Watch live: Biden signs gay marriage bill with drag queens, Pelosi, Cyndi Lauper, Homophobe GOP Rep Vicki Hartzler's gay nephew & others in attendance

Bingo, the ultimate goal. At least GG had guts enough to bring it to light.

I have been saying for longer than I have been on this forum that the government should not be in the marriage business. It does not take guts, just brains.
I have been saying for longer than I have been on this forum that the government should not be in the marriage business. It does not take guts, just brains.

I might agree, especially now, it no longer makes sense. And once the general population understands that this was the reason for all this, well, I wouldn’t want to face the backlash.
I might agree, especially now, it no longer makes sense. And once the general population understands that this was the reason for all this, well, I wouldn’t want to face the backlash.

That is not the reason for all this, these people want all those benefits the government gives married people. The "get government out of marriage" is my view, not that of some group out there.

There is no reason at all for same sex couples not to be able to have a civil marriage and receive all the things the government gives the rest of us married couples.

So damn tired of all you bigots thinking that two dudes getting married will some how have an effect on your marriage. If it does, the problem is with you, not with them.
He should probably have his security detail watch these people. They may make take some white house stuff. Lol. But he won't because he agrees with this abhorrent behavior.

So on person steals stuff and the entire group is guilty.

That is one thing I have always appreciated about you, you are loud and proud with your bigotry and hatred, you never try and hide it.
How do two people of the same sex getting married make your marriage any less sacred?

In a similar same way as it would dimish the Heisman Trophy if they handed it out to every player in the country. What is going to happen when this continues to ”progress” into multiple people getting married to each other? What about marrying your dog? Does it really matter anymore? How about when two 12 year old besties start complaining that they can’t be married? Are we to allow that as well? There is a sanctity to it and this most certainly removes at least a portion of that as well as opening the door to further reaches by any and all self-proclaimed marginalized groups.
So on person steals stuff and the entire group is guilty.

That is one thing I have always appreciated about you, you are loud and proud with your bigotry and hatred, you never try and hide it.

No hate or bigotry. Just pointing out facts. Your emotions always get the best of you. Substance just goes out the door with you.
That is not the reason for all this, these people want all those benefits the government gives married people. The "get government out of marriage" is my view, not that of some group out there.

There is no reason at all for same sex couples not to be able to have a civil marriage and receive all the things the government gives the rest of us married couples.

So damn tired of all you bigots thinking that two dudes getting married will some how have an effect on your marriage. If it does, the problem is with you, not with them.

What bigotry? Explain. A marriage between a man and woman excludes no one except those to young, to closely related and those unable to consent.

It’s pretty all inclusive.
In a similar same way as it would dimish the Heisman Trophy if they handed it out to every player in the country.

That is just stupid. The Heisman Trophy is based upon performance and is earned. Marriage is neither. Marriage is a civil contract, nothing more.

What is going to happen when this continues to ”progress” into multiple people getting married to each other?

Not really sure why this should be illegal.

What about marrying your dog? Does it really matter anymore?

As soon as a dog can legally consent to something, we can have this discussion.

How about when two 12 year old besties start complaining that they can’t be married?

Well, it used to be not all that rare. But today it would take changing the laws to allow 12 year olds to legally sign contracts.

There is a sanctity to it and this most certainly removes at least a portion of that as well as opening the door to further reaches by any and all self-proclaimed marginalized groups.

We just had a president that was on his 3rd marriage and had openly cheated on all 3 wives. To me that does far more to damage the sanctity of marriage than does two adults that love each other being able to obtain a civil marriage.

And in the end, none of it makes a bit of difference to me and my marriage. It does not in any way diminish the love I have for my wife or take away from the almost 30 years we have been married.
No hate or bigotry. Just pointing out facts. Your emotions always get the best of you. Substance just goes out the door with you.

So, it is a fact that if one person from a group steals then they all will do so!

Dude, you would not know a fact if one walked up and slapped you across the face.
What bigotry? Explain. A marriage between a man and woman excludes no one except those to young, to closely related and those unable to consent.

It’s pretty all inclusive.

It excludes two adult men or two adult women from being married and there is no good reason to discriminate against them.
So, it is a fact that if one person from a group steals then they all will do so!

Dude, you would not know a fact if one walked up and slapped you across the face.

Nope but given their history, yeah they should be watched. Dude, quit being a liberal hack. Your schtick just gets tiring. Lol. You're supposed to be the good independent, libertarian......right?
Nope but given their history, yeah they should be watched.

There is a history of gay people being thieves?

I would say far more thieves are straight than gay, so I guess that means you also are a thief, correct?
There is a history of gay people being thieves?

I would say far more thieves are straight than gay, so I guess that means you also are a thief, correct?

Doesn't matter. A thief is a thief. The truth is that he hired a transgender thing that stole luggage at the airport. That is fact. You deal in emotion.
Doesn't matter. A thief is a thief. The truth is that he hired a transgender thing that stole luggage at the airport. That is fact. You deal in emotion.

Yes, a thief is a thief. And those that are not thieves, are not.

Yes, he did hire a transgender person that stole luggage. That person is no longer a part of the government.

That part of your claim is not in question. What is in question is your bigoted idea that one person doing it makes the entire group gulity. Would you blame every male in the country because one male raped a woman?
Gay marriage has been legal for 10 years lol

Biden legalized what's already legal and the dumbass lemmings applaud as if it matters lol

It was made so by a ruling from SCOTUS, not unlike abortion. We have seen the current SCOTUS has no problem ignoring its own precedent. In fact on of the Justices said that same sex marriage should be next.

This removes that from being a problem now.

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