Watch: The attack on Temple Mount caught on video

What's the matter Achmed, you upset that Israel was one land Muslim savages couldn't take by force?
Shusha is in here right now claiming that that is exactly what happened. On other threads you do this as well.

Get your stories straight, tools.
You are dodging the question. I never mentioned the bible. I'm asking for your position on this basic question:

Are there Jewish religious or historical places?

Its not a hard question. Yes or no?
Only if the bible is accurate for considering historical facts.

So, since you reject that the bible is accurate with respect to historical facts, you reject the existence of ANY Jewish holy or historical places.

So why do you get all defensive when I call you out on that and accuse you of erasing the Jewish people. That is EXACTLY what you are doing. You are denying the existence of the Jewish people, their history and their religious faith.

Why get defensive about your beliefs? Why not just OWN them?
So, since you reject that the bible is accurate with respect to historical facts, you reject the existence of ANY Jewish holy or historical places.

So why do you get all defensive when I call you out on that and accuse you of erasing the Jewish people. That is EXACTLY what you are doing. You are denying the existence of the Jewish people, their history and their religious faith.

Why get defensive about your beliefs? Why not just OWN them?
That is not was is happening at all, illiterate.
That is not was is happening at all, illiterate.

So, illuminate my dark mind. What is happening?

You say that there are Jewish holy and historical places ONLY if the bible is historically factual.

You say the bible is not historically factual.

Therefore, using simple logic, there are no Jewish holy and historical places.

Are you being coy because you realize how utterly silly you sound?
That is not was is happening at all, illiterate.

So, illuminate my dark mind. What is happening?

You say that there are Jewish holy and historical places ONLY if the bible is historically factual.

You say the bible is not historically factual.

Therefore, using simple logic, there are no Jewish holy and historical places.

Are you being coy because you realize how utterly silly you sound?
Start here...
1) Did Abraham exist?

2) Was the first temple real or a jewish lie?
Why start there? Jewish existence doesn't depend on everything being provable from the beginning.

Start here: Did the Second Temple exist? Was it a place of Jewish worship?
Why start there? Jewish existence doesn't depend on everything being provable from the beginning.

Start here: Did the Second Temple exist? Was it a place of Jewish worship?
We actually have been through that as well and I will answer that (again) if you are finally admitting that there was no first temple.

And no Abraham too, right?
Don't backpeddle and snip my quote like that.

Are you finally admitting that there was no first temple and no Abraham too?

I am not. I will not. Its irrelevant.
It is at the base of your whole shtick. Since you refuse to answer, I will have to take that as an admission, at least, and that you have no facts to back up the biblical hogwash.
Don't backpeddle and snip my quote like that.

Are you finally admitting that there was no first temple and no Abraham too?

I am not. I will not. Its irrelevant.
It is at the base of your whole shtick. Since you refuse to answer, I will have to take that as an admission, at least, and that you have no facts to back up the biblical hogwash.
Yo retard, archaeologists are currently finding 1st Temple artifacts under the Western Wall.
Don't backpeddle and snip my quote like that.

Are you finally admitting that there was no first temple and no Abraham too?

I am not. I will not. Its irrelevant.
It is at the base of your whole shtick. Since you refuse to answer, I will have to take that as an admission, at least, and that you have no facts to back up the biblical hogwash.
Yo retard, archaeologists are currently finding 1st Temple artifacts under the Western Wall.
Don't backpeddle and snip my quote like that.

Are you finally admitting that there was no first temple and no Abraham too?

I am not. I will not. Its irrelevant.
It is at the base of your whole shtick. Since you refuse to answer, I will have to take that as an admission, at least, and that you have no facts to back up the biblical hogwash.
Yo retard, archaeologists are currently finding 1st Temple artifacts under the Western Wall.
Israel claims First Temple relic find
Eat shit and drop dead.
Don't backpeddle and snip my quote like that.

Are you finally admitting that there was no first temple and no Abraham too?

