Watch live: Biden signs gay marriage bill with drag queens, Pelosi, Cyndi Lauper, Homophobe GOP Rep Vicki Hartzler's gay nephew & others in attendance

If one party is considered property, then it is not a marriage. We have moved beyond a spouse being property. At least I hope we have.
True, but with the speed our current society is accepting of redefining just about anything these days?

So have you come up yet with another civil contract that limits the number of participants to two, other than marriage?

I’ve been racking my brains and can’t come up with a single one?

You suppose there was a reason for this?
If one party is considered property, then it is not a marriage. We have moved beyond a spouse being property. At least I hope we have.
The real property is anyone who works having taxes extruded from them for irresponsible people. And this is different than traditional families with tax breaks saving several hundred dollars with children.
True, but with the speed our current society is accepting of redefining just about anything these days?

So have you come up yet with another civil contract that limits the number of participants to two, other than marriage?

I’ve been racking my brains and can’t come up with a single one?

You suppose there was a reason for this?

I can't think of one either. But I also can't think of a single, nonreligious, reason why same sex and interracial marriages would not be recognized by the gov't.
The real property is anyone who works having taxes extruded from them for irresponsible people. And this is different than traditional families with tax breaks saving several hundred dollars with children.

Then remove the tax breaks for every married couple without children under the age of 18.
No I married a bitch and not making that mistake again. Anyway you loons has made marriage a joke.

I've been married twice. Neither time was a joke.

Same sex marriages and interracial marriages have no effect on your marriage unless you marry some of the same sex or of a different race. Period.
After the current SCTOUS proved that no ruling is safe, this was a good move by all those that actually believe in equal rights.

As Paul Harvey said so eloquently, "And now for the rest of the story."
This shit is just political theater, if SCOTUS decides to revisit faghadist marriage and return it to the States, this puny law would be stricken at the same time. Just as any law the commies would try to pass regarding abortion would be an exercise in futility.

I've been married twice. Neither time was a joke.

Same sex marriages and interracial marriages have no effect on your marriage unless you marry some of the same sex or of a different race. Period.
It just opens the door for people to be able to marry anything. Which will make it a joke.
I can't think of one either. But I also can't think of a single, nonreligious, reason why same sex and interracial marriages would not be recognized by the gov't.

Why bring interracial into it, surely a man is a man, and a woman is a woman, regardless of skin color, and for that matter, sexuality.

I suppose the reasoning was to make coed bowling leagues easier to organize?

Or it could be that, it takes a mixture of a man and a woman combined to create a third life, regardless of the sexuality of the two.

Makes perfect sense to me
I can't think of one either. But I also can't think of a single, nonreligious, reason why same sex and interracial marriages would not be recognized by the gov't.

You know, when I posted that same sex marriage could include two straights, I got blasted because that marriage would be for fraudulent reasons.

I know, bizarre, aye?
That is not the reason for all this, these people want all those benefits the government gives married people. The "get government out of marriage" is my view, not that of some group out there.

There is no reason at all for same sex couples not to be able to have a civil marriage and receive all the things the government gives the rest of us married couples.

So damn tired of all you bigots thinking that two dudes getting married will some how have an effect on your marriage. If it does, the problem is with you, not with them.

Nope, it has a direct bearing on society in general. It was a direct assault on the morality of the country, and just look where it has led us. The fact is there was no discrimination against faghadist, they were treated just like every other man or woman under the law.

Question for you Moon Bats.

With all the problems this country has now with massive inflation, high cost of energy, millions of Illegals flooding across the border, massive debt and a near recession economy why are those idiots in Congress spending this time on this idiotic filthy queer shit?

Is that all they have time to do?

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