Watch: Jew Who Grew Up as Arab in Kuwait Reveals His Incredible Story

This video should be watched. Here is a young man from Kuwait who was taught to hate Jews, but after finding out he was Jewish eventually went to Israel to see for himself.


Watch: Jew Who Grew Up as Arab in Kuwait Reveals His Incredible Story!

Feb 22, 2016

Mark Halawa has a remarkable story to tell – and it’s not what you’d expect to hear from a man who grew up in Kuwait!

His maternal grandmother, a Jewish girl who grew up in Israel, married a Palestinian soldier from the Jordanian Legion stationed in Jerusalem. They moved to Kuwait where Mark grew up.

He was taught to hate Jews, who were the “source of all evil; descendants of monkeys and pigs,” until he began researching his roots and found out he, himself, was part of the Tribe.

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WATCH: Jew Who Grew Up as Arab in Kuwait Reveals His Incredible Story!

Make a donation to Israel illegal settlements , no thank you. Man Israelites have no pride, always begging for money,
beg here, beg there. He looks like a jew, jewing people out of money.

I am so sick of the jew sob story, I could puke.

Well go ahead and throw up then, you ridiculous skinhead , and get it all over yourself. Have you ever thought that decent people don't like illiterate bigoted skinheads like you roaming this country? If I saw this young man on the street, I really would have no idea what his religion or nationality might be although I have seen many men here whom I can spot as Iranian. If I go into a store and see an Iranian male clerk, I say hello in Farsi and they start chatting away in that language which of course I don't understand nor do I know what religion they are. As an aside, folks, if you want to say thank you to an Iranian, say :Merci. I was surprised that the French word for Thanks was also used in Farsi.
The article no doubt disturbed the unwashed mentally ill skinhead because she didn't want to hear good things about Israel. it must have killed her when the poster Teddyearp posted his pictures of his trip to Israel last year.
Sanitized Trip Sally but your initial post is very informative,I will say one thing Israel certain elements in society too imbue children with Hate towards this schism it is a two-way street.....for some,regrettably,just sayin steve

Why, did you go along to Israel with Teddyearp, Stevie? Tell us how the trip was sanitized. After you tell us this, would you please tell us about all the videos Israeli Jewish children watch which supposedly teach them to hate the Arabs. Even though you are non compus mentis, you certainly are not in a coma that you are not aware of the videos Arab children watch. Maybe you can cheer them on in their endeavor to become shahids when they kill some Jews.

I hope the readers have caught on that Stevie has never anything to say to Penelope and her constant effort to demonize the Jews. In fact, I believe I read him commending her some time back.
Thanks Sally but more abuse,you just can't help yourself can you???? Well I think Teddys trip was somewhat skewed towards the Israeli position but a fine travelogue all the same,which if you remember I complimented him on at the time.

The times I have been to Israel,I do not meet many folk who hate either side,but that is my choice,I can't be doing with people on either side who have deep seated prejudice (and blind faith) because they are so intransigent and myopic in their thought,it is basically a never ending circle dealing with these people,negativity has never been my strong point so I stick to the positive.......really Sally stop being immature with all this "effort to demonize Jews,much like your continual demonizing of the Palestinians"'s just tit for tat non...sense.

I am fair most of the time,that's why I complimented you before.....some of what you say is interesting and informative....unlike others I do not "brown nose"anyone........anyway Sally regards to your family and yourself always.....You maybe Jewish,that is not or ever has been a problem to me at all,Shalom..steve

It is always amusing to see a megalomaniac at work here. Notice Stevie always says that he is the greatest and wants everyone to believe he knows it all.

Someone has to be comatose if they don't realize that Penelope tries to demonize the Jews all the times. Meanwhile, it sure would be nice if once in a while both Stevie and Penelope give us some news from one of the other Middle East countries.
Make a donation to Israel illegal settlements , no thank you. Man Israelites have no pride, always begging for money,
beg here, beg there. He looks like a jew, jewing people out of money.

I am so sick of the jew sob story, I could puke.

