Watch live: Biden signs gay marriage bill with drag queens, Pelosi, Cyndi Lauper, Homophobe GOP Rep Vicki Hartzler's gay nephew & others in attendance

Sure, and since there are no actual traditions in government sanctioned marriage, I think it’s time we had a robust discussion as to what marriage is and should be.

I’ll start: the civil contract called marriage is limited in its participation to 2 individuals. Now, in the past, the reason for this limitation, which seems exclusive to marriage for some odd reason, was obvious because those two being married comprised of the two demographic groups that, well, make babies.

But now, seeing that two same sex gays, or for that matter, two straights of the same sex can join in marriage, why the limitation of only two? Clearly same sex couples, regardless of sexuality, can’t create offspring.

And I continue to search for another civil contract that limit the number of participants to only two.

The production of babies is a by-product of marriage, not the point of it. I say this because there has never been a requirement that both parties in a marriage be capable of reproducing. Whether age (menopause), or illness has robbed one party or the other of the ability to reproduce, they have still been welcomed into matrimony.
Gays who think this law is good should read this:

---Being married sucks---

---Marriage Sucks---

Being anti-groomer is not anti-LGBT and to say otherwise is homophobic.

So, I guess SCOTUS legalizing faghadist marriage 10 freaking years ago was just an illusion. This shit is just political theater, if SCOTUS decides to revisit faghadist marriage and return it to the States, this puny law would be stricken at the same time. Just as any law the commies would try to pass regarding abortion would be an exercise in futility.

Glad to see the leftists celebrating sin. Good little Satanists. Gonna keep Ol' Nick busy shoveling coal.

You and your church are welcome to have any restrictions you want on who gets married.

The gov't made the right decision here.
The production of babies is a by-product of marriage, not the point of it. I say this because there has never been a requirement that both parties in a marriage be capable of reproducing. Whether age (menopause), or illness has robbed one party or the other of the ability to reproduce, they have still been welcomed into matrimony.

And yet, the requirement of ONLY two, being not too closely related existed. A clear implication of the production of offspring.

Any other civil contracts that limits participation to two?
The production of babies is a by-product of marriage, not the point of it. I say this because there has never been a requirement that both parties in a marriage be capable of reproducing. Whether age (menopause), or illness has robbed one party or the other of the ability to reproduce, they have still been welcomed into matrimony.
The ghettos if they had a chance to be reduced will never now. They will get worse.
But just think: Now that marriage is no longer a sacred institution, I can marry one of my guns and have that "son of a gun" I keep hearing about.

I'll name him "Shootey McBangy." He'll be a real pistol when he grows up.


A "sacred institution"?
"Sacred" being defined as "connected with God (or the gods) or dedicated to a religious purpose and so deserving veneration" and "religious rather than secular."

Please feel free to fill me in as to specifically which religion gives its blessings to same sex marriage or other such faggotry.

I will eagerly await. And please don't try to refer me to various denominations of Christianity which have come to condone same sex marriage. They aren't really following what their Bibles are teaching.

How do two people of the same sex getting married make your marriage any less sacred?
A "sacred institution"?
I type it over and over because it is just that. It keeps men at a higher percentage responsible for the children they produce. Over the decades more and more women have made the government their sugar daddies as the children daddies took a flyer. The ghettos are proof and there is a lot more.
Gays who think this law is good should read this:

---Being married sucks---

---Marriage Sucks---

Sorry you are are unhappy in your marriage. My wife and I will hit our 30th anniversary in Feb and we have never been happier.
As soon as the Fed Govt removes all benefits tied to marriage I would agree with you.
When the Prog derive totalitarian government has complete control and poverty has increased in huge numbers, they will push traditional marriage in a stringent way. The old way was with freedom. This way we will be living under draconian laws.
So, I guess SCOTUS legalizing faghadist marriage 10 freaking years ago was just an illusion.

After the current SCTOUS proved that no ruling is safe, this was a good move by all those that actually believe in equal rights.
When the Prog derive totalitarian government has complete control and poverty has increased in huge numbers, they will push traditional marriage in a stringent way. The old way was with freedom. This way we will be living under draconian laws.

I do love your drunk post, but damn dude, you really need to cut back on the booze.

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