Watch the Liar in Chief encourage violence

Lol. Desperation from Lieawatha.

Funny how he has a car with stickers and Trump stuff. Almost a perfect set up by the libtards who new they were screwed for the midterms and all of a sudden this guy pops up. It’s a bunch of bullshit just like the left wing retards.

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He's a nut. They're everywhere.
The Trump MAGA bomber at a Trump rally.


Bombing Suspect Cesar A. Sayoc Charged with 5 Felonies
I can say something inciteful and it may make you feel a certain way. But the onus is on you as to how you feel and how you behave.
Bottom line is: your feelings and behavior is your responsibility, not mine!
Put another way, I am not responsible for how you feel. And, neither is Trump.

When I say that the solutions are not legal, I am agreeing that Trump is not responsible for the bombings. Nor do I think that he is responsible for anyone's feelings, although it's unclear why you are even bringing feelings up, since I didn't mention anyone's feelings. Nor am I interested in holding Trump directly responsible in any moral or legal way.

However, I am interested in how political leaders contribute to the overall health of our Democracy, and I think it's a problem when our leaders' rhetoric contributes -- even in a mostly small and symbolic way -- towards that erosion. But the way we deal with that sort of problem is via social norms, expressed in political action and voting. Trump may not be responsible for anyone's reactions, but nor should he be shielded from the consequences of his words (and actions) as far as those words (and actions) influence whether people support him or not.
I can say something inciteful and it may make you feel a certain way. But the onus is on you as to how you feel and how you behave.
Bottom line is: your feelings and behavior is your responsibility, not mine!
Put another way, I am not responsible for how you feel. And, neither is Trump.

When I say that the solutions are not legal, I am agreeing that Trump is not responsible for the bombings. Nor do I think that he is responsible for anyone's feelings, although it's unclear why you are even bringing feelings up, since I didn't mention anyone's feelings. Nor am I interested in holding Trump directly responsible in any moral or legal way.

However, I am interested in how political leaders contribute to the overall health of our Democracy, and I think it's a problem when our leaders' rhetoric contributes -- even in a mostly small and symbolic way -- towards that erosion. But the way we deal with that sort of problem is via social norms, expressed in political action and voting. Trump may not be responsible for anyone's reactions, but nor should he be shielded from the consequences of his words (and actions) as far as those words (and actions) influence whether people support him or not.

Nor should anyone on the left that has a public platform be shielded from the consequences of their words and actions. The left acts as if they should be shielded. And since they control the majority of the media, they have a heightened sense of entitlement and means to shield themselves.
This is not a level playing field.
Jim, it does come from both sides these days.
I don't condone Trumps remarks just as much as I don't condone Maxine Waters remarks.

When did Waters tell a rally to knock the shit out of someone? When did Waters say a free essential media us "Enemy if the People" When did Waters advocate "locking" up a political opponent.

Trump has said MANY of the things that the nut case bomber has repeated. called....president is complicit with the hate that built these bombs.....

ABCNews? Seriously? :th_believecrap:

You got a problem with the frigin video that was recorded showing your piece of shit president encouraging violence? Take it up with him....
Fake video, cut down to not show all that was going on. Thanks again enemy of the state.


ABCNews? Seriously? :th_believecrap:

You got a problem with the frigin video that was recorded showing your piece of shit president encouraging violence? Take it up with him....
Fake video, cut down to not show all that was going on. Thanks again enemy of the state.

Notice how this traitor can never prove one thing....
Jim, it does come from both sides these days.
I don't condone Trumps remarks just as much as I don't condone Maxine Waters remarks.

When did Waters tell a rally to knock the shit out of someone? When did Waters say a free essential media us "Enemy if the People" When did Waters advocate "locking" up a political opponent.

Trump has said MANY of the things that the nut case bomber has repeated. called....president is complicit with the hate that built these bombs.....
Waters encouraged harassment. You know that. These packages are harassment.
Jim, it does come from both sides these days.
I don't condone Trumps remarks just as much as I don't condone Maxine Waters remarks.

When did Waters tell a rally to knock the shit out of someone? When did Waters say a free essential media us "Enemy if the People" When did Waters advocate "locking" up a political opponent.

Trump has said MANY of the things that the nut case bomber has repeated. called....president is complicit with the hate that built these bombs.....
Hey liar, knocking the shit out of someone fixing to assault you is a-ok. Next lie.
I can say something inciteful and it may make you feel a certain way. But the onus is on you as to how you feel and how you behave.
Bottom line is: your feelings and behavior is your responsibility, not mine!
Put another way, I am not responsible for how you feel. And, neither is Trump.

When I say that the solutions are not legal, I am agreeing that Trump is not responsible for the bombings. Nor do I think that he is responsible for anyone's feelings, although it's unclear why you are even bringing feelings up, since I didn't mention anyone's feelings. Nor am I interested in holding Trump directly responsible in any moral or legal way.

However, I am interested in how political leaders contribute to the overall health of our Democracy, and I think it's a problem when our leaders' rhetoric contributes -- even in a mostly small and symbolic way -- towards that erosion. But the way we deal with that sort of problem is via social norms, expressed in political action and voting. Trump may not be responsible for anyone's reactions, but nor should he be shielded from the consequences of his words (and actions) as far as those words (and actions) influence whether people support him or not.
We don't have a democracy and never have.
Jim, it does come from both sides these days.
I don't condone Trumps remarks just as much as I don't condone Maxine Waters remarks.

When did Waters tell a rally to knock the shit out of someone? When did Waters say a free essential media us "Enemy if the People" When did Waters advocate "locking" up a political opponent.

Trump has said MANY of the things that the nut case bomber has repeated. called....president is complicit with the hate that built these bombs.....

Jim, you're giving away your Halloween costume this year....'Mindless Hive Parrot'
How can any sane person believe that Trump has not incited violence - even hinting at assassination of Hillary Clinton?

I can say something inciteful and it may make you feel a certain way. But the onus is on you as to how you feel and how you behave.
Bottom line is: your feelings and behavior is your responsibility, not mine!
Put another way, I am not responsible for how you feel. And, neither is Trump.

When I say that the solutions are not legal, I am agreeing that Trump is not responsible for the bombings. Nor do I think that he is responsible for anyone's feelings, although it's unclear why you are even bringing feelings up, since I didn't mention anyone's feelings. Nor am I interested in holding Trump directly responsible in any moral or legal way.

However, I am interested in how political leaders contribute to the overall health of our Democracy, and I think it's a problem when our leaders' rhetoric contributes -- even in a mostly small and symbolic way -- towards that erosion. But the way we deal with that sort of problem is via social norms, expressed in political action and voting. Trump may not be responsible for anyone's reactions, but nor should he be shielded from the consequences of his words (and actions) as far as those words (and actions) influence whether people support him or not.
We don't have a democracy and never have.

We live in a Republic. We never lived in a democracy.
When will people get that through their heads?

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