Watching Meet The Press....what a joke

Liberal=someone that wants to destroy the moral frame work of this nation. This is a person that would agree with giving the government control of every part of our life. On the other hand anything that has to do with morality=bad.

Conservative=someone that doesn't want to destroy that.

= wishful thinking and bullshit.

Why? I'm not talking about the republican party that seems to want to do that but only slower.

We actually dont know whether NK has such missiles or not. And I am sure all those citizens of Alaska will disagree with you.
Missile defense works fine, thank you Mr Reagan.

NO, it really doesn't.

The Patriot Flawed? - CBS News

But it turns out, that wasn't true. Almost none of the Patriots had worked. Some of them had failed to hit the incoming Scuds. Some had shot at missiles that didn't even exist. But most of them still exploded in the sky, leading everyone to believe they'd scored a kill, when in fact they hadn't.

"The best evidence that we found supports between two and four intercepts out of 44," says Cirincione. "About a 10 percent success rate."

Cirincione said the Army responded angrily to his findings: "The Army insisted that they knew they had some problems with the Patriot, but it didn't serve any purpose to make these public. We would just be aiding the enemy. And that they would take care of it in the course of normal product improvement."

But why would the Army do this? Why is this system so important to them that they would ignore evidence presented by a committee sent by the Congress to investigate it?

"The Patriot is a multi-billion dollar system. There's a lotta money involved. There's a lotta careers involved," says Cirincione, who says the Army continued to claim that the Patriot was a success after he presented them with his findings.

Uh, Joe. That's a report from 2007. Don't you think they've done some work since then?

Unless they've changed the laws of physics since 2007, nope. No amount of work can fix the underlying problems.
Nothing but wall to wall gay propaganda with a side salad of guns.

No mention of Korea or the Middle East or a booming stock market or high unemployment or anything else on the minds of everyday Americans.


Where the fuck did our media go?

Meet the Press has not been the same since Tim Russert passed away.

To be fair, I started hating MTP before Tim died and his son Luke is doing well sitting in for people like Chuck Todd on MSNBC. He's as good as his dad was right now at his age.
Liberal=someone that wants to destroy the moral frame work of this nation. This is a person that would agree with giving the government control of every part of our life. On the other hand anything that has to do with morality=bad.

Conservative=someone that doesn't want to destroy that.

That's brilliant, Matthew.

And quite accurate.

Yes. Liberals want the governmentbtoncontrol every part of our lives. Especially when it comes to who we marry and what we do with our own bodies. Very accurate.

What a shame that Meet the Press didn't mention that it was Easter today because no one who who is interested in it even knew. Now all the Christians missed their sunrise service.

You right wingers are ridiculous. How is it news that it was Easter? Why would a news program mention it?

On the other hand a whole group of people who have been historically discriminated are on the verge of being treated like other Americans and all we hear from the right is whining about "Gay Gay Gay".
You see it is there backdoor way of being prejudice.
Tell us about it.

What a shame that Meet the Press didn't mention that it was Easter today because no one who who is interested in it even knew. Now all the Christians missed their sunrise service.

You right wingers are ridiculous. How is it news that it was Easter? Why would a news program mention it?

On the other hand a whole group of people who have been historically discriminated are on the verge of being treated like other Americans and all we hear from the right is whining about "Gay Gay Gay".

Susan Rice and the retreat of American power

February 26, 2014 RICHARD COHEN

Susan Rice ought to stay off “Meet the Press.” The last time she was on, she misrepresented what led to the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya. On Sunday she was back, this time misrepresenting critics of the Obama administration’s Syria policy. Last time her misrepresentation was unintentional. This time it wasn’t. I prefer it, though, when she doesn’t know what she’s talking about.

In a frustrating colloquy with host David Gregory, Rice initially said all the right things about Syria. She called the war there “horrific,” which indeed it is. She said it had “spilled over and infused the neighboring states,” which indeed it has. And she said the United States had “every interest in trying to bring this conflict to a conclusion.” Yes. Yes, indeed.

“But if the alternative here is to intervene with American boots on the ground, as some have argued, I think that the judgment the United States has made and the president of the United States has made is that is not in the United States’ interests,” she continued.

Gregory, usually as alert and twitchy as a squirrel, flat-lined. He did not ask Rice who, precisely, advocated boots on the ground. He did not ask her to name just one prominent critic or to wonder why this is “the alternative” when there are so many others. He just pushed on, leaving this straw man to crinkle and crackle under the hot TV lights and allowing Rice, who is the president’s national security adviser, to get away with rebutting an argument that has not been made. She did, though, exhibit an administration mind-set - all or nothing - that, in practice, amounts to nothing.


Economically the world grows closer together. Simultaneously, the world fragments and empires crumble. Believe it or not, these were the conditions that preceded World War I when nationalism burst all constraints. Four empires - the Russian, the German, the Austro-Hungarian and the Ottoman - collapsed and the world hurtled toward an Armageddon that ended only with Hitler putting a