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WATCH: Ferguson Protesters Chant ‘We’re Ready for War’

Response to red: You still can't bring yourself to acknowledge that GZ chased Martin and put him in fear of bodily harm. Whether GZ intended to harm Martin initially is immaterial. He made TM feel threatened and that is enough to evoke the SYG law on TM's behalf.
Are we clear on that? Please do not go any further if you don't agree...we need to get past this point if any meaningful dialogue and mutual agreement is desirable.

If we agree on that point let's proceed to point 2.

2. Tm hid behind either a bush or a building vestibule and saw GZ run past him. GZ stopped and reported that he lost the "suspect." He then turned around to retun to his truck and saw Martin cowering behind the bush/vestible he passed moments ago. Still with me? If not lets clear it up before moving to item 3.

3. Martin had no choice now. He wasn't going to wait for GZ to say Boo, hello, or anything else. He took his chances and knocked GZ to the ground. Good job. Would YOU wait for a strange man who had just chased you to make the first move? Are we clear here? Is there anything you would have done differently if you were a black 17 year old in this situation? Before we proceed lets clear this one up and reach some kind of accord.

4. Arguably, Martin could have fled after knocking GZ down so why didn't he? I think we know why. Because GZ had drawn his gun during the chase. When he turned around and saw Martin, GZ had the gun in his hand. That spurred Martin to fight for his life. He couldn't run for fear of getting shot in the back. Martin cried for help as a struggle for the weapon ensued. Martin lost the battle. The "credible" witness saw just enough to see Martin on top of GZ, he didn't know the circumstances of how that came to be!

**note: Credible witness in your mind= a White witness!

1. He was followed not chased. There is a difference. There is no indication that Martin was afraid of bodily harm. It is more likely that he was provoked and angry.

2. "Cowering"? NOthing but spin on your part. And speculation. MOre likely Martin confronted Zimmerman and demanded to know what he was doing, and then attacked. And attacked because he sensed weakness not out of fear.

3. It is telling that even you cannot claim that Zimmerman attacked Martin.

4. Martin rushed a drawn gun? That's pretty brave. Why when the witness looked out his window was Martin beating Zimmerman then instead of grabbing the gun? Oh, because that didn't happen. Martin, pissed off that he was followed, attacked and started beating Zimmerman. The gun was discovered while he was sitting on top of Zimmerman's torso, beating him. Anyone who has ever carried understands how likely that is.

You want blacks to have the right to beat whites who piss them off. And whites who resist to be arrested.

Your rationalizations on this do not change your goal.

THis is a gap that will never be bridged.

Enjoy the racial harmony of today. This is the good old days.

Timeline of the shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

7:11:33 — Zimmerman tells the police dispatcher that Trayvon Martin is running.

7:11:59 — In reply to the dispatcher's question, "Are you following him?" Zimmerman responds with, "Yes." Dispatcher: "OK, we don't need you to do that." Zimmerman: "OK."

7:12:00 – 7:12:59 — The girl calls Martin again at some point during this minute.[14]

7:13:10 — Zimmerman says he does not know Martin's location.

7:13:41 — The end of Zimmerman's call to Sanford police.[14]

7:16:00 – 7:16:59 — Martin's call from the girl goes dead during this minute.[14][15] [the precise time surfaced during the trial, the call ends at 7:15:43, 1 minute and 12 seconds before the shot.]

7:16:11 — First 911 call from witness about a fight, calls for help heard.[16]

7:16:55 — Gunshot heard on 911 call.[17]

The key to my premise is whether GZ chased Martin or not. I submit to you that there is plenty of evidence to indicate he did.

The Prosecution's affidavit refers to the PURSUIT and elaborates that Martin tried to "run home but Zimmerman followed him, disregarding the police dispatcher's instructions not to PURSUE Martin. How do you follow a person who is running unless you run after them? Further, wind interference can be heard over GZ’s phone as he CHASES after Martin.


• Trayvon Martin may have been running from Zimmerman at first.

Seminole County Sheriff’s Department’s Computer Aided Dispatch shows that Zimmerman called police to report a suspicious person, then told them the subject was running from him. The exchange between the dispatcher and Zimmerman shows that he was advised not to continue to follow Martin. One witness interviewed said she saw one of the subjects chasing the other, but could not see who was who.

A recording of a female identified as Martin’s longtime friend who was on the phone with him just before the shooting said he began to run when he realized Zimmerman was following him.

Of course GZ has denied he chased Martin. Being the son of a retired judge, he probably knew the consequences of saying he pursued Martin so he denied it. GZ is a liar and his dishonesty was blatantly revealed for all to see when he lied about his finances and had his bail revoked as a result. In light of this, we can assume this lying killer was/is capable of anything at this point. And considering his other subsequent scrapes with the law... oh well...

Who Was Yelling for Help?

An officer at the scene overheard Zimmerman saying, "I was yelling for someone to help me but no one would help me," the report said."

Descriptions of Zimmerman's condition made me tend to believe him until I read this:

"Another officer corrected a witness after she told him that she heard the teen cry for help.

The officer told the witness, a long-time teacher, it was Zimmerman who cried for help, said the witness. ABC News has spoken to the teacher and she confirmed that the officer corrected her when she said she heard the teenager shout for help."

The bias was already starting. In effect the officer was saying: No objectivity here! It could not have been Martin calling for help! No ma’m you are mistaken. It was poor GZ for sure... HE SAID SO...listen to me, I know what’s right and you are mistaken.

More from eyewitnesses:

Mary Cutcher and her roommate said they heard Trayvon pleading. Then they heard a gunshot. They rushed outside and saw Mr. Zimmerman standing over the teenager.

That statement prompted this from one of the Martin family’s lawyers:

“It is so clear that this was a 17-year-old boy pleading for his life, and someone shot him in cold blood,” said Natalie Jackson, one of the Martin family lawyers.

That lawyer’s words were corroborated by the story of another witness who saw both combatants on the ground separated before the fatal shot was fired.

Really? The actually words the dispatcher used was "following", to which Zimmerman replied "Yes".

Running does not equal chasing.

The dispatcher did not tell him not do that, but that that was not "needed".

John, the witness from the window heard it as Zimmerman screaming.

The Martin Family lawyer's words are spin from a professional liar.
The dispatcher wasn't at the scene but GZ did answer correctly...he was no longer following, he was now chasing. Not in his mind, but in Martin's mind he was; and that is enough to evoke SYG on TM's behalf!

Running does equal chasing in this case. GZ was not just jogging for exercise. Perception is important here. TM's perception of GZ and his actions at this crucial time are key to defining the meaning of the SYG law. GZ and his cock lickers, like you, cannot comprehend that TM, the black kid, is reacting to a perceived threat . TM even told his girlfriend over the phone that he was scared.

John the witness was one of several witnesses. Some heard TM screaming. The screams were recorded but the expert voice analyzers
for the prosecution and defense contradicted each other.... (two white guys.)

The Martin family lawyer had reason to believe what she said was true.
GZ is the liar..the true professional liar because he reaped the biggest benefits of all from lying: his life and his freedom. I am not saying GZ set out to kill Martin, but he did put the lad in fear of his life by his actions. You OTOH see Martin as a calculating thug who wasn't afraid at all and who concocted a strategy to hide and waylay the guy who was chasing him. It seems unlikely that Martin would risk a confrontation in the dark with a man who could possibly be armed.

As I said earlier I think GZ ran past Martin's hiding place, stopped just beyond it and turned around to find Martin hiding behind some obstacle GZ had just passed. Martin had no where to go except upside of GZ's head as he should have... You don't wait for the other guy to make the first move in a situation like that where he has already made you feel threatened! His race doesn't matter either if you don't know him!

I have already explained how I believe the confrontation occurred and it makes sense.
So you get to shoot someone if you perceive they are chasing you? Wow. Didn't know that.

This guy is on your side of this issue, and probably most others.
Response to red: You still can't bring yourself to acknowledge that GZ chased Martin and put him in fear of bodily harm. Whether GZ intended to harm Martin initially is immaterial. He made TM feel threatened and that is enough to evoke the SYG law on TM's behalf.
Are we clear on that? Please do not go any further if you don't agree...we need to get past this point if any meaningful dialogue and mutual agreement is desirable.

If we agree on that point let's proceed to point 2.

2. Tm hid behind either a bush or a building vestibule and saw GZ run past him. GZ stopped and reported that he lost the "suspect." He then turned around to retun to his truck and saw Martin cowering behind the bush/vestible he passed moments ago. Still with me? If not lets clear it up before moving to item 3.

3. Martin had no choice now. He wasn't going to wait for GZ to say Boo, hello, or anything else. He took his chances and knocked GZ to the ground. Good job. Would YOU wait for a strange man who had just chased you to make the first move? Are we clear here? Is there anything you would have done differently if you were a black 17 year old in this situation? Before we proceed lets clear this one up and reach some kind of accord.

4. Arguably, Martin could have fled after knocking GZ down so why didn't he? I think we know why. Because GZ had drawn his gun during the chase. When he turned around and saw Martin, GZ had the gun in his hand. That spurred Martin to fight for his life. He couldn't run for fear of getting shot in the back. Martin cried for help as a struggle for the weapon ensued. Martin lost the battle. The "credible" witness saw just enough to see Martin on top of GZ, he didn't know the circumstances of how that came to be!

**note: Credible witness in your mind= a White witness!

1. He was followed not chased. There is a difference. There is no indication that Martin was afraid of bodily harm. It is more likely that he was provoked and angry.