Well go ahead and throw up then, you ridiculous skinhead , and get it all over yourself. Have you ever thought that decent people don't like illiterate bigoted skinheads like you roaming this country? If I saw this young man on the street, I really would have no idea what his religion or nationality might be although I have seen many men here whom I can spot as Iranian. If I go into a store and see an Iranian male clerk, I say hello in Farsi and they start chatting away in that language which of course I don't understand nor do I know what religion they are. As an aside, folks, if you want to say thank you to an Iranian, say :Merci. I was surprised that the French word for Thanks was also used in Farsi.
The article no doubt disturbed the unwashed mentally ill skinhead because she didn't want to hear good things about Israel. it must have killed her when the poster Teddyearp posted his pictures of his trip to Israel last year.
Sanitized Trip Sally but your initial post is very informative,I will say one thing Israel certain elements in society too imbue children with Hate towards this schism it is a two-way street.....for some,regrettably,just sayin steve

Why, did you go along to Israel with Teddyearp, Stevie? Tell us how the trip was sanitized. After you tell us this, would you please tell us about all the videos Israeli Jewish children watch which supposedly teach them to hate the Arabs. Even though you are non compus mentis, you certainly are not in a coma that you are not aware of the videos Arab children watch. Maybe you can cheer them on in their endeavor to become shahids when they kill some Jews.

I hope the readers have caught on that Stevie has never anything to say to Penelope and her constant effort to demonize the Jews. In fact, I believe I read him commending her some time back.
Thanks Sally but more abuse,you just can't help yourself can you???? Well I think Teddys trip was somewhat skewed towards the Israeli position but a fine travelogue all the same,which if you remember I complimented him on at the time.

The times I have been to Israel,I do not meet many folk who hate either side,but that is my choice,I can't be doing with people on either side who have deep seated prejudice (and blind faith) because they are so intransigent and myopic in their thought,it is basically a never ending circle dealing with these people,negativity has never been my strong point so I stick to the positive.......really Sally stop being immature with all this "effort to demonize Jews,much like your continual demonizing of the Palestinians"'s just tit for tat non...sense.

I am fair most of the time,that's why I complimented you before.....some of what you say is interesting and informative....unlike others I do not "brown nose"anyone........anyway Sally regards to your family and yourself always.....You maybe Jewish,that is not or ever has been a problem to me at all,Shalom..steve

It is always amusing to see a megalomaniac at work here. Notice Stevie always says that he is the greatest and wants everyone to believe he knows it all.

Someone has to be comatose if they don't realize that Penelope tries to demonize the Jews all the times. Meanwhile, it sure would be nice if once in a while both Stevie and Penelope give us some news from one of the other Middle East countries.
Sally,no matter how hard you try you cannot coerce sic me into this tit-tat abuse,just relax and simmer down,steve
steve reminds me of "Dr" Josef Mengele----witnesses testified that before he
subjected children to horrific "experiment" he would treat them affectionately and
even give them candy
For one thing Sally, there is no such thing as Jewish blood or dna, he was a deist or even an atheist, which means if he found out his grandmother was a practicing Jew, it does not make him a Jew. But asking for money does. He is just a boy who grew up in Qatar? and someone in Canada told him he was a Mus Jew. I imagine being a Jew is more fulfilling than being a Palestinian. You know he is now one of the "chosen ones". What a hoot.
Well go ahead and throw up then, you ridiculous skinhead , and get it all over yourself. Have you ever thought that decent people don't like illiterate bigoted skinheads like you roaming this country? If I saw this young man on the street, I really would have no idea what his religion or nationality might be although I have seen many men here whom I can spot as Iranian. If I go into a store and see an Iranian male clerk, I say hello in Farsi and they start chatting away in that language which of course I don't understand nor do I know what religion they are. As an aside, folks, if you want to say thank you to an Iranian, say :Merci. I was surprised that the French word for Thanks was also used in Farsi.
The article no doubt disturbed the unwashed mentally ill skinhead because she didn't want to hear good things about Israel. it must have killed her when the poster Teddyearp posted his pictures of his trip to Israel last year.
Sanitized Trip Sally but your initial post is very informative,I will say one thing Israel certain elements in society too imbue children with Hate towards this schism it is a two-way street.....for some,regrettably,just sayin steve

Why, did you go along to Israel with Teddyearp, Stevie? Tell us how the trip was sanitized. After you tell us this, would you please tell us about all the videos Israeli Jewish children watch which supposedly teach them to hate the Arabs. Even though you are non compus mentis, you certainly are not in a coma that you are not aware of the videos Arab children watch. Maybe you can cheer them on in their endeavor to become shahids when they kill some Jews.

I hope the readers have caught on that Stevie has never anything to say to Penelope and her constant effort to demonize the Jews. In fact, I believe I read him commending her some time back.
Thanks Sally but more abuse,you just can't help yourself can you???? Well I think Teddys trip was somewhat skewed towards the Israeli position but a fine travelogue all the same,which if you remember I complimented him on at the time.

