Watch: The attack on Temple Mount caught on video

No, it's not my story. I asked how you knew it ws the Palestinians, illiterate.

Well, mostly because it was three Arab Palestinians who actually took the guns and used them to kill people. Because the only ones who are using knives and stones and slingshots and other violence on the Temple Mount are Arab Palestinians. Because its the Arab Palestinians who are calling for a "day of rage", AGAIN.
No, it's not my story. I asked how you knew it ws the Palestinians, illiterate.

Well, mostly because it was three Arab Palestinians who actually took the guns and used them to kill people. Because the only ones who are using knives and stones and slingshots and other violence on the Temple Mount are Arab Palestinians. Because its the Arab Palestinians who are calling for a "day of rage", AGAIN.

That's bullshit too.

Someone tweeted it and you sucked it up faster than they could vomit it out. As usual, you have no source, just bullshit.
And, in a move of incredible hypocrisy, Adalah has apparently filed some sort of action against Israel claiming that actions taken after the murder of two Israelis to improve security were discriminatory and collective punishment.

The hypocrisy, of course, is that Adalah never complains about discrimination and collective punishment upon the Jewish people in being unable to fully access the Jewish holy place and worship there.
And, in a move of incredible hypocrisy, Adalah has apparently filed some sort of action against Israel claiming that actions taken after the murder of two Israelis to improve security were discriminatory and collective punishment.

The hypocrisy, of course, is that Adalah never complains about discrimination and collective punishment upon the Jewish people in being unable to fully access the Jewish holy place and worship there.
Did someone tweet that too?

That's bullshit too.

Someone tweeted it and you sucked it up faster than they could vomit it out. As usual, you have no source, just bullshit.

What's "bullshit too"? That three Arab Palestinians took a couple of guns and used them to kill police officers? That Arab and Palestinians leaders called for a "day of rage"? That Arab Palestinians are the ones using weapons and violence?

It won't matter what I come up with as a "source" -- let's face it, you are going to deny it its validity. On balance of actual events, its clear that the people who are using these types of weapons are Arab Palestinians and primarily Muslims. Its their schtick. Arguing that it must not really have been them this time is silly.

Now, go back to what my post was really about before we got sidetracked. Allah does not hear the prayers of those who walk through Zionist metal detectors, but has no problem hearing the prayers of people who use weapons against their fellow human beings. That is a vile ideology.
Its easy enough to search the photo. But here's the link.

Are you seriously going to argue that no Arab Muslim has brought any weapons up to the Temple Mount? That's your response?

So someone's random tweet claiming that they are weapons found on visitors to the Mosque, makes it fact.

Its not a random tweet. Its a news channel and journalists. And they were weapons hidden in the Temple Mount compound, discovered by police forces who did a search there.

Are you claiming that it could not possibly BE fact?
Are you claiming that it could not possibly BE fact?
There is no way to know if it is fact or not from what you have posted, illiterate.

Not my question. I asked if it was possibly true. In other words, I want you to use your incredible powers of reason and determine whether or not it seems possible, or likely, that some Arab Palestinian Muslims might have smuggled some weapons up into the Temple Mount. Here's a hint: two police officers were shot dead by three Arab Muslims who came from the Temple Mount complex. Here's another hint: which people commonly use knives, rocks, slingshots, cudgels, and attack Jews/Israelis? Here's yet another hint: Which people are calling for a "day of rage"?

My last post on the subject. Let's talk about why Allah does not accept prayers from people who walk through metal detectors, but does accept prayers (and gives out virgins) for those who murder human beings?

In my mind, its indicative that the Mufti of Jerusalem is complicit, or at least aware.
It's absurd that Jews aren't allowed to pray at their holiest site.
Its easy enough to search the photo. But here's the link.

Are you seriously going to argue that no Arab Muslim has brought any weapons up to the Temple Mount? That's your response?
That's a non-bias source, LMAO. And what about the armed jews there daily? Do you think they might have a chance to plant that stuff?

And why on earth are armed jews even there?
If you are referring to the police officers, I would surmise they are there to protect the visitors from the arab terrorists.

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