Watch live: Biden signs gay marriage bill with drag queens, Pelosi, Cyndi Lauper, Homophobe GOP Rep Vicki Hartzler's gay nephew & others in attendance

I didn't say there was one. I simply said it was part of this bill and was added to prevent it from being overturned.
I heard Biden was going to sign an endangered species act to protect dinosaurs too!
Literally makes as much sense as this dumb law.

Fags getting married was legalized TEN YEARS AGO.

This law makes as much sense as the anti lynching law lol
It is the claim by whom? The only people I have seen saying anything remotely resembling that are the ones who don't want them to be able to marry.

Gay marriage is not all about sex. They are already having sex, like the overwhelming majority of straight couples.

With one big difference, wouldn’t you agree?
what are you, Mahmood Ahmadinejad? lol

lay off my gay-loving bros!

Well you can't blame me for being perplexed about all this. Who would a drag queen marry? A women who's playing the part as a man?

I mean most drag queens are biological males with wieners and balls, but dress like women. So wouldn't they marry someone who appears to be a man, in order to compliment their womanly appearance?

And what kind of a man would marry a drag queen? An actual man with a wiener, or a manly woman?

I swear, you folks are confusing the living fuck out of me. :laughing0301:
I didn't say there was one. I simply said it was part of this bill and was added to prevent it from being overturned.
Or he could have added to the bill that drivers licenses would not be revoked by the states, but that wouldn’t have had nearly the impact.
I heard Biden was going to sign an endangered species act to protect dinosaurs too!
Literally makes as much sense as this dumb law.

Fags getting married was legalized TEN YEARS AGO.

This law makes as much sense as the anti lynching law lol

It's all more of the same old BS of left-winger wanting to wave their wieners in everyone's faces. They've been doing that since the 60's but we've become so accustomed to it, they have to keep coming up with more outrageous material.
Well you can't blame me for being perplexed about all this. Who would a drag queen marry? A women who's playing the part as a man?

I mean most drag queens are biological males with wieners and balls, but dress like women. So wouldn't they marry someone who appears to be a man, in order to compliment their womanly appearance?

And what kind of a man would marry a drag queen? An actual man with a wiener, or a manly woman?

I swear, you folks are confusing the living fuck out of me. :laughing0301:

It’s all a dog and pony show.
Do you think there will be more homosexuals if they can marry? Homosexuals are already living together. They are already doing what married people do. Giving them the benefits of an actual marriage harms no one.

As for the morality of the country, you have only to look at infidelity rates, divorce rates and sexual assault rates to see that same sex marriage is not destroying anything.

And exactly what has it improved? All I've seen is it has brought more deviants out of the woodwork and they're getting more in your face every day. Call me old fashioned, but I don't see any of this shit as an asset, it's just one more step in the destruction of the greatest country on earth.

And exactly what has it improved? All I've seen is it has brought more deviants out of the woodwork and they're getting more in your face every day. Call me old fashioned, but I don't see any of this shit as an asset, it's just one more step in the destruction of the greatest country on earth.


This was just one of the goals communism and globalism set out to attain, and their mission is accomplished.

I sure dread to see what else they have in store for us.
and you are wrong as always

And wrong yet again.

Nobody gives a crap about your version of morality. Your hate and bigotry is dying out thank goodness and when you are dead and gone the country will be better off

Everything I said is correct and only an anti-American asshole would think otherwise. This country has been on the decline for more than 5 decades and this is just the latest iteration.

Everything I said is correct and only an anti-American asshole would think otherwise. This country has been on the decline for more than 5 decades and this is just the latest iteration.


and it is all because of gay people marrying!

But just think: Now that marriage is no longer a sacred institution, I can marry one of my guns and have that "son of a gun" I keep hearing about.

I'll name him "Shootey McBangy." He'll be a real pistol when he grows up.

I have no doubt you are unable to land a woman to marry, and will have to settle for a sex toy.
Ah, yes. The sacred institution of marriage and the Bible are being despoiled by the homos.

Sure, sure.

That's what Newt Gingrich says, too.

But Jesus said, "“Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her."

Here's Newt Gingrich with his first wife:


Newt cheated on his first wife and made his mistress his second wife. Here he is with the whole family:


Newt told his second wife he wanted an open marriage.

Well, once you get on an adultery roll, it is hard to stop. While he was impeaching Clinton for a blowjob, Newt cheated on his second wife with this hoot owl, and then made her his third wife:

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This is Kim Davis, with her fourth husband. Straight off the set of Hee Haw.

You remember Kim. She wouldn't let gays come between her and the Bible.

Here's Republican Senator David Vitter with his wife, admitting he frequented hookers and dressed up in diapers. He was also known to call hookers during important floor votes.

Of course some gays commit adultery, too.

Here's a wide-stanced homosexual who cheated on his wife right here:

Let's not forget the ultra-conservative hero Rush Limbaugh.

Here's Rush with his first wife:


Rush Limbaugh and his second wife:


Rush Limbaugh with his third wife:


Rush Limbaugh with his fourth wife:


Isn't that a charming photo?


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