The times I have been to Israel,I do not meet many folk who hate either side,but that is my choice,I can't be doing with people on either side who have deep seated prejudice (and blind faith) because they are so intransigent and myopic in their thought,it is basically a never ending circle dealing with these people,negativity has never been my strong point so I stick to the positive.......really Sally stop being immature with all this "effort to demonize Jews,much like your continual demonizing of the Palestinians"'s just tit for tat non...sense.

I am fair most of the time,that's why I complimented you before.....some of what you say is interesting and informative....unlike others I do not "brown nose"anyone........anyway Sally regards to your family and yourself always.....You maybe Jewish,that is not or ever has been a problem to me at all,Shalom..steve

It is always amusing to see a megalomaniac at work here. Notice Stevie always says that he is the greatest and wants everyone to believe he knows it all.

Someone has to be comatose if they don't realize that Penelope tries to demonize the Jews all the times. Meanwhile, it sure would be nice if once in a while both Stevie and Penelope give us some news from one of the other Middle East countries.
Sally,no matter how hard you try you cannot coerce sic me into this tit-tat abuse,just relax and simmer down,steve

what 'tit for tat" abuse? Long ago I did consider Shiites to be "THE VICTIMS"---because the first muslim I knew VERY WELL----was a Shiite
(a young surgeon from new dehli) -------so I kinda saw their violence
and hatred of "arabs" -----(generally sunnis) as -----sorta a kind of ----
return in kind. But it is not really so-----Shiites are just a violent as are
For one thing Sally, there is no such thing as Jewish blood or dna, he was a deist or even an atheist, which means if he found out his grandmother was a practicing Jew, it does not make him a Jew. But asking for money does. He is just a boy who grew up in Qatar? and someone in Canada told him he was a Mus Jew. I imagine being a Jew is more fulfilling than being a Palestinian. You know he is now one of the "chosen ones". What a hoot.

Penelope-----are you quoting one of your patients in the psychiatric ward? -----be not amazed------there are some people in the world who know who fathered them and
actually know their background-----ie----who were their grandparents and great-grand parents. There is a TV program that can help you "PATERNITY COURT"
Sanitized Trip Sally but your initial post is very informative,I will say one thing Israel certain elements in society too imbue children with Hate towards this schism it is a two-way street.....for some,regrettably,just sayin steve

Why, did you go along to Israel with Teddyearp, Stevie? Tell us how the trip was sanitized. After you tell us this, would you please tell us about all the videos Israeli Jewish children watch which supposedly teach them to hate the Arabs. Even though you are non compus mentis, you certainly are not in a coma that you are not aware of the videos Arab children watch. Maybe you can cheer them on in their endeavor to become shahids when they kill some Jews.

I hope the readers have caught on that Stevie has never anything to say to Penelope and her constant effort to demonize the Jews. In fact, I believe I read him commending her some time back.
Thanks Sally but more abuse,you just can't help yourself can you???? Well I think Teddys trip was somewhat skewed towards the Israeli position but a fine travelogue all the same,which if you remember I complimented him on at the time.

The times I have been to Israel,I do not meet many folk who hate either side,but that is my choice,I can't be doing with people on either side who have deep seated prejudice (and blind faith) because they are so intransigent and myopic in their thought,it is basically a never ending circle dealing with these people,negativity has never been my strong point so I stick to the positive.......really Sally stop being immature with all this "effort to demonize Jews,much like your continual demonizing of the Palestinians"'s just tit for tat non...sense.

I am fair most of the time,that's why I complimented you before.....some of what you say is interesting and informative....unlike others I do not "brown nose"anyone........anyway Sally regards to your family and yourself always.....You maybe Jewish,that is not or ever has been a problem to me at all,Shalom..steve

It is always amusing to see a megalomaniac at work here. Notice Stevie always says that he is the greatest and wants everyone to believe he knows it all.

