Watch: Jew Who Grew Up as Arab in Kuwait Reveals His Incredible Story

for my fellow posters----Please note that Sally did not mention the islamo Nazi ethos of "blood taint"------this filth is a preoccupation of two persons on the thread-----
Penelope and Liq. I find this fact interesting based on my experience with the Nazism of both Christians and muslims---------their Blood Libels---include not only false charges of murder but ALSO-----the "tainted with jew blood" libel. I have been
a jew all my life and ------closely involved with the issue of DNA -----(it is an aspect
of my profession)---- The first "blood taint" libel I heard was in my childhood-----someone in my Nazi neighborhood "accused" a young widow of being a "mulatto"---
I was about seven or eight---and asked my mom what "mulatto" means-----She told
me that someone said the young mother's grandmother was "colored"-----and I said
"so"?? and she said------"some people are 'like' that" Shortly thereafter I began
reading the islamo Nazi literature that was around town-----and I discovered that
there were people in the world who made an issue about a "JEWISH" <gasp>
grandfather or cousin or------whatever. I have been a jew all my life and heard
THOUSANDS OF TIMES "he's a jew----his greatgrandfather was a JOOOOOO!!!
But in all my life I never heard or read or encountered a "libel" ----****"His GREAT-GRANDFATHER was a ---------***CHRISTIAN-----or *****MUSLIM-----or ****HINDU, or ***MARTIAN ------from any jewish source ---
manner that "mulatto" has been an islamo Nazi preoccupation, Penelope
brings it up all the time
For one thing Sally, there is no such thing as Jewish blood or dna, he was a deist or even an atheist, which means if he found out his grandmother was a practicing Jew, it does not make him a Jew. But asking for money does. He is just a boy who grew up in Qatar? and someone in Canada told him he was a Mus Jew. I imagine being a Jew is more fulfilling than being a Palestinian. You know he is now one of the "chosen ones". What a hoot.

The one who is a hoot is you, Ms. Skinhead. I really think you should take a DNA test to see if you are the missing link who is so obsessed with Jews around the clock. As far as being the chosen ones, I suggest (knowing how ignorant you are) that you actually research what "chosen" really means in regard to the Jews. No doubt you go along with the radical Muslims that they are chosen and must rule the world for Islam.

When I saw a picture of that young man, he reminded me of some of the Italians in my neighborhood in the Bronx. Of course, Ms. Skinhead saw JEW written all over his face. Maybe if we saw Ms. Skinhead in person, we would say she greatly resembles Hitler's family.
Be careful Sally,if you have it may find you are part Arab or Mongol or Chinese or never know.steve

It would be very iffy if one of my ancient ancestors were either Chinese or Arab, just as it would be iffy if one of yours would be one of the wild men of Borneo. However, I think I will stick with the "Our of Africa" theory that our ancestors came out of Africa eons ago, and the further they moved away from the Equator, the lighter they became since they didn't need protection from a very hot sun.. Naturally skinheads, since they have the same mind set as members of the KKK, don't really like to hear that their distant ancestors might have been Black.
You know Sally we could well have similar DNA............Rosie too..........steve......Mind you I suppose I am a bit of a Wildman but Borneo that I am not sure,so I'm half way there at least LOL

