Watch: The attack on Temple Mount caught on video

It is at the base of your whole shtick. Since you refuse to answer, I will have to take that as an admission, at least, and that you have no facts to back up the biblical hogwash.

It is irrelevant to our point of discussion. Whether Abraham exists or whether or not a First Temple existed is irrelevant to whether or not Jewish holy and historical places existed.

It is enough to demonstrate that the Second Temple existed. It is enough to demonstrate that ancient synagogues existed. It is enough to find inscriptions with Hebrew writing, and Hebrew names, telling Hebrew stories. It is enough to find Jewish holy items.

Arguing that because Abraham didn't exist, the entire Jewish people don't exist and have no history and no religion is foolish. Its like arguing that because we can't prove Narmer existed, then obviously Ramses, Amenhotep, Akhenaten, Tutankhamen, and Cleopatra must not have existed or weren't really Egyptian. Its a silly argument.
It is at the base of your whole shtick. Since you refuse to answer, I will have to take that as an admission, at least, and that you have no facts to back up the biblical hogwash.

It is irrelevant to our point of discussion. Whether Abraham exists or whether or not a First Temple existed is irrelevant to whether or not Jewish holy and historical places existed.

It is enough to demonstrate that the Second Temple existed. It is enough to demonstrate that ancient synagogues existed. It is enough to find inscriptions with Hebrew writing, and Hebrew names, telling Hebrew stories. It is enough to find Jewish holy items.

Arguing that because Abraham didn't exist, the entire Jewish people don't exist and have no history and no religion is foolish. Its like arguing that because we can't prove Narmer existed, then obviously Ramses, Amenhotep, Akhenaten, Tutankhamen, and Cleopatra must not have existed or weren't really Egyptian. Its a silly argument.
Noone is arguing that, thankfully for you. And thanks for at least admitting that you have nothing on Abraham or the first temple other than jewish lies.
It is this exact thinking that creates bloodshed.

Why? Because Arab Muslims uncontrollably go into a homicidal rage at the mere thought that they can't murder Jews with impunity in a sacred holy place? Because Arab Muslims absolutely MUST be permitted to kill Jews and Israelis.

Here's an idea. Why don't the Arab Muslims come peacefully to the shared holy place and pray next to a Jew instead?
It is this exact thinking that creates bloodshed.

Why? Because Arab Muslims uncontrollably go into a homicidal rage at the mere thought that they can't murder Jews with impunity in a sacred holy place? Because Arab Muslims absolutely MUST be permitted to kill Jews and Israelis.

Here's an idea. Why don't the Arab Muslims come peacefully to the shared holy place and pray next to a Jew instead?
Loser's ugly Arab girlfriend tells Loser that all Arab are peaceful.
Noone is arguing that, thankfully for you. And thanks for at least admitting that you have nothing on Abraham or the first temple other than jewish lies.

So, are you going to argue that the Second Temple also didn't exist? Oh wait, you probably are.
When given the choice between very reasonable security measures and praying elsewhere, the Muslim chose elsewhere. Seems a fair indication of their priorities.

I think we should give them what they ask for.
why are you calling an attack on armed soldiers of occupation a "terrorist" attack ?
They goddamned sure weren't using military tactics, hiding in a church and if the soldiers hadn't been there they would have shot civilians.

You are a nutter. They attacked occupation militia. Traitorous occupation militia at that. The French Resistance did their best work against the French Milice (French police/militia that sided with the Germans) in Nazi Occupied France.
Bullshit. If they are not fighting a declared war, then it's murder and a war crime. The Nazis vs. France was a declared war. Check it out.

Bullshit you moron, there was no state of war between the Germans and the French dimwit. The French had surrendered and were at peace with Germany. There is no difference between what the French resistance were doing against oddupcation forces and what the Palestinians are doing against the occupation forces.
why are you calling an attack on armed soldiers of occupation a "terrorist" attack ?
They goddamned sure weren't using military tactics, hiding in a church and if the soldiers hadn't been there they would have shot civilians.

You are a nutter. They attacked occupation militia. Traitorous occupation militia at that. The French Resistance did their best work against the French Milice (French police/militia that sided with the Germans) in Nazi Occupied France.
Bullshit. If they are not fighting a declared war, then it's murder and a war crime. The Nazis vs. France was a declared war. Check it out.

Bullshit you moron, there was no state of war between the Germans and the French dimwit. The French had surrendered and were at peace with Germany. There is no difference between what the French resistance were doing against oddupcation forces and what the Palestinians are doing against the occupation forces.

Speaking of morons, why would there be a French resistance if the French were "at peace with Germany".

And yes, there is a difference between the conditions that differentiate the French from the arab-moslem Terrorists.

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