2. "Cowering"? NOthing but spin on your part. And speculation. MOre likely Martin confronted Zimmerman and demanded to know what he was doing, and then attacked. And attacked because he sensed weakness not out of fear.

3. It is telling that even you cannot claim that Zimmerman attacked Martin.

4. Martin rushed a drawn gun? That's pretty brave. Why when the witness looked out his window was Martin beating Zimmerman then instead of grabbing the gun? Oh, because that didn't happen. Martin, pissed off that he was followed, attacked and started beating Zimmerman. The gun was discovered while he was sitting on top of Zimmerman's torso, beating him. Anyone who has ever carried understands how likely that is.

You want blacks to have the right to beat whites who piss them off. And whites who resist to be arrested.

Your rationalizations on this do not change your goal.

THis is a gap that will never be bridged.

Enjoy the racial harmony of today. This is the good old days.

Timeline of the shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

7:11:33 — Zimmerman tells the police dispatcher that Trayvon Martin is running.

7:11:59 — In reply to the dispatcher's question, "Are you following him?" Zimmerman responds with, "Yes." Dispatcher: "OK, we don't need you to do that." Zimmerman: "OK."

7:12:00 – 7:12:59 — The girl calls Martin again at some point during this minute.[14]

7:13:10 — Zimmerman says he does not know Martin's location.

7:13:41 — The end of Zimmerman's call to Sanford police.[14]

7:16:00 – 7:16:59 — Martin's call from the girl goes dead during this minute.[14][15] [the precise time surfaced during the trial, the call ends at 7:15:43, 1 minute and 12 seconds before the shot.]

7:16:11 — First 911 call from witness about a fight, calls for help heard.[16]

7:16:55 — Gunshot heard on 911 call.[17]

The key to my premise is whether GZ chased Martin or not. I submit to you that there is plenty of evidence to indicate he did.

The Prosecution's affidavit refers to the PURSUIT and elaborates that Martin tried to "run home but Zimmerman followed him, disregarding the police dispatcher's instructions not to PURSUE Martin. How do you follow a person who is running unless you run after them? Further, wind interference can be heard over GZ’s phone as he CHASES after Martin.


• Trayvon Martin may have been running from Zimmerman at first.

Seminole County Sheriff’s Department’s Computer Aided Dispatch shows that Zimmerman called police to report a suspicious person, then told them the subject was running from him. The exchange between the dispatcher and Zimmerman shows that he was advised not to continue to follow Martin. One witness interviewed said she saw one of the subjects chasing the other, but could not see who was who.

A recording of a female identified as Martin’s longtime friend who was on the phone with him just before the shooting said he began to run when he realized Zimmerman was following him.

Of course GZ has denied he chased Martin. Being the son of a retired judge, he probably knew the consequences of saying he pursued Martin so he denied it. GZ is a liar and his dishonesty was blatantly revealed for all to see when he lied about his finances and had his bail revoked as a result. In light of this, we can assume this lying killer was/is capable of anything at this point. And considering his other subsequent scrapes with the law... oh well...

Who Was Yelling for Help?

An officer at the scene overheard Zimmerman saying, "I was yelling for someone to help me but no one would help me," the report said."

Descriptions of Zimmerman's condition made me tend to believe him until I read this:

"Another officer corrected a witness after she told him that she heard the teen cry for help.

The officer told the witness, a long-time teacher, it was Zimmerman who cried for help, said the witness. ABC News has spoken to the teacher and she confirmed that the officer corrected her when she said she heard the teenager shout for help."

The bias was already starting. In effect the officer was saying: No objectivity here! It could not have been Martin calling for help! No ma’m you are mistaken. It was poor GZ for sure... HE SAID SO...listen to me, I know what’s right and you are mistaken.

More from eyewitnesses:

Mary Cutcher and her roommate said they heard Trayvon pleading. Then they heard a gunshot. They rushed outside and saw Mr. Zimmerman standing over the teenager.

That statement prompted this from one of the Martin family’s lawyers:

“It is so clear that this was a 17-year-old boy pleading for his life, and someone shot him in cold blood,” said Natalie Jackson, one of the Martin family lawyers.

That lawyer’s words were corroborated by the story of another witness who saw both combatants on the ground separated before the fatal shot was fired.

Really? The actually words the dispatcher used was "following", to which Zimmerman replied "Yes".

Running does not equal chasing.

The dispatcher did not tell him not do that, but that that was not "needed".

John, the witness from the window heard it as Zimmerman screaming.

The Martin Family lawyer's words are spin from a professional liar.
The dispatcher wasn't at the scene but GZ did answer correctly...he was no longer following, he was now chasing. Not in his mind, but in Martin's mind he was; and that is enough to evoke SYG on TM's behalf!

Running does equal chasing in this case. GZ was not just jogging for exercise. Perception is important here. TM's perception of GZ and his actions at this crucial time are key to defining the meaning of the SYG law. GZ and his cock lickers, like you, cannot comprehend that TM, the black kid, is reacting to a perceived threat . TM even told his girlfriend over the phone that he was scared.

John the witness was one of several witnesses. Some heard TM screaming. The screams were recorded but the expert voice analyzers
for the prosecution and defense contradicted each other.... (two white guys.)

The Martin family lawyer had reason to believe what she said was true.
GZ is the liar..the true professional liar because he reaped the biggest benefits of all from lying: his life and his freedom. I am not saying GZ set out to kill Martin, but he did put the lad in fear of his life by his actions. You OTOH see Martin as a calculating thug who wasn't afraid at all and who concocted a strategy to hide and waylay the guy who was chasing him. It seems unlikely that Martin would risk a confrontation in the dark with a man who could possibly be armed.

As I said earlier I think GZ ran past Martin's hiding place, stopped just beyond it and turned around to find Martin hiding behind some obstacle GZ had just passed. Martin had no where to go except upside of GZ's head as he should have... You don't wait for the other guy to make the first move in a situation like that where he has already made you feel threatened! His race doesn't matter either if you don't know him!

I have already explained how I believe the confrontation occurred and it makes sense.

You think that Martin really though some random white adult was looking to attack him for no reason, or is it more likely that he was thinking that some "cracker" was following him because he was a black teen in a gated community where he did not live?

("Walking while black" don't you know, and thus provoked, not afraid)

I find your assumption unlikely.

John was the best and most credible witness.

It is telling that you have to note that both the experts were white.

It is telling that you cannot even tell yourself that Zimmerman started the physical fight.

You are siding with the black guy because he is black.
Isn't a black expert an oxi moron? Jk.
1. He was followed not chased. There is a difference. There is no indication that Martin was afraid of bodily harm. It is more likely that he was provoked and angry.

2. "Cowering"? NOthing but spin on your part. And speculation. MOre likely Martin confronted Zimmerman and demanded to know what he was doing, and then attacked. And attacked because he sensed weakness not out of fear.

3. It is telling that even you cannot claim that Zimmerman attacked Martin.

4. Martin rushed a drawn gun? That's pretty brave. Why when the witness looked out his window was Martin beating Zimmerman then instead of grabbing the gun? Oh, because that didn't happen. Martin, pissed off that he was followed, attacked and started beating Zimmerman. The gun was discovered while he was sitting on top of Zimmerman's torso, beating him. Anyone who has ever carried understands how likely that is.

You want blacks to have the right to beat whites who piss them off. And whites who resist to be arrested.

Your rationalizations on this do not change your goal.

THis is a gap that will never be bridged.

Enjoy the racial harmony of today. This is the good old days.

Timeline of the shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

7:11:33 — Zimmerman tells the police dispatcher that Trayvon Martin is running.

7:11:59 — In reply to the dispatcher's question, "Are you following him?" Zimmerman responds with, "Yes." Dispatcher: "OK, we don't need you to do that." Zimmerman: "OK."

7:12:00 – 7:12:59 — The girl calls Martin again at some point during this minute.[14]

7:13:10 — Zimmerman says he does not know Martin's location.

7:13:41 — The end of Zimmerman's call to Sanford police.[14]

7:16:00 – 7:16:59 — Martin's call from the girl goes dead during this minute.[14][15] [the precise time surfaced during the trial, the call ends at 7:15:43, 1 minute and 12 seconds before the shot.]

7:16:11 — First 911 call from witness about a fight, calls for help heard.[16]

7:16:55 — Gunshot heard on 911 call.[17]

The key to my premise is whether GZ chased Martin or not. I submit to you that there is plenty of evidence to indicate he did.

The Prosecution's affidavit refers to the PURSUIT and elaborates that Martin tried to "run home but Zimmerman followed him, disregarding the police dispatcher's instructions not to PURSUE Martin. How do you follow a person who is running unless you run after them? Further, wind interference can be heard over GZ’s phone as he CHASES after Martin.


• Trayvon Martin may have been running from Zimmerman at first.

Seminole County Sheriff’s Department’s Computer Aided Dispatch shows that Zimmerman called police to report a suspicious person, then told them the subject was running from him. The exchange between the dispatcher and Zimmerman shows that he was advised not to continue to follow Martin. One witness interviewed said she saw one of the subjects chasing the other, but could not see who was who.

A recording of a female identified as Martin’s longtime friend who was on the phone with him just before the shooting said he began to run when he realized Zimmerman was following him.