you made no point Liq. You have, simply, demonstrated that you are heavily influenced by islamo Nazi shit
Really !!!!!!! I think we have a different concept of life................Influenced by Islamo-Nazis......MY ASS
for my fellow posters----Please note that Sally did not mention the islamo Nazi ethos of "blood taint"------this filth is a preoccupation of two persons on the thread-----
Penelope and Liq. I find this fact interesting based on my experience with the Nazism of both Christians and muslims---------their Blood Libels---include not only false charges of murder but ALSO-----the "tainted with jew blood" libel. I have been
a jew all my life and ------closely involved with the issue of DNA -----(it is an aspect
of my profession)---- The first "blood taint" libel I heard was in my childhood-----someone in my Nazi neighborhood "accused" a young widow of being a "mulatto"---
I was about seven or eight---and asked my mom what "mulatto" means-----She told
me that someone said the young mother's grandmother was "colored"-----and I said
"so"?? and she said------"some people are 'like' that" Shortly thereafter I began
reading the islamo Nazi literature that was around town-----and I discovered that
there were people in the world who made an issue about a "JEWISH" <gasp>
grandfather or cousin or------whatever. I have been a jew all my life and heard
THOUSANDS OF TIMES "he's a jew----his greatgrandfather was a JOOOOOO!!!
But in all my life I never heard or read or encountered a "libel" ----****"His GREAT-GRANDFATHER was a ---------***CHRISTIAN-----or *****MUSLIM-----or ****HINDU, or ***MARTIAN ------from any jewish source ---
manner that "mulatto" has been an islamo Nazi preoccupation, Penelope
brings it up all the time
Funny you bring up the word "Mulatto" Rosie because that term was coined in the Now USA South and parts of the Carribbean sic and is you that is preoccupied with race..........most of us are as we say in Australia.....BITSAS.....a bit of this and a bit of Hitler was a Raving Loony and Detested Jews,and so did most Germans at the time.......................Thankfully most of them are history...but still Anti-Semitism lingers.....It's not right, any thinking person knows that but Australia at least has SEVERE ANTI-DISCRIMINATION LAWS,World leaders yet again.........Come to Australia and call me an Islamo-Nazi...I will take you to Court,you will receive either imprisonment or a $10,000 Fine..............people with your attitude destroy society,peace and for the Jew Haters,Muslim Haters etc., well some are still doing time........steve
for my fellow posters----Please note that Sally did not mention the islamo Nazi ethos of "blood taint"------this filth is a preoccupation of two persons on the thread-----
Penelope and Liq. I find this fact interesting based on my experience with the Nazism of both Christians and muslims---------their Blood Libels---include not only false charges of murder but ALSO-----the "tainted with jew blood" libel. I have been
a jew all my life and ------closely involved with the issue of DNA -----(it is an aspect
of my profession)---- The first "blood taint" libel I heard was in my childhood-----someone in my Nazi neighborhood "accused" a young widow of being a "mulatto"---
I was about seven or eight---and asked my mom what "mulatto" means-----She told
me that someone said the young mother's grandmother was "colored"-----and I said
"so"?? and she said------"some people are 'like' that" Shortly thereafter I began
reading the islamo Nazi literature that was around town-----and I discovered that
there were people in the world who made an issue about a "JEWISH" <gasp>
grandfather or cousin or------whatever. I have been a jew all my life and heard
THOUSANDS OF TIMES "he's a jew----his greatgrandfather was a JOOOOOO!!!
But in all my life I never heard or read or encountered a "libel" ----****"His GREAT-GRANDFATHER was a ---------***CHRISTIAN-----or *****MUSLIM-----or ****HINDU, or ***MARTIAN ------from any jewish source ---
manner that "mulatto" has been an islamo Nazi preoccupation, Penelope
brings it up all the time
Funny you bring up the word "Mulatto" Rosie because that term was coined in the Now USA South and parts of the Carribbean sic and is you that is preoccupied with race..........most of us are as we say in Australia.....BITSAS.....a bit of this and a bit of Hitler was a Raving Loony and Detested Jews,and so did most Germans at the time.......................Thankfully most of them are history...but still Anti-Semitism lingers.....It's not right, any thinking person knows that but Australia at least has SEVERE ANTI-DISCRIMINATION LAWS,World leaders yet again.........Come to Australia and call me an Islamo-Nazi...I will take you to Court,you will receive either imprisonment or a $10,000 Fine..............people with your attitude destroy society,peace and for the Jew Haters,Muslim Haters etc., well some are still doing time........steve

I live in the USA and call a spade a spade----you are an islamo Nazi dog
for my fellow posters----Please note that Sally did not mention the islamo Nazi ethos of "blood taint"------this filth is a preoccupation of two persons on the thread-----
Penelope and Liq. I find this fact interesting based on my experience with the Nazism of both Christians and muslims---------their Blood Libels---include not only false charges of murder but ALSO-----the "tainted with jew blood" libel. I have been
a jew all my life and ------closely involved with the issue of DNA -----(it is an aspect
of my profession)---- The first "blood taint" libel I heard was in my childhood-----someone in my Nazi neighborhood "accused" a young widow of being a "mulatto"---
I was about seven or eight---and asked my mom what "mulatto" means-----She told
me that someone said the young mother's grandmother was "colored"-----and I said
"so"?? and she said------"some people are 'like' that" Shortly thereafter I began
reading the islamo Nazi literature that was around town-----and I discovered that
there were people in the world who made an issue about a "JEWISH" <gasp>
grandfather or cousin or------whatever. I have been a jew all my life and heard
THOUSANDS OF TIMES "he's a jew----his greatgrandfather was a JOOOOOO!!!
But in all my life I never heard or read or encountered a "libel" ----****"His GREAT-GRANDFATHER was a ---------***CHRISTIAN-----or *****MUSLIM-----or ****HINDU, or ***MARTIAN ------from any jewish source ---
manner that "mulatto" has been an islamo Nazi preoccupation, Penelope
brings it up all the time
Funny you bring up the word "Mulatto" Rosie because that term was coined in the Now USA South and parts of the Carribbean sic and is you that is preoccupied with race..........most of us are as we say in Australia.....BITSAS.....a bit of this and a bit of Hitler was a Raving Loony and Detested Jews,and so did most Germans at the time.......................Thankfully most of them are history...but still Anti-Semitism lingers.....It's not right, any thinking person knows that but Australia at least has SEVERE ANTI-DISCRIMINATION LAWS,World leaders yet again.........Come to Australia and call me an Islamo-Nazi...I will take you to Court,you will receive either imprisonment or a $10,000 Fine..............people with your attitude destroy society,peace and for the Jew Haters,Muslim Haters etc., well some are still doing time........steve

