Fellow Centrists, Classical Liberals, Independents, etc. - We need to talk.

Fellow Centrists, Classical Liberals, Independents, etc.

You mean other white people.

The problem is the GOP has already swept up all the whites except the ones the GOP hates.

Like gays, oh the GOP hates gays.

And liberals, atheists, white Hispanics and the educated like college professors and teachers.

Oh, and women.

Believe it or not, most women don't like to be targets of sexual assault and have their bodies legislated.

The GOP pretty much has everyone they are going to get.
Dear deanrd
Can you explain why there are Log Cabin Republicans among the GOP
who share Conservative values? That's why they stay with the party, and
keep pushing for gay equality and against discrimination, but as Republicans.
There are LGBT and transgender who came out in support of gun rights
and align with Conservatives and Republicans because they can't stand the anti-gun
rhetoric of liberal Democrats.

What about the Black conservatives and church ministers coming out
who align more with Trump in speaking out to stop excusing enabling behavior?

Conservative Latino's are also calling in to radio shows and forming their own
organizations because they are left out of the liberal loop.

Sean Hannity identifies as conservative not Republican. What he supports
in terms of health care coops is consistent with what Greens are teaching
as the solution to health care. Those views align more with conservatives
and free market solutions than the diatribe from Democrats pushing federalized health care.

Are you okay with people aligning by views of Constitutional limited govt?
Whether independent, or Libertarian Republican or Tea Party.

When you call out people by race or gender, you are talking about
the stereotypical groups that are painted as all liberal or Democrat.

What about the people who DON'T fit that pigeonhole?
The 28th would be a grand start
Equal application of the law shouldn't need an Amendment. It should already be done if we had true ethical people in political positions.

If we create an Amendment to say equal application under the law..........would it change whether or not the DOJ would prosecute politicians for breaking the laws already on the books.

No Gov't or Amendment can work without ethical people in these positions...............

Dear eagle1462010
We already have the Fourteenth Amendment about equal protection of the laws.

A. What we are missing is "political beliefs" are not being checked the same as religious beliefs,
so this isn't equal. Secular beliefs are being pushed through govt, while barring religious beliefs,
so this is causing the very problems the First Amendment was trying to avoid!

B. Also corporations are bypassing checks and balances, so rules in writing need to be
policed on the STATE level where corporations get licensed to operate (and add
to the charters some requirement to respect similar limits as applied to govt as a collective entity)

This would still give STATES the authority to revoke charters for corporations (or political
and religious organizations) that violate due process and other individual protections.

C. as for removing issues that cause conflicts under Federal or State, Criminal or Civil laws:
I suggest setting up local "health and safety ordinances" either per district, city, or state
where things like health care, abortion, drugs, etc. can be decided democratically without
interfering with others of different beliefs, so everyone can fund the programs on terms they agree to pay for.

I've been developing ways to accommodate political beliefs, so this covers a multitude of issues
under minimal places of reform.

For example,
1. recognizing the First and Fourteenth Amendments, and Civil Rights laws
on "religion" and "creed" apply to political beliefs as religions or creeds.

We need an agreement written out, as there are already too many conflicts over
the BELIEFs about rights to guns, marriage, abortion, health care, life, etc.

People are already arguing if this is inherent in the Constitutional laws or not,
so we do need to spell out "in general" that political BELIEFS of all these types
are already under Free Exercise of religion and no discrimination by CREED.

So clarifying political beliefs would cover all these areas that people fight over
because we don't agree how much govt should regulate these or not.

We wouldn't need to argue if science can prove this or that about
homosexual or transgender identity because all that can be classified
under FAITH based beliefs, and covered already by religion or creed.
We might need a truce agreement to recognize beliefs on both sides
this way, and to keep those policy choices private, out of govt, or by consensus only
or local agreement if people are able to handle making a group policy on such issues.

NOTE: also, someone suggested that Congress have a vote before
legislation is passed, whether it requires a Constitutional Amendment or not.
so this would address issues of beliefs or procedural limits or process
independent of the content of the bill instead of running these together
and blocking both.

2. Setting up representation by party per Electoral college district.
So people have access to a grievance and mediation process locally
instead of stockpiling everything on a state level and backlogging the federal courts.

3. Separating tax forms where contributors can check boxes for their taxes
to go toward state programs or party platforms.

^ Here is where you don't need to spell out "every single application"

As long as parties group all their issues of faith based and political beliefs
under their platform, the members can just agree to invest taxes there to cover their agenda!
No need to haggle over terms, their whole party takes responsibility for that.
So if both parties don't agree on health care, separate it by state or party.
And let the populations just vote where to enroll for health care plans,
under party, state or national. And nobody dictates terms for anyone else.

eagle1462010 this may seem like a lot to write and work out,
but the broad range of issues that would be covered is worth it.
I stated we didn't need the 28th Amendment as it was already covered by our current laws and Constitution...........

