Watch live & discuss: Jan6 hearing about Trump's "connections" to white supremacist Oath Keepers & Proud Boys who wrecked Congress on that fateful day

Has anyone on the committee brought up the FBI whistleblower and leaked documents proving they infiltrated the Proud Boys and reported they found nothing illegal ... like tbeir internal investigation of Trump for 'Russian Collision' they already knew was fake?

I am guessing since it does not support their agenda it will neverbe brought up...
Wow. This thread has a lot of hard hitting facts in it. Errr. I mean vapid left wing opinions. 😎
Are you suggesting that the election wasn't stolen????

I wonder if you could answer this question, which will put the issue to rest:

A question, the correct answer to which, will prove that no such election result occurred.

Think carefully before you answer, because I know the right answer.

There were a number of changes up to and into the 2020 election, including but not limited to....

Drop boxes

Ballot harvesting

Alter times methods of voting

How long after dates can votes be counted

Signing of absentee ballots.

Who has the lawful right to alter the “time, place, and manner” of national the 2020 presidential election?

Is it state governors,

election officials,

attorneys general,

state courts,

state constitutions,

sec’ys of state,

election commissions......

...all of these.....

Or.....some other body?????
No suggesting anything. I am stating outright the election was not stolen. The Dems just beat the Fk out of Trump, because of Trump being Trump. That ready-made villain stuff that help him beat Hillary by similar margins in electors, worked just as well against Donny.
Who is this "Mrs. Murphy?" She is obviously Asian, why did she choose to Anglicize (or Gaelicize) her name? Is she hoping to avoid the anti-Asian bias of her fellow Democrats?
No suggesting anything. I am stating outright the election was not stolen. The Dems just beat the Fk out of Trump, because of Trump being Trump. That ready-made villain stuff that help him beat Hillary by similar margins in electors, worked just as well against Donny.
You're completely wrong. The election was indeed stolen in a systematic coup.
No suggesting anything. I am stating outright the election was not stolen. The Dems just beat the Fk out of Trump, because of Trump being Trump. That ready-made villain stuff that help him beat Hillary by similar margins in electors, worked just as well against Donny.

Actually, I can prove otherwise.

But you must know that, as that is why you fear answering this question.

A question, the correct answer to which, will prove that no such election result occurred.

Think carefully before you answer, because I know the right answer.

There were a number of changes up to and into the 2020 election, including but not limited to....

Drop boxes

Ballot harvesting

Alter times methods of voting

How long after dates can votes be counted

Signing of absentee ballots.

Who has the lawful right to alter the “time, place, and manner” of national the 2020 presidential election?

Is it state governors,

election officials,

attorneys general,

state courts,

state constitutions,

sec’ys of state,

election commissions......

...all of these.....

Or.....some other body?????
The January 6 committee just revealed text message from Trump’s former campaign manager Brad Parscale: “A sitting president asking for civil war. I feel guilty for helping him win... If I was Trump and knew my rhetoric killed someone.”
Stephen Ayres says he was "pretty hardcore" into social media, and followed Donald Trump. "I felt like I needed to be down there."
Van Tatenhoven on the Oath Keepers’ vision: “It doesn’t necessarily include the rule of law…It includes violence.”
Can't wait until the mid terms so the GOP can hold hearings, with no Dems appointed, on Dem corruption and mass voter fraud. Hopefully they have to balls to do it. They will with Xiden and his son.
As far as I can tell there has never, in the history of the USA, been a hearing like this where 1 team was locked out from selecting their own people to cross and to call their own witnesses. It's just impeachment 3.0. Stunning you fags vote for Dems.
Remember America, the same people pushing joke 6 are the same people who say pedo Peter is totally fit for office.
Has anyone on the committee brought up the FBI whistleblower and leaked documents proving they infiltrated the Proud Boys and reported they found nothing illegal ... like tbeir internal investigation of Trump for 'Russian Collision' they already knew was fake?

I am guessing since it does not support their agenda it will neverbe brought up...

It is also worth noting that the Proud Boys are NOT w.s.
As far as I can tell there has never, in the history of the USA, been a hearing like this where 1 team was locked out from selecting their own people to cross and to call their own witnesses. It's just impeachment 3.0. Stunning you fags vote for Dems.
Magaturds had a chance to participate. No soup for you!
Jan. 6 committee to say at this hearing that Trump directed far-right groups to obstruct Biden’s certification with a 19 Dec 2020 tweet about a “wild protest” — and will play the most compelling parts of Cipollone’s testimony.


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