Watch live: Biden signs gay marriage bill with drag queens, Pelosi, Cyndi Lauper, Homophobe GOP Rep Vicki Hartzler's gay nephew & others in attendance

To the same sex couples and interracial couples, it is still a sacred institution. Sounds like it is you who lost the sacred part. If it were a strictly religious institution, you might have a point. It isn't. You don't.

"Sacred" being defined as "connected with God (or the gods) or dedicated to a religious purpose and so deserving veneration" and "religious rather than secular."

Please feel free to fill me in as to specifically which religion gives its blessings to same sex marriage or other such faggotry.

I will eagerly await. And please don't try to refer me to various denominations of Christianity which have come to condone same sex marriage. They aren't really following what their Bibles are teaching.
"Sacred" being defined as "connected with God (or the gods) or dedicated to a religious purpose and so deserving veneration" and "religious rather than secular."

Please feel free to fill me in as to specifically which religion gives its blessings to same sex marriage or other such faggotry.

I will eagerly await. And please don't try to refer me to various denominations of Christianity which have come to condone same sex marriage. They aren't really following what their Bibles are teaching.

I had a thought (Surprise!, Surprise!...).

Is there a Muslim sect that condones it??
When the Democrat filth does something despicable like this stupid bill they are usually helped by RINOs. In this case 12 of the Republican dipshits joined all the Democrat dipshits to pass the bill.


Also disgusting to see Potatohead partying with his queer transsexual asshole buddies.

It's all fun and games until one of Joe's "buddies" tries to grope and sniff him. :laughing0301:
Well if that ain't pandering and a shameless photo opportunity. Yup, that Obama done taught his honkey step-n-fetchit well.

And what's with that second video? "Serious business" involving a lesbian with a mop on her head, and a girl with purple hair? Seriously?

So sad the President didn't cater to you, eh? :heehee:
"Sacred" being defined as "connected with God (or the gods) or dedicated to a religious purpose and so deserving veneration" and "religious rather than secular."

Please feel free to fill me in as to specifically which religion gives its blessings to same sex marriage or other such faggotry.

I will eagerly await. And please don't try to refer me to various denominations of Christianity which have come to condone same sex marriage. They aren't really following what their Bibles are teaching.

But marriage is not just a religious institution. You buy a license from the gov't, not the church. You can get up 1,400 benefits from federal, state and local gov'ts for being married.

That is what is protected by this bill. Equal access to marriage that is recognized by the gov't. I doubt any of them care if the pentacostals recognize it.

This is not about religion. People marry every day without the involvement of any church or religion.
But marriage is not just a religious institution. You buy a license from the gov't, not the church. You can get up 1,400 benefits from federal, state and local gov'ts for being married.

That is what is protected by this bill. Equal access to marriage that is recognized by the gov't. I doubt any of them care if the pentacostals recognize it.

This is not about religion. People marry every day without the involvement of any church or religion.

Sure, and since there are no actual traditions in government sanctioned marriage, I think it’s time we had a robust discussion as to what marriage is and should be.

I’ll start: the civil contract called marriage is limited in its participation to 2 individuals. Now, in the past, the reason for this limitation, which seems exclusive to marriage for some odd reason, was obvious because those two being married comprised of the two demographic groups that, well, make babies.

But now, seeing that two same sex gays, or for that matter, two straights of the same sex can join in marriage, why the limitation of only two? Clearly same sex couples, regardless of sexuality, can’t create offspring.

And I continue to search for another civil contract that limit the number of participants to only two.
Sorry bout that,

1. Now in USA the flood gates will blast open, yesterday the federal government sealed its doom.
2. And both parties voted for it.
3. They chose unwisely.
4. See my thread thats in the rubber room now.
5. All babies, and children under 15, should evacuate, Washington D.C. Now!!!!


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