Someone has to be comatose if they don't realize that Penelope tries to demonize the Jews all the times. Meanwhile, it sure would be nice if once in a while both Stevie and Penelope give us some news from one of the other Middle East countries.
Sally,no matter how hard you try you cannot coerce sic me into this tit-tat abuse,just relax and simmer down,steve

what 'tit for tat" abuse? Long ago I did consider Shiites to be "THE VICTIMS"---because the first muslim I knew VERY WELL----was a Shiite
(a young surgeon from new dehli) -------so I kinda saw their violence
and hatred of "arabs" -----(generally sunnis) as -----sorta a kind of ----
return in kind. But it is not really so-----Shiites are just a violent as are
Actually Rosie,despite all the "Tit for Tat" that has gone on since my first post on this thread............I return to back to Jrocs original ill judged and Jewish inspired post......It was a disgrace and all of you have tried to defend his post......without success......You guys hate the facts and truth because you cannot tell the difference between fact and fiction as your myopia and brain washing has corrupted your minds,I'm sad to say......There is no point continuing on this thread because going around in circles like this is a form of madness.steve
Why, did you go along to Israel with Teddyearp, Stevie? Tell us how the trip was sanitized. After you tell us this, would you please tell us about all the videos Israeli Jewish children watch which supposedly teach them to hate the Arabs. Even though you are non compus mentis, you certainly are not in a coma that you are not aware of the videos Arab children watch. Maybe you can cheer them on in their endeavor to become shahids when they kill some Jews.

I hope the readers have caught on that Stevie has never anything to say to Penelope and her constant effort to demonize the Jews. In fact, I believe I read him commending her some time back.
Thanks Sally but more abuse,you just can't help yourself can you???? Well I think Teddys trip was somewhat skewed towards the Israeli position but a fine travelogue all the same,which if you remember I complimented him on at the time.

The times I have been to Israel,I do not meet many folk who hate either side,but that is my choice,I can't be doing with people on either side who have deep seated prejudice (and blind faith) because they are so intransigent and myopic in their thought,it is basically a never ending circle dealing with these people,negativity has never been my strong point so I stick to the positive.......really Sally stop being immature with all this "effort to demonize Jews,much like your continual demonizing of the Palestinians"'s just tit for tat non...sense.

I am fair most of the time,that's why I complimented you before.....some of what you say is interesting and informative....unlike others I do not "brown nose"anyone........anyway Sally regards to your family and yourself always.....You maybe Jewish,that is not or ever has been a problem to me at all,Shalom..steve

It is always amusing to see a megalomaniac at work here. Notice Stevie always says that he is the greatest and wants everyone to believe he knows it all.

Someone has to be comatose if they don't realize that Penelope tries to demonize the Jews all the times. Meanwhile, it sure would be nice if once in a while both Stevie and Penelope give us some news from one of the other Middle East countries.
Sally,no matter how hard you try you cannot coerce sic me into this tit-tat abuse,just relax and simmer down,steve

what 'tit for tat" abuse? Long ago I did consider Shiites to be "THE VICTIMS"---because the first muslim I knew VERY WELL----was a Shiite
(a young surgeon from new dehli) -------so I kinda saw their violence
and hatred of "arabs" -----(generally sunnis) as -----sorta a kind of ----
return in kind. But it is not really so-----Shiites are just a violent as are
Actually Rosie,despite all the "Tit for Tat" that has gone on since my first post on this thread............I return to back to Jrocs original ill judged and Jewish inspired post......It was a disgrace and all of you have tried to defend his post......without success......You guys hate the facts and truth because you cannot tell the difference between fact and fiction as your myopia and brain washing has corrupted your minds,I'm sad to say......There is no point continuing on this thread because going around in circles like this is a form of madness.steve

I have no idea to what post of Jroc you refer. It obvious that you have run out of
Nazi material ------all of the escapees from the Nuremburg trials have since died
For one thing Sally, there is no such thing as Jewish blood or dna, he was a deist or even an atheist, which means if he found out his grandmother was a practicing Jew, it does not make him a Jew. But asking for money does. He is just a boy who grew up in Qatar? and someone in Canada told him he was a Mus Jew. I imagine being a Jew is more fulfilling than being a Palestinian. You know he is now one of the "chosen ones". What a hoot.

who was a "DEIST" or "ATHEIST"?? Some kid was a deist or atheist in Qatar and some stranger walked up to him and said----"your grandmother was a jew"??? Penny----you know this HOW? Have you discussed your fantasies with anyone from Psych?
Thanks Sally but more abuse,you just can't help yourself can you???? Well I think Teddys trip was somewhat skewed towards the Israeli position but a fine travelogue all the same,which if you remember I complimented him on at the time.

The times I have been to Israel,I do not meet many folk who hate either side,but that is my choice,I can't be doing with people on either side who have deep seated prejudice (and blind faith) because they are so intransigent and myopic in their thought,it is basically a never ending circle dealing with these people,negativity has never been my strong point so I stick to the positive.......really Sally stop being immature with all this "effort to demonize Jews,much like your continual demonizing of the Palestinians"'s just tit for tat non...sense.