I live in the USA and call a spade a spade----you are an islamo Nazi dog
Please come to Paradise and say that........I would love to see you imprisoned.....but you are too much of a Coward to come here, I know.
for my fellow posters----Please note that Sally did not mention the islamo Nazi ethos of "blood taint"------this filth is a preoccupation of two persons on the thread-----
Penelope and Liq. I find this fact interesting based on my experience with the Nazism of both Christians and muslims---------their Blood Libels---include not only false charges of murder but ALSO-----the "tainted with jew blood" libel. I have been
a jew all my life and ------closely involved with the issue of DNA -----(it is an aspect
of my profession)---- The first "blood taint" libel I heard was in my childhood-----someone in my Nazi neighborhood "accused" a young widow of being a "mulatto"---
I was about seven or eight---and asked my mom what "mulatto" means-----She told
me that someone said the young mother's grandmother was "colored"-----and I said
"so"?? and she said------"some people are 'like' that" Shortly thereafter I began
reading the islamo Nazi literature that was around town-----and I discovered that
there were people in the world who made an issue about a "JEWISH" <gasp>
grandfather or cousin or------whatever. I have been a jew all my life and heard
THOUSANDS OF TIMES "he's a jew----his greatgrandfather was a JOOOOOO!!!
But in all my life I never heard or read or encountered a "libel" ----****"His GREAT-GRANDFATHER was a ---------***CHRISTIAN-----or *****MUSLIM-----or ****HINDU, or ***MARTIAN ------from any jewish source ---
manner that "mulatto" has been an islamo Nazi preoccupation, Penelope
brings it up all the time
Funny you bring up the word "Mulatto" Rosie because that term was coined in the Now USA South and parts of the Carribbean sic and is you that is preoccupied with race..........most of us are as we say in Australia.....BITSAS.....a bit of this and a bit of Hitler was a Raving Loony and Detested Jews,and so did most Germans at the time.......................Thankfully most of them are history...but still Anti-Semitism lingers.....It's not right, any thinking person knows that but Australia at least has SEVERE ANTI-DISCRIMINATION LAWS,World leaders yet again.........Come to Australia and call me an Islamo-Nazi...I will take you to Court,you will receive either imprisonment or a $10,000 Fine..............people with your attitude destroy society,peace and for the Jew Haters,Muslim Haters etc., well some are still doing time........steve

I live in the USA and call a spade a spade----you are an islamo Nazi dog
Please come to Paradise and say that........I would love to see you imprisoned.....but you are too much of a Coward to come here, I know.

Paradise?? where is YOUR paradise, ass licker? JANNAH?
for my fellow posters----Please note that Sally did not mention the islamo Nazi ethos of "blood taint"------this filth is a preoccupation of two persons on the thread-----
Penelope and Liq. I find this fact interesting based on my experience with the Nazism of both Christians and muslims---------their Blood Libels---include not only false charges of murder but ALSO-----the "tainted with jew blood" libel. I have been
a jew all my life and ------closely involved with the issue of DNA -----(it is an aspect
of my profession)---- The first "blood taint" libel I heard was in my childhood-----someone in my Nazi neighborhood "accused" a young widow of being a "mulatto"---
I was about seven or eight---and asked my mom what "mulatto" means-----She told
me that someone said the young mother's grandmother was "colored"-----and I said
"so"?? and she said------"some people are 'like' that" Shortly thereafter I began
reading the islamo Nazi literature that was around town-----and I discovered that
there were people in the world who made an issue about a "JEWISH" <gasp>
grandfather or cousin or------whatever. I have been a jew all my life and heard
THOUSANDS OF TIMES "he's a jew----his greatgrandfather was a JOOOOOO!!!
But in all my life I never heard or read or encountered a "libel" ----****"His GREAT-GRANDFATHER was a ---------***CHRISTIAN-----or *****MUSLIM-----or ****HINDU, or ***MARTIAN ------from any jewish source ---
manner that "mulatto" has been an islamo Nazi preoccupation, Penelope
brings it up all the time
Funny you bring up the word "Mulatto" Rosie because that term was coined in the Now USA South and parts of the Carribbean sic and is you that is preoccupied with race..........most of us are as we say in Australia.....BITSAS.....a bit of this and a bit of Hitler was a Raving Loony and Detested Jews,and so did most Germans at the time.......................Thankfully most of them are history...but still Anti-Semitism lingers.....It's not right, any thinking person knows that but Australia at least has SEVERE ANTI-DISCRIMINATION LAWS,World leaders yet again.........Come to Australia and call me an Islamo-Nazi...I will take you to Court,you will receive either imprisonment or a $10,000 Fine..............people with your attitude destroy society,peace and for the Jew Haters,Muslim Haters etc., well some are still doing time........steve

I live in the USA and call a spade a spade----you are an islamo Nazi dog
Please come to Paradise and say that........I would love to see you imprisoned.....but you are too much of a Coward to come here, I know.