Well thought out post.......thank you
I have 3 son's and 6 grandkids. I feel zero pity for anyone subjected to even unfair scrutiny who runs for high public offices. Too bad so sad.
I have 3 son's and 6 grandkids. I feel zero pity for anyone subjected to even unfair scrutiny who runs for high public offices. Too bad so sad.

Dear initforme
I don't think he was just randomly targeted.
One source I read cited his involvement in the Vince Foster political rampage.
Despite the family's urgent pleas to stop exploiting his tragic suicide for politics.
But this exploitation didn't stop, and rumors have it that this was willfully done
despite knowing it was a suicide for personal reasons and not murder or any wrongdoing by the Clinton camp.

What I got from that, is perhaps Kavanaugh
had some bad karma to pay back for. And his family
truly suffered, similar to how Foster's family was shown no mercy.
I think their case was worse!

So if anything, Kavanaugh has been treated with mercy
compared with other cases of politicizing people personally that are much worse.
I hope the lesson is learned to stop this bullying.
And have the same civility and respect that
was shown at the hearing. We all should be that civil.
99.9 percent of working people are too busy to care. I feel zero pity for those that apply for these positions. Apathy is the way to sit back and watch the looniness
Fellow Centrists, Classical Liberals, Independents, etc.

You mean other white people.

The problem is the GOP has already swept up all the whites except the ones the GOP hates.

Like gays, oh the GOP hates gays.

And liberals, atheists, white Hispanics and the educated like college professors and teachers.

Oh, and women.

Believe it or not, most women don't like to be targets of sexual assault and have their bodies legislated.

The GOP pretty much has everyone they are going to get.
Dear deanrd
Can you explain why there are Log Cabin Republicans among the GOP
who share Conservative values? That's why they stay with the party, and
keep pushing for gay equality and against discrimination, but as Republicans.
There are LGBT and transgender who came out in support of gun rights
and align with Conservatives and Republicans because they can't stand the anti-gun
rhetoric of liberal Democrats.

What about the Black conservatives and church ministers coming out
who align more with Trump in speaking out to stop excusing enabling behavior?

Conservative Latino's are also calling in to radio shows and forming their own
organizations because they are left out of the liberal loop.

Sean Hannity identifies as conservative not Republican. What he supports
in terms of health care coops is consistent with what Greens are teaching
as the solution to health care. Those views align more with conservatives
and free market solutions than the diatribe from Democrats pushing federalized health care.

Are you okay with people aligning by views of Constitutional limited govt?
Whether independent, or Libertarian Republican or Tea Party.

When you call out people by race or gender, you are talking about
the stereotypical groups that are painted as all liberal or Democrat.

What about the people who DON'T fit that pigeonhole?
There are always outliers. But to think the GOP accepts gays is laughable. Most of the GOP wants gays dead.

Texas GOP Again Excludes LGBT Republicans From Convention

Texas GOP denies booth at state convention to conservative LGBT group

The Utter Failure of the Log Cabin Republicans

Republicans moved on Tuesday toward adopting a staunchly conservative platform that takes a strict, traditionalist view of the family... [it] amounts to a rightward lurch even from the party’s hard-line platform in 2012—especially as it addresses gay men, lesbians and transgender people.... Nearly every provision that expressed disapproval of homosexuality, same-sex marriage or transgender rights passed.

The proposed 2016 GOP platform condemns same-sex marriage and calls for the appointment of judges who will overturn Obergefell, the 2015 Supreme Court decision that legalized same-sex marriage in all 50 states; it endorses "pray away the gay" conversion "therapies" that have been proven to be just as ineffective as they are dangerous; it backs bans on transgender Americans using appropriate public restrooms, i.e. the ones that align with their gender identities.


The depth of the hatred of gays by the GOP is striking. It's not mere dislike, it's a deep, deep hatred.


Log Cabin celebrates 40 years at Trump hotel — with no talk of Trump

But not once during the entire celebration did Fiorina or anyone else on stage mention Trump or his policies. Among his administration’s actions to undermine LGBT rights: revoking Obama-era guidance assuring transgender students restroom access in schools, ordering the U.S. military to ban transgender service members and staffing a Justice Department with attorneys arguing against legal protections for gays before the federal judiciary.


We know from USMB Republicans what they think of gays. Not just gays, but blacks, Hispanics, women's rights and so on.

I think the USBM right wing is a great sample of what the Republicans is and what they represent.

Only the most ignorant of fools belongs to a party and has no idea of what that party represents.
Fellow Centrists, Classical Liberals, Independents, etc.

You mean other white people.

The problem is the GOP has already swept up all the whites except the ones the GOP hates.

Like gays, oh the GOP hates gays.

And liberals, atheists, white Hispanics and the educated like college professors and teachers.

Oh, and women.

Believe it or not, most women don't like to be targets of sexual assault and have their bodies legislated.

