Watch the Liar in Chief encourage violence

What's fake news? The video of Trump?

Maybe you're kidding.

Trump is a dispicable human the he*l did this liar become president? I didn't know there were so many degenerates voting...
He became President because YOU PEOPLE are even more despicable. It isn't hard to understand, even for people like you.

You cannot denegrate, name-call, and verbally attack an entire group of people without there being consequences.

Shitforhair has already said there would be violence if the gop loses the mid terms so stfu with the you people bullshit
LOL....Sure he has.

Looks to Me like he is speaking in general terms meaning that people will rise up if they don't get their way. Kind of like what we say after the2016 election. Still, this is a classic example of why CNN cannot be trusted as the comments aren't reported but spun.
The unhinged left does not realize that civility is a 2-way street!
They just can't get their neurons to fire in a logical way.
What a boatload of brazen bovine excrement. !! We leftist have been around for almost the entire history of this country, but never before - with the possible exceptions of the Civil War Era, and Vietnam has there been this level of divisiveness and over hatful attempts to incite violence. Then came Trump who attacks individuals and institutions on a daily basis which incites violence like what we say in Charlottesville, more recently in New York by his goon squad the Proud Boys, and then the MAGA Bomber. Any incivility on the part of the left is defensive and appropriate outrage against his lack of respect, incivility and stupidity.

Ditto, shitnozzle!
The unhinged left does not realize that civility is a 2-way street!
They just can't get their neurons to fire in a logical way.
What a boatload of brazen bovine excrement. !! We leftist have been around for almost the entire history of this country, but never before - with the possible exceptions of the Civil War Era, and Vietnam has there been this level of divisiveness and over hatful attempts to incite violence. Then came Trump who attacks individuals and institutions on a daily basis which incites violence like what we say in Charlottesville, more recently in New York by his goon squad the Proud Boys, and then the MAGA Bomber. Any incivility on the part of the left is defensive and appropriate outrage against his lack of respect, incivility and stupidity.
haha! Dim scum started it and you you cry and lie like a little girlie man. If this idiot does prove to be a Trump supporter, which I doubt, you scum own it. You started it with all the violence in the streets and the criminals you have in office calling for violence.
I must say these Democratic commenters are a piece of work today. Must be a boring news day today. Lol

Their self-righteous hypocrisy is to be expected. It's like dealing with hundreds of Don Lemons and Chris Cuomo's.

Must not be enough threads on today's news: They Found the Person Responsible for the "Bombs". Instead, they rather post a video on Trump "inciting" violence. Lol
The unhinged left does not realize that civility is a 2-way street!
They just can't get their neurons to fire in a logical way.
What a boatload of brazen bovine excrement. !! We leftist have been around for almost the entire history of this country, but never before - with the possible exceptions of the Civil War Era, and Vietnam has there been this level of divisiveness and over hatful attempts to incite violence. Then came Trump who attacks individuals and institutions on a daily basis which incites violence like what we say in Charlottesville, more recently in New York by his goon squad the Proud Boys, and then the MAGA Bomber. Any incivility on the part of the left is defensive and appropriate outrage against his lack of respect, incivility and stupidity.
haha! Dim scum started it and you you cry and lie like a little girlie man. If this idiot does prove to be a Trump supporter, which I doubt, you scum own it. You started it with all the violence in the streets and the criminals you have in office calling for violence.
More bullshit.!! I will admit that we on the left have done and said some inappropriate thing at times, but T-Rump is the ringleader and cheerleader of the alt -right, neo Fascists thugs and that is abundantly apparent every time he holds one of his many fuck fest rallies.
The unhinged left does not realize that civility is a 2-way street!
They just can't get their neurons to fire in a logical way.
What a boatload of brazen bovine excrement. !! We leftist have been around for almost the entire history of this country, but never before - with the possible exceptions of the Civil War Era, and Vietnam has there been this level of divisiveness and over hatful attempts to incite violence. Then came Trump who attacks individuals and institutions on a daily basis which incites violence like what we say in Charlottesville, more recently in New York by his goon squad the Proud Boys, and then the MAGA Bomber. Any incivility on the part of the left is defensive and appropriate outrage against his lack of respect, incivility and stupidity.
haha! Dim scum started it and you you cry and lie like a little girlie man. If this idiot does prove to be a Trump supporter, which I doubt, you scum own it. You started it with all the violence in the streets and the criminals you have in office calling for violence.
More bullshit.!! I will admit that we on the left have done and said some inappropriate thing at times, but T-Rump is the ringleader and cheerleader of the alt -right, neo Fascists thugs and that is abundantly apparent every time he holds one of his many fuck fest rallies.
You don't even know what a real fascist is.
Here's a couple of quotes from the former president "if they (republicans) bring a knife to a fight we will bring a gun". "Republicans can come along for the ride but they have to sit in the back of the bus".
but T-Rump is the ringleader and cheerleader of the alt -right, neo Fascists thugs and that is abundantly apparent every time he holds one of his many fuck fest rallies.