Paradise?? where is YOUR paradise, ass licker? JANNAH?
Well you for one would never get into this fair land.......we don't take in Racist Trash...but we may let you in at Perth International,only to arrest you and imprison you,your feet,let alone your mouth won't touch the ground.Of course I have a state of the art Muzzle ready and waiting and a bar of carbolic soap to thoroughly wash out your septic Big Mouth
for my fellow posters----Please note that Sally did not mention the islamo Nazi ethos of "blood taint"------this filth is a preoccupation of two persons on the thread-----
Penelope and Liq. I find this fact interesting based on my experience with the Nazism of both Christians and muslims---------their Blood Libels---include not only false charges of murder but ALSO-----the "tainted with jew blood" libel. I have been
a jew all my life and ------closely involved with the issue of DNA -----(it is an aspect
of my profession)---- The first "blood taint" libel I heard was in my childhood-----someone in my Nazi neighborhood "accused" a young widow of being a "mulatto"---
I was about seven or eight---and asked my mom what "mulatto" means-----She told
me that someone said the young mother's grandmother was "colored"-----and I said
"so"?? and she said------"some people are 'like' that" Shortly thereafter I began
reading the islamo Nazi literature that was around town-----and I discovered that
there were people in the world who made an issue about a "JEWISH" <gasp>
grandfather or cousin or------whatever. I have been a jew all my life and heard
THOUSANDS OF TIMES "he's a jew----his greatgrandfather was a JOOOOOO!!!
But in all my life I never heard or read or encountered a "libel" ----****"His GREAT-GRANDFATHER was a ---------***CHRISTIAN-----or *****MUSLIM-----or ****HINDU, or ***MARTIAN ------from any jewish source ---
manner that "mulatto" has been an islamo Nazi preoccupation, Penelope
brings it up all the time
Funny you bring up the word "Mulatto" Rosie because that term was coined in the Now USA South and parts of the Carribbean sic and is you that is preoccupied with race..........most of us are as we say in Australia.....BITSAS.....a bit of this and a bit of Hitler was a Raving Loony and Detested Jews,and so did most Germans at the time.......................Thankfully most of them are history...but still Anti-Semitism lingers.....It's not right, any thinking person knows that but Australia at least has SEVERE ANTI-DISCRIMINATION LAWS,World leaders yet again.........Come to Australia and call me an Islamo-Nazi...I will take you to Court,you will receive either imprisonment or a $10,000 Fine..............people with your attitude destroy society,peace and for the Jew Haters,Muslim Haters etc., well some are still doing time........steve

I live in the USA and call a spade a spade----you are an islamo Nazi dog
Please come to Paradise and say that........I would love to see you imprisoned.....but you are too much of a Coward to come here, I know.

Paradise?? where is YOUR paradise, ass licker? JANNAH?
Well you for one would never get into this fair land.......we don't take in Racist Trash...but we may let you in at Perth International,only to arrest you and imprison you,your feet,let alone your mouth won't touch the ground.Of course I have a state of the art Muzzle ready and waiting and a bar of carbolic soap to thoroughly wash out your septic Big Mouth

really? where do you live--------in the land where the blob of shit that fell from the womb of amina now rots?. I have been in MANY places and always welcomed.
Funny you bring up the word "Mulatto" Rosie because that term was coined in the Now USA South and parts of the Carribbean sic and is you that is preoccupied with race..........most of us are as we say in Australia.....BITSAS.....a bit of this and a bit of Hitler was a Raving Loony and Detested Jews,and so did most Germans at the time.......................Thankfully most of them are history...but still Anti-Semitism lingers.....It's not right, any thinking person knows that but Australia at least has SEVERE ANTI-DISCRIMINATION LAWS,World leaders yet again.........Come to Australia and call me an Islamo-Nazi...I will take you to Court,you will receive either imprisonment or a $10,000 Fine..............people with your attitude destroy society,peace and for the Jew Haters,Muslim Haters etc., well some are still doing time........steve

I live in the USA and call a spade a spade----you are an islamo Nazi dog
Please come to Paradise and say that........I would love to see you imprisoned.....but you are too much of a Coward to come here, I know.