Of course GZ has denied he chased Martin. Being the son of a retired judge, he probably knew the consequences of saying he pursued Martin so he denied it. GZ is a liar and his dishonesty was blatantly revealed for all to see when he lied about his finances and had his bail revoked as a result. In light of this, we can assume this lying killer was/is capable of anything at this point. And considering his other subsequent scrapes with the law... oh well...

Who Was Yelling for Help?

An officer at the scene overheard Zimmerman saying, "I was yelling for someone to help me but no one would help me," the report said."

Descriptions of Zimmerman's condition made me tend to believe him until I read this:

"Another officer corrected a witness after she told him that she heard the teen cry for help.

The officer told the witness, a long-time teacher, it was Zimmerman who cried for help, said the witness. ABC News has spoken to the teacher and she confirmed that the officer corrected her when she said she heard the teenager shout for help."

The bias was already starting. In effect the officer was saying: No objectivity here! It could not have been Martin calling for help! No ma’m you are mistaken. It was poor GZ for sure... HE SAID SO...listen to me, I know what’s right and you are mistaken.

More from eyewitnesses:

Mary Cutcher and her roommate said they heard Trayvon pleading. Then they heard a gunshot. They rushed outside and saw Mr. Zimmerman standing over the teenager.

That statement prompted this from one of the Martin family’s lawyers:

“It is so clear that this was a 17-year-old boy pleading for his life, and someone shot him in cold blood,” said Natalie Jackson, one of the Martin family lawyers.

That lawyer’s words were corroborated by the story of another witness who saw both combatants on the ground separated before the fatal shot was fired.

Really? The actually words the dispatcher used was "following", to which Zimmerman replied "Yes".

Running does not equal chasing.

The dispatcher did not tell him not do that, but that that was not "needed".

John, the witness from the window heard it as Zimmerman screaming.

The Martin Family lawyer's words are spin from a professional liar.
The dispatcher wasn't at the scene but GZ did answer correctly...he was no longer following, he was now chasing. Not in his mind, but in Martin's mind he was; and that is enough to evoke SYG on TM's behalf!

Running does equal chasing in this case. GZ was not just jogging for exercise. Perception is important here. TM's perception of GZ and his actions at this crucial time are key to defining the meaning of the SYG law. GZ and his cock lickers, like you, cannot comprehend that TM, the black kid, is reacting to a perceived threat . TM even told his girlfriend over the phone that he was scared.

John the witness was one of several witnesses. Some heard TM screaming. The screams were recorded but the expert voice analyzers
for the prosecution and defense contradicted each other.... (two white guys.)

The Martin family lawyer had reason to believe what she said was true.
GZ is the liar..the true professional liar because he reaped the biggest benefits of all from lying: his life and his freedom. I am not saying GZ set out to kill Martin, but he did put the lad in fear of his life by his actions. You OTOH see Martin as a calculating thug who wasn't afraid at all and who concocted a strategy to hide and waylay the guy who was chasing him. It seems unlikely that Martin would risk a confrontation in the dark with a man who could possibly be armed.

As I said earlier I think GZ ran past Martin's hiding place, stopped just beyond it and turned around to find Martin hiding behind some obstacle GZ had just passed. Martin had no where to go except upside of GZ's head as he should have... You don't wait for the other guy to make the first move in a situation like that where he has already made you feel threatened! His race doesn't matter either if you don't know him!

I have already explained how I believe the confrontation occurred and it makes sense.

You think that Martin really though some random white adult was looking to attack him for no reason, or is it more likely that he was thinking that some "cracker" was following him because he was a black teen in a gated community where he did not live?

("Walking while black" don't you know, and thus provoked, not afraid)

I find your assumption unlikely.

John was the best and most credible witness.

It is telling that you have to note that both the experts were white.

It is telling that you cannot even tell yourself that Zimmerman started the physical fight.

You are siding with the black guy because he is black.
Isn't a black expert an oxi moron? Jk.


My father in law has been a gun smith for over 40 years.

HE was used as a expert in a trial.

He testified that the story of the defendant was not possible.

The defense lawyer who hired him, thanked him, paid him 400$ for an half an hours work, and he has never been been used as a expert witness again.

The motivation of the experts is to tell the story their clients want.

REgardless of skin color.
Response to red: You still can't bring yourself to acknowledge that GZ chased Martin and put him in fear of bodily harm. Whether GZ intended to harm Martin initially is immaterial. He made TM feel threatened and that is enough to evoke the SYG law on TM's behalf.
Are we clear on that? Please do not go any further if you don't agree...we need to get past this point if any meaningful dialogue and mutual agreement is desirable.

If we agree on that point let's proceed to point 2.

2. Tm hid behind either a bush or a building vestibule and saw GZ run past him. GZ stopped and reported that he lost the "suspect." He then turned around to retun to his truck and saw Martin cowering behind the bush/vestible he passed moments ago. Still with me? If not lets clear it up before moving to item 3.

3. Martin had no choice now. He wasn't going to wait for GZ to say Boo, hello, or anything else. He took his chances and knocked GZ to the ground. Good job. Would YOU wait for a strange man who had just chased you to make the first move? Are we clear here? Is there anything you would have done differently if you were a black 17 year old in this situation? Before we proceed lets clear this one up and reach some kind of accord.

4. Arguably, Martin could have fled after knocking GZ down so why didn't he? I think we know why. Because GZ had drawn his gun during the chase. When he turned around and saw Martin, GZ had the gun in his hand. That spurred Martin to fight for his life. He couldn't run for fear of getting shot in the back. Martin cried for help as a struggle for the weapon ensued. Martin lost the battle. The "credible" witness saw just enough to see Martin on top of GZ, he didn't know the circumstances of how that came to be!

**note: Credible witness in your mind= a White witness!

1. He was followed not chased. There is a difference. There is no indication that Martin was afraid of bodily harm. It is more likely that he was provoked and angry.

2. "Cowering"? NOthing but spin on your part. And speculation. MOre likely Martin confronted Zimmerman and demanded to know what he was doing, and then attacked. And attacked because he sensed weakness not out of fear.

3. It is telling that even you cannot claim that Zimmerman attacked Martin.

4. Martin rushed a drawn gun? That's pretty brave. Why when the witness looked out his window was Martin beating Zimmerman then instead of grabbing the gun? Oh, because that didn't happen. Martin, pissed off that he was followed, attacked and started beating Zimmerman. The gun was discovered while he was sitting on top of Zimmerman's torso, beating him. Anyone who has ever carried understands how likely that is.

You want blacks to have the right to beat whites who piss them off. And whites who resist to be arrested.

Your rationalizations on this do not change your goal.

THis is a gap that will never be bridged.

Enjoy the racial harmony of today. This is the good old days.

Timeline of the shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

7:11:33 — Zimmerman tells the police dispatcher that Trayvon Martin is running.

7:11:59 — In reply to the dispatcher's question, "Are you following him?" Zimmerman responds with, "Yes." Dispatcher: "OK, we don't need you to do that." Zimmerman: "OK."

7:12:00 – 7:12:59 — The girl calls Martin again at some point during this minute.[14]

7:13:10 — Zimmerman says he does not know Martin's location.

7:13:41 — The end of Zimmerman's call to Sanford police.[14]

7:16:00 – 7:16:59 — Martin's call from the girl goes dead during this minute.[14][15] [the precise time surfaced during the trial, the call ends at 7:15:43, 1 minute and 12 seconds before the shot.]

7:16:11 — First 911 call from witness about a fight, calls for help heard.[16]

7:16:55 — Gunshot heard on 911 call.[17]

The key to my premise is whether GZ chased Martin or not. I submit to you that there is plenty of evidence to indicate he did.

The Prosecution's affidavit refers to the PURSUIT and elaborates that Martin tried to "run home but Zimmerman followed him, disregarding the police dispatcher's instructions not to PURSUE Martin. How do you follow a person who is running unless you run after them? Further, wind interference can be heard over GZ’s phone as he CHASES after Martin.


• Trayvon Martin may have been running from Zimmerman at first.

Seminole County Sheriff’s Department’s Computer Aided Dispatch shows that Zimmerman called police to report a suspicious person, then told them the subject was running from him. The exchange between the dispatcher and Zimmerman shows that he was advised not to continue to follow Martin. One witness interviewed said she saw one of the subjects chasing the other, but could not see who was who.

A recording of a female identified as Martin’s longtime friend who was on the phone with him just before the shooting said he began to run when he realized Zimmerman was following him.

Of course GZ has denied he chased Martin. Being the son of a retired judge, he probably knew the consequences of saying he pursued Martin so he denied it. GZ is a liar and his dishonesty was blatantly revealed for all to see when he lied about his finances and had his bail revoked as a result. In light of this, we can assume this lying killer was/is capable of anything at this point. And considering his other subsequent scrapes with the law... oh well...

Who Was Yelling for Help?

An officer at the scene overheard Zimmerman saying, "I was yelling for someone to help me but no one would help me," the report said."

Descriptions of Zimmerman's condition made me tend to believe him until I read this:

"Another officer corrected a witness after she told him that she heard the teen cry for help.

The officer told the witness, a long-time teacher, it was Zimmerman who cried for help, said the witness. ABC News has spoken to the teacher and she confirmed that the officer corrected her when she said she heard the teenager shout for help."

The bias was already starting. In effect the officer was saying: No objectivity here! It could not have been Martin calling for help! No ma’m you are mistaken. It was poor GZ for sure... HE SAID SO...listen to me, I know what’s right and you are mistaken.