The GOP pretty much has everyone they are going to get.
Dear deanrd
Can you explain why there are Log Cabin Republicans among the GOP
who share Conservative values? That's why they stay with the party, and
keep pushing for gay equality and against discrimination, but as Republicans.
There are LGBT and transgender who came out in support of gun rights
and align with Conservatives and Republicans because they can't stand the anti-gun
rhetoric of liberal Democrats.

What about the Black conservatives and church ministers coming out
who align more with Trump in speaking out to stop excusing enabling behavior?

Conservative Latino's are also calling in to radio shows and forming their own
organizations because they are left out of the liberal loop.

Sean Hannity identifies as conservative not Republican. What he supports
in terms of health care coops is consistent with what Greens are teaching
as the solution to health care. Those views align more with conservatives
and free market solutions than the diatribe from Democrats pushing federalized health care.

Are you okay with people aligning by views of Constitutional limited govt?
Whether independent, or Libertarian Republican or Tea Party.

When you call out people by race or gender, you are talking about
the stereotypical groups that are painted as all liberal or Democrat.

What about the people who DON'T fit that pigeonhole?
There are always outliers. But to think the GOP accepts gays is laughable. Most of the GOP wants gays dead.

Texas GOP Again Excludes LGBT Republicans From Convention

Texas GOP denies booth at state convention to conservative LGBT group

The Utter Failure of the Log Cabin Republicans

Republicans moved on Tuesday toward adopting a staunchly conservative platform that takes a strict, traditionalist view of the family... [it] amounts to a rightward lurch even from the party’s hard-line platform in 2012—especially as it addresses gay men, lesbians and transgender people.... Nearly every provision that expressed disapproval of homosexuality, same-sex marriage or transgender rights passed.

The proposed 2016 GOP platform condemns same-sex marriage and calls for the appointment of judges who will overturn Obergefell, the 2015 Supreme Court decision that legalized same-sex marriage in all 50 states; it endorses "pray away the gay" conversion "therapies" that have been proven to be just as ineffective as they are dangerous; it backs bans on transgender Americans using appropriate public restrooms, i.e. the ones that align with their gender identities.


The depth of the hatred of gays by the GOP is striking. It's not mere dislike, it's a deep, deep hatred.


Log Cabin celebrates 40 years at Trump hotel — with no talk of Trump

But not once during the entire celebration did Fiorina or anyone else on stage mention Trump or his policies. Among his administration’s actions to undermine LGBT rights: revoking Obama-era guidance assuring transgender students restroom access in schools, ordering the U.S. military to ban transgender service members and staffing a Justice Department with attorneys arguing against legal protections for gays before the federal judiciary.


We know from USMB Republicans what they think of gays. Not just gays, but blacks, Hispanics, women's rights and so on.

I think the USBM right wing is a great sample of what the Republicans is and what they represent.

Only the most ignorant of fools belongs to a party and has no idea of what that party represents.

This doesn't match my growing up in the slightest... Alaska is a heavy republican state, 70% Christian to this day, and yet, I had limited issues with R's or Christians. Only a few of my religious friends even care about homosexuality, they don't want their kids taught it in school, but considering they believe it's a sin I understand that. It is true that many were against same sex marriage, but it was the term not the "act" that irritated them. "Marriage" they argue is "their" word, a religious rite. I personally never understood why we couldn't just have civil unions that would be equal to marriage, and a good deal of my LGBT people were fine with that. The radical activists were not, they wanted to rub the Christian's nose in it, IMO. Perhaps the most ironic thing is that I've been called more nasty names by the modern left then I ever was by religious folks or legit homophones combined. The "new" left wants revenge, not equality...
Fellow Centrists, Classical Liberals, Independents, etc.

You mean other white people.

The problem is the GOP has already swept up all the whites except the ones the GOP hates.

Like gays, oh the GOP hates gays.

And liberals, atheists, white Hispanics and the educated like college professors and teachers.

Oh, and women.

Believe it or not, most women don't like to be targets of sexual assault and have their bodies legislated.

The GOP pretty much has everyone they are going to get.
Dear deanrd
Can you explain why there are Log Cabin Republicans among the GOP
who share Conservative values? That's why they stay with the party, and
keep pushing for gay equality and against discrimination, but as Republicans.
There are LGBT and transgender who came out in support of gun rights
and align with Conservatives and Republicans because they can't stand the anti-gun
rhetoric of liberal Democrats.

What about the Black conservatives and church ministers coming out
who align more with Trump in speaking out to stop excusing enabling behavior?

Conservative Latino's are also calling in to radio shows and forming their own
organizations because they are left out of the liberal loop.

Sean Hannity identifies as conservative not Republican. What he supports
in terms of health care coops is consistent with what Greens are teaching
as the solution to health care. Those views align more with conservatives
and free market solutions than the diatribe from Democrats pushing federalized health care.

