Watch out, fellow registered Independents!!!!

Bullshit is telling someone who votes Republican or Democrat once that makes them a member of the party is the stupid shit in this discussion. It's inane and pointless. More so this election that even normal ones as Trump draws in non-Republicans and he pisses off other Republicans. Saying someone is in a party for voting for it once is just flat out stupid shit
not what i said....i said if someone SAYS they are an INDEPENDENT but yet are supporting one of the parties they aint an independent.....whats even more pathetic is someone agreeing that they DESPISE both parties but will back one anyway...

Right. And I said if they do that every election, then sure, they are effectively a member of the party. But you said just voting for Trump once made her a member of the party, which is some pretty stupid shit
i said that because she said she was an independent.....if she would not have said that i would not have commented....there are just too many people who claim they are independent but yet seem to always be defending one party or the other,and i dont mean you Claudette ....i am talking posters like the brain......that guy is as much an independent as billy 000 is....

Now you're back to that not Democrat = Republican.

You definitely can just hate one party more than the other. I do. I say so in my sig. But I have such a low opinion of Republicans and I rarely vote for them. I voted Republican once in the last seven elections. Calling me a Republican is just agenda motivated. Independent doesn't have to mean you're exactly in the middle of the two parties, that's pretty silly
were did you get that out of what i said? independent is someone who has a problem with both parties hence why they are an are not in the middle of them..... you are away from both of them and can give a fuck about each one......the 2 parties are the reason this country is getting so fucked up.....tit for over country.....only talking to those who agree with them,and if you have the gall and audacity to disagree with one of them..... fuck you....thats the 2 parties of today....
If those registered independents are in a red state, they will be voting for Trump.

If they are in a blue state they will be voting for Biden.

If they are in a purple state, :eusa_think:.
I got a text message from a 610 area code saying, "Hello _______, This is Newt Gingrich here. We know you are a registered independent and President Trump needs your help. Go to the link below to learn more and ....blah, blah, blah".

Oooh, this was going to be fun!
So I texted back some pretty harsh language and that a dead gerbil had my vote before Donald did.

Next day, I get this 20-person mass message on my phone, primarily from the 610 area code:

View attachment 366107

So I immediately texted back that it wasn't me, someone had obviously hacked my phone. And asked what message they were getting.
One said it was spam for buying a car. I changed my Apple ID and all back to normal but...

......Looks like revenge to me. What kind of people/hackers is Trump's guy Parscale hiring????
Independents will be electing the next president – as is usually the case.

Please do a better job than you did in 2016.

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