More from eyewitnesses:

Mary Cutcher and her roommate said they heard Trayvon pleading. Then they heard a gunshot. They rushed outside and saw Mr. Zimmerman standing over the teenager.

That statement prompted this from one of the Martin family’s lawyers:

“It is so clear that this was a 17-year-old boy pleading for his life, and someone shot him in cold blood,” said Natalie Jackson, one of the Martin family lawyers.

That lawyer’s words were corroborated by the story of another witness who saw both combatants on the ground separated before the fatal shot was fired.
Before I continue, are you saying that fat phuck caught trevon in a foot race?

Why was he running?

What happened when Zimmerman met up with trevon?

I didn't say that GZ caught TM, I am saying he chased him and ran past TM's subsequent hiding place..see post 567 for more details!
Hiding place? Your story is sounding weaker and weaker as time goes on. Sorry, just being honest. I don't think the kid should have lost his life but I hope you are understanding where I'm coming from. Just doesn't add up. If the kid was in a gated community and a neighborhood watch guy is approaching him, no he doesn't get to beat the guy up because he's offended. What is he doing there? Maybe it was mistaken identity? Maybe Zimmerman was chasing after his tall black male lover. I would stop and ask why he's following me. Can I help you? And if he said I was trespassing I'd leave. Maybe I'd talk a little smack but when he pulled out a gun I'd change my tune.

Seems blacks aren't afraid when a gun is pulled on them.

It adds up, you just want to modify the numbers so the sum is in your favor. The weakness is in your failure to observe the facts. I even posted the time line and linked a map of the crime scene with labels

Still, you persist with the crazy notion that somehow GZ's unofficial status as a night watchman, who never identified himself as such, gives him the right to harass by following, then chasing after someone and putting them in fear of their life; intentional or not.. GZ was just a dumb fuck who had no idea of how to deal with people. If he wanted to question Martin, why not yell at a distance and ask him for a light or pretend he was lost and looking for someone? You don't just start harassing people who don't know you just because they are not white and look suspicious just based on their being black .GZ was a bona fide NUT case and should never had access to a gun in the first place.

What was TM doing there? He lived there. TM just might as well have asked what was GZ doing there?

BOTTOM LINE: Trayvon told his girlfriend he was afraid of the strange man following him. TM ran, and GZ had to run to see where he went.
TM must have thought GZ was a KKK idiot or some kind of fiend capable of God knows what. Everything might have been a terrible misunderstanding by both parties, each perceiving the other as a boogie man bent on doing evil. In that scenario, GZ was the initial aggressor by mishandling the situation and making Martin fearful.
I have already described the series of events that took place after that.
Try putting yourself in TM's shoes and your premise won't sound so bigoted and morally reprehensible!
1. He was followed not chased. There is a difference. There is no indication that Martin was afraid of bodily harm. It is more likely that he was provoked and angry.

2. "Cowering"? NOthing but spin on your part. And speculation. MOre likely Martin confronted Zimmerman and demanded to know what he was doing, and then attacked. And attacked because he sensed weakness not out of fear.

3. It is telling that even you cannot claim that Zimmerman attacked Martin.

4. Martin rushed a drawn gun? That's pretty brave. Why when the witness looked out his window was Martin beating Zimmerman then instead of grabbing the gun? Oh, because that didn't happen. Martin, pissed off that he was followed, attacked and started beating Zimmerman. The gun was discovered while he was sitting on top of Zimmerman's torso, beating him. Anyone who has ever carried understands how likely that is.

You want blacks to have the right to beat whites who piss them off. And whites who resist to be arrested.

Your rationalizations on this do not change your goal.

THis is a gap that will never be bridged.

Enjoy the racial harmony of today. This is the good old days.

Timeline of the shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

7:11:33 — Zimmerman tells the police dispatcher that Trayvon Martin is running.

7:11:59 — In reply to the dispatcher's question, "Are you following him?" Zimmerman responds with, "Yes." Dispatcher: "OK, we don't need you to do that." Zimmerman: "OK."

7:12:00 – 7:12:59 — The girl calls Martin again at some point during this minute.[14]

7:13:10 — Zimmerman says he does not know Martin's location.

7:13:41 — The end of Zimmerman's call to Sanford police.[14]

7:16:00 – 7:16:59 — Martin's call from the girl goes dead during this minute.[14][15] [the precise time surfaced during the trial, the call ends at 7:15:43, 1 minute and 12 seconds before the shot.]

7:16:11 — First 911 call from witness about a fight, calls for help heard.[16]

7:16:55 — Gunshot heard on 911 call.[17]

The key to my premise is whether GZ chased Martin or not. I submit to you that there is plenty of evidence to indicate he did.

The Prosecution's affidavit refers to the PURSUIT and elaborates that Martin tried to "run home but Zimmerman followed him, disregarding the police dispatcher's instructions not to PURSUE Martin. How do you follow a person who is running unless you run after them? Further, wind interference can be heard over GZ’s phone as he CHASES after Martin.


• Trayvon Martin may have been running from Zimmerman at first.

Seminole County Sheriff’s Department’s Computer Aided Dispatch shows that Zimmerman called police to report a suspicious person, then told them the subject was running from him. The exchange between the dispatcher and Zimmerman shows that he was advised not to continue to follow Martin. One witness interviewed said she saw one of the subjects chasing the other, but could not see who was who.

A recording of a female identified as Martin’s longtime friend who was on the phone with him just before the shooting said he began to run when he realized Zimmerman was following him.

Of course GZ has denied he chased Martin. Being the son of a retired judge, he probably knew the consequences of saying he pursued Martin so he denied it. GZ is a liar and his dishonesty was blatantly revealed for all to see when he lied about his finances and had his bail revoked as a result. In light of this, we can assume this lying killer was/is capable of anything at this point. And considering his other subsequent scrapes with the law... oh well...

Who Was Yelling for Help?

An officer at the scene overheard Zimmerman saying, "I was yelling for someone to help me but no one would help me," the report said."

Descriptions of Zimmerman's condition made me tend to believe him until I read this:

"Another officer corrected a witness after she told him that she heard the teen cry for help.

The officer told the witness, a long-time teacher, it was Zimmerman who cried for help, said the witness. ABC News has spoken to the teacher and she confirmed that the officer corrected her when she said she heard the teenager shout for help."

The bias was already starting. In effect the officer was saying: No objectivity here! It could not have been Martin calling for help! No ma’m you are mistaken. It was poor GZ for sure... HE SAID SO...listen to me, I know what’s right and you are mistaken.

More from eyewitnesses:

Mary Cutcher and her roommate said they heard Trayvon pleading. Then they heard a gunshot. They rushed outside and saw Mr. Zimmerman standing over the teenager.

That statement prompted this from one of the Martin family’s lawyers:

“It is so clear that this was a 17-year-old boy pleading for his life, and someone shot him in cold blood,” said Natalie Jackson, one of the Martin family lawyers.

That lawyer’s words were corroborated by the story of another witness who saw both combatants on the ground separated before the fatal shot was fired.

Really? The actually words the dispatcher used was "following", to which Zimmerman replied "Yes".

Running does not equal chasing.

The dispatcher did not tell him not do that, but that that was not "needed".

John, the witness from the window heard it as Zimmerman screaming.

The Martin Family lawyer's words are spin from a professional liar.
The dispatcher wasn't at the scene but GZ did answer correctly...he was no longer following, he was now chasing. Not in his mind, but in Martin's mind he was; and that is enough to evoke SYG on TM's behalf!

Running does equal chasing in this case. GZ was not just jogging for exercise. Perception is important here. TM's perception of GZ and his actions at this crucial time are key to defining the meaning of the SYG law. GZ and his cock lickers, like you, cannot comprehend that TM, the black kid, is reacting to a perceived threat . TM even told his girlfriend over the phone that he was scared.

John the witness was one of several witnesses. Some heard TM screaming. The screams were recorded but the expert voice analyzers
for the prosecution and defense contradicted each other.... (two white guys.)

The Martin family lawyer had reason to believe what she said was true.
GZ is the liar..the true professional liar because he reaped the biggest benefits of all from lying: his life and his freedom. I am not saying GZ set out to kill Martin, but he did put the lad in fear of his life by his actions. You OTOH see Martin as a calculating thug who wasn't afraid at all and who concocted a strategy to hide and waylay the guy who was chasing him. It seems unlikely that Martin would risk a confrontation in the dark with a man who could possibly be armed.

As I said earlier I think GZ ran past Martin's hiding place, stopped just beyond it and turned around to find Martin hiding behind some obstacle GZ had just passed. Martin had no where to go except upside of GZ's head as he should have... You don't wait for the other guy to make the first move in a situation like that where he has already made you feel threatened! His race doesn't matter either if you don't know him!

I have already explained how I believe the confrontation occurred and it makes sense.

You think that Martin really though some random white adult was looking to attack him for no reason, or is it more likely that he was thinking that some "cracker" was following him because he was a black teen in a gated community where he did not live?

("Walking while black" don't you know, and thus provoked, not afraid)

I find your assumption unlikely.

John was the best and most credible witness.

It is telling that you have to note that both the experts were white.

It is telling that you cannot even tell yourself that Zimmerman started the physical fight.

You are siding with the black guy because he is black.
Isn't a black expert an oxi moron? Jk.
Is that supposed to be funny? BTW the word is oxymoron.

Millions of white Americans believe as I do... go back and look at the poll results I posted.
Next time a black guy approaches me I'm going to perceive him as a threat and I'm going to kick the living shit out of him.

