a bona fide NUT case and should never had access to a gun in the first place.

What was TM doing there? He lived there. TM just might as well have asked what was GZ doing there?

BOTTOM LINE: Trayvon told his girlfriend he was afraid of the strange man following him. TM ran, and GZ had to run to see where he went.
TM must have thought GZ was a KKK idiot or some kind of fiend capable of God knows what. Everything might have been a terrible misunderstanding by both parties, each perceiving the other as a boogie man bent on doing evil. In that scenario, GZ was the initial aggressor by mishandling the situation and making Martin fearful.
I have already described the series of events that took place after that.
Try putting yourself in TM's shoes and your premise won't sound so bigoted and morally reprehensible!
I can see your point. Guy comes running up on you and gets in your face. You push him off and tell him to back off but he's being aggressive. I can see beating his ass. And then him killing me.

I forget the reasons I don't like stand your ground. It makes murder by guys like Zimmerman. Before stand your ground Zimmerman just gets an ass whoopin.

I'm back on trevon martins side. Unfortunately stand your ground is the law.

Did treyvon live in that gated community? I thought not.
Yes, TM did live in that gated community. He was visiting relatives who lived there and had been staying there for several days if I remember correctly!

ANd don't forget that Tm was covered by SYG when he perceived GZ to be a threat. That is the SYG criterion for use of deadly force... I didn't make the law...white people did.

Being a guest is not living there.

Several days? I think you are correct on this. That supports Zimmerman in that it is credible that Zimmerman did not recognize him and could reasonable think that Martin might have been trespassing.
Zimmerman drove past Martin initially. Martin was standing partially in the dark away from a house light ON SOMEONE'S FUCKING LAWN IN THE FUCKING RAIN!!!!!!!!.
Zimmerman pulled over into the next available space a short distance from Martin. Martin comes over to Zimmerman's vehicle and slowly walks completely around the vehicle. He has a look at Zimmerman. He probably was 'sizing Zimmerman up' to see if he could win in a fight with Zimmerman. Then Martin takes off running. Zimmerman gets out of the vehicle and starts following Martin while calling 911 on his cell phone.
This is how the initial interaction between the two began.

Timeline of the shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

7:11:33 — Zimmerman tells the police dispatcher that Trayvon Martin is running.

7:11:59 — In reply to the dispatcher's question, "Are you following him?" Zimmerman responds with, "Yes." Dispatcher: "OK, we don't need you to do that." Zimmerman: "OK."

7:12:00 – 7:12:59 — The girl calls Martin again at some point during this minute.[14]

7:13:10 — Zimmerman says he does not know Martin's location.

7:13:41 — The end of Zimmerman's call to Sanford police.[14]

7:16:00 – 7:16:59 — Martin's call from the girl goes dead during this minute.[14][15] [the precise time surfaced during the trial, the call ends at 7:15:43, 1 minute and 12 seconds before the shot.]

7:16:11 — First 911 call from witness about a fight, calls for help heard.[16]

7:16:55 — Gunshot heard on 911 call.[17]

The key to my premise is whether GZ chased Martin or not. I submit to you that there is plenty of evidence to indicate he did.

The Prosecution's affidavit refers to the PURSUIT and elaborates that Martin tried to "run home but Zimmerman followed him, disregarding the police dispatcher's instructions not to PURSUE Martin. How do you follow a person who is running unless you run after them? Further, wind interference can be heard over GZ’s phone as he CHASES after Martin.


• Trayvon Martin may have been running from Zimmerman at first.

Seminole County Sheriff’s Department’s Computer Aided Dispatch shows that Zimmerman called police to report a suspicious person, then told them the subject was running from him. The exchange between the dispatcher and Zimmerman shows that he was advised not to continue to follow Martin. One witness interviewed said she saw one of the subjects chasing the other, but could not see who was who.

A recording of a female identified as Martin’s longtime friend who was on the phone with him just before the shooting said he began to run when he realized Zimmerman was following him.

Of course GZ has denied he chased Martin. Being the son of a retired judge, he probably knew the consequences of saying he pursued Martin so he denied it. GZ is a liar and his dishonesty was blatantly revealed for all to see when he lied about his finances and had his bail revoked as a result. In light of this, we can assume this lying killer was/is capable of anything at this point. And considering his other subsequent scrapes with the law... oh well...

Who Was Yelling for Help?

An officer at the scene overheard Zimmerman saying, "I was yelling for someone to help me but no one would help me," the report said."

Descriptions of Zimmerman's condition made me tend to believe him until I read this:

"Another officer corrected a witness after she told him that she heard the teen cry for help.

The officer told the witness, a long-time teacher, it was Zimmerman who cried for help, said the witness. ABC News has spoken to the teacher and she confirmed that the officer corrected her when she said she heard the teenager shout for help."

The bias was already starting. In effect the officer was saying: No objectivity here! It could not have been Martin calling for help! No ma’m you are mistaken. It was poor GZ for sure... HE SAID SO...listen to me, I know what’s right and you are mistaken.

More from eyewitnesses:

Mary Cutcher and her roommate said they heard Trayvon pleading. Then they heard a gunshot. They rushed outside and saw Mr. Zimmerman standing over the teenager.