Paradise?? where is YOUR paradise, ass licker? JANNAH?
Well you for one would never get into this fair land.......we don't take in Racist Trash...but we may let you in at Perth International,only to arrest you and imprison you,your feet,let alone your mouth won't touch the ground.Of course I have a state of the art Muzzle ready and waiting and a bar of carbolic soap to thoroughly wash out your septic Big Mouth

really? where do you live--------in the land where the blob of shit that fell from the womb of amina now rots?. I have been in MANY places and always welcomed.
You won't be here because we are an open secular society,sorry NO ROOM for Zionist Trash like you........I doubt you have been to 41 different countries as I have,Welcomed by all,including Israel...No you are a Bullshit,Narrow Minded Nobody, Look Rosie if you find it difficult (which you seem to)on these threads,and you cannot handle these piquant situations,you then tend to be a repeditive Bore.....which of course you are,you continually self promote yourself and your Jewishness as if you have the moral high ground,which of course you don' really represent what you really are(and it is very rare I use this term on women,but I will make an exception in your case) are nothing more than a self opinionated,ingnorant,foul mouth SLAG.....for all to see.Get use to it
Funny you bring up the word "Mulatto" Rosie because that term was coined in the Now USA South and parts of the Carribbean sic and is you that is preoccupied with race..........most of us are as we say in Australia.....BITSAS.....a bit of this and a bit of Hitler was a Raving Loony and Detested Jews,and so did most Germans at the time.......................Thankfully most of them are history...but still Anti-Semitism lingers.....It's not right, any thinking person knows that but Australia at least has SEVERE ANTI-DISCRIMINATION LAWS,World leaders yet again.........Come to Australia and call me an Islamo-Nazi...I will take you to Court,you will receive either imprisonment or a $10,000 Fine..............people with your attitude destroy society,peace and for the Jew Haters,Muslim Haters etc., well some are still doing time........steve

I live in the USA and call a spade a spade----you are an islamo Nazi dog
Please come to Paradise and say that........I would love to see you imprisoned.....but you are too much of a Coward to come here, I know.

Paradise?? where is YOUR paradise, ass licker? JANNAH?
Well you for one would never get into this fair land.......we don't take in Racist Trash...but we may let you in at Perth International,only to arrest you and imprison you,your feet,let alone your mouth won't touch the ground.Of course I have a state of the art Muzzle ready and waiting and a bar of carbolic soap to thoroughly wash out your septic Big Mouth

really? where do you live--------in the land where the blob of shit that fell from the womb of amina now rots?. I have been in MANY places and always welcomed.
Funny you would say that,considering people have lived here for over 40,000 years.................anyone listening to you for more than a nanno second would realise what a Racist Uneducated Slag you actually are.I am being kind today
I live in the USA and call a spade a spade----you are an islamo Nazi dog
Please come to Paradise and say that........I would love to see you imprisoned.....but you are too much of a Coward to come here, I know.

Paradise?? where is YOUR paradise, ass licker? JANNAH?
Well you for one would never get into this fair land.......we don't take in Racist Trash...but we may let you in at Perth International,only to arrest you and imprison you,your feet,let alone your mouth won't touch the ground.Of course I have a state of the art Muzzle ready and waiting and a bar of carbolic soap to thoroughly wash out your septic Big Mouth

really? where do you live--------in the land where the blob of shit that fell from the womb of amina now rots?. I have been in MANY places and always welcomed.
Funny you would say that,considering people have lived here for over 40,000 years.................anyone listening to you for more than a nanno second would realise what a Racist Uneducated Slag you actually are.I am being kind today