Lets not get hooked up on semantics. If a Black guy acted like GZ on a dark rainy night and chased after TM under the same circumstances, TM would have had every right to use deadly force against the PERCEIVED threat. Those are not MY words...it is in the SYG law.

GZ's race and unofficial night watchman status didn't mean a damn thing .
1. He was followed not chased. There is a difference. There is no indication that Martin was afraid of bodily harm. It is more likely that he was provoked and angry.

2. "Cowering"? NOthing but spin on your part. And speculation. MOre likely Martin confronted Zimmerman and demanded to know what he was doing, and then attacked. And attacked because he sensed weakness not out of fear.

3. It is telling that even you cannot claim that Zimmerman attacked Martin.

4. Martin rushed a drawn gun? That's pretty brave. Why when the witness looked out his window was Martin beating Zimmerman then instead of grabbing the gun? Oh, because that didn't happen. Martin, pissed off that he was followed, attacked and started beating Zimmerman. The gun was discovered while he was sitting on top of Zimmerman's torso, beating him. Anyone who has ever carried understands how likely that is.

You want blacks to have the right to beat whites who piss them off. And whites who resist to be arrested.

Your rationalizations on this do not change your goal.

THis is a gap that will never be bridged.

Enjoy the racial harmony of today. This is the good old days.

Timeline of the shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

7:11:33 — Zimmerman tells the police dispatcher that Trayvon Martin is running.

7:11:59 — In reply to the dispatcher's question, "Are you following him?" Zimmerman responds with, "Yes." Dispatcher: "OK, we don't need you to do that." Zimmerman: "OK."

7:12:00 – 7:12:59 — The girl calls Martin again at some point during this minute.[14]

7:13:10 — Zimmerman says he does not know Martin's location.

7:13:41 — The end of Zimmerman's call to Sanford police.[14]

7:16:00 – 7:16:59 — Martin's call from the girl goes dead during this minute.[14][15] [the precise time surfaced during the trial, the call ends at 7:15:43, 1 minute and 12 seconds before the shot.]

7:16:11 — First 911 call from witness about a fight, calls for help heard.[16]

7:16:55 — Gunshot heard on 911 call.[17]

The key to my premise is whether GZ chased Martin or not. I submit to you that there is plenty of evidence to indicate he did.

The Prosecution's affidavit refers to the PURSUIT and elaborates that Martin tried to "run home but Zimmerman followed him, disregarding the police dispatcher's instructions not to PURSUE Martin. How do you follow a person who is running unless you run after them? Further, wind interference can be heard over GZ’s phone as he CHASES after Martin.


• Trayvon Martin may have been running from Zimmerman at first.

Seminole County Sheriff’s Department’s Computer Aided Dispatch shows that Zimmerman called police to report a suspicious person, then told them the subject was running from him. The exchange between the dispatcher and Zimmerman shows that he was advised not to continue to follow Martin. One witness interviewed said she saw one of the subjects chasing the other, but could not see who was who.

A recording of a female identified as Martin’s longtime friend who was on the phone with him just before the shooting said he began to run when he realized Zimmerman was following him.

Of course GZ has denied he chased Martin. Being the son of a retired judge, he probably knew the consequences of saying he pursued Martin so he denied it. GZ is a liar and his dishonesty was blatantly revealed for all to see when he lied about his finances and had his bail revoked as a result. In light of this, we can assume this lying killer was/is capable of anything at this point. And considering his other subsequent scrapes with the law... oh well...

Who Was Yelling for Help?

An officer at the scene overheard Zimmerman saying, "I was yelling for someone to help me but no one would help me," the report said."

Descriptions of Zimmerman's condition made me tend to believe him until I read this:

"Another officer corrected a witness after she told him that she heard the teen cry for help.

The officer told the witness, a long-time teacher, it was Zimmerman who cried for help, said the witness. ABC News has spoken to the teacher and she confirmed that the officer corrected her when she said she heard the teenager shout for help."

The bias was already starting. In effect the officer was saying: No objectivity here! It could not have been Martin calling for help! No ma’m you are mistaken. It was poor GZ for sure... HE SAID SO...listen to me, I know what’s right and you are mistaken.

More from eyewitnesses:

Mary Cutcher and her roommate said they heard Trayvon pleading. Then they heard a gunshot. They rushed outside and saw Mr. Zimmerman standing over the teenager.

That statement prompted this from one of the Martin family’s lawyers:

“It is so clear that this was a 17-year-old boy pleading for his life, and someone shot him in cold blood,” said Natalie Jackson, one of the Martin family lawyers.

That lawyer’s words were corroborated by the story of another witness who saw both combatants on the ground separated before the fatal shot was fired.
Before I continue, are you saying that fat phuck caught trevon in a foot race?

Why was he running?

What happened when Zimmerman met up with trevon?

I didn't say that GZ caught TM, I am saying he chased him and ran past TM's subsequent hiding place..see post 567 for more details!
Hiding place? Your story is sounding weaker and weaker as time goes on. Sorry, just being honest. I don't think the kid should have lost his life but I hope you are understanding where I'm coming from. Just doesn't add up. If the kid was in a gated community and a neighborhood watch guy is approaching him, no he doesn't get to beat the guy up because he's offended. What is he doing there? Maybe it was mistaken identity? Maybe Zimmerman was chasing after his tall black male lover. I would stop and ask why he's following me. Can I help you? And if he said I was trespassing I'd leave. Maybe I'd talk a little smack but when he pulled out a gun I'd change my tune.

Seems blacks aren't afraid when a gun is pulled on them.

It adds up, you just want to modify the numbers so the sum is in your favor. The weakness is in your failure to observe the facts. I even posted the time line and linked a map of the crime scene with labels

Still, you persist with the crazy notion that somehow GZ's unofficial status as a night watchman, who never identified himself as such, gives him the right to harass by following, then chasing after someone and putting them in fear of their life; intentional or not.. GZ was just a dumb fuck who had no idea of how to deal with people. If he wanted to question Martin, why not yell at a distance and ask him for a light or pretend he was lost and looking for someone? You don't just start harassing people who don't know you just because they are not white and look suspicious just based on their being black .GZ was a bona fide NUT case and should never had access to a gun in the first place.

What was TM doing there? He lived there. TM just might as well have asked what was GZ doing there?

BOTTOM LINE: Trayvon told his girlfriend he was afraid of the strange man following him. TM ran, and GZ had to run to see where he went.
TM must have thought GZ was a KKK idiot or some kind of fiend capable of God knows what. Everything might have been a terrible misunderstanding by both parties, each perceiving the other as a boogie man bent on doing evil. In that scenario, GZ was the initial aggressor by mishandling the situation and making Martin fearful.
I have already described the series of events that took place after that.
Try putting yourself in TM's shoes and your premise won't sound so bigoted and morally reprehensible!
I can see your point. Guy comes running up on you and gets in your face. You push him off and tell him to back off but he's being aggressive. I can see beating his ass. And then him killing me.

I forget the reasons I don't like stand your ground. It makes murder by guys like Zimmerman. Before stand your ground Zimmerman just gets an ass whoopin.

I'm back on trevon martins side. Unfortunately stand your ground is the law.

Did treyvon live in that gated community? I thought not.

Timeline of the shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

7:11:33 — Zimmerman tells the police dispatcher that Trayvon Martin is running.

7:11:59 — In reply to the dispatcher's question, "Are you following him?" Zimmerman responds with, "Yes." Dispatcher: "OK, we don't need you to do that." Zimmerman: "OK."

7:12:00 – 7:12:59 — The girl calls Martin again at some point during this minute.[14]

7:13:10 — Zimmerman says he does not know Martin's location.

7:13:41 — The end of Zimmerman's call to Sanford police.[14]

7:16:00 – 7:16:59 — Martin's call from the girl goes dead during this minute.[14][15] [the precise time surfaced during the trial, the call ends at 7:15:43, 1 minute and 12 seconds before the shot.]

7:16:11 — First 911 call from witness about a fight, calls for help heard.[16]

7:16:55 — Gunshot heard on 911 call.[17]

The key to my premise is whether GZ chased Martin or not. I submit to you that there is plenty of evidence to indicate he did.

The Prosecution's affidavit refers to the PURSUIT and elaborates that Martin tried to "run home but Zimmerman followed him, disregarding the police dispatcher's instructions not to PURSUE Martin. How do you follow a person who is running unless you run after them? Further, wind interference can be heard over GZ’s phone as he CHASES after Martin.


• Trayvon Martin may have been running from Zimmerman at first.

Seminole County Sheriff’s Department’s Computer Aided Dispatch shows that Zimmerman called police to report a suspicious person, then told them the subject was running from him. The exchange between the dispatcher and Zimmerman shows that he was advised not to continue to follow Martin. One witness interviewed said she saw one of the subjects chasing the other, but could not see who was who.

A recording of a female identified as Martin’s longtime friend who was on the phone with him just before the shooting said he began to run when he realized Zimmerman was following him.

Of course GZ has denied he chased Martin. Being the son of a retired judge, he probably knew the consequences of saying he pursued Martin so he denied it. GZ is a liar and his dishonesty was blatantly revealed for all to see when he lied about his finances and had his bail revoked as a result. In light of this, we can assume this lying killer was/is capable of anything at this point. And considering his other subsequent scrapes with the law... oh well...

Who Was Yelling for Help?

An officer at the scene overheard Zimmerman saying, "I was yelling for someone to help me but no one would help me," the report said."