That statement prompted this from one of the Martin family’s lawyers:

“It is so clear that this was a 17-year-old boy pleading for his life, and someone shot him in cold blood,” said Natalie Jackson, one of the Martin family lawyers.

That lawyer’s words were corroborated by the story of another witness who saw both combatants on the ground separated before the fatal shot was fired.
Before I continue, are you saying that fat phuck caught trevon in a foot race?

Why was he running?

What happened when Zimmerman met up with trevon?

I didn't say that GZ caught TM, I am saying he chased him and ran past TM's subsequent hiding place..see post 567 for more details!
Hiding place? Your story is sounding weaker and weaker as time goes on. Sorry, just being honest. I don't think the kid should have lost his life but I hope you are understanding where I'm coming from. Just doesn't add up. If the kid was in a gated community and a neighborhood watch guy is approaching him, no he doesn't get to beat the guy up because he's offended. What is he doing there? Maybe it was mistaken identity? Maybe Zimmerman was chasing after his tall black male lover. I would stop and ask why he's following me. Can I help you? And if he said I was trespassing I'd leave. Maybe I'd talk a little smack but when he pulled out a gun I'd change my tune.

Seems blacks aren't afraid when a gun is pulled on them.

It adds up, you just want to modify the numbers so the sum is in your favor. The weakness is in your failure to observe the facts. I even posted the time line and linked a map of the crime scene with labels

Still, you persist with the crazy notion that somehow GZ's unofficial status as a night watchman, who never identified himself as such, gives him the right to harass by following, then chasing after someone and putting them in fear of their life; intentional or not.. GZ was just a dumb fuck who had no idea of how to deal with people. If he wanted to question Martin, why not yell at a distance and ask him for a light or pretend he was lost and looking for someone? You don't just start harassing people who don't know you just because they are not white and look suspicious just based on their being black .GZ was a bona fide NUT case and should never had access to a gun in the first place.

What was TM doing there? He lived there. TM just might as well have asked what was GZ doing there?

BOTTOM LINE: Trayvon told his girlfriend he was afraid of the strange man following him. TM ran, and GZ had to run to see where he went.
TM must have thought GZ was a KKK idiot or some kind of fiend capable of God knows what. Everything might have been a terrible misunderstanding by both parties, each perceiving the other as a boogie man bent on doing evil. In that scenario, GZ was the initial aggressor by mishandling the situation and making Martin fearful.
I have already described the series of events that took place after that.
Try putting yourself in TM's shoes and your premise won't sound so bigoted and morally reprehensible!

Actually the fact the Martin was unknown in the gated community and matched the description of recent burglars does give a resident of the community the right to follow him.

You do know that even Eric Holder's Justice Dept could not gin up a Civil Rights case against Zimmerman right?

Do you think that Obama told Holder to just go though the motions? Or to look for any way to get him?

Where is that "right to follow" written on the books? Please cite the
code that gave GZ the "right" to follow and then "chase" after someone?
Oh, I know, it is an unwritten law. One based on the white privilege to determine blacks are always guilty until proven innocent.

In daylight hours with people stirring about, even in the evening, GZ would have presented less of an ominous figure to TM. But add the cloak of darkness and drizzling rain where no one is around except TM and GZ. Imagine the concerns coursing through TM's mind as he wondered if the stranger might have a weapon. He expressed fear to his girlfriend and ran as a result of that fear.

Perhaps TM couldn't run too far and fast because he was wearing his pants fashionably low. You don't have to be a criminal to do that. White kids do it too. He hid and was subsequently discovered by GZ and the rest is history.

What none of us have is a complete picture of GZ's behavior and the manner in which he was following Martin. Did he brandish the weapon briefly as Martin walked past GZ's truck? That would make some one run and hide.

Realistically , it doesn't make sense that TM would just take off and run for no reason if something in the behavior of GZ had not precipitated it
with some kind of gesture. God and the Hosts of heaven were the only witnesses.
I didn't say that GZ caught TM, I am saying he chased him and ran past TM's subsequent hiding place..see post 567 for more details!
Hiding place? Your story is sounding weaker and weaker as time goes on. Sorry, just being honest. I don't think the kid should have lost his life but I hope you are understanding where I'm coming from. Just doesn't add up. If the kid was in a gated community and a neighborhood watch guy is approaching him, no he doesn't get to beat the guy up because he's offended. What is he doing there? Maybe it was mistaken identity? Maybe Zimmerman was chasing after his tall black male lover. I would stop and ask why he's following me. Can I help you? And if he said I was trespassing I'd leave. Maybe I'd talk a little smack but when he pulled out a gun I'd change my tune.

Seems blacks aren't afraid when a gun is pulled on them.

It adds up, you just want to modify the numbers so the sum is in your favor. The weakness is in your failure to observe the facts. I even posted the time line and linked a map of the crime scene with labels

Still, you persist with the crazy notion that somehow GZ's unofficial status as a night watchman, who never identified himself as such, gives him the right to harass by following, then chasing after someone and putting them in fear of their life; intentional or not.. GZ was just a dumb fuck who had no idea of how to deal with people. If he wanted to question Martin, why not yell at a distance and ask him for a light or pretend he was lost and looking for someone? You don't just start harassing people who don't know you just because they are not white and look suspicious just based on their being black .GZ was a bona fide NUT case and should never had access to a gun in the first place.

What was TM doing there? He lived there. TM just might as well have asked what was GZ doing there?