sheeeeeesh-----sucha LIBERTARIAN----and all bent out of shape because a kid
of mixed ancestry decided to be a jew
for my fellow posters----Please note that Sally did not mention the islamo Nazi ethos of "blood taint"------this filth is a preoccupation of two persons on the thread-----
Penelope and Liq. I find this fact interesting based on my experience with the Nazism of both Christians and muslims---------their Blood Libels---include not only false charges of murder but ALSO-----the "tainted with jew blood" libel. I have been
a jew all my life and ------closely involved with the issue of DNA -----(it is an aspect
of my profession)---- The first "blood taint" libel I heard was in my childhood-----someone in my Nazi neighborhood "accused" a young widow of being a "mulatto"---
I was about seven or eight---and asked my mom what "mulatto" means-----She told
me that someone said the young mother's grandmother was "colored"-----and I said
"so"?? and she said------"some people are 'like' that" Shortly thereafter I began
reading the islamo Nazi literature that was around town-----and I discovered that
there were people in the world who made an issue about a "JEWISH" <gasp>
grandfather or cousin or------whatever. I have been a jew all my life and heard
THOUSANDS OF TIMES "he's a jew----his greatgrandfather was a JOOOOOO!!!
But in all my life I never heard or read or encountered a "libel" ----****"His GREAT-GRANDFATHER was a ---------***CHRISTIAN-----or *****MUSLIM-----or ****HINDU, or ***MARTIAN ------from any jewish source ---
manner that "mulatto" has been an islamo Nazi preoccupation, Penelope
brings it up all the time
What on earth were your parents thinking Allowing YOU to read RUBBISH like "Islamo-Nazi" literature at the age of 7 or 8.......I just don't believe you because,No1,no parent would allow such a thing,No2 the term Islamo-Nazi is a recent term used by mal-adjusted morons......The fact is you are lying,do you crave so much attention that you make up such non sense,Rosie I pity you,infact we all pity you.........
for my fellow posters----Please note that Sally did not mention the islamo Nazi ethos of "blood taint"------this filth is a preoccupation of two persons on the thread-----
Penelope and Liq. I find this fact interesting based on my experience with the Nazism of both Christians and muslims---------their Blood Libels---include not only false charges of murder but ALSO-----the "tainted with jew blood" libel. I have been
a jew all my life and ------closely involved with the issue of DNA -----(it is an aspect
of my profession)---- The first "blood taint" libel I heard was in my childhood-----someone in my Nazi neighborhood "accused" a young widow of being a "mulatto"---
I was about seven or eight---and asked my mom what "mulatto" means-----She told
me that someone said the young mother's grandmother was "colored"-----and I said
"so"?? and she said------"some people are 'like' that" Shortly thereafter I began
reading the islamo Nazi literature that was around town-----and I discovered that
there were people in the world who made an issue about a "JEWISH" <gasp>
grandfather or cousin or------whatever. I have been a jew all my life and heard
THOUSANDS OF TIMES "he's a jew----his greatgrandfather was a JOOOOOO!!!
But in all my life I never heard or read or encountered a "libel" ----****"His GREAT-GRANDFATHER was a ---------***CHRISTIAN-----or *****MUSLIM-----or ****HINDU, or ***MARTIAN ------from any jewish source ---
manner that "mulatto" has been an islamo Nazi preoccupation, Penelope
brings it up all the time
What on earth were your parents thinking Allowing YOU to read RUBBISH like "Islamo-Nazi" literature at the age of 7 or 8.......I just don't believe you because,No1,no parent would allow such a thing,No2 the term Islamo-Nazi is a recent term used by mal-adjusted morons......The fact is you are lying,do you crave so much attention that you make up such non sense,Rosie I pity you,infact we all pity you.........

Excuse me for butting in here, Stevie, but many parents don't hold children back and let them read what they want to because they feels it shows them the real world. I can remember reading about the Armenian genocide at a young age, and the stories were horrific. As far as Nazis in the New York/New Jersey area, there certainly were quite a few. This will give you a little history of one area where they resided. I probably rubbed shoulders with some of them when I would go with friends to the local dance hall called Lorelei. Or the one in the Bronx called the German Stadium (which later on was purchased by a nice Irish guy named Gilligan).

Click here: Louis Lochner

By the way, Stevie, I am very curious. You have a Muslim posting, and a reader would have to be brain dead not to realize that he hates the Jews. How come you have been so silent about what he is posting? I don't think anyone expects you to go after him tooth and nail, but some comments to what he is dragging up should show that you too realize what an anti-Semitic he is.
for my fellow posters----Please note that Sally did not mention the islamo Nazi ethos of "blood taint"------this filth is a preoccupation of two persons on the thread-----
Penelope and Liq. I find this fact interesting based on my experience with the Nazism of both Christians and muslims---------their Blood Libels---include not only false charges of murder but ALSO-----the "tainted with jew blood" libel. I have been
a jew all my life and ------closely involved with the issue of DNA -----(it is an aspect
of my profession)---- The first "blood taint" libel I heard was in my childhood-----someone in my Nazi neighborhood "accused" a young widow of being a "mulatto"---
I was about seven or eight---and asked my mom what "mulatto" means-----She told
me that someone said the young mother's grandmother was "colored"-----and I said
"so"?? and she said------"some people are 'like' that" Shortly thereafter I began
reading the islamo Nazi literature that was around town-----and I discovered that
there were people in the world who made an issue about a "JEWISH" <gasp>
grandfather or cousin or------whatever. I have been a jew all my life and heard
THOUSANDS OF TIMES "he's a jew----his greatgrandfather was a JOOOOOO!!!
But in all my life I never heard or read or encountered a "libel" ----****"His GREAT-GRANDFATHER was a ---------***CHRISTIAN-----or *****MUSLIM-----or ****HINDU, or ***MARTIAN ------from any jewish source ---
manner that "mulatto" has been an islamo Nazi preoccupation, Penelope
brings it up all the time
What on earth were your parents thinking Allowing YOU to read RUBBISH like "Islamo-Nazi" literature at the age of 7 or 8.......I just don't believe you because,No1,no parent would allow such a thing,No2 the term Islamo-Nazi is a recent term used by mal-adjusted morons......The fact is you are lying,do you crave so much attention that you make up such non sense,Rosie I pity you,infact we all pity you.........