I am fair most of the time,that's why I complimented you before.....some of what you say is interesting and informative....unlike others I do not "brown nose"anyone........anyway Sally regards to your family and yourself always.....You maybe Jewish,that is not or ever has been a problem to me at all,Shalom..steve

It is always amusing to see a megalomaniac at work here. Notice Stevie always says that he is the greatest and wants everyone to believe he knows it all.

Someone has to be comatose if they don't realize that Penelope tries to demonize the Jews all the times. Meanwhile, it sure would be nice if once in a while both Stevie and Penelope give us some news from one of the other Middle East countries.
Sally,no matter how hard you try you cannot coerce sic me into this tit-tat abuse,just relax and simmer down,steve

what 'tit for tat" abuse? Long ago I did consider Shiites to be "THE VICTIMS"---because the first muslim I knew VERY WELL----was a Shiite
(a young surgeon from new dehli) -------so I kinda saw their violence
and hatred of "arabs" -----(generally sunnis) as -----sorta a kind of ----
return in kind. But it is not really so-----Shiites are just a violent as are
Actually Rosie,despite all the "Tit for Tat" that has gone on since my first post on this thread............I return to back to Jrocs original ill judged and Jewish inspired post......It was a disgrace and all of you have tried to defend his post......without success......You guys hate the facts and truth because you cannot tell the difference between fact and fiction as your myopia and brain washing has corrupted your minds,I'm sad to say......There is no point continuing on this thread because going around in circles like this is a form of madness.steve

I have no idea to what post of Jroc you refer. It obvious that you have run out of
Nazi material ------all of the escapees from the Nuremburg trials have since died
Sorry insert Sally for Jroc......the rest applies
It is always amusing to see a megalomaniac at work here. Notice Stevie always says that he is the greatest and wants everyone to believe he knows it all.

Someone has to be comatose if they don't realize that Penelope tries to demonize the Jews all the times. Meanwhile, it sure would be nice if once in a while both Stevie and Penelope give us some news from one of the other Middle East countries.
Sally,no matter how hard you try you cannot coerce sic me into this tit-tat abuse,just relax and simmer down,steve

what 'tit for tat" abuse? Long ago I did consider Shiites to be "THE VICTIMS"---because the first muslim I knew VERY WELL----was a Shiite
(a young surgeon from new dehli) -------so I kinda saw their violence
and hatred of "arabs" -----(generally sunnis) as -----sorta a kind of ----
return in kind. But it is not really so-----Shiites are just a violent as are
Actually Rosie,despite all the "Tit for Tat" that has gone on since my first post on this thread............I return to back to Jrocs original ill judged and Jewish inspired post......It was a disgrace and all of you have tried to defend his post......without success......You guys hate the facts and truth because you cannot tell the difference between fact and fiction as your myopia and brain washing has corrupted your minds,I'm sad to say......There is no point continuing on this thread because going around in circles like this is a form of madness.steve

I have no idea to what post of Jroc you refer. It obvious that you have run out of
Nazi material ------all of the escapees from the Nuremburg trials have since died
Sorry insert Sally for Jroc......the rest applies

Sally posted up an interesting report------a case history of a PERSON ----how does a case history of a real person become "jewish inspired" ? I have encountered MANY MANY case histories of people who discovered ----in adulthood, that they
carry a "family legacy" not suspected in their youths and the FACT of that
family legacy had an IMPACT on their paths in life. You are OBVIOUSLY offended that in this case a man discovered a jewish family legacy and he decided
to pursue a "jewish couse" in life. Among jews----based on the need to escape
Nazi pigs like you-------there are MANY SUCH CASES------they do pop out now and
then------in many different parts of the world. Most of them do not get into 'the press' Would it bother you if some person in the USA discovered his real parentage is SIOUX INDIAN----and so decided to beome active in that
For one thing Sally, there is no such thing as Jewish blood or dna, he was a deist or even an atheist, which means if he found out his grandmother was a practicing Jew, it does not make him a Jew. But asking for money does. He is just a boy who grew up in Qatar? and someone in Canada told him he was a Mus Jew. I imagine being a Jew is more fulfilling than being a Palestinian. You know he is now one of the "chosen ones". What a hoot.