BOTTOM LINE: Trayvon told his girlfriend he was afraid of the strange man following him. TM ran, and GZ had to run to see where he went.
TM must have thought GZ was a KKK idiot or some kind of fiend capable of God knows what. Everything might have been a terrible misunderstanding by both parties, each perceiving the other as a boogie man bent on doing evil. In that scenario, GZ was the initial aggressor by mishandling the situation and making Martin fearful.
I have already described the series of events that took place after that.
Try putting yourself in TM's shoes and your premise won't sound so bigoted and morally reprehensible!
I can see your point. Guy comes running up on you and gets in your face. You push him off and tell him to back off but he's being aggressive. I can see beating his ass. And then him killing me.

I forget the reasons I don't like stand your ground. It makes murder by guys like Zimmerman. Before stand your ground Zimmerman just gets an ass whoopin.

I'm back on trevon martins side. Unfortunately stand your ground is the law.

Did treyvon live in that gated community? I thought not.
Yes, TM did live in that gated community. He was visiting relatives who lived there and had been staying there for several days if I remember correctly!

ANd don't forget that Tm was covered by SYG when he perceived GZ to be a threat. That is the SYG criterion for use of deadly force... I didn't make the law...white people did.

Being a guest is not living there.

Several days? I think you are correct on this. That supports Zimmerman in that it is credible that Zimmerman did not recognize him and could reasonable think that Martin might have been trespassing.

Being a guest IS living there. TM was walking in a place where HE had a right to be as an invited guest.

Again I ask you what written law gives GZ the right to interact with Martin in any way, to include following him. That is not standard procedure for Neighborhood Watch..precisely because experience has taught them that bad things can happen when people do that. But GZ was not even a member of NW.He was just a loose canon. A time bomb waiting to go off.

Neighborhood Watch didn't give GZ any authority to follow; Just to observe and report anonymously!

Interactions with Law Enforcement

Watch programs typically have a block captain who recruits volunteers; maintains a neighborhood map with addresses and landmarks; holds meetings; maintains an incident file; and serves as the liaison with local police. Going beyond being the eyes and ears of the community, however, can lead to conflicts and potentially lawsuits (stopping and questioning someone against their will, for example, can be considered false arrest). Indeed, taking someone into custody, even for just a moment, can be consideredfalse imprisonment.

Therefore, volunteers should not act as police and are limited to observing and reporting criminal activity or suspicious behavior. Officers may not respond to every call, since each department has specific dispatch protocols, but block captains and other volunteers typically learn about these protocols.

Volunteers in neighborhoods known for violent crime or gang activity are often advised to keep a low profile and report incidents anonymously. But since neighborhood watch volunteers often are the first witnesses to a crime, they may be asked to testify in court.

Neighborhood watch programs are prevalent in the U.S. and, if implemented properly, can be a valuable tool in crime prevention.

- See more at: What is Neighborhood Watch - FindLaw
Before I continue, are you saying that fat phuck caught trevon in a foot race?

Why was he running?

What happened when Zimmerman met up with trevon?

I didn't say that GZ caught TM, I am saying he chased him and ran past TM's subsequent hiding place..see post 567 for more details!
Hiding place? Your story is sounding weaker and weaker as time goes on. Sorry, just being honest. I don't think the kid should have lost his life but I hope you are understanding where I'm coming from. Just doesn't add up. If the kid was in a gated community and a neighborhood watch guy is approaching him, no he doesn't get to beat the guy up because he's offended. What is he doing there? Maybe it was mistaken identity? Maybe Zimmerman was chasing after his tall black male lover. I would stop and ask why he's following me. Can I help you? And if he said I was trespassing I'd leave. Maybe I'd talk a little smack but when he pulled out a gun I'd change my tune.

Seems blacks aren't afraid when a gun is pulled on them.

It adds up, you just want to modify the numbers so the sum is in your favor. The weakness is in your failure to observe the facts. I even posted the time line and linked a map of the crime scene with labels

Still, you persist with the crazy notion that somehow GZ's unofficial status as a night watchman, who never identified himself as such, gives him the right to harass by following, then chasing after someone and putting them in fear of their life; intentional or not.. GZ was just a dumb fuck who had no idea of how to deal with people. If he wanted to question Martin, why not yell at a distance and ask him for a light or pretend he was lost and looking for someone? You don't just start harassing people who don't know you just because they are not white and look suspicious just based on their being black .GZ was a bona fide NUT case and should never had access to a gun in the first place.

What was TM doing there? He lived there. TM just might as well have asked what was GZ doing there?

BOTTOM LINE: Trayvon told his girlfriend he was afraid of the strange man following him. TM ran, and GZ had to run to see where he went.
TM must have thought GZ was a KKK idiot or some kind of fiend capable of God knows what. Everything might have been a terrible misunderstanding by both parties, each perceiving the other as a boogie man bent on doing evil. In that scenario, GZ was the initial aggressor by mishandling the situation and making Martin fearful.
I have already described the series of events that took place after that.
Try putting yourself in TM's shoes and your premise won't sound so bigoted and morally reprehensible!

Actually the fact the Martin was unknown in the gated community and matched the description of recent burglars does give a resident of the community the right to follow him.

You do know that even Eric Holder's Justice Dept could not gin up a Civil Rights case against Zimmerman right?