Are you okay with people aligning by views of Constitutional limited govt?
Whether independent, or Libertarian Republican or Tea Party.

When you call out people by race or gender, you are talking about
the stereotypical groups that are painted as all liberal or Democrat.

What about the people who DON'T fit that pigeonhole?
this is where people get lost and show they can't argue individual issues, but must classify them into stereotypes so they can freely bash people after putting them in these categories w/o ever really having to know and/or understand them.

about the lowest form of "intellectualism" out there.
Fellow Centrists, Classical Liberals, Independents, etc.

You mean other white people.

The problem is the GOP has already swept up all the whites except the ones the GOP hates.

Like gays, oh the GOP hates gays.

And liberals, atheists, white Hispanics and the educated like college professors and teachers.

Oh, and women.

Believe it or not, most women don't like to be targets of sexual assault and have their bodies legislated.

The GOP pretty much has everyone they are going to get.
Dear deanrd
Can you explain why there are Log Cabin Republicans among the GOP
who share Conservative values? That's why they stay with the party, and
keep pushing for gay equality and against discrimination, but as Republicans.
There are LGBT and transgender who came out in support of gun rights
and align with Conservatives and Republicans because they can't stand the anti-gun
rhetoric of liberal Democrats.

What about the Black conservatives and church ministers coming out
who align more with Trump in speaking out to stop excusing enabling behavior?

Conservative Latino's are also calling in to radio shows and forming their own
organizations because they are left out of the liberal loop.

Sean Hannity identifies as conservative not Republican. What he supports
in terms of health care coops is consistent with what Greens are teaching
as the solution to health care. Those views align more with conservatives
and free market solutions than the diatribe from Democrats pushing federalized health care.

Are you okay with people aligning by views of Constitutional limited govt?
Whether independent, or Libertarian Republican or Tea Party.

When you call out people by race or gender, you are talking about
the stereotypical groups that are painted as all liberal or Democrat.

What about the people who DON'T fit that pigeonhole?
There are always outliers. But to think the GOP accepts gays is laughable. Most of the GOP wants gays dead.

Texas GOP Again Excludes LGBT Republicans From Convention

Texas GOP denies booth at state convention to conservative LGBT group

The Utter Failure of the Log Cabin Republicans

Republicans moved on Tuesday toward adopting a staunchly conservative platform that takes a strict, traditionalist view of the family... [it] amounts to a rightward lurch even from the party’s hard-line platform in 2012—especially as it addresses gay men, lesbians and transgender people.... Nearly every provision that expressed disapproval of homosexuality, same-sex marriage or transgender rights passed.

The proposed 2016 GOP platform condemns same-sex marriage and calls for the appointment of judges who will overturn Obergefell, the 2015 Supreme Court decision that legalized same-sex marriage in all 50 states; it endorses "pray away the gay" conversion "therapies" that have been proven to be just as ineffective as they are dangerous; it backs bans on transgender Americans using appropriate public restrooms, i.e. the ones that align with their gender identities.


The depth of the hatred of gays by the GOP is striking. It's not mere dislike, it's a deep, deep hatred.


Log Cabin celebrates 40 years at Trump hotel — with no talk of Trump

But not once during the entire celebration did Fiorina or anyone else on stage mention Trump or his policies. Among his administration’s actions to undermine LGBT rights: revoking Obama-era guidance assuring transgender students restroom access in schools, ordering the U.S. military to ban transgender service members and staffing a Justice Department with attorneys arguing against legal protections for gays before the federal judiciary.


We know from USMB Republicans what they think of gays. Not just gays, but blacks, Hispanics, women's rights and so on.

I think the USBM right wing is a great sample of what the Republicans is and what they represent.

Only the most ignorant of fools belongs to a party and has no idea of what that party represents.

This doesn't match my growing up in the slightest... Alaska is a heavy republican state, 70% Christian to this day, and yet, I had limited issues with R's or Christians. Only a few of my religious friends even care about homosexuality, they don't want their kids taught it in school, but considering they believe it's a sin I understand that. It is true that many were against same sex marriage, but it was the term not the "act" that irritated them. "Marriage" they argue is "their" word, a religious rite. I personally never understood why we couldn't just have civil unions that would be equal to marriage, and a good deal of my LGBT people were fine with that. The radical activists were not, they wanted to rub the Christian's nose in it, IMO. Perhaps the most ironic thing is that I've been called more nasty names by the modern left then I ever was by religious folks or legit homophones combined. The "new" left wants revenge, not equality...
to me as far as the gov is concerned, a civil union should carry the same legal rights/qualities of a traditional "marriage". i only go "meh" when they then push religions to recognize it as well when that just isn't likely to happen nor helps the goal of equal rights under the law. not everyone is going to agree with our chosen lifestyles and in the end it's none of their business but the gov shouldn't care either way. rights are rights to people regardless of how they choose to live their lives.

religion is different to me and a religion can choose how they wish to present themselves.
Fellow Centrists, Classical Liberals, Independents, etc.