I was an avid reader as a child ----AND I lived in a town --(north east USA) that was VERY MUCH Nazi. In fact there was a bit of a stir when my father managed to buy a house in that ------TILL THEN---RESTRICTED TOWN. --------I read lots of comic books because my brothers bought them There were little pamphlets of islamo Nazi shit ----all around town. I am not a person of YOUR FILTHY ILK ----I do not lie--------discuss the lying thing with the filth that spawned you. My parents were very LIBERAL minded. They did not check out what I was reading. I read whatever came to my hands----I even attended sunday school with my Christian playmate and had read the NT by age 10-----people handed them out---little tiny pocket things.
BTW---I did not say I read the stuff at age seven------I said it started at age 8 when I tested as a person with a reading comprehension of GRADE 12--------no big deal------lots of kids in grade 12 can barely read. The islamo Nazi literature is very simplistic. At about age 10 I stumbled on the book LOLITA-----I read that too------I may have had a good reading comprehension------but I had no idea why LOLITA had caused a stir-------I was utterly CLUELESS as to what about that boring book
was SO BIG A DEAL. I was a naïve kid-----I knew nothing about the gutter.
for my fellow posters----Please note that Sally did not mention the islamo Nazi ethos of "blood taint"------this filth is a preoccupation of two persons on the thread-----
Penelope and Liq. I find this fact interesting based on my experience with the Nazism of both Christians and muslims---------their Blood Libels---include not only false charges of murder but ALSO-----the "tainted with jew blood" libel. I have been
a jew all my life and ------closely involved with the issue of DNA -----(it is an aspect
of my profession)---- The first "blood taint" libel I heard was in my childhood-----someone in my Nazi neighborhood "accused" a young widow of being a "mulatto"---
I was about seven or eight---and asked my mom what "mulatto" means-----She told
me that someone said the young mother's grandmother was "colored"-----and I said
"so"?? and she said------"some people are 'like' that" Shortly thereafter I began
reading the islamo Nazi literature that was around town-----and I discovered that
there were people in the world who made an issue about a "JEWISH" <gasp>
grandfather or cousin or------whatever. I have been a jew all my life and heard
THOUSANDS OF TIMES "he's a jew----his greatgrandfather was a JOOOOOO!!!
But in all my life I never heard or read or encountered a "libel" ----****"His GREAT-GRANDFATHER was a ---------***CHRISTIAN-----or *****MUSLIM-----or ****HINDU, or ***MARTIAN ------from any jewish source ---
manner that "mulatto" has been an islamo Nazi preoccupation, Penelope
brings it up all the time
What on earth were your parents thinking Allowing YOU to read RUBBISH like "Islamo-Nazi" literature at the age of 7 or 8.......I just don't believe you because,No1,no parent would allow such a thing,No2 the term Islamo-Nazi is a recent term used by mal-adjusted morons......The fact is you are lying,do you crave so much attention that you make up such non sense,Rosie I pity you,infact we all pity you.........

Excuse me for butting in here, Stevie, but many parents don't hold children back and let them read what they want to because they feels it shows them the real world. I can remember reading about the Armenian genocide at a young age, and the stories were horrific. As far as Nazis in the New York/New Jersey area, there certainly were quite a few. This will give you a little history of one area where they resided. I probably rubbed shoulders with some of them when I would go with friends to the local dance hall called Lorelei. Or the one in the Bronx called the German Stadium (which later on was purchased by a nice Irish guy named Gilligan).

Click here: Louis Lochner

By the way, Stevie, I am very curious. You have a Muslim posting, and a reader would have to be brain dead not to realize that he hates the Jews. How come you have been so silent about what he is posting? I don't think anyone expects you to go after him tooth and nail, but some comments to what he is dragging up should show that you too realize what an anti-Semitic he is.
ISIS and all this Muslim shit that is going on I despise,I could talk for hours about this minority,the majority of Muslims are fine people....Sally, my main tenor on here is Peace between the Palestinians and Israelis.....steven..which is my hope for the future......
Last edited:
for my fellow posters----Please note that Sally did not mention the islamo Nazi ethos of "blood taint"------this filth is a preoccupation of two persons on the thread-----
Penelope and Liq. I find this fact interesting based on my experience with the Nazism of both Christians and muslims---------their Blood Libels---include not only false charges of murder but ALSO-----the "tainted with jew blood" libel. I have been
a jew all my life and ------closely involved with the issue of DNA -----(it is an aspect
of my profession)---- The first "blood taint" libel I heard was in my childhood-----someone in my Nazi neighborhood "accused" a young widow of being a "mulatto"---
I was about seven or eight---and asked my mom what "mulatto" means-----She told
me that someone said the young mother's grandmother was "colored"-----and I said
"so"?? and she said------"some people are 'like' that" Shortly thereafter I began
reading the islamo Nazi literature that was around town-----and I discovered that
there were people in the world who made an issue about a "JEWISH" <gasp>
grandfather or cousin or------whatever. I have been a jew all my life and heard
THOUSANDS OF TIMES "he's a jew----his greatgrandfather was a JOOOOOO!!!
But in all my life I never heard or read or encountered a "libel" ----****"His GREAT-GRANDFATHER was a ---------***CHRISTIAN-----or *****MUSLIM-----or ****HINDU, or ***MARTIAN ------from any jewish source ---
manner that "mulatto" has been an islamo Nazi preoccupation, Penelope
brings it up all the time
What on earth were your parents thinking Allowing YOU to read RUBBISH like "Islamo-Nazi" literature at the age of 7 or 8.......I just don't believe you because,No1,no parent would allow such a thing,No2 the term Islamo-Nazi is a recent term used by mal-adjusted morons......The fact is you are lying,do you crave so much attention that you make up such non sense,Rosie I pity you,infact we all pity you.........