Do you think that Obama told Holder to just go though the motions? Or to look for any way to get him?

Where is that "right to follow" written on the books? Please cite the
code that gave GZ the "right" to follow and then "chase" after someone?
Oh, I know, it is an unwritten law. One based on the white privilege to determine blacks are always guilty until proven innocent.

In daylight hours with people stirring about, even in the evening, GZ would have presented less of an ominous figure to TM. But add the cloak of darkness and drizzling rain where no one is around except TM and GZ. Imagine the concerns coursing through TM's mind as he wondered if the stranger might have a weapon. He expressed fear to his girlfriend and ran as a result of that fear.

Perhaps TM couldn't run too far and fast because he was wearing his pants fashionably low. You don't have to be a criminal to do that. White kids do it too. He hid and was subsequently discovered by GZ and the rest is history.

What none of us have is a complete picture of GZ's behavior and the manner in which he was following Martin. Did he brandish the weapon briefly as Martin walked past GZ's truck? That would make some one run and hide.

Realistically , it doesn't make sense that TM would just take off and run for no reason if something in the behavior of GZ had not precipitated it
with some kind of gesture. God and the Hosts of heaven were the only witnesses.

A gated community is private property. Property rights allow you to bar uninvited people.

Your use of the term White Privilege is accepted as a token of your acknowledgement hat you cannot defend your position honestly on it's merits.
Zimmerman drove past Martin initially. Martin was standing partially in the dark away from a house light ON SOMEONE'S FUCKING LAWN IN THE FUCKING RAIN!!!!!!!!.
Zimmerman pulled over into the next available space a short distance from Martin. Martin comes over to Zimmerman's vehicle and slowly walks completely around the vehicle. He has a look at Zimmerman. He probably was 'sizing Zimmerman up' to see if he could win in a fight with Zimmerman. Then Martin takes off running. Zimmerman gets out of the vehicle and starts following Martin while calling 911 on his cell phone.
This is how the initial interaction between the two began.

That may be the persistent Stormfront view of events. That BS was debunked long ago!
I didn't say that GZ caught TM, I am saying he chased him and ran past TM's subsequent hiding place..see post 567 for more details!
Hiding place? Your story is sounding weaker and weaker as time goes on. Sorry, just being honest. I don't think the kid should have lost his life but I hope you are understanding where I'm coming from. Just doesn't add up. If the kid was in a gated community and a neighborhood watch guy is approaching him, no he doesn't get to beat the guy up because he's offended. What is he doing there? Maybe it was mistaken identity? Maybe Zimmerman was chasing after his tall black male lover. I would stop and ask why he's following me. Can I help you? And if he said I was trespassing I'd leave. Maybe I'd talk a little smack but when he pulled out a gun I'd change my tune.

Seems blacks aren't afraid when a gun is pulled on them.

It adds up, you just want to modify the numbers so the sum is in your favor. The weakness is in your failure to observe the facts. I even posted the time line and linked a map of the crime scene with labels

Still, you persist with the crazy notion that somehow GZ's unofficial status as a night watchman, who never identified himself as such, gives him the right to harass by following, then chasing after someone and putting them in fear of their life; intentional or not.. GZ was just a dumb fuck who had no idea of how to deal with people. If he wanted to question Martin, why not yell at a distance and ask him for a light or pretend he was lost and looking for someone? You don't just start harassing people who don't know you just because they are not white and look suspicious just based on their being black .GZ was a bona fide NUT case and should never had access to a gun in the first place.

What was TM doing there? He lived there. TM just might as well have asked what was GZ doing there?

BOTTOM LINE: Trayvon told his girlfriend he was afraid of the strange man following him. TM ran, and GZ had to run to see where he went.
TM must have thought GZ was a KKK idiot or some kind of fiend capable of God knows what. Everything might have been a terrible misunderstanding by both parties, each perceiving the other as a boogie man bent on doing evil. In that scenario, GZ was the initial aggressor by mishandling the situation and making Martin fearful.
I have already described the series of events that took place after that.
Try putting yourself in TM's shoes and your premise won't sound so bigoted and morally reprehensible!

Actually the fact the Martin was unknown in the gated community and matched the description of recent burglars does give a resident of the community the right to follow him.

You do know that even Eric Holder's Justice Dept could not gin up a Civil Rights case against Zimmerman right?

Do you think that Obama told Holder to just go though the motions? Or to look for any way to get him?

Where is that "right to follow" written on the books? Please cite the
code that gave GZ the "right" to follow and then "chase" after someone?
Oh, I know, it is an unwritten law. One based on the white privilege to determine blacks are always guilty until proven innocent.

In daylight hours with people stirring about, even in the evening, GZ would have presented less of an ominous figure to TM. But add the cloak of darkness and drizzling rain where no one is around except TM and GZ. Imagine the concerns coursing through TM's mind as he wondered if the stranger might have a weapon. He expressed fear to his girlfriend and ran as a result of that fear.

Perhaps TM couldn't run too far and fast because he was wearing his pants fashionably low. You don't have to be a criminal to do that. White kids do it too. He hid and was subsequently discovered by GZ and the rest is history.

What none of us have is a complete picture of GZ's behavior and the manner in which he was following Martin. Did he brandish the weapon briefly as Martin walked past GZ's truck? That would make some one run and hide.

