Watch Trump's Favorite Lies Get Fact Checked, One by One

The video proves every single one -- with footage of himself saying the opposite or they present facts that correct dumbass Donald.
Saying unemployment is 4.5% isn't fact checking. It's a lie in itself. If the economy was that good, the US GDP would have cracked past the lousy 2% it has been for 8 years.

Turning the tables and trying to say "but he lies too" isn't a winning strategy when Your Candidate, Hillary Clinton, is a known, documented but unindicted liar. All you really have on Mr Trump is his taxes. Go after him on that.
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You didn't "explain" anything, nor are you capable of doing so. Writing "big deal" over and over doesn't explain anything, but it does show your true colors, namely that you couldn't care less that the person you are voting for lies through his pearly white teeth. You are a moral relativist, you have zero integrity, and you have incredibly low standards for who you want to represent America. You are as big of a problem with this country as scumbags like Trump are.
Mr Trump is going to win because your candidate can't handle the stress of 18 hour work days due to her weakened condition. In the debate she gets no stool, no step to stand on at the podium, no breaks. If she coughs, she loses. She is loosing it on the campaign trail. Somebody post that video of her asking why she isn't up 50 points to union delegates. OMG it Is sad and funny at the same time. The union guys in the Midwest are switching to Mr Trump. She needs the Iron Belt. Ted Cruz announced he is voting and endorsing Mr Trump even though Mr Trump accused Cruz's dad of killing Kennedy! In the primaries. Still he won! Someday you'll figure out why. LoL
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His supporters are teh same type of scum that he is: Dishonest, garbage and low life third world pieces of crap that they're. The filth of our society have e
Keep on insulting half the country as you perpetuate Hillary's 47% moment. The polls shifted dramatically after that statement and not to her favor.
You dummies should have picked Biden.
Thankfully for my sanity I've put at least 45 of these right wing assholes on ignore. Mostly just sane people visible...Of course, I left a few visible but not many. hahaha. Sick of liars.
In reality, you lack the courage to face the TRUTH. Easier to hid in your little liberal OMISSION media, which withholds vast amounts of information from you.
Translation: Even though there are plenty examples of lies and doublespeak by Trump in the video I could debate, I choose to ignore all of that and pretend I'm the Mayor of this thread.
No examples. 10-4. Message received.
The video proves every single one -- with footage of himself saying the opposite or they present facts that correct dumbass Donald.
Saying unemployment is 4.5% isn't fact checking. It's a lie in itself.
True. The UE rate is 4.9%

If the economy was that good, the US GDP would have cracked past the lousy 2% it has been for 8 years.
How do you figure? The UE rate doesn't imply anything about how good the overall economy is. The UE rate measures what percent of those doing something about work are unsuccessful. That's it. It doesn't measure poverty, hardship, production, prices, quality of work, GDP or anything else.
You didn't "explain" anything, nor are you capable of doing so. Writing "big deal" over and over doesn't explain anything, but it does show your true colors, namely that you couldn't care less that the person you are voting for lies through his pearly white teeth. You are a moral relativist, you have zero integrity, and you have incredibly low standards for who you want to represent America. You are as big of a problem with this country as scumbags like Trump are.
Mr Trump is going to win because your candidate can't handle the stress of 18 hour work days due to her weakened condition. In the debate she gets no stool, no step to stand on at the podium, no breaks. If she coughs, she loses. She is loosing it on the campaign trail. Somebody post that video of her asking why she isn't up 50 points to union delegates. OMG it Is sad and funny at the same time. The union guys in the Midwest are switching to Mr Trump. She needs the Iron Belt. Ted Cruz announced he is voting and endorsing Mr Trump even though Mr Trump accused Cruz's dad of killing Kennedy! In the primaries. Still he won! Someday you'll figure out why. LoL

So, your way of explaining away all of the lies in the video is by talking about Hillary? Hello, McFly, is anyone home?
I listened to this “scathing” depiction of Donald Trump. My response is “whatever.”

Lie #1. Tump on the Iraq war, for then against. Big deal! Scores of politicians lied about whose side they were on. Plus some fooled early on than recanted.

