Watch Tulsi Gabbard destroy MSNBC host who tries to take her down

As some far-left candidates have joined the primaries the left-leaning media outlets have stepped up efforts to attack any remotely moderate candidate. I still think Biden is their best bet of winning, but he needs to stop walking back statements just to appease the vocal minority.

And Tulsi will be the best VP candidate for Biden!

Definitely better than that turkey-necked dumbbell McCain chose, that only men over 60 thought was hot.

"My God! This radiant goddess is at least 6 years my junior."

Dude, you wouldn't have MILF Palin?

Neither would I but Tulsi can make me do whatever she wants and has the brains that Cortez wishes she had...
I don't generally take the time to watch these but dang, I love Tulsi.
It’s so odd how lefties ignore these threads.

Just because you stick your fingers in your ears, close your eyes, and scream like bitches....doesn’t mean it’s not happening, lefties.

The Corporate Media is trying to take out a candidate for President because she has her own thoughts.

Why is it bad that she does not want to go to war and drop bombs on brown people? Please explain that to us.

It's odd to me too how the topic of Tulsi Gabbard brings about <<<crickets chirping>>> from Dems.

I posted something on Facebook about her, a few days ago, and it got 2 likes. (And one was from my mom, who 'likes' everything I post.) :lol: All my Democrat and 'liberal' friends were silent. I don't understand why they WOULDN'T like her, she seems to be a decent person, genuine, principled and an independent thinker as opposed to a blind partisan hack.

They don’t have their own fucking opinions about anything.

The corporate media and their Dimm overlords tell them that she is bad...therefore she is bad.

They do not think for themselves. They parrot talking points given to them.

It’s not like they do their own research. They are NPC, just like in my sig pic.
Crickets from the lerftards.

Their silence is absolutely deafening and frankly, pretty funny.

They really think it doesn’t exist if they ignore it.

Absolutely astounding. What fucking mindless drones.
I love seeing MSNBC hosts taking it on the chin, but supporting Tulsi Gabbard in any way is a mistake. She's a liberal just like Bernie Sanders.

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