Realistically , it doesn't make sense that TM would just take off and run for no reason if something in the behavior of GZ had not precipitated it
with some kind of gesture. God and the Hosts of heaven were the only witnesses.

A gated community is private property. Property rights allow you to bar uninvited people.

Your use of the term White Privilege is accepted as a token of your acknowledgement hat you cannot defend your position honestly on it's merits.

TM was invited and no one was authorized to BAR him. Black people live in that community so there was no excuse for GZ to negate the protocols of Neighborhood Watch by his overt actions when no crime had been committed by TM. He should have followed from a distance and without bringing attention to himself.
Hiding place? Your story is sounding weaker and weaker as time goes on. Sorry, just being honest. I don't think the kid should have lost his life but I hope you are understanding where I'm coming from. Just doesn't add up. If the kid was in a gated community and a neighborhood watch guy is approaching him, no he doesn't get to beat the guy up because he's offended. What is he doing there? Maybe it was mistaken identity? Maybe Zimmerman was chasing after his tall black male lover. I would stop and ask why he's following me. Can I help you? And if he said I was trespassing I'd leave. Maybe I'd talk a little smack but when he pulled out a gun I'd change my tune.

Seems blacks aren't afraid when a gun is pulled on them.

It adds up, you just want to modify the numbers so the sum is in your favor. The weakness is in your failure to observe the facts. I even posted the time line and linked a map of the crime scene with labels

Still, you persist with the crazy notion that somehow GZ's unofficial status as a night watchman, who never identified himself as such, gives him the right to harass by following, then chasing after someone and putting them in fear of their life; intentional or not.. GZ was just a dumb fuck who had no idea of how to deal with people. If he wanted to question Martin, why not yell at a distance and ask him for a light or pretend he was lost and looking for someone? You don't just start harassing people who don't know you just because they are not white and look suspicious just based on their being black .GZ was a bona fide NUT case and should never had access to a gun in the first place.

What was TM doing there? He lived there. TM just might as well have asked what was GZ doing there?

BOTTOM LINE: Trayvon told his girlfriend he was afraid of the strange man following him. TM ran, and GZ had to run to see where he went.
TM must have thought GZ was a KKK idiot or some kind of fiend capable of God knows what. Everything might have been a terrible misunderstanding by both parties, each perceiving the other as a boogie man bent on doing evil. In that scenario, GZ was the initial aggressor by mishandling the situation and making Martin fearful.
I have already described the series of events that took place after that.
Try putting yourself in TM's shoes and your premise won't sound so bigoted and morally reprehensible!

Actually the fact the Martin was unknown in the gated community and matched the description of recent burglars does give a resident of the community the right to follow him.

You do know that even Eric Holder's Justice Dept could not gin up a Civil Rights case against Zimmerman right?

Do you think that Obama told Holder to just go though the motions? Or to look for any way to get him?

Where is that "right to follow" written on the books? Please cite the
code that gave GZ the "right" to follow and then "chase" after someone?
Oh, I know, it is an unwritten law. One based on the white privilege to determine blacks are always guilty until proven innocent.

In daylight hours with people stirring about, even in the evening, GZ would have presented less of an ominous figure to TM. But add the cloak of darkness and drizzling rain where no one is around except TM and GZ. Imagine the concerns coursing through TM's mind as he wondered if the stranger might have a weapon. He expressed fear to his girlfriend and ran as a result of that fear.

Perhaps TM couldn't run too far and fast because he was wearing his pants fashionably low. You don't have to be a criminal to do that. White kids do it too. He hid and was subsequently discovered by GZ and the rest is history.

What none of us have is a complete picture of GZ's behavior and the manner in which he was following Martin. Did he brandish the weapon briefly as Martin walked past GZ's truck? That would make some one run and hide.

Realistically , it doesn't make sense that TM would just take off and run for no reason if something in the behavior of GZ had not precipitated it
with some kind of gesture. God and the Hosts of heaven were the only witnesses.

A gated community is private property. Property rights allow you to bar uninvited people.

Your use of the term White Privilege is accepted as a token of your acknowledgement hat you cannot defend your position honestly on it's merits.

TM was invited and no one was authorized to BAR him. Black people live in that community so there was no excuse for GZ to negate the protocols of Neighborhood Watch by his overt actions when no crime had been committed by TM. He should have followed from a distance and without bringing attention to himself.

Martin was invited, yes. He also was a black teen in a gated community that was not known, and matched the description of the recent burglars.

THe protocols of Neighborhood watch are not laws. They are there to protect volunteers, such as Zimmerman, from provoking violent people, such as Martin.

Zimmerman SHOULD have not followed at all.

But of course, Zimmerman being reckless and violating Watch protocols does not give Martin the right to pounce on him and beat him.

Nor does is take away Zimmerman's right of self defense.
The Obama legacy. Whom do you think they are going to war with? The democrat party that has subjugated them for 300 years? I wouldn't blame them, they have been lied to so much by the democrat party the rage was bound to boil to the surface.

WATCH Ferguson Protesters Chant We re Ready for War Mediaite

During Sunday night’s protest on the anniversary of the shooting death of African-American man Michael Brown, Ferguson protesters chanted that they were “ready for war.”

If they break a sweat I for one will be surprised
Your use of the term White Privilege is accepted as a token of your acknowledgement hat you cannot defend your position honestly on it's merits.