I am not. I will not. Its irrelevant.
It is at the base of your whole shtick. Since you refuse to answer, I will have to take that as an admission, at least, and that you have no facts to back up the biblical hogwash.
Yo retard, archaeologists are currently finding 1st Temple artifacts under the Western Wall.
Israel claims First Temple relic find
Eat shit and drop dead.
They claim a lot of bullshit. It certainly does not make it fact. Feeling stupid yet?
I am not. I will not. Its irrelevant.
It is at the base of your whole shtick. Since you refuse to answer, I will have to take that as an admission, at least, and that you have no facts to back up the biblical hogwash.
Yo retard, archaeologists are currently finding 1st Temple artifacts under the Western Wall.
Israel claims First Temple relic find
Eat shit and drop dead.
They claim a lot of bullshit. It certainly does not make it fact. Feeling stupid yet?
You like being a Loser, don't you.
I can say the exact same thing about your postings...
They claim a lot of bullshit. It certainly does not make it fact. Feeling stupid yet?
Israel can change the status quo.

But, despite the official outrage, demands, threats and pleas by Jordan, the Waqf, Hamas and the Palestinian Authority to reopen the Temple Mount, there was no explosions, no protests, and no riots by the general Muslim population in Israel in response to the closure of the Temple Mount and the Old City of Jerusalem....

If this proves anything, it is that Israel can and should finally act like the sovereign entity on the Temple Mount, and the police can finally discard their irrational fear of what the Muslims may or may not do in response...

Maintaining the status quo hasn’t and won’t stopped Islamic terror, but a little determination and show of force clearly goes a long way with the general population.
Israel can change the status quo.

But, despite the official outrage, demands, threats and pleas by Jordan, the Waqf, Hamas and the Palestinian Authority to reopen the Temple Mount, there was no explosions, no protests, and no riots by the general Muslim population in Israel in response to the closure of the Temple Mount and the Old City of Jerusalem....

If this proves anything, it is that Israel can and should finally act like the sovereign entity on the Temple Mount, and the police can finally discard their irrational fear of what the Muslims may or may not do in response...

Maintaining the status quo hasn’t and won’t stopped Islamic terror, but a little determination and show of force clearly goes a long way with the general population.
The homicidal psychopaths strike again. It is this exact thinking that creates bloodshed.
Israel can change the status quo.

But, despite the official outrage, demands, threats and pleas by Jordan, the Waqf, Hamas and the Palestinian Authority to reopen the Temple Mount, there was no explosions, no protests, and no riots by the general Muslim population in Israel in response to the closure of the Temple Mount and the Old City of Jerusalem....

If this proves anything, it is that Israel can and should finally act like the sovereign entity on the Temple Mount, and the police can finally discard their irrational fear of what the Muslims may or may not do in response...

Maintaining the status quo hasn’t and won’t stopped Islamic terror, but a little determination and show of force clearly goes a long way with the general population.
The homicidal psychopaths strike again. It is this exact thinking that creates bloodshed.

I guess you missed it but it was Moslems bringing weapons and intent to murder people that created bloodshed.

You might be a bit more lucid when you emerge from your coma.
Israel can change the status quo.

But, despite the official outrage, demands, threats and pleas by Jordan, the Waqf, Hamas and the Palestinian Authority to reopen the Temple Mount, there was no explosions, no protests, and no riots by the general Muslim population in Israel in response to the closure of the Temple Mount and the Old City of Jerusalem....

If this proves anything, it is that Israel can and should finally act like the sovereign entity on the Temple Mount, and the police can finally discard their irrational fear of what the Muslims may or may not do in response...

Maintaining the status quo hasn’t and won’t stopped Islamic terror, but a little determination and show of force clearly goes a long way with the general population.
Israel has developed systems that make Iron Dome look like a joke and their Arab neighbors are fully aware of their ever diminishing ability to do any real damage to Israel.
Israel has also made it clear that any attack that Israel cannot handle with conventional weapons will result in immediate nuclear retaliation.
Because Jews are evil!

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