That has to be the MOST STUPIDEST comment on USMB today alone. You certainly take the cake,
The unhinged left does not realize that civility is a 2-way street!
They just can't get their neurons to fire in a logical way.
What a boatload of brazen bovine excrement. !! We leftist have been around for almost the entire history of this country, but never before - with the possible exceptions of the Civil War Era, and Vietnam has there been this level of divisiveness and over hatful attempts to incite violence. Then came Trump who attacks individuals and institutions on a daily basis which incites violence like what we say in Charlottesville, more recently in New York by his goon squad the Proud Boys, and then the MAGA Bomber. Any incivility on the part of the left is defensive and appropriate outrage against his lack of respect, incivility and stupidity.
haha! Dim scum started it and you you cry and lie like a little girlie man. If this idiot does prove to be a Trump supporter, which I doubt, you scum own it. You started it with all the violence in the streets and the criminals you have in office calling for violence.
More bullshit.!! I will admit that we on the left have done and said some inappropriate thing at times, but T-Rump is the ringleader and cheerleader of the alt -right, neo Fascists thugs and that is abundantly apparent every time he holds one of his many fuck fest rallies.

It's only because Trump has the keen insight to realize that lefties like you have lost their collective minds.
Trump and his base are the greatest terrorist threat to America! Who knew that America would be destroyed from within by homegrown terrorists - incited and led by a sitting U.S. president?!

How quickly you retarded sons of bitches forget. How many people died or got hurt by those stupid inert bombs? How many people died or got hurt by you radicals who burn cities. You mother fuckers have been asking for some shit for 2 years now, and when it shows up, like petulant babies, you cry foul. What is good for the goose, is good for the gander?

I guess this establishment puke got fed up with your violent actions and took it upon himself to stupidly send bombs that wouldn't kill anyone. Maybe next time fuckers, they wont be duds...

The unhinged left forgot that the 1st amendment applies to the President, too.

I don't think the question is whether or not some of Trump's comments should be illegal (probably not, although incitement is not protected speech). The question is whether the comments are objectionable, disqualifying, or contribute to a political climate in which political violence is made more likely. Just because we have reasons to oppose criminalizing some behavior doesn't mean the behavior is harmless, it just means that we think the problems caused by criminalization would be even worse, which is generally true for the speech in question. The solutions to the problems caused by Trump's speech are political, and not legal.
Trump never incited violence against the Democrats. Trump never encouraged or endorsed sending bombs to Democrats. Ludicrous irresponsible behavior from Democrats.
The unhinged left forgot that the 1st amendment applies to the President, too.

I don't think the question is whether or not some of Trump's comments should be illegal (probably not, although incitement is not protected speech). The question is whether the comments are objectionable, disqualifying, or contribute to a political climate in which political violence is made more likely. Just because we have reasons to oppose criminalizing some behavior doesn't mean the behavior is harmless, it just means that we think the problems caused by criminalization would be even worse, which is generally true for the speech in question. The solutions to the problems caused by Trump's speech are political, and not legal.

I can say something inciteful and it may make you feel a certain way. But the onus is on you as to how you feel and how you behave.
Bottom line is: your feelings and behavior is your responsibility, not mine!
Put another way, I am not responsible for how you feel. And, neither is Trump.
This is the typical democrat lunacy. They blamed Sarah Palin when one of their politicians was shot.

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