I don't see the nexus between using the term "White Privilege" as a token of anything but the personification of systemic injustices heaped upon TM by a biased White society that culminated in his death and the complete exoneration of his killer. You assessment is denied and revoked accordingly!
Your use of the term White Privilege is accepted as a token of your acknowledgement hat you cannot defend your position honestly on it's merits.

I don't see the nexus between using the term "White Privilege" as a token of anything but the personification of systemic injustices heaped upon TM by a biased White society that culminated in his death and the complete exoneration of his killer. You assessment is denied and revoked accordingly!
Conversing with Coral is like arguing with a monkey. Its impossible for him to reach your level of intellect. Thats why everyone just mocks him.
Bet they can shoot straighter than the chimps in Ferguson.....
Do you you right wing racist dummies have a betting pool going on that?
Did you watch the video of the chimps in Ferguson????
So you really are this dull witted then.
I know what to hit what I shoot at... Just about any competition shooter does.
Uh huh.......when you load your weapon, don't forget to put the sharp pointy ends toward the front.

Get this one. these people should locked up in a mental asylum. If I were a black person I'd be Embarrassed to have that speaking for me
VIDEO if you can stand it at the site

#BlackLivesMatter Activist to CNN: ‘All Lives Matter’ Is a ‘Violent Statement’
A #BlackLivesMatter activist appearing on CNN told host Wolf Blitzer that saying “all lives matter” is actually a “violent statement.”

Activist Julius Jones was invited on to discuss the protest movement’s contentious meeting with Hillary Clinton. “Black lives are actively under attack, and we are in a terrible war with our own country. African-Americans are Americans and we’re not treated like that, we’re not treated as if black lives matter.”

“And when people say ‘all lives matter,’ it’s a violent statement, because the only time that people say ‘all lives matter’ is in opposition to ‘black lives matter,’ and it’s the most violent statement of love that you can do,” he said. “It’s like, ‘all lives matter!’ Yes, we understand that, it’s true, but in this country for the longest time, the United States acts like black lives don’t matter.”

Watch, via CNN.

all of it here:
BlackLivesMatter All Lives Matter Is A Violent Statement Mediaite
Before I continue, are you saying that fat phuck caught trevon in a foot race?

Why was he running?

What happened when Zimmerman met up with trevon?

I didn't say that GZ caught TM, I am saying he chased him and ran past TM's subsequent hiding place..see post 567 for more details!
Hiding place? Your story is sounding weaker and weaker as time goes on. Sorry, just being honest. I don't think the kid should have lost his life but I hope you are understanding where I'm coming from. Just doesn't add up. If the kid was in a gated community and a neighborhood watch guy is approaching him, no he doesn't get to beat the guy up because he's offended. What is he doing there? Maybe it was mistaken identity? Maybe Zimmerman was chasing after his tall black male lover. I would stop and ask why he's following me. Can I help you? And if he said I was trespassing I'd leave. Maybe I'd talk a little smack but when he pulled out a gun I'd change my tune.

Seems blacks aren't afraid when a gun is pulled on them.

It adds up, you just want to modify the numbers so the sum is in your favor. The weakness is in your failure to observe the facts. I even posted the time line and linked a map of the crime scene with labels

Still, you persist with the crazy notion that somehow GZ's unofficial status as a night watchman, who never identified himself as such, gives him the right to harass by following, then chasing after someone and putting them in fear of their life; intentional or not.. GZ was just a dumb fuck who had no idea of how to deal with people. If he wanted to question Martin, why not yell at a distance and ask him for a light or pretend he was lost and looking for someone? You don't just start harassing people who don't know you just because they are not white and look suspicious just based on their being black .GZ was a bona fide NUT case and should never had access to a gun in the first place.

What was TM doing there? He lived there. TM just might as well have asked what was GZ doing there?

BOTTOM LINE: Trayvon told his girlfriend he was afraid of the strange man following him. TM ran, and GZ had to run to see where he went.
TM must have thought GZ was a KKK idiot or some kind of fiend capable of God knows what. Everything might have been a terrible misunderstanding by both parties, each perceiving the other as a boogie man bent on doing evil. In that scenario, GZ was the initial aggressor by mishandling the situation and making Martin fearful.
I have already described the series of events that took place after that.
Try putting yourself in TM's shoes and your premise won't sound so bigoted and morally reprehensible!

Actually the fact the Martin was unknown in the gated community and matched the description of recent burglars does give a resident of the community the right to follow him.

You do know that even Eric Holder's Justice Dept could not gin up a Civil Rights case against Zimmerman right?

Do you think that Obama told Holder to just go though the motions? Or to look for any way to get him?

Where is that "right to follow" written on the books? Please cite the
code that gave GZ the "right" to follow and then "chase" after someone?
Oh, I know, it is an unwritten law. One based on the white privilege to determine blacks are always guilty until proven innocent.

In daylight hours with people stirring about, even in the evening, GZ would have presented less of an ominous figure to TM. But add the cloak of darkness and drizzling rain where no one is around except TM and GZ. Imagine the concerns coursing through TM's mind as he wondered if the stranger might have a weapon. He expressed fear to his girlfriend and ran as a result of that fear.