Descriptions of Zimmerman's condition made me tend to believe him until I read this:

"Another officer corrected a witness after she told him that she heard the teen cry for help.

The officer told the witness, a long-time teacher, it was Zimmerman who cried for help, said the witness. ABC News has spoken to the teacher and she confirmed that the officer corrected her when she said she heard the teenager shout for help."

The bias was already starting. In effect the officer was saying: No objectivity here! It could not have been Martin calling for help! No ma’m you are mistaken. It was poor GZ for sure... HE SAID SO...listen to me, I know what’s right and you are mistaken.

More from eyewitnesses:

Mary Cutcher and her roommate said they heard Trayvon pleading. Then they heard a gunshot. They rushed outside and saw Mr. Zimmerman standing over the teenager.

That statement prompted this from one of the Martin family’s lawyers:

“It is so clear that this was a 17-year-old boy pleading for his life, and someone shot him in cold blood,” said Natalie Jackson, one of the Martin family lawyers.

That lawyer’s words were corroborated by the story of another witness who saw both combatants on the ground separated before the fatal shot was fired.

Really? The actually words the dispatcher used was "following", to which Zimmerman replied "Yes".

Running does not equal chasing.

The dispatcher did not tell him not do that, but that that was not "needed".

John, the witness from the window heard it as Zimmerman screaming.

The Martin Family lawyer's words are spin from a professional liar.
The dispatcher wasn't at the scene but GZ did answer correctly...he was no longer following, he was now chasing. Not in his mind, but in Martin's mind he was; and that is enough to evoke SYG on TM's behalf!

Running does equal chasing in this case. GZ was not just jogging for exercise. Perception is important here. TM's perception of GZ and his actions at this crucial time are key to defining the meaning of the SYG law. GZ and his cock lickers, like you, cannot comprehend that TM, the black kid, is reacting to a perceived threat . TM even told his girlfriend over the phone that he was scared.

John the witness was one of several witnesses. Some heard TM screaming. The screams were recorded but the expert voice analyzers
for the prosecution and defense contradicted each other.... (two white guys.)

The Martin family lawyer had reason to believe what she said was true.
GZ is the liar..the true professional liar because he reaped the biggest benefits of all from lying: his life and his freedom. I am not saying GZ set out to kill Martin, but he did put the lad in fear of his life by his actions. You OTOH see Martin as a calculating thug who wasn't afraid at all and who concocted a strategy to hide and waylay the guy who was chasing him. It seems unlikely that Martin would risk a confrontation in the dark with a man who could possibly be armed.

As I said earlier I think GZ ran past Martin's hiding place, stopped just beyond it and turned around to find Martin hiding behind some obstacle GZ had just passed. Martin had no where to go except upside of GZ's head as he should have... You don't wait for the other guy to make the first move in a situation like that where he has already made you feel threatened! His race doesn't matter either if you don't know him!

I have already explained how I believe the confrontation occurred and it makes sense.

You think that Martin really though some random white adult was looking to attack him for no reason, or is it more likely that he was thinking that some "cracker" was following him because he was a black teen in a gated community where he did not live?

("Walking while black" don't you know, and thus provoked, not afraid)

I find your assumption unlikely.

John was the best and most credible witness.

It is telling that you have to note that both the experts were white.

It is telling that you cannot even tell yourself that Zimmerman started the physical fight.

You are siding with the black guy because he is black.
Isn't a black expert an oxi moron? Jk.
Is that supposed to be funny? BTW the word is oxymoron.

Millions of white Americans believe as I do... go back and look at the poll results I posted.
I don't completely disagree either. Yea supposed to be funny.
Next time a black guy approaches me I'm going to perceive him as a threat and I'm going to kick the living shit out of him.

Lets not get hooked up on semantics. If a Black guy acted like GZ on a dark rainy night and chased after TM under the same circumstances, TM would have had every right to use deadly force against the PERCEIVED threat. Those are not MY words...it is in the SYG law.

GZ's race and unofficial night watchman status didn't mean a damn thing .
I think people who defend George Zimmerman defend the Stand Your Ground law. I do not support this law
Even though I technically used it as a defense in a trial I was in once but there were no guns involved it was just a fight and the cops charged me because I hit the guy first and I told the police you don't have to be hit first to defend yourself but the police arrested me anyways. So I do understand and don't completely disagree with all the details and stand your ground but I'm the most for the most I don't like the law it needs to be re wrote

But he was coming at me. Zimmerman was the persuer.
Next time a black guy approaches me I'm going to perceive him as a threat and I'm going to kick the living shit out of him.

Lets not get hooked up on semantics. If a Black guy acted like GZ on a dark rainy night and chased after TM under the same circumstances, TM would have had every right to use deadly force against the PERCEIVED threat. Those are not MY words...it is in the SYG law.

GZ's race and unofficial night watchman status didn't mean a damn thing .
I really would be an impartial juror. I've gone back and forth on this.

Did trevon live there? That's important.

But no doubt Zimmerman's a bitch.

Timeline of the shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

7:11:33 — Zimmerman tells the police dispatcher that Trayvon Martin is running.

7:11:59 — In reply to the dispatcher's question, "Are you following him?" Zimmerman responds with, "Yes." Dispatcher: "OK, we don't need you to do that." Zimmerman: "OK."

7:12:00 – 7:12:59 — The girl calls Martin again at some point during this minute.[14]

7:13:10 — Zimmerman says he does not know Martin's location.

7:13:41 — The end of Zimmerman's call to Sanford police.[14]

7:16:00 – 7:16:59 — Martin's call from the girl goes dead during this minute.[14][15] [the precise time surfaced during the trial, the call ends at 7:15:43, 1 minute and 12 seconds before the shot.]

7:16:11 — First 911 call from witness about a fight, calls for help heard.[16]

7:16:55 — Gunshot heard on 911 call.[17]

The key to my premise is whether GZ chased Martin or not. I submit to you that there is plenty of evidence to indicate he did.

The Prosecution's affidavit refers to the PURSUIT and elaborates that Martin tried to "run home but Zimmerman followed him, disregarding the police dispatcher's instructions not to PURSUE Martin. How do you follow a person who is running unless you run after them? Further, wind interference can be heard over GZ’s phone as he CHASES after Martin.


• Trayvon Martin may have been running from Zimmerman at first.

Seminole County Sheriff’s Department’s Computer Aided Dispatch shows that Zimmerman called police to report a suspicious person, then told them the subject was running from him. The exchange between the dispatcher and Zimmerman shows that he was advised not to continue to follow Martin. One witness interviewed said she saw one of the subjects chasing the other, but could not see who was who.

A recording of a female identified as Martin’s longtime friend who was on the phone with him just before the shooting said he began to run when he realized Zimmerman was following him.

Of course GZ has denied he chased Martin. Being the son of a retired judge, he probably knew the consequences of saying he pursued Martin so he denied it. GZ is a liar and his dishonesty was blatantly revealed for all to see when he lied about his finances and had his bail revoked as a result. In light of this, we can assume this lying killer was/is capable of anything at this point. And considering his other subsequent scrapes with the law... oh well...

Who Was Yelling for Help?

An officer at the scene overheard Zimmerman saying, "I was yelling for someone to help me but no one would help me," the report said."

Descriptions of Zimmerman's condition made me tend to believe him until I read this:

"Another officer corrected a witness after she told him that she heard the teen cry for help.

The officer told the witness, a long-time teacher, it was Zimmerman who cried for help, said the witness. ABC News has spoken to the teacher and she confirmed that the officer corrected her when she said she heard the teenager shout for help."

The bias was already starting. In effect the officer was saying: No objectivity here! It could not have been Martin calling for help! No ma’m you are mistaken. It was poor GZ for sure... HE SAID SO...listen to me, I know what’s right and you are mistaken.

More from eyewitnesses:

Mary Cutcher and her roommate said they heard Trayvon pleading. Then they heard a gunshot. They rushed outside and saw Mr. Zimmerman standing over the teenager.

That statement prompted this from one of the Martin family’s lawyers:

“It is so clear that this was a 17-year-old boy pleading for his life, and someone shot him in cold blood,” said Natalie Jackson, one of the Martin family lawyers.

That lawyer’s words were corroborated by the story of another witness who saw both combatants on the ground separated before the fatal shot was fired.
Before I continue, are you saying that fat phuck caught trevon in a foot race?

Why was he running?

What happened when Zimmerman met up with trevon?

I didn't say that GZ caught TM, I am saying he chased him and ran past TM's subsequent hiding place..see post 567 for more details!
Hiding place? Your story is sounding weaker and weaker as time goes on. Sorry, just being honest. I don't think the kid should have lost his life but I hope you are understanding where I'm coming from. Just doesn't add up. If the kid was in a gated community and a neighborhood watch guy is approaching him, no he doesn't get to beat the guy up because he's offended. What is he doing there? Maybe it was mistaken identity? Maybe Zimmerman was chasing after his tall black male lover. I would stop and ask why he's following me. Can I help you? And if he said I was trespassing I'd leave. Maybe I'd talk a little smack but when he pulled out a gun I'd change my tune.

Seems blacks aren't afraid when a gun is pulled on them.