The one who is a hoot is you, Ms. Skinhead. I really think you should take a DNA test to see if you are the missing link who is so obsessed with Jews around the clock. As far as being the chosen ones, I suggest (knowing how ignorant you are) that you actually research what "chosen" really means in regard to the Jews. No doubt you go along with the radical Muslims that they are chosen and must rule the world for Islam.

When I saw a picture of that young man, he reminded me of some of the Italians in my neighborhood in the Bronx. Of course, Ms. Skinhead saw JEW written all over his face. Maybe if we saw Ms. Skinhead in person, we would say she greatly resembles Hitler's family.
Sally,no matter how hard you try you cannot coerce sic me into this tit-tat abuse,just relax and simmer down,steve

what 'tit for tat" abuse? Long ago I did consider Shiites to be "THE VICTIMS"---because the first muslim I knew VERY WELL----was a Shiite
(a young surgeon from new dehli) -------so I kinda saw their violence
and hatred of "arabs" -----(generally sunnis) as -----sorta a kind of ----
return in kind. But it is not really so-----Shiites are just a violent as are
Actually Rosie,despite all the "Tit for Tat" that has gone on since my first post on this thread............I return to back to Jrocs original ill judged and Jewish inspired post......It was a disgrace and all of you have tried to defend his post......without success......You guys hate the facts and truth because you cannot tell the difference between fact and fiction as your myopia and brain washing has corrupted your minds,I'm sad to say......There is no point continuing on this thread because going around in circles like this is a form of madness.steve

I have no idea to what post of Jroc you refer. It obvious that you have run out of
Nazi material ------all of the escapees from the Nuremburg trials have since died
Sorry insert Sally for Jroc......the rest applies

Sally posted up an interesting report------a case history of a PERSON ----how does a case history of a real person become "jewish inspired" ? I have encountered MANY MANY case histories of people who discovered ----in adulthood, that they
carry a "family legacy" not suspected in their youths and the FACT of that
family legacy had an IMPACT on their paths in life. You are OBVIOUSLY offended that in this case a man discovered a jewish family legacy and he decided
to pursue a "jewish couse" in life. Among jews----based on the need to escape
Nazi pigs like you-------there are MANY SUCH CASES------they do pop out now and
then------in many different parts of the world. Most of them do not get into 'the press' Would it bother you if some person in the USA discovered his real parentage is SIOUX INDIAN----and so decided to beome active in that
Doesn't apologies I thought I was replying to a Jroc post...I Errred Sorry Sal and Rosie.
For one thing Sally, there is no such thing as Jewish blood or dna, he was a deist or even an atheist, which means if he found out his grandmother was a practicing Jew, it does not make him a Jew. But asking for money does. He is just a boy who grew up in Qatar? and someone in Canada told him he was a Mus Jew. I imagine being a Jew is more fulfilling than being a Palestinian. You know he is now one of the "chosen ones". What a hoot.

The one who is a hoot is you, Ms. Skinhead. I really think you should take a DNA test to see if you are the missing link who is so obsessed with Jews around the clock. As far as being the chosen ones, I suggest (knowing how ignorant you are) that you actually research what "chosen" really means in regard to the Jews. No doubt you go along with the radical Muslims that they are chosen and must rule the world for Islam.

When I saw a picture of that young man, he reminded me of some of the Italians in my neighborhood in the Bronx. Of course, Ms. Skinhead saw JEW written all over his face. Maybe if we saw Ms. Skinhead in person, we would say she greatly resembles Hitler's family.
Be careful Sally,if you have it may find you are part Arab or Mongol or Chinese or never know.steve
For one thing Sally, there is no such thing as Jewish blood or dna, he was a deist or even an atheist, which means if he found out his grandmother was a practicing Jew, it does not make him a Jew. But asking for money does. He is just a boy who grew up in Qatar? and someone in Canada told him he was a Mus Jew. I imagine being a Jew is more fulfilling than being a Palestinian. You know he is now one of the "chosen ones". What a hoot.

The one who is a hoot is you, Ms. Skinhead. I really think you should take a DNA test to see if you are the missing link who is so obsessed with Jews around the clock. As far as being the chosen ones, I suggest (knowing how ignorant you are) that you actually research what "chosen" really means in regard to the Jews. No doubt you go along with the radical Muslims that they are chosen and must rule the world for Islam.

When I saw a picture of that young man, he reminded me of some of the Italians in my neighborhood in the Bronx. Of course, Ms. Skinhead saw JEW written all over his face. Maybe if we saw Ms. Skinhead in person, we would say she greatly resembles Hitler's family.

