Watch live: Biden signs gay marriage bill with drag queens, Pelosi, Cyndi Lauper, Homophobe GOP Rep Vicki Hartzler's gay nephew & others in attendance

Being anti-groomer is not anti-LGBT and to say otherwise is homophobic.

Then remove the tax breaks for every married couple without children under the age of 18.
Stop paying for the illegitimate children in every way including free meals in schools totally and we got a deal. The war on poverty has made those who are honest near impoverished.
I can't think of one either. But I also can't think of a single, nonreligious, reason why same sex and interracial marriages would not be recognized by the gov't.

Interracial marriages were recognized 56 years ago because its prohibition was true discrimination, based on race. There was no discrimination in the prohibition of faghadist marriage, all men and women were treated equally.

Why bring interracial into it, surely a man is a man, and a woman is a woman, regardless of skin color, and for that matter, sexuality.

I suppose the reasoning was to make coed bowling leagues easier to organize?

Or it could be that, it takes a mixture of a man and a woman combined to create a third life, regardless of the sexuality of the two.

Makes perfect sense to me

If I am not mistaken, the bill was confirming both same sex marriages and interracial marriages.
Nope, it has a direct bearing on society in general. It was a direct assault on the morality of the country, and just look where it has led us. The fact is there was no discrimination against faghadist, they were treated just like every other man or woman under the law.


Do you think there will be more homosexuals if they can marry? Homosexuals are already living together. They are already doing what married people do. Giving them the benefits of an actual marriage harms no one.

As for the morality of the country, you have only to look at infidelity rates, divorce rates and sexual assault rates to see that same sex marriage is not destroying anything.
Stop paying for the illegitimate children in every way including free meals in schools totally and we got a deal. The war on poverty has made those who are honest near impoverished.

Yeah, letting children go hungry because of the mistakes of the mother is a great idea. No deal.

Besides, why would I deal?
Nice! And if gay marriage was all about sex, which is the claim, then they could have easily done the same, right?

Way to prove my point!

It is the claim by whom? The only people I have seen saying anything remotely resembling that are the ones who don't want them to be able to marry.

Gay marriage is not all about sex. They are already having sex, like the overwhelming majority of straight couples.
As Paul Harvey said so eloquently, "And now for the rest of the story."


and you are wrong as always
Nope, it has a direct bearing on society in general. It was a direct assault on the morality of the country, and just look where it has led us. The fact is there was no discrimination against faghadist, they were treated just like every other man or woman under the law.

And wrong yet again.

Nobody gives a crap about your version of morality. Your hate and bigotry is dying out thank goodness and when you are dead and gone the country will be better off

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