It adds up, you just want to modify the numbers so the sum is in your favor. The weakness is in your failure to observe the facts. I even posted the time line and linked a map of the crime scene with labels

Still, you persist with the crazy notion that somehow GZ's unofficial status as a night watchman, who never identified himself as such, gives him the right to harass by following, then chasing after someone and putting them in fear of their life; intentional or not.. GZ was just a dumb fuck who had no idea of how to deal with people. If he wanted to question Martin, why not yell at a distance and ask him for a light or pretend he was lost and looking for someone? You don't just start harassing people who don't know you just because they are not white and look suspicious just based on their being black .GZ was a bona fide NUT case and should never had access to a gun in the first place.

What was TM doing there? He lived there. TM just might as well have asked what was GZ doing there?

BOTTOM LINE: Trayvon told his girlfriend he was afraid of the strange man following him. TM ran, and GZ had to run to see where he went.
TM must have thought GZ was a KKK idiot or some kind of fiend capable of God knows what. Everything might have been a terrible misunderstanding by both parties, each perceiving the other as a boogie man bent on doing evil. In that scenario, GZ was the initial aggressor by mishandling the situation and making Martin fearful.
I have already described the series of events that took place after that.
Try putting yourself in TM's shoes and your premise won't sound so bigoted and morally reprehensible!
I can see your point. Guy comes running up on you and gets in your face. You push him off and tell him to back off but he's being aggressive. I can see beating his ass. And then him killing me.

I forget the reasons I don't like stand your ground. It makes murder by guys like Zimmerman. Before stand your ground Zimmerman just gets an ass whoopin.

I'm back on trevon martins side. Unfortunately stand your ground is the law.

Did treyvon live in that gated community? I thought not.
Yes, TM did live in that gated community. He was visiting relatives who lived there and had been staying there for several days if I remember correctly!

ANd don't forget that Tm was covered by SYG when he perceived GZ to be a threat. That is the SYG criterion for use of deadly force... I didn't make the law...white people did.
Next time a black guy approaches me I'm going to perceive him as a threat and I'm going to kick the living shit out of him.

Lets not get hooked up on semantics. If a Black guy acted like GZ on a dark rainy night and chased after TM under the same circumstances, TM would have had every right to use deadly force against the PERCEIVED threat. Those are not MY words...it is in the SYG law.

GZ's race and unofficial night watchman status didn't mean a damn thing .
I really would be an impartial juror. I've gone back and forth on this.

Did trevon live there? That's important.

But no doubt Zimmerman's a bitch.
Yes, he did live there!
Next time a black guy approaches me I'm going to perceive him as a threat and I'm going to kick the living shit out of him.

Lets not get hooked up on semantics. If a Black guy acted like GZ on a dark rainy night and chased after TM under the same circumstances, TM would have had every right to use deadly force against the PERCEIVED threat. Those are not MY words...it is in the SYG law.

GZ's race and unofficial night watchman status didn't mean a damn thing .
I think people who defend George Zimmerman defend the Stand Your Ground law. I do not support this law
The people who defend GZ most proportionally are tea party conservatives. The problem there is that those same people seem oblivious to TM's right to evoke SYG when he perceived GZ as a threat.
There has to be an actual threat
Not a perceived threat. Which is why Zimmerman was found not guilty. More importantly, it's why Eric Holder had to close the file with no federal charges filed.

Armchair prosecutors notwithstanding.
There has to be an actual threat
Not a perceived threat. Which is why Zimmerman was found not guilty. More importantly, it's why Eric Holder had to close the file with no federal charges filed.

Armchair prosecutors notwithstanding.

Florida Justifiable Use of Force Statute.

776.041Use or threatened use of force by aggressor.—The justification described in the preceding sections of this chapter is not available to a person who:

(1)Is attempting to commit, committing, or escaping after the commission of, a forcible felony; or

(2)Initially provokes the use or threatened use of force against himself or herself, unless:**

(a)Such force or threat of force is so great that the person reasonably believes that he or she is in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm and that he or she has exhausted every reasonable means to escape such danger other than the use or threatened use of force which is likely to cause death or great bodily harm to the assailant; or

(b)In good faith, the person withdraws from physical contact with the assailant and indicates clearly to the assailant that he or she desires to withdraw and terminate the use or threatened use of force, but the assailant continues or resumes the use or threatened use of force.

History.—s. 13, ch. 74-383; s. 1190, ch. 97-102; s. 7, ch. 2014-195.

**GZ provoked the use of force against himself by following then chasing after a teen on a dark rainy night. The weather and darkness played a role in Martin's perception of GZ . Gz therefore was NOT protected by SYG since he provoked TM and caused him to flee.
The dispatcher was wise in telling GZ he did not need to pursue Martin.

Paragraph (b) is what TM did... He fled to avoid physical contact with, i his mind, was an assailant. GZ continued to pursue and resumed what appeared to TM to be aggression or the threatened use of force, The weather and darkness compounded those fears because TM could not see if the guy had a weapon or not.

GZ ran past TM's hiding place. stopped after he lost sight of TM, turned around to head back to his truck and spotted TM in his hiding place
Obviously, by this time, they were in close proximity and TM did what he had to do against his perceived aggressor.
1. He was followed not chased. There is a difference. There is no indication that Martin was afraid of bodily harm. It is more likely that he was provoked and angry.

2. "Cowering"? NOthing but spin on your part. And speculation. MOre likely Martin confronted Zimmerman and demanded to know what he was doing, and then attacked. And attacked because he sensed weakness not out of fear.

3. It is telling that even you cannot claim that Zimmerman attacked Martin.

4. Martin rushed a drawn gun? That's pretty brave. Why when the witness looked out his window was Martin beating Zimmerman then instead of grabbing the gun? Oh, because that didn't happen. Martin, pissed off that he was followed, attacked and started beating Zimmerman. The gun was discovered while he was sitting on top of Zimmerman's torso, beating him. Anyone who has ever carried understands how likely that is.

You want blacks to have the right to beat whites who piss them off. And whites who resist to be arrested.

Your rationalizations on this do not change your goal.

THis is a gap that will never be bridged.

Enjoy the racial harmony of today. This is the good old days.

Timeline of the shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

7:11:33 — Zimmerman tells the police dispatcher that Trayvon Martin is running.

7:11:59 — In reply to the dispatcher's question, "Are you following him?" Zimmerman responds with, "Yes." Dispatcher: "OK, we don't need you to do that." Zimmerman: "OK."

7:12:00 – 7:12:59 — The girl calls Martin again at some point during this minute.[14]

7:13:10 — Zimmerman says he does not know Martin's location.

7:13:41 — The end of Zimmerman's call to Sanford police.[14]

7:16:00 – 7:16:59 — Martin's call from the girl goes dead during this minute.[14][15] [the precise time surfaced during the trial, the call ends at 7:15:43, 1 minute and 12 seconds before the shot.]

7:16:11 — First 911 call from witness about a fight, calls for help heard.[16]

7:16:55 — Gunshot heard on 911 call.[17]

The key to my premise is whether GZ chased Martin or not. I submit to you that there is plenty of evidence to indicate he did.

The Prosecution's affidavit refers to the PURSUIT and elaborates that Martin tried to "run home but Zimmerman followed him, disregarding the police dispatcher's instructions not to PURSUE Martin. How do you follow a person who is running unless you run after them? Further, wind interference can be heard over GZ’s phone as he CHASES after Martin.


• Trayvon Martin may have been running from Zimmerman at first.

Seminole County Sheriff’s Department’s Computer Aided Dispatch shows that Zimmerman called police to report a suspicious person, then told them the subject was running from him. The exchange between the dispatcher and Zimmerman shows that he was advised not to continue to follow Martin. One witness interviewed said she saw one of the subjects chasing the other, but could not see who was who.

A recording of a female identified as Martin’s longtime friend who was on the phone with him just before the shooting said he began to run when he realized Zimmerman was following him.

Of course GZ has denied he chased Martin. Being the son of a retired judge, he probably knew the consequences of saying he pursued Martin so he denied it. GZ is a liar and his dishonesty was blatantly revealed for all to see when he lied about his finances and had his bail revoked as a result. In light of this, we can assume this lying killer was/is capable of anything at this point. And considering his other subsequent scrapes with the law... oh well...

Who Was Yelling for Help?

An officer at the scene overheard Zimmerman saying, "I was yelling for someone to help me but no one would help me," the report said."

Descriptions of Zimmerman's condition made me tend to believe him until I read this:

"Another officer corrected a witness after she told him that she heard the teen cry for help.

The officer told the witness, a long-time teacher, it was Zimmerman who cried for help, said the witness. ABC News has spoken to the teacher and she confirmed that the officer corrected her when she said she heard the teenager shout for help."

The bias was already starting. In effect the officer was saying: No objectivity here! It could not have been Martin calling for help! No ma’m you are mistaken. It was poor GZ for sure... HE SAID SO...listen to me, I know what’s right and you are mistaken.

More from eyewitnesses:

Mary Cutcher and her roommate said they heard Trayvon pleading. Then they heard a gunshot. They rushed outside and saw Mr. Zimmerman standing over the teenager.

That statement prompted this from one of the Martin family’s lawyers:

“It is so clear that this was a 17-year-old boy pleading for his life, and someone shot him in cold blood,” said Natalie Jackson, one of the Martin family lawyers.

That lawyer’s words were corroborated by the story of another witness who saw both combatants on the ground separated before the fatal shot was fired.
Before I continue, are you saying that fat phuck caught trevon in a foot race?

Why was he running?

What happened when Zimmerman met up with trevon?