You mean other white people.

The problem is the GOP has already swept up all the whites except the ones the GOP hates.

Like gays, oh the GOP hates gays.

And liberals, atheists, white Hispanics and the educated like college professors and teachers.

Oh, and women.

Believe it or not, most women don't like to be targets of sexual assault and have their bodies legislated.

The GOP pretty much has everyone they are going to get.
Dear deanrd
Can you explain why there are Log Cabin Republicans among the GOP
who share Conservative values? That's why they stay with the party, and
keep pushing for gay equality and against discrimination, but as Republicans.
There are LGBT and transgender who came out in support of gun rights
and align with Conservatives and Republicans because they can't stand the anti-gun
rhetoric of liberal Democrats.

What about the Black conservatives and church ministers coming out
who align more with Trump in speaking out to stop excusing enabling behavior?

Conservative Latino's are also calling in to radio shows and forming their own
organizations because they are left out of the liberal loop.

Sean Hannity identifies as conservative not Republican. What he supports
in terms of health care coops is consistent with what Greens are teaching
as the solution to health care. Those views align more with conservatives
and free market solutions than the diatribe from Democrats pushing federalized health care.

Are you okay with people aligning by views of Constitutional limited govt?
Whether independent, or Libertarian Republican or Tea Party.

When you call out people by race or gender, you are talking about
the stereotypical groups that are painted as all liberal or Democrat.

What about the people who DON'T fit that pigeonhole?
There are always outliers. But to think the GOP accepts gays is laughable. Most of the GOP wants gays dead.

Texas GOP Again Excludes LGBT Republicans From Convention

Texas GOP denies booth at state convention to conservative LGBT group

The Utter Failure of the Log Cabin Republicans

Republicans moved on Tuesday toward adopting a staunchly conservative platform that takes a strict, traditionalist view of the family... [it] amounts to a rightward lurch even from the party’s hard-line platform in 2012—especially as it addresses gay men, lesbians and transgender people.... Nearly every provision that expressed disapproval of homosexuality, same-sex marriage or transgender rights passed.

The proposed 2016 GOP platform condemns same-sex marriage and calls for the appointment of judges who will overturn Obergefell, the 2015 Supreme Court decision that legalized same-sex marriage in all 50 states; it endorses "pray away the gay" conversion "therapies" that have been proven to be just as ineffective as they are dangerous; it backs bans on transgender Americans using appropriate public restrooms, i.e. the ones that align with their gender identities.


The depth of the hatred of gays by the GOP is striking. It's not mere dislike, it's a deep, deep hatred.


Log Cabin celebrates 40 years at Trump hotel — with no talk of Trump

But not once during the entire celebration did Fiorina or anyone else on stage mention Trump or his policies. Among his administration’s actions to undermine LGBT rights: revoking Obama-era guidance assuring transgender students restroom access in schools, ordering the U.S. military to ban transgender service members and staffing a Justice Department with attorneys arguing against legal protections for gays before the federal judiciary.


We know from USMB Republicans what they think of gays. Not just gays, but blacks, Hispanics, women's rights and so on.

I think the USBM right wing is a great sample of what the Republicans is and what they represent.

Only the most ignorant of fools belongs to a party and has no idea of what that party represents.

This doesn't match my growing up in the slightest... Alaska is a heavy republican state, 70% Christian to this day, and yet, I had limited issues with R's or Christians. Only a few of my religious friends even care about homosexuality, they don't want their kids taught it in school, but considering they believe it's a sin I understand that. It is true that many were against same sex marriage, but it was the term not the "act" that irritated them. "Marriage" they argue is "their" word, a religious rite. I personally never understood why we couldn't just have civil unions that would be equal to marriage, and a good deal of my LGBT people were fine with that. The radical activists were not, they wanted to rub the Christian's nose in it, IMO. Perhaps the most ironic thing is that I've been called more nasty names by the modern left then I ever was by religious folks or legit homophones combined. The "new" left wants revenge, not equality...
to me as far as the gov is concerned, a civil union should carry the same legal rights/qualities of a traditional "marriage". i only go "meh" when they then push religions to recognize it as well when that just isn't likely to happen nor helps the goal of equal rights under the law. not everyone is going to agree with our chosen lifestyles and in the end it's none of their business but the gov shouldn't care either way. rights are rights to people regardless of how they choose to live their lives.

religion is different to me and a religion can choose how they wish to present themselves.

Agreed. Most of my older (30-60s) LGBT buddies are "okay" with religious folks, and the younger (20-50s) religious buddies are "okay" with gay folk. It's like those two buddies are trying to have a conversation but the wing nuts on both sides are screaming so loud no one can hear anything.
As Ever Curious pointed out, there are MANY things to weigh in deciding who to vote for, and I cannot think of anything that could possibly happen in the Kavanaugh hearings that would lead me to vote for a candidate based solely on their decision about Kavanaugh. I believe his importance in the Pro-Life debate is exaggerated and I would like to note that he is only ONE of NINE justices, so his views on Presidential protection while in office does not mean the Court would rule his way.