I was an avid reader as a child ----AND I lived in a town --(north east USA) that was VERY MUCH Nazi. In fact there was a bit of a stir when my father managed to buy a house in that ------TILL THEN---RESTRICTED TOWN. --------I read lots of comic books because my brothers bought them There were little pamphlets of islamo Nazi shit ----all around town. I am not a person of YOUR FILTHY ILK ----I do not lie--------discuss the lying thing with the filth that spawned you. My parents were very LIBERAL minded. They did not check out what I was reading. I read whatever came to my hands----I even attended sunday school with my Christian playmate and had read the NT by age 10-----people handed them out---little tiny pocket things.
BTW---I did not say I read the stuff at age seven------I said it started at age 8 when I tested as a person with a reading comprehension of GRADE 12--------no big deal------lots of kids in grade 12 can barely read. The islamo Nazi literature is very simplistic. At about age 10 I stumbled on the book LOLITA-----I read that too------I may have had a good reading comprehension------but I had no idea why LOLITA had caused a stir-------I was utterly CLUELESS as to what about that boring book
was SO BIG A DEAL. I was a naïve kid-----I knew nothing about the gutter.
Rosie,Thank You,my apologies for my assumptions........steven
for my fellow posters----Please note that Sally did not mention the islamo Nazi ethos of "blood taint"------this filth is a preoccupation of two persons on the thread-----
Penelope and Liq. I find this fact interesting based on my experience with the Nazism of both Christians and muslims---------their Blood Libels---include not only false charges of murder but ALSO-----the "tainted with jew blood" libel. I have been
a jew all my life and ------closely involved with the issue of DNA -----(it is an aspect
of my profession)---- The first "blood taint" libel I heard was in my childhood-----someone in my Nazi neighborhood "accused" a young widow of being a "mulatto"---
I was about seven or eight---and asked my mom what "mulatto" means-----She told
me that someone said the young mother's grandmother was "colored"-----and I said
"so"?? and she said------"some people are 'like' that" Shortly thereafter I began
reading the islamo Nazi literature that was around town-----and I discovered that
there were people in the world who made an issue about a "JEWISH" <gasp>
grandfather or cousin or------whatever. I have been a jew all my life and heard
THOUSANDS OF TIMES "he's a jew----his greatgrandfather was a JOOOOOO!!!
But in all my life I never heard or read or encountered a "libel" ----****"His GREAT-GRANDFATHER was a ---------***CHRISTIAN-----or *****MUSLIM-----or ****HINDU, or ***MARTIAN ------from any jewish source ---
manner that "mulatto" has been an islamo Nazi preoccupation, Penelope
brings it up all the time
What on earth were your parents thinking Allowing YOU to read RUBBISH like "Islamo-Nazi" literature at the age of 7 or 8.......I just don't believe you because,No1,no parent would allow such a thing,No2 the term Islamo-Nazi is a recent term used by mal-adjusted morons......The fact is you are lying,do you crave so much attention that you make up such non sense,Rosie I pity you,infact we all pity you.........

Excuse me for butting in here, Stevie, but many parents don't hold children back and let them read what they want to because they feels it shows them the real world. I can remember reading about the Armenian genocide at a young age, and the stories were horrific. As far as Nazis in the New York/New Jersey area, there certainly were quite a few. This will give you a little history of one area where they resided. I probably rubbed shoulders with some of them when I would go with friends to the local dance hall called Lorelei. Or the one in the Bronx called the German Stadium (which later on was purchased by a nice Irish guy named Gilligan).

Click here: Louis Lochner

By the way, Stevie, I am very curious. You have a Muslim posting, and a reader would have to be brain dead not to realize that he hates the Jews. How come you have been so silent about what he is posting? I don't think anyone expects you to go after him tooth and nail, but some comments to what he is dragging up should show that you too realize what an anti-Semitic he is.
ISIS and all this Muslim shit that is going on I despise,I could talk for hours about this minority,the majority of Muslims are fine people....Sally, my main tenor on here is Peace between the Palestinians and Israelis.....steven..which is my hope for the future......

Well if you are not really interested in what is going on in the rest of the Middle East, then this is the wrong forum for you. If you only have one interest, I would suggest you go to a forum where you can satisfy your obsession with the one little area in the Middle East. Let it all hang out,

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