Perhaps TM couldn't run too far and fast because he was wearing his pants fashionably low. You don't have to be a criminal to do that. White kids do it too. He hid and was subsequently discovered by GZ and the rest is history.

What none of us have is a complete picture of GZ's behavior and the manner in which he was following Martin. Did he brandish the weapon briefly as Martin walked past GZ's truck? That would make some one run and hide.

Realistically , it doesn't make sense that TM would just take off and run for no reason if something in the behavior of GZ had not precipitated it
with some kind of gesture. God and the Hosts of heaven were the only witnesses.
Back on your side again. Especially when trevon WAS a guest in that community.
I didn't say that GZ caught TM, I am saying he chased him and ran past TM's subsequent hiding place..see post 567 for more details!
Hiding place? Your story is sounding weaker and weaker as time goes on. Sorry, just being honest. I don't think the kid should have lost his life but I hope you are understanding where I'm coming from. Just doesn't add up. If the kid was in a gated community and a neighborhood watch guy is approaching him, no he doesn't get to beat the guy up because he's offended. What is he doing there? Maybe it was mistaken identity? Maybe Zimmerman was chasing after his tall black male lover. I would stop and ask why he's following me. Can I help you? And if he said I was trespassing I'd leave. Maybe I'd talk a little smack but when he pulled out a gun I'd change my tune.

Seems blacks aren't afraid when a gun is pulled on them.

It adds up, you just want to modify the numbers so the sum is in your favor. The weakness is in your failure to observe the facts. I even posted the time line and linked a map of the crime scene with labels

Still, you persist with the crazy notion that somehow GZ's unofficial status as a night watchman, who never identified himself as such, gives him the right to harass by following, then chasing after someone and putting them in fear of their life; intentional or not.. GZ was just a dumb fuck who had no idea of how to deal with people. If he wanted to question Martin, why not yell at a distance and ask him for a light or pretend he was lost and looking for someone? You don't just start harassing people who don't know you just because they are not white and look suspicious just based on their being black .GZ was a bona fide NUT case and should never had access to a gun in the first place.

What was TM doing there? He lived there. TM just might as well have asked what was GZ doing there?

BOTTOM LINE: Trayvon told his girlfriend he was afraid of the strange man following him. TM ran, and GZ had to run to see where he went.
TM must have thought GZ was a KKK idiot or some kind of fiend capable of God knows what. Everything might have been a terrible misunderstanding by both parties, each perceiving the other as a boogie man bent on doing evil. In that scenario, GZ was the initial aggressor by mishandling the situation and making Martin fearful.
I have already described the series of events that took place after that.
Try putting yourself in TM's shoes and your premise won't sound so bigoted and morally reprehensible!

Actually the fact the Martin was unknown in the gated community and matched the description of recent burglars does give a resident of the community the right to follow him.

You do know that even Eric Holder's Justice Dept could not gin up a Civil Rights case against Zimmerman right?

Do you think that Obama told Holder to just go though the motions? Or to look for any way to get him?

Where is that "right to follow" written on the books? Please cite the
code that gave GZ the "right" to follow and then "chase" after someone?
Oh, I know, it is an unwritten law. One based on the white privilege to determine blacks are always guilty until proven innocent.

In daylight hours with people stirring about, even in the evening, GZ would have presented less of an ominous figure to TM. But add the cloak of darkness and drizzling rain where no one is around except TM and GZ. Imagine the concerns coursing through TM's mind as he wondered if the stranger might have a weapon. He expressed fear to his girlfriend and ran as a result of that fear.

Perhaps TM couldn't run too far and fast because he was wearing his pants fashionably low. You don't have to be a criminal to do that. White kids do it too. He hid and was subsequently discovered by GZ and the rest is history.

What none of us have is a complete picture of GZ's behavior and the manner in which he was following Martin. Did he brandish the weapon briefly as Martin walked past GZ's truck? That would make some one run and hide.

Realistically , it doesn't make sense that TM would just take off and run for no reason if something in the behavior of GZ had not precipitated it
with some kind of gesture. God and the Hosts of heaven were the only witnesses.

A gated community is private property. Property rights allow you to bar uninvited people.

Your use of the term White Privilege is accepted as a token of your acknowledgement hat you cannot defend your position honestly on it's merits.
Trevon dads girlfriend lived there. He was a guest.
It adds up, you just want to modify the numbers so the sum is in your favor. The weakness is in your failure to observe the facts. I even posted the time line and linked a map of the crime scene with labels

Still, you persist with the crazy notion that somehow GZ's unofficial status as a night watchman, who never identified himself as such, gives him the right to harass by following, then chasing after someone and putting them in fear of their life; intentional or not.. GZ was just a dumb fuck who had no idea of how to deal with people. If he wanted to question Martin, why not yell at a distance and ask him for a light or pretend he was lost and looking for someone? You don't just start harassing people who don't know you just because they are not white and look suspicious just based on their being black .GZ was a bona fide NUT case and should never had access to a gun in the first place.

What was TM doing there? He lived there. TM just might as well have asked what was GZ doing there?

BOTTOM LINE: Trayvon told his girlfriend he was afraid of the strange man following him. TM ran, and GZ had to run to see where he went.
TM must have thought GZ was a KKK idiot or some kind of fiend capable of God knows what. Everything might have been a terrible misunderstanding by both parties, each perceiving the other as a boogie man bent on doing evil. In that scenario, GZ was the initial aggressor by mishandling the situation and making Martin fearful.
I have already described the series of events that took place after that.
Try putting yourself in TM's shoes and your premise won't sound so bigoted and morally reprehensible!

