Watch: The attack on Temple Mount caught on video

The weapons were brought in and hidden in the compound by Waqf members
You don't know shit and you didn't answer the question.

What is it that you do not understand from the first post on this thread? It has videos and all.

Nazi Louie wants to change the facts.

They had weapons hidden in the Temple.

Investigation is not over.

Seat tight, because the Quaf is going to have a bumpy road.

The weapons were brought in and hidden in the compound by Waqf members
You don't know shit and you didn't answer the question.


The 1990 Temple Mount riots, or the Al Aqsa Massacre, also known as Black Monday,[1][2][3] was an event that took place in Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem at 10:30 am on Monday, 8 October 1990 before Zuhr prayer during the third year of the First Intifada. They began after a decision by the Temple Mount Faithful to lay a cornerstone at the site, and Arab rioting against Jewish worshippers.[4] The riots resulted in the death of over twenty Palestinians, with more than 150 people injured, including Palestinian civilians and worshippers.[5] It was condemned by UN Security Council resolutions 672 and 673. 1990 Temple Mount riots - Wikipedia
And the zionist animals stealing the holy continues...

Stealing the holy? You mean to tell me that you think Israel is stealing the Holy Place? By installing security equipment to prevent people being murdered?!

You have a twisted, twisted mind.
He's trying to copy me and having a hard time. Ha ha ha.

I mean how could Jews be "stealing" a land that has been their holy land for the last 4000 years?
The weapons were brought in and hidden in the compound by Waqf members
You don't know shit and you didn't answer the question.

The attack occurred outside the compound. It was a Friday, and no one is permitted access to the Temple Mount on Fridays except Muslims. So, unless Muslims are going to start shooting other Muslims (not uncommon), the attacks have to take place outside the compound itself. At least on Fridays.

Its a red herring, though. The point I was addressing, which fanger posed, was this one: Self control over their mosque security, I agree (indicating that the Arab Muslims should have control over their security). I pointed out that the Muslims who controlled the compound were incapable of handling their own security, proven by the events themselves.

The relevant point, if you are actually paying attention, is that the weapons used in the attack were smuggled in ahead of time -- to the compound -- either by the Waqf or with their knowledge or assistance.

The Waqf are representatives of Jordan who are required, by treaty (that means international law), to:

...provide freedom of access to places of religious and historical significance.

...promote interfaith relations among the three monotheistic religions, with the aim of working towards religious understanding, moral commitment, freedom of religious worship, and tolerance and peace.

Instead, the Waqf is aiding terrorists actions. They should lose their privileges in controlling their own security.

The security should be taken over by sovereign Israel.
And the zionist animals stealing the holy continues...

Stealing the holy? You mean to tell me that you think Israel is stealing the Holy Place? By installing security equipment to prevent people being murdered?!

You have a twisted, twisted mind.
He's trying to copy me and having a hard time. Ha ha ha.

I mean how could Jews be "stealing" a land that has been their holy land for the last 4000 years?

Europeans went to Palestine and stole the land from the native people. That's just a fact.
And the zionist animals stealing the holy continues...

Stealing the holy? You mean to tell me that you think Israel is stealing the Holy Place? By installing security equipment to prevent people being murdered?!

You have a twisted, twisted mind.
He's trying to copy me and having a hard time. Ha ha ha.

I mean how could Jews be "stealing" a land that has been their holy land for the last 4000 years?

Europeans went to Palestine and stole the land from the native people. That's just a fact.
Temple Mount belings to Jews, that's a fact. Stick to the topic not your usual braying bullshit about Europeans stealing land.
Jerusalem is the site of the two Holy Jewish Temples and therefore the holiest city for the Jewish people.

It is undeniable that the Temple Mount is the holiest area in Judaism and only the third holiest to Muslims.

Unfortunately, anti-Semites at UNESCO are determined to rewrite history and deny the Jewish people their historical, biblical and national rights to Jerusalem.

The world might continue to reject Israel’s legitimate claim to the Temple Mount, but in the end it is a Jewish site and it will one day return to the full control of the Jews.

The evidence is clear. The Jewish presence on the Temple Mount has existed for 3,000 years and no anti-Semite can erase or deny this fact.

(watch video online)

New documentary unveils truth about Jerusalem like never before
The Mufti of Jerusalem announced that Allah will not hear the prayers of those who walk through "Zionist" metal detectors and that their prayers will be invalid.

Prayers from people who carry knives, slingshots, cudgels, chains, hammers, explosives, box cutters, flammable liquids, and stones are a-okay, though.

Now, someone go ahead and tell me that this is not an ideological problem.

The Mufti of Jerusalem announced that Allah will not hear the prayers of those who walk through "Zionist" metal detectors and that their prayers will be invalid.

Prayers from people who carry knives, slingshots, cudgels, chains, hammers, explosives, box cutters, flammable liquids, and stones are a-okay, though.

Now, someone go ahead and tell me that this is not an ideological problem.

You have no idea who put those weapons there in the least.

Just more of your hate all Muslims bullshit.
So, you post a photo from who knows where, to imply that it shows what was brought into the Mosque. Do you think we are so unfamilar with Hasbara propaganda tactics?
Its easy enough to search the photo. But here's the link.

Are you seriously going to argue that no Arab Muslim has brought any weapons up to the Temple Mount? That's your response?
So, you post a photo from who knows where, to imply that it shows what was brought into the Mosque. Do you think we are so unfamilar with Hasbara propaganda tactics?

It's so cute how the Islamic terrorist Pom Pom flailers speak as an identifiable cabal with the "we" prefix.
Its easy enough to search the photo. But here's the link.

Are you seriously going to argue that no Arab Muslim has brought any weapons up to the Temple Mount? That's your response?
That's a non-bias source, LMAO. And what about the armed jews there daily? Do you think they might have a chance to plant that stuff?

And why on earth are armed jews even there?
Its easy enough to search the photo. But here's the link.

Are you seriously going to argue that no Arab Muslim has brought any weapons up to the Temple Mount? That's your response?
That's a non-bias source, LMAO. And what about the armed jews there daily? Do you think they might have a chance to plant that stuff?

And why on earth are armed jews even there?

Allah is not listening to the whining of those who gee-had from behind their infidel innovated keyboard.
That's a non-bias source, LMAO. And what about the armed jews there daily? Do you think they might have a chance to plant that stuff?

And why on earth are armed jews even there?

So, your story is that the Israeli police force intentionally plants weapons, including guns, within the Temple Mount compound in the hopes that some Arab Palestinian Muslim will take the hint and kill some of those very same police officers? But that Arab Muslims would never bring weapons, let alone use them in so holy a place, right? Ridiculous.

And armed LEO's are at the Temple Mount because Arab Muslims have an ideology of violence against Jews.
That's a non-bias source, LMAO. And what about the armed jews there daily? Do you think they might have a chance to plant that stuff?

And why on earth are armed jews even there?

So, your story is that the Israeli police force intentionally plants weapons, including guns, within the Temple Mount compound in the hopes that some Arab Palestinian Muslim will take the hint and kill some of those very same police officers? But that Arab Muslims would never bring weapons, let alone use them in so holy a place, right? Ridiculous.

And armed LEO's are at the Temple Mount because Arab Muslims have an ideology of violence against Jews.
No, it's not my story. I asked how you knew it ws the Palestinians, illiterate.

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