2 - The throngs of new jersey cheering Muslims. Big deal! He embellished. Big deal.

3 - Obama’s birth being questioned. Yeah, what of it? You cowards still won’t answer scads of inconvenient FACTS that you and your beloved media don’t dare touch. He’s a Kenyan, ha! But the reason Trump now says he accepts Obama was born in Hawaii is because he wants to win an election and there is zero upside to standing his ground --- thanks to the media cowards.

4- Pandering to gays. Big deal! So he had negatives to say about them earlier. Big deal. He is trying to win favor with them now. Is all this kind of political meandering brand new to you???????? Where the hell you’ve been the last 40 years?

5- And gov pence doesn’t want transgender bathrooms. Oh Lord have mercy!!!

6- Trump thinks there is voter fraud widespread. Big deal. These media hacks say there is almost no examples of that. Bullshit!

7- Overstates the criminals, drugs and rapists coming from Mexico. So what? He is trying to make a point and emphasizing with numbers. It is not still a real concern and that’s a fact.

8- Trump claims Hillary’s email server hacked. And the journalist says “prove it.” Oh, fuck you! Like it’s no big deal? Like you think this email server and all the hidden emails is not a plum for foreign enemies to go after? Don’t think it’s extremely possible? You prove to us it hasn’t, "snowden! "

9- Trump says he will release his return and he has not. So what? Many other candidates have done as much, including the coward in chief who took 2 ½ years to finally produce a legitimate (albeit phony) official birth certificate. Of course he won’t release any of his grade transcripts because it most likely designates him as a foreign student. Either that or all those articles from his college days and running for senate days celebrating “the Kenyan” were typos.

10- Unemployment 4.8% , Trump says it could be as high as 40%. Sounds high, but the fact is there are many ways of measuring legitimate unemployment and most agree the way the govt puts it out is specious at best.

11- Trump rails against the Clinton Foundation and the State Dept’s Pay for play. And this journalist scoffs at Trump saying “prove it.” Here again, who does this left leaning journalist jackass think he is? There is so much smoke in the room but the guy doubts there is any sign of a fire. Just because CBS sees no reason to doubt. Sick.

12- Trump laments Ford moving Focus car plant from Michigan to Mexico. Journalist implies Trump says all Michigan lobs lost but actually they will be building a different Ford now in Michigan. Yes, so? That is still another auto plant that could have provided more US jobs now in Mexico. After all, that IS the point.

To sum: Who the heck do you think you are? What you just tried to make Trump look like such a liar is lame. Almost all candidates make gigantic statements, promises and use a good deal of hyperbole. You have not noticed? What about that creep in the white house now? Shall we google his lies? What about his changes of heart like when he campaigned against gay marriage. Was he lying? No, he was just telling the specific crowd he was addressing what they wanted to hear. Happens all the time!!

And as far as LIES go --- what Trump is accused of are tiny venial sins compared to the barrage of mortal sins coming from Hillary Clinton. But LIES only interest you when it is the opponent's.

Why did you bother typing all of that crap if your main response to Trump's lies is "big deal?" Do you like to hear yourself blather on and on and on? Yes, you don't care if he lies through his teeth. Yes, you have zero integrity. We already know that. Take Trumps balls out of your mouth and just admit that he could lie to your fucking face and you would still support him no matter what, you ridiculous and pathetic apologist. You are the definition of 'partisan hack.'

I said "big deal" because they are not lies or they are par for politicians' campaigning.

None of those were scandals like your girlfriend Hildebeest. You are lying to yourself if you think there is any comparison.

Those are "not lies" according to you? lol, wow. I guess becoming a politician gives one carte blanche to lie their asses off in your warped world?


To answer your first question: I wrote all that "crap" just for you.

Just so you know you and your video are not bullshitting anybody who cares.

It's a joke! And I explained it thoroughly why. But you are just a donkey and one cannot cast pearls before swines or donkeys because they are unable to perceive.

So sorry.