Actually the fact the Martin was unknown in the gated community and matched the description of recent burglars does give a resident of the community the right to follow him.

You do know that even Eric Holder's Justice Dept could not gin up a Civil Rights case against Zimmerman right?

Do you think that Obama told Holder to just go though the motions? Or to look for any way to get him?

Where is that "right to follow" written on the books? Please cite the
code that gave GZ the "right" to follow and then "chase" after someone?
Oh, I know, it is an unwritten law. One based on the white privilege to determine blacks are always guilty until proven innocent.

In daylight hours with people stirring about, even in the evening, GZ would have presented less of an ominous figure to TM. But add the cloak of darkness and drizzling rain where no one is around except TM and GZ. Imagine the concerns coursing through TM's mind as he wondered if the stranger might have a weapon. He expressed fear to his girlfriend and ran as a result of that fear.

Perhaps TM couldn't run too far and fast because he was wearing his pants fashionably low. You don't have to be a criminal to do that. White kids do it too. He hid and was subsequently discovered by GZ and the rest is history.

What none of us have is a complete picture of GZ's behavior and the manner in which he was following Martin. Did he brandish the weapon briefly as Martin walked past GZ's truck? That would make some one run and hide.

Realistically , it doesn't make sense that TM would just take off and run for no reason if something in the behavior of GZ had not precipitated it
with some kind of gesture. God and the Hosts of heaven were the only witnesses.

A gated community is private property. Property rights allow you to bar uninvited people.

Your use of the term White Privilege is accepted as a token of your acknowledgement hat you cannot defend your position honestly on it's merits.

TM was invited and no one was authorized to BAR him. Black people live in that community so there was no excuse for GZ to negate the protocols of Neighborhood Watch by his overt actions when no crime had been committed by TM. He should have followed from a distance and without bringing attention to himself.

Martin was invited, yes. He also was a black teen in a gated community that was not known, and matched the description of the recent burglars.

THe protocols of Neighborhood watch are not laws. They are there to protect volunteers, such as Zimmerman, from provoking violent people, such as Martin.

Zimmerman SHOULD have not followed at all.

But of course, Zimmerman being reckless and violating Watch protocols does not give Martin the right to pounce on him and beat him.

Nor does is take away Zimmerman's right of self defense.
Fuck that. Guys chasing the kid with a gun? Based on all the evidence, if this happened every day in every city in America, would you change the law? I would. If future Zimmerman's can do that exact thing again, then no they are not innocent. Zimmerman at least should have been found guilty of neglegent homicide. If you can't see that then you truly don't think black lives matter.
I think we have come as close to agreeing as we ever will on some points; so, this is my final post on the matter unless something so egregious is said that it warrants a response.

Martin was invited, yes. He also was a black teen in a gated community that was not known, and matched the description of the recent burglars.

I am skeptical about the burglaries. Who called them in? And how do we know that white people living in the neighborhood were not the burglars and called the cops after the fact to deflect suspicion from themselves. Residents would know when their neighbors are not home
and when the opportunity was ripe to burgle. BTW FBI statistics show burglary as predominately a white crime.

THe protocols of Neighborhood watch are not laws. They are there to protect volunteers, such as Zimmerman, from provoking violent people, such as Martin.

Thanks for agreeing with me with a few exceptions. The NW protocols are there to protect volunteers as well as innocent people who might have a legitimate purpose to be there, like TM. As explained in the NW
protocols I posted earlier, the avoidance of lawsuits for harassment and/ or unlawful arrest seems to be the prime concern. Provoking and scaring children like TM may also be a major concern. Following and then chasing after them after you have scared them; then finally cornering them in a hiding place is the recipe for disaster. Violence becomes necessary to defend oneself from the unknown. In the end both combatants were doing just that...Martin lost the battle because he was too light in the ass and was unarmed

Zimmerman SHOULD have not followed at all.

Agreed! Had he been a genuine NW member, there would have been a coordinated telephonic effort by the entire community to keep track of TM as he walked towards his residence. Someone might have even verified that he was visiting a neighbor.

But of course, Zimmerman being reckless and violating Watch protocols does not give Martin the right to pounce on him and beat him.
That depends! Given the weather, the darkness and the unknown reason TM seemed to panic and run to avoid GZ, that "pouncing" and the beat down probably was justified. Martin's perception of GZ is the key here. My evidence? When TM said over the phone to his girl that he was scared is one point. The other is that he ran when he had no apparent reason to. Those two points are the bedrock of my case.

Nor does is take away Zimmerman's right of self defense.
I don't think I have implied NW protocol did take away GZ's rights.
He wasn't an official member anyway. Zimmeman was just plain lucky that TM wasn't armed and that as an adult, he was strong enough to weather the surprise of TM's defense strategy and grab his gun.

TM failed to incapacitate the man who who thought was stalking him. NO, by Florida law, GZ technically was not stalking... but how can any reasonable person not see that TM thought he was being stalked and pursued by a strange large man on a dark rainly night. Perhaps if TM had pulled his pants up, he might have been able to run all the way home before having to hide and then having GZ catch up to him.

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