If Feinstein is proved to have done the dirty, I would certainly vote against her, but she's not my Senator.
Fellow Centrists, Classical Liberals, Independents, etc.

You mean other white people.

The problem is the GOP has already swept up all the whites except the ones the GOP hates.

Like gays, oh the GOP hates gays.

And liberals, atheists, white Hispanics and the educated like college professors and teachers.

Oh, and women.

Believe it or not, most women don't like to be targets of sexual assault and have their bodies legislated.

The GOP pretty much has everyone they are going to get.
Dear deanrd
Can you explain why there are Log Cabin Republicans among the GOP
who share Conservative values? That's why they stay with the party, and
keep pushing for gay equality and against discrimination, but as Republicans.
There are LGBT and transgender who came out in support of gun rights
and align with Conservatives and Republicans because they can't stand the anti-gun
rhetoric of liberal Democrats.

What about the Black conservatives and church ministers coming out
who align more with Trump in speaking out to stop excusing enabling behavior?

Conservative Latino's are also calling in to radio shows and forming their own
organizations because they are left out of the liberal loop.

Sean Hannity identifies as conservative not Republican. What he supports
in terms of health care coops is consistent with what Greens are teaching
as the solution to health care. Those views align more with conservatives
and free market solutions than the diatribe from Democrats pushing federalized health care.

Are you okay with people aligning by views of Constitutional limited govt?
Whether independent, or Libertarian Republican or Tea Party.

When you call out people by race or gender, you are talking about
the stereotypical groups that are painted as all liberal or Democrat.

What about the people who DON'T fit that pigeonhole?
There are always outliers. But to think the GOP accepts gays is laughable. Most of the GOP wants gays dead.

Texas GOP Again Excludes LGBT Republicans From Convention

Texas GOP denies booth at state convention to conservative LGBT group

The Utter Failure of the Log Cabin Republicans

Republicans moved on Tuesday toward adopting a staunchly conservative platform that takes a strict, traditionalist view of the family... [it] amounts to a rightward lurch even from the party’s hard-line platform in 2012—especially as it addresses gay men, lesbians and transgender people.... Nearly every provision that expressed disapproval of homosexuality, same-sex marriage or transgender rights passed.

The proposed 2016 GOP platform condemns same-sex marriage and calls for the appointment of judges who will overturn Obergefell, the 2015 Supreme Court decision that legalized same-sex marriage in all 50 states; it endorses "pray away the gay" conversion "therapies" that have been proven to be just as ineffective as they are dangerous; it backs bans on transgender Americans using appropriate public restrooms, i.e. the ones that align with their gender identities.


The depth of the hatred of gays by the GOP is striking. It's not mere dislike, it's a deep, deep hatred.


Log Cabin celebrates 40 years at Trump hotel — with no talk of Trump

But not once during the entire celebration did Fiorina or anyone else on stage mention Trump or his policies. Among his administration’s actions to undermine LGBT rights: revoking Obama-era guidance assuring transgender students restroom access in schools, ordering the U.S. military to ban transgender service members and staffing a Justice Department with attorneys arguing against legal protections for gays before the federal judiciary.


We know from USMB Republicans what they think of gays. Not just gays, but blacks, Hispanics, women's rights and so on.

I think the USBM right wing is a great sample of what the Republicans is and what they represent.

Only the most ignorant of fools belongs to a party and has no idea of what that party represents.
I think the USBM right wing is a great sample of what the Republicans is and what they represent.
No, at least not in my experience, they're not. Crazies and haters holler in this space. I don't hear any such hate from the mostly conservative folks I live among. There are good people, fair people, disinterested people and bigots, ignoramuses and serial killers among any group, Dem, Repub or Green.
I agree with your politics quite a bit, Dean, but not when you're this divisive.
Fellow Centrists, Classical Liberals, Independents, etc.

You mean other white people.

The problem is the GOP has already swept up all the whites except the ones the GOP hates.

Like gays, oh the GOP hates gays.

And liberals, atheists, white Hispanics and the educated like college professors and teachers.

Oh, and women.

Believe it or not, most women don't like to be targets of sexual assault and have their bodies legislated.

The GOP pretty much has everyone they are going to get.
Dear deanrd
Can you explain why there are Log Cabin Republicans among the GOP
who share Conservative values? That's why they stay with the party, and
keep pushing for gay equality and against discrimination, but as Republicans.
There are LGBT and transgender who came out in support of gun rights
and align with Conservatives and Republicans because they can't stand the anti-gun
rhetoric of liberal Democrats.

What about the Black conservatives and church ministers coming out
who align more with Trump in speaking out to stop excusing enabling behavior?