I didn't say that GZ caught TM, I am saying he chased him and ran past TM's subsequent hiding place..see post 567 for more details!
Hiding place? Your story is sounding weaker and weaker as time goes on. Sorry, just being honest. I don't think the kid should have lost his life but I hope you are understanding where I'm coming from. Just doesn't add up. If the kid was in a gated community and a neighborhood watch guy is approaching him, no he doesn't get to beat the guy up because he's offended. What is he doing there? Maybe it was mistaken identity? Maybe Zimmerman was chasing after his tall black male lover. I would stop and ask why he's following me. Can I help you? And if he said I was trespassing I'd leave. Maybe I'd talk a little smack but when he pulled out a gun I'd change my tune.

Seems blacks aren't afraid when a gun is pulled on them.

It adds up, you just want to modify the numbers so the sum is in your favor. The weakness is in your failure to observe the facts. I even posted the time line and linked a map of the crime scene with labels

Still, you persist with the crazy notion that somehow GZ's unofficial status as a night watchman, who never identified himself as such, gives him the right to harass by following, then chasing after someone and putting them in fear of their life; intentional or not.. GZ was just a dumb fuck who had no idea of how to deal with people. If he wanted to question Martin, why not yell at a distance and ask him for a light or pretend he was lost and looking for someone? You don't just start harassing people who don't know you just because they are not white and look suspicious just based on their being black .GZ was a bona fide NUT case and should never had access to a gun in the first place.

What was TM doing there? He lived there. TM just might as well have asked what was GZ doing there?

BOTTOM LINE: Trayvon told his girlfriend he was afraid of the strange man following him. TM ran, and GZ had to run to see where he went.
TM must have thought GZ was a KKK idiot or some kind of fiend capable of God knows what. Everything might have been a terrible misunderstanding by both parties, each perceiving the other as a boogie man bent on doing evil. In that scenario, GZ was the initial aggressor by mishandling the situation and making Martin fearful.
I have already described the series of events that took place after that.
Try putting yourself in TM's shoes and your premise won't sound so bigoted and morally reprehensible!

Actually the fact the Martin was unknown in the gated community and matched the description of recent burglars does give a resident of the community the right to follow him.

You do know that even Eric Holder's Justice Dept could not gin up a Civil Rights case against Zimmerman right?

Do you think that Obama told Holder to just go though the motions? Or to look for any way to get him?

Timeline of the shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

7:11:33 — Zimmerman tells the police dispatcher that Trayvon Martin is running.

7:11:59 — In reply to the dispatcher's question, "Are you following him?" Zimmerman responds with, "Yes." Dispatcher: "OK, we don't need you to do that." Zimmerman: "OK."

7:12:00 – 7:12:59 — The girl calls Martin again at some point during this minute.[14]

7:13:10 — Zimmerman says he does not know Martin's location.

7:13:41 — The end of Zimmerman's call to Sanford police.[14]

7:16:00 – 7:16:59 — Martin's call from the girl goes dead during this minute.[14][15] [the precise time surfaced during the trial, the call ends at 7:15:43, 1 minute and 12 seconds before the shot.]

7:16:11 — First 911 call from witness about a fight, calls for help heard.[16]

7:16:55 — Gunshot heard on 911 call.[17]

The key to my premise is whether GZ chased Martin or not. I submit to you that there is plenty of evidence to indicate he did.

The Prosecution's affidavit refers to the PURSUIT and elaborates that Martin tried to "run home but Zimmerman followed him, disregarding the police dispatcher's instructions not to PURSUE Martin. How do you follow a person who is running unless you run after them? Further, wind interference can be heard over GZ’s phone as he CHASES after Martin.


• Trayvon Martin may have been running from Zimmerman at first.

Seminole County Sheriff’s Department’s Computer Aided Dispatch shows that Zimmerman called police to report a suspicious person, then told them the subject was running from him. The exchange between the dispatcher and Zimmerman shows that he was advised not to continue to follow Martin. One witness interviewed said she saw one of the subjects chasing the other, but could not see who was who.

A recording of a female identified as Martin’s longtime friend who was on the phone with him just before the shooting said he began to run when he realized Zimmerman was following him.

Of course GZ has denied he chased Martin. Being the son of a retired judge, he probably knew the consequences of saying he pursued Martin so he denied it. GZ is a liar and his dishonesty was blatantly revealed for all to see when he lied about his finances and had his bail revoked as a result. In light of this, we can assume this lying killer was/is capable of anything at this point. And considering his other subsequent scrapes with the law... oh well...

Who Was Yelling for Help?

An officer at the scene overheard Zimmerman saying, "I was yelling for someone to help me but no one would help me," the report said."

Descriptions of Zimmerman's condition made me tend to believe him until I read this:

"Another officer corrected a witness after she told him that she heard the teen cry for help.

The officer told the witness, a long-time teacher, it was Zimmerman who cried for help, said the witness. ABC News has spoken to the teacher and she confirmed that the officer corrected her when she said she heard the teenager shout for help."

The bias was already starting. In effect the officer was saying: No objectivity here! It could not have been Martin calling for help! No ma’m you are mistaken. It was poor GZ for sure... HE SAID SO...listen to me, I know what’s right and you are mistaken.

More from eyewitnesses:

Mary Cutcher and her roommate said they heard Trayvon pleading. Then they heard a gunshot. They rushed outside and saw Mr. Zimmerman standing over the teenager.

That statement prompted this from one of the Martin family’s lawyers:

“It is so clear that this was a 17-year-old boy pleading for his life, and someone shot him in cold blood,” said Natalie Jackson, one of the Martin family lawyers.

That lawyer’s words were corroborated by the story of another witness who saw both combatants on the ground separated before the fatal shot was fired.

Really? The actually words the dispatcher used was "following", to which Zimmerman replied "Yes".

Running does not equal chasing.

The dispatcher did not tell him not do that, but that that was not "needed".

John, the witness from the window heard it as Zimmerman screaming.

The Martin Family lawyer's words are spin from a professional liar.
The dispatcher wasn't at the scene but GZ did answer correctly...he was no longer following, he was now chasing. Not in his mind, but in Martin's mind he was; and that is enough to evoke SYG on TM's behalf!

Running does equal chasing in this case. GZ was not just jogging for exercise. Perception is important here. TM's perception of GZ and his actions at this crucial time are key to defining the meaning of the SYG law. GZ and his cock lickers, like you, cannot comprehend that TM, the black kid, is reacting to a perceived threat . TM even told his girlfriend over the phone that he was scared.

John the witness was one of several witnesses. Some heard TM screaming. The screams were recorded but the expert voice analyzers
for the prosecution and defense contradicted each other.... (two white guys.)

The Martin family lawyer had reason to believe what she said was true.
GZ is the liar..the true professional liar because he reaped the biggest benefits of all from lying: his life and his freedom. I am not saying GZ set out to kill Martin, but he did put the lad in fear of his life by his actions. You OTOH see Martin as a calculating thug who wasn't afraid at all and who concocted a strategy to hide and waylay the guy who was chasing him. It seems unlikely that Martin would risk a confrontation in the dark with a man who could possibly be armed.

As I said earlier I think GZ ran past Martin's hiding place, stopped just beyond it and turned around to find Martin hiding behind some obstacle GZ had just passed. Martin had no where to go except upside of GZ's head as he should have... You don't wait for the other guy to make the first move in a situation like that where he has already made you feel threatened! His race doesn't matter either if you don't know him!

I have already explained how I believe the confrontation occurred and it makes sense.

You think that Martin really though some random white adult was looking to attack him for no reason, or is it more likely that he was thinking that some "cracker" was following him because he was a black teen in a gated community where he did not live?

("Walking while black" don't you know, and thus provoked, not afraid)

I find your assumption unlikely.

John was the best and most credible witness.

It is telling that you have to note that both the experts were white.

It is telling that you cannot even tell yourself that Zimmerman started the physical fight.

You are siding with the black guy because he is black.
Isn't a black expert an oxi moron? Jk.
Is that supposed to be funny? BTW the word is oxymoron.

Millions of white Americans believe as I do... go back and look at the poll results I posted.

The fact that some whites agree with you does not make your case stronger.
Next time a black guy approaches me I'm going to perceive him as a threat and I'm going to kick the living shit out of him.

Lets not get hooked up on semantics. If a Black guy acted like GZ on a dark rainy night and chased after TM under the same circumstances, TM would have had every right to use deadly force against the PERCEIVED threat. Those are not MY words...it is in the SYG law.

GZ's race and unofficial night watchman status didn't mean a damn thing .

THe problem here is the threshold of proof.

YOu have to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

Thus you can have a situation where two people could "fight" and neither one could be convicted of a crime, because of lack of evidence and/or witnesses.

That is a basic part of the American justice system, ie Presumed Innocence.

The possibility that had Martin killed Zimmerman that, the state might not have been able to prove a case against Martin, does not mean that Zimmerman is in the wrong.
Next time a black guy approaches me I'm going to perceive him as a threat and I'm going to kick the living shit out of him.

Lets not get hooked up on semantics. If a Black guy acted like GZ on a dark rainy night and chased after TM under the same circumstances, TM would have had every right to use deadly force against the PERCEIVED threat. Those are not MY words...it is in the SYG law.

GZ's race and unofficial night watchman status didn't mean a damn thing .
I really would be an impartial juror. I've gone back and forth on this.

Did trevon live there? That's important.

But no doubt Zimmerman's a bitch.

Being a "bitch", does not mean that he does not have the right to self defense.

God created man. Sam Colt made them equal.

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