Even the OT says they intermarried massively even the Priests . You might be Palestinian if you follow your genealogy . Oh so a DNA test would show if one is Hebrew, I doubt it. One can watch the ancient histories and not even here Hebrew mentioned, and I am talking the Levant area. Chance are they are like the OT says Hittites. This boy is an arab, and possibly part Hebrew.
For one thing Sally, there is no such thing as Jewish blood or dna, he was a deist or even an atheist, which means if he found out his grandmother was a practicing Jew, it does not make him a Jew. But asking for money does. He is just a boy who grew up in Qatar? and someone in Canada told him he was a Mus Jew. I imagine being a Jew is more fulfilling than being a Palestinian. You know he is now one of the "chosen ones". What a hoot.

The one who is a hoot is you, Ms. Skinhead. I really think you should take a DNA test to see if you are the missing link who is so obsessed with Jews around the clock. As far as being the chosen ones, I suggest (knowing how ignorant you are) that you actually research what "chosen" really means in regard to the Jews. No doubt you go along with the radical Muslims that they are chosen and must rule the world for Islam.

When I saw a picture of that young man, he reminded me of some of the Italians in my neighborhood in the Bronx. Of course, Ms. Skinhead saw JEW written all over his face. Maybe if we saw Ms. Skinhead in person, we would say she greatly resembles Hitler's family.

Even the OT says they intermarried massively even the Priests . You might be Palestinian if you follow your genealogy . Oh so a DNA test would show if one is Hebrew, I doubt it. One can watch the ancient histories and not even here Hebrew mentioned, and I am talking the Levant area. Chance are they are like the OT says Hittites. This boy is an arab, and possibly part Hebrew.

Stop spinning it around, you ignorant skinhead. You couldn't resist saying ".He looks like a jew, jewing people out of money."

The minute something comes up pertaining to Jews, there is Ms. Skinhead trying to demonize them.
For one thing Sally, there is no such thing as Jewish blood or dna, he was a deist or even an atheist, which means if he found out his grandmother was a practicing Jew, it does not make him a Jew. But asking for money does. He is just a boy who grew up in Qatar? and someone in Canada told him he was a Mus Jew. I imagine being a Jew is more fulfilling than being a Palestinian. You know he is now one of the "chosen ones". What a hoot.

The one who is a hoot is you, Ms. Skinhead. I really think you should take a DNA test to see if you are the missing link who is so obsessed with Jews around the clock. As far as being the chosen ones, I suggest (knowing how ignorant you are) that you actually research what "chosen" really means in regard to the Jews. No doubt you go along with the radical Muslims that they are chosen and must rule the world for Islam.

When I saw a picture of that young man, he reminded me of some of the Italians in my neighborhood in the Bronx. Of course, Ms. Skinhead saw JEW written all over his face. Maybe if we saw Ms. Skinhead in person, we would say she greatly resembles Hitler's family.
Be careful Sally,if you have it may find you are part Arab or Mongol or Chinese or never know.steve

It would be very iffy if one of my ancient ancestors were either Chinese or Arab, just as it would be iffy if one of yours would be one of the wild men of Borneo. However, I think I will stick with the "Our of Africa" theory that our ancestors came out of Africa eons ago, and the further they moved away from the Equator, the lighter they became since they didn't need protection from a very hot sun.. Naturally skinheads, since they have the same mind set as members of the KKK, don't really like to hear that their distant ancestors might have been Black.
For one thing Sally, there is no such thing as Jewish blood or dna, he was a deist or even an atheist, which means if he found out his grandmother was a practicing Jew, it does not make him a Jew. But asking for money does. He is just a boy who grew up in Qatar? and someone in Canada told him he was a Mus Jew. I imagine being a Jew is more fulfilling than being a Palestinian. You know he is now one of the "chosen ones". What a hoot.

The one who is a hoot is you, Ms. Skinhead. I really think you should take a DNA test to see if you are the missing link who is so obsessed with Jews around the clock. As far as being the chosen ones, I suggest (knowing how ignorant you are) that you actually research what "chosen" really means in regard to the Jews. No doubt you go along with the radical Muslims that they are chosen and must rule the world for Islam.

When I saw a picture of that young man, he reminded me of some of the Italians in my neighborhood in the Bronx. Of course, Ms. Skinhead saw JEW written all over his face. Maybe if we saw Ms. Skinhead in person, we would say she greatly resembles Hitler's family.