Conservative Latino's are also calling in to radio shows and forming their own
organizations because they are left out of the liberal loop.

Sean Hannity identifies as conservative not Republican. What he supports
in terms of health care coops is consistent with what Greens are teaching
as the solution to health care. Those views align more with conservatives
and free market solutions than the diatribe from Democrats pushing federalized health care.

Are you okay with people aligning by views of Constitutional limited govt?
Whether independent, or Libertarian Republican or Tea Party.

When you call out people by race or gender, you are talking about
the stereotypical groups that are painted as all liberal or Democrat.

What about the people who DON'T fit that pigeonhole?
There are always outliers. But to think the GOP accepts gays is laughable. Most of the GOP wants gays dead.

Texas GOP Again Excludes LGBT Republicans From Convention

Texas GOP denies booth at state convention to conservative LGBT group

The Utter Failure of the Log Cabin Republicans

Republicans moved on Tuesday toward adopting a staunchly conservative platform that takes a strict, traditionalist view of the family... [it] amounts to a rightward lurch even from the party’s hard-line platform in 2012—especially as it addresses gay men, lesbians and transgender people.... Nearly every provision that expressed disapproval of homosexuality, same-sex marriage or transgender rights passed.

The proposed 2016 GOP platform condemns same-sex marriage and calls for the appointment of judges who will overturn Obergefell, the 2015 Supreme Court decision that legalized same-sex marriage in all 50 states; it endorses "pray away the gay" conversion "therapies" that have been proven to be just as ineffective as they are dangerous; it backs bans on transgender Americans using appropriate public restrooms, i.e. the ones that align with their gender identities.


The depth of the hatred of gays by the GOP is striking. It's not mere dislike, it's a deep, deep hatred.


Log Cabin celebrates 40 years at Trump hotel — with no talk of Trump

But not once during the entire celebration did Fiorina or anyone else on stage mention Trump or his policies. Among his administration’s actions to undermine LGBT rights: revoking Obama-era guidance assuring transgender students restroom access in schools, ordering the U.S. military to ban transgender service members and staffing a Justice Department with attorneys arguing against legal protections for gays before the federal judiciary.


We know from USMB Republicans what they think of gays. Not just gays, but blacks, Hispanics, women's rights and so on.

I think the USBM right wing is a great sample of what the Republicans is and what they represent.

Only the most ignorant of fools belongs to a party and has no idea of what that party represents.

Dear deanrd
I can understand if you question GOP support of the death penalty
when they claim right to life as a belief as well.
But gays?
No, at most a lot of people who think it is a MENTAL DISORDER
don't want them dead but want them to get therapy.

The only people they want dead are sick pedophiles or homicidal predators that have already killed people.

That's not the same as gays,
but thank you for spreading the perception they are the same?

Are you AGREEING with Republicans who can't separate
pedophiles from gays?

Why would you reinforce the very thing you are trying to negate?
How does this help to reinforce negative stereotypes?
Under the last administration...............Americans were attacked by their own gov.t

Evidence was destroyed............after being ordered to turn it into the courts.

The FBI was used as a weapon to try to influence and election......didn't work........and then they double down.

Paid Russian high ups for dirt then accuse the other side of doing it................get warrants to attack anyone associated with the other side..........open ended investigation as the crimes from the other side are dismissed.

Let me be clear my stance..............The Democraps can go take a flying leap off a cliff on how dirty they are now....take their Media BS with them..................they are scum to me................and we aren't NEGOTIATING WITH THESE ASSHATS NO MORE.....................

Sell your moderate BS elsewhere.............their tactics deserve return fire........I don't care who doesn't like it.

If you don't like it, partisan asshole, move to a country more to your suiting. Your whining is tiring.
For those of you who may have missed my prior posts, I have been an independent my entire life, (voting nearly 30 years now.) If one looks at my sig they'll note where I lay on various political metrics. In general I refer to myself as a capitalist classical liberal; I'm bisexual, pro-choice, national capitalistic.

If you are in the "political situation" where you've kind of always had to essentially make concessions about what you believe in when you vote this message probably applies to you. [EDIT - note, if you're a partisan hack, this post probably doesn't apply to you heh]

We need to talk about what just happened with the Kavanaugh thing; the /principle/ of it. The D's could have started privately investigating this Ford case in July - they could have saved both Ford and Kavanaugh from the vitriol of making this case public and gotten to the /truth/ without all the hyperbolic bullshit. They /intentionally/ chose to destroy the lives and families of two people /simply/ to retain control of the SCOTUS at best, at worst they did it simply to "resist" the president.

A bit of an aside on Trump here; regardless of if you happen to like Trumps politics, as reasonable non-partisan's we know that Trump was chosen by the people and that there was no vote interference or anything that makes his election invalid, even at best - arguing that there were Russian ad campaigns - folks make their choice without anyone forcing them into it. Even if we want to entertain that "Russian's mislead the people with false claims and lies" that is certainly nothing new in politics, and effectually no different than the misleading and lies told by our own politicians of their opponents. The people voted of their own volition and Trump won.

