Watchdog: IRS workers urged taxpayers to reelect Obama, disparaged GOP

No actually that's nothing like what happened. Not even close. Only a low information asshole would think that.

Uh, that's EXACTLY what happened. The TEA Party is not a "Social Welfare Agency".

GPS Crossroads is not a "Social Welfare Agency".

they tried to claim they were.

That's tax fraud. is also not a social welfare agency. Why no outrage about their tax status?

Nor are they a political advocacy group.

They dont come out and say, "Vote for Candidate X".

they say, "Wow, did you see how many factual errors LImbaugh got on his show yesterday?"

So technically, they qualify. And they were scrutinized at the time they started.

Again, Karl Rove could have applied for a 527 tax exemption, and there'd have been no issue. But then he'd h ave to explain why the Koch Brothers were the source of most of his cash.
Uh, that's EXACTLY what happened. The TEA Party is not a "Social Welfare Agency".

GPS Crossroads is not a "Social Welfare Agency".

they tried to claim they were.

That's tax fraud. is also not a social welfare agency. Why no outrage about their tax status?

Nor are they a political advocacy group.

They dont come out and say, "Vote for Candidate X".

they say, "Wow, did you see how many factual errors LImbaugh got on his show yesterday?"

So technically, they qualify. And they were scrutinized at the time they started.

Again, Karl Rove could have applied for a 527 tax exemption, and there'd have been no issue. But then he'd h ave to explain why the Koch Brothers were the source of most of his cash.

The others also dont say that. And why would anyone have to reveal who their donors are? This is America. Or used to be.

The others also dont say that. And why would anyone have to reveal who their donors are? This is America. Or used to be.

Uh, guy, I want complete disclosure.

I want to know who is financing candidates for office.

"Hey, vote for me, don't pay any attention to who is financing my campaign. trust me."

I'm kind of surprised you don't.

I think you'd be throwing a hissy if you found out that Soros was funnelling billions into campaigns to elect democrats. Or Bloomberg was funnelling billions into efforts to confiscate guns.

But the Koch brothers funnel billions into legistlation to rape the environment, and you are oohhh, sooo good with that.

The others also dont say that. And why would anyone have to reveal who their donors are? This is America. Or used to be.

Uh, guy, I want complete disclosure.

I want to know who is financing candidates for office.

"Hey, vote for me, don't pay any attention to who is financing my campaign. trust me."

I'm kind of surprised you don't.

I think you'd be throwing a hissy if you found out that Soros was funnelling billions into campaigns to elect democrats. Or Bloomberg was funnelling billions into efforts to confiscate guns.

But the Koch brothers funnel billions into legistlation to rape the environment, and you are oohhh, sooo good with that.

We arent talking about financing candidate, numbnuts. We are talking about private non profits operating. And when you force open donor lists you get public pressure and witch hunts, like the kind that got Eich fired. Everyone recognizes that is inimical to democracy. Except you.

We arent talking about financing candidate, numbnuts. We are talking about private non profits operating. And when you force open donor lists you get public pressure and witch hunts, like the kind that got Eich fired. Everyone recognizes that is inimical to democracy. Except you.

Eich wasn't doing a non-profit. He spent money on a political process.

What is inimical to democracy is rich people buying more influence than the rest of us have.

We arent talking about financing candidate, numbnuts. We are talking about private non profits operating. And when you force open donor lists you get public pressure and witch hunts, like the kind that got Eich fired. Everyone recognizes that is inimical to democracy. Except you.

Eich wasn't doing a non-profit. He spent money on a political process.

What is inimical to democracy is rich people buying more influence than the rest of us have.

It is easily countered by ordinary people pooling their resources to match those of rich people. You know, like Citizens United, and all those groups the IRS wouldn't approve.

You've been pwned, Joe. Yet again.

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