Even the OT says they intermarried massively even the Priests . You might be Palestinian if you follow your genealogy . Oh so a DNA test would show if one is Hebrew, I doubt it. One can watch the ancient histories and not even here Hebrew mentioned, and I am talking the Levant area. Chance are they are like the OT says Hittites. This boy is an arab, and possibly part Hebrew.

Stop spinning it around, you ignorant skinhead. You couldn't resist saying ".He looks like a jew, jewing people out of money."

The minute something comes up pertaining to Jews, there is Ms. Skinhead trying to demonize them.

Sally ---be not amazed----Penelope is not alone----she is a typical example of what some people call "white trash" (not me----I do not refer to any GROUP of people as trash-----but SHE is trash-----a semiliterate slut who is convinced that the fact that she is a lose is BECAUSE DA JOOOOS DID IT TO HER........ ) Garbage like Penelope can be found easily-------either as visitors to state prisons----or clients in
methadone clinics
For one thing Sally, there is no such thing as Jewish blood or dna, he was a deist or even an atheist, which means if he found out his grandmother was a practicing Jew, it does not make him a Jew. But asking for money does. He is just a boy who grew up in Qatar? and someone in Canada told him he was a Mus Jew. I imagine being a Jew is more fulfilling than being a Palestinian. You know he is now one of the "chosen ones". What a hoot.

The one who is a hoot is you, Ms. Skinhead. I really think you should take a DNA test to see if you are the missing link who is so obsessed with Jews around the clock. As far as being the chosen ones, I suggest (knowing how ignorant you are) that you actually research what "chosen" really means in regard to the Jews. No doubt you go along with the radical Muslims that they are chosen and must rule the world for Islam.

When I saw a picture of that young man, he reminded me of some of the Italians in my neighborhood in the Bronx. Of course, Ms. Skinhead saw JEW written all over his face. Maybe if we saw Ms. Skinhead in person, we would say she greatly resembles Hitler's family.
Be careful Sally,if you have it may find you are part Arab or Mongol or Chinese or never know.steve

It would be very iffy if one of my ancient ancestors were either Chinese or Arab, just as it would be iffy if one of yours would be one of the wild men of Borneo. However, I think I will stick with the "Our of Africa" theory that our ancestors came out of Africa eons ago, and the further they moved away from the Equator, the lighter they became since they didn't need protection from a very hot sun.. Naturally skinheads, since they have the same mind set as members of the KKK, don't really like to hear that their distant ancestors might have been Black.
You know Sally we could well have similar DNA............Rosie too..........steve......Mind you I suppose I am a bit of a Wildman but Borneo that I am not sure,so I'm half way there at least LOL
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For one thing Sally, there is no such thing as Jewish blood or dna, he was a deist or even an atheist, which means if he found out his grandmother was a practicing Jew, it does not make him a Jew. But asking for money does. He is just a boy who grew up in Qatar? and someone in Canada told him he was a Mus Jew. I imagine being a Jew is more fulfilling than being a Palestinian. You know he is now one of the "chosen ones". What a hoot.

The one who is a hoot is you, Ms. Skinhead. I really think you should take a DNA test to see if you are the missing link who is so obsessed with Jews around the clock. As far as being the chosen ones, I suggest (knowing how ignorant you are) that you actually research what "chosen" really means in regard to the Jews. No doubt you go along with the radical Muslims that they are chosen and must rule the world for Islam.

When I saw a picture of that young man, he reminded me of some of the Italians in my neighborhood in the Bronx. Of course, Ms. Skinhead saw JEW written all over his face. Maybe if we saw Ms. Skinhead in person, we would say she greatly resembles Hitler's family.
Be careful Sally,if you have it may find you are part Arab or Mongol or Chinese or never know.steve

It would be very iffy if one of my ancient ancestors were either Chinese or Arab, just as it would be iffy if one of yours would be one of the wild men of Borneo. However, I think I will stick with the "Our of Africa" theory that our ancestors came out of Africa eons ago, and the further they moved away from the Equator, the lighter they became since they didn't need protection from a very hot sun.. Naturally skinheads, since they have the same mind set as members of the KKK, don't really like to hear that their distant ancestors might have been Black.
You know Sally we could well have similar DNA............Rosie too..........steve......Mind you I suppose I am a bit of a Wildman but Borneo that I am not sure,so I'm half way there at least LOL

you made no point Liq. You have, simply, demonstrated that you are heavily influenced by islamo Nazi shit

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