Back to the Kavanaugh thing. So I didn't particularly care if he made it onto the SCOTUS honestly. I'm not a "fan" of him, he's got some rulings in the past I do not like; for example, the Patriot Act, the NSA recording and collecting all those phone calls - I was never entirely satisfied with the argument that "national security" is a good enough reason to invade the privacy of innocent American's without reason and necessity, even if I do recognize that it was/did indeed catch/stop terrorists. It was kind of one of those border-line issues for me where I wasn't quite feeling that the ends justified the means.

That's kind of what I want to talk about with you though, that "the ends justifying the means" thing...

What we just witnessed was the destruction of some very fundamental principles of America; innocent until proven guilty, guilt my mere accusation, and a complete discard of logical "credibility" and the "ends" part, keeping SCOTUS power or resisting Trump or whatever the hell was motivating the D's to discard those principles, and those two peoples lives/honor/etc, quite simply does /not/ justify the means in any way, shape, or form.

I am literally sick to my stomach. This past year has shown the most ridiculous and disgusting display of partisan hackery I've ever witnessed. Worse, this time, it's not the bumbling sheep followers, it's the fucking leaders who have completely abandoned, nay, in fact, spit in the face of, justice and all that is "right" for free American's.

We have witnessed these "leaders" /allowing/ physical violence against their political rivals - not the politicians who one could argue put themselves in the proverbial ring and open themselves up to nutcases, but THE FUCKING CITIZENS who's only "crime" is going to a political rally.

We have witnessed these "leaders" ACTIVELY CALLING for those attacks on INNOCENT CITIZENS who's only "crime" is taking a job with political opposition.

And yesterday, we learned that we have witnessed these "leaders" abandon the core values of this nation; that a man, who's only "crime" is being nominated to the SCOTUS by the president, and/or a woman, who's only "crime' was thinking/believing she was sexually assaulted, should /both/ be utterly destroyed simply to buy these "leaders" time...

This is no longer "politics as usual" and this cannot stand. (I have a husband, four sons, and likely grandsons some day that I'm thinking about here.)

I know our kind sometimes blows off mid-terms as "less important," but we really need to vote this time and as always, we must look at the whole picture when we do so.

And when you do vote, I ask that you ask yourself; what means justify what ends...
you also watched a GOP senator ask for money for his vote.
"Marriage" they argue is "their" word, a religious rite. I personally never understood why we couldn't just have civil unions that would be equal to marriage, and a good deal of my LGBT people were fine with that.

My state was 1st for CU's , it was quite the stampede....

to me as far as the gov is concerned, a civil union should carry the same legal rights/qualities of a traditional "marriage"

separation of church/state being fundamental...

That's not the same as gays,
but thank you for spreading the perception they are the same?

ame thing as mother's milk leading to herion Emily

sell like hotcakes to those of little horsepower

Under the last administration...............Americans were attacked by their own gov.t

Evidence was destroyed............after being ordered to turn it into the courts.

The FBI was used as a weapon to try to influence and election......didn't work........and then they double down.

Paid Russian high ups for dirt then accuse the other side of doing it................get warrants to attack anyone associated with the other side..........open ended investigation as the crimes from the other side are dismissed.

Let me be clear my stance..............The Democraps can go take a flying leap off a cliff on how dirty they are now....take their Media BS with them..................they are scum to me................and we aren't NEGOTIATING WITH THESE ASSHATS NO MORE.....................

Sell your moderate BS elsewhere.............their tactics deserve return fire........I don't care who doesn't like it.

If you don't like it, partisan asshole, move to a country more to your suiting. Your whining is tiring.
Make me........
Only a few of my religious friends even care about homosexuality, they don't want their kids taught it in school, but considering they believe it's a sin I understand that. It is true that many were against same sex marriage, but it was the term not the "act" that irritated them. "Marriage" they argue is "their" word, a religious rite.

except Marriage predates Christianity... so not so much.

I personally never understood why we couldn't just have civil unions that would be equal to marriage, and a good deal of my LGBT people were fine with that.

And on that note, why do those darned uppity coloreds insist on riding on the front of the bus. They should be happy we let them on the bus at all!

*Just pointing out how absurd your argument for civil unions is.

The radical activists were not, they wanted to rub the Christian's nose in it, IMO.

Yeah, like those uppity coloreds wanting to drink out of the same water fountain... they just want to rub your nose in it!

*Just pointing out how absurd your argument for civil unions is.

Perhaps the most ironic thing is that I've been called more nasty names by the modern left then I ever was by religious folks or legit homophones combined. The "new" left wants revenge, not equality...

You just argued that gays should be happy with second class marriage, and then say that they want revenge if they want the same kind of marriage you want? Really? Did this argument just come out of your mouth (or keyboard?)

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