You didn't "explain" anything, nor are you capable of doing so. Writing "big deal" over and over doesn't explain anything, but it does show your true colors, namely that you couldn't care less that the person you are voting for lies through his pearly white teeth. You are a moral relativist, you have zero integrity, and you have incredibly low standards for who you want to represent America. You are as big of a problem with this country as scumbags like Trump are.

Go ahead and play head games with yourself, I'm hardly shocked. Trying to find a liberal with integrity is like trying to find a pearl in a clam.

I listened to every one of Trump's so-called lies and said a lot more than just "big deal" to explain them away. But you cannot process.
Why did you bother typing all of that crap if your main response to Trump's lies is "big deal?" Do you like to hear yourself blather on and on and on? Yes, you don't care if he lies through his teeth. Yes, you have zero integrity. We already know that. Take Trumps balls out of your mouth and just admit that he could lie to your fucking face and you would still support him no matter what, you ridiculous and pathetic apologist. You are the definition of 'partisan hack.'

I said "big deal" because they are not lies or they are par for politicians' campaigning.

None of those were scandals like your girlfriend Hildebeest. You are lying to yourself if you think there is any comparison.

Those are "not lies" according to you? lol, wow. I guess becoming a politician gives one carte blanche to lie their asses off in your warped world?


To answer your first question: I wrote all that "crap" just for you.

Just so you know you and your video are not bullshitting anybody who cares.

It's a joke! And I explained it thoroughly why. But you are just a donkey and one cannot cast pearls before swines or donkeys because they are unable to perceive.

So sorry.

You didn't "explain" anything, nor are you capable of doing so. Writing "big deal" over and over doesn't explain anything, but it does show your true colors, namely that you couldn't care less that the person you are voting for lies through his pearly white teeth. You are a moral relativist, you have zero integrity, and you have incredibly low standards for who you want to represent America. You are as big of a problem with this country as scumbags like Trump are.

Go ahead and play head games with yourself, I'm hardly shocked. Trying to find a liberal with integrity is like trying to find a pearl in a clam.

I listened to every one of Trump's so-called lies and said a lot more than just "big deal" to explain them away. But you cannot process.

You "listened" to the video? You have to watch it for the text on the bottom of the screen. No wonder you're making so many excuses.
I said "big deal" because they are not lies or they are par for politicians' campaigning.

None of those were scandals like your girlfriend Hildebeest. You are lying to yourself if you think there is any comparison.

Those are "not lies" according to you? lol, wow. I guess becoming a politician gives one carte blanche to lie their asses off in your warped world?


To answer your first question: I wrote all that "crap" just for you.

Just so you know you and your video are not bullshitting anybody who cares.

It's a joke! And I explained it thoroughly why. But you are just a donkey and one cannot cast pearls before swines or donkeys because they are unable to perceive.

So sorry.

You didn't "explain" anything, nor are you capable of doing so. Writing "big deal" over and over doesn't explain anything, but it does show your true colors, namely that you couldn't care less that the person you are voting for lies through his pearly white teeth. You are a moral relativist, you have zero integrity, and you have incredibly low standards for who you want to represent America. You are as big of a problem with this country as scumbags like Trump are.

Go ahead and play head games with yourself, I'm hardly shocked. Trying to find a liberal with integrity is like trying to find a pearl in a clam.

I listened to every one of Trump's so-called lies and said a lot more than just "big deal" to explain them away. But you cannot process.

You "listened" to the video? You have to watch it for the text on the bottom of the screen. No wonder you're making so many excuses.

Hey, Zero, I wrote a whole essay on the stupid crap they accused Trump of --- as though any of that was such a major lie, or lie at all. I explained to other people --- not jackasses like you --- why I found virtually all of those charges to be making mountains out of molehills. Unlike the sinner in chief on national security and foreign affairs --- Hillary Rodham Criminal.

Now you try to come back and tell me I did not understand all of the charges because watching it and listening to every word isn't good enough. LOL. And yet, you have yet to comment on any specific one of my 12 explanations to the "big lies."
You are the one running for cover because that is all you are good for. But I am satisfied, I at least know where not to waste my time again. --- just another big mouth liberal without substance. Totally useless, living in ignorant bliss.

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