Watch Live: Republican National Convention 2020

A profoundly damaged strongman who can just make it up as he goes, and adoring sycophants who enable his worst impulses. "History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme".
Love that quote. But it's usually only applied when really shitty stuff is going down, so hard to "enjoy".
We're living it, right now. I never thought I would see this here, never.
It all starts tonight. I guess what strikes me most is that they have reportedly suspended the 2020 platform. In other words - there is no platform. Apparently the platform is whatever Trump says it is.

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Those 4 collectively did more damage to this nation than anything you idiots make up about Trump.

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If that’s your take away, then you weren’t listening.
A profoundly damaged strongman who can just make it up as he goes, and adoring sycophants who enable his worst impulses. "History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme".
Love that quote. But it's usually only applied when really shitty stuff is going down, so hard to "enjoy".
We're living it, right now. I never thought I would see this here, never.
Oh, good grief....really? You people need some real help.
A profoundly damaged strongman who can just make it up as he goes, and adoring sycophants who enable his worst impulses. "History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme".
Love that quote. But it's usually only applied when really shitty stuff is going down, so hard to "enjoy".
We're living it, right now. I never thought I would see this here, never.
Oh, good grief....really? You people need some real help.
We sure do. We need you people to wake up. It's not a joke. Trump isn't just "trolling".
A profoundly damaged strongman who can just make it up as he goes, and adoring sycophants who enable his worst impulses. "History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme".
Love that quote. But it's usually only applied when really shitty stuff is going down, so hard to "enjoy".
We're living it, right now. I never thought I would see this here, never.
Oh, good grief....really? You people need some real help.
We sure do. We need you people to wake up. It's not a joke. Trump isn't just "trolling".

No, he's helping restore this country to its potential, much to America hating liberals dismay.
The Land of Opportunity.

There is no comparison to the Communist DNC Convention.
I really have no desire to watch the RNC assault fest on the truth tonight. It is just so sad.
Then please ....

Run and hide in your Safe Space.

The rest of us are watching the VERY REASON why Trump will win in a Landslide come November.
I really have no desire to watch the RNC assault fest on the truth tonight. It is just so sad.

But I bet you being a stupid confused Moon Bat watched the hate, dishonesty, racism and anti American shit from the Party of Moon Bats, didn't you? LOL!
Lol...the whole RNC is a hate fest you idiot. It just a continuation of Trump’s American carnage hope just endless despair.
How did your D-E-L-U-S-I-O-N-A-L Shit work out for you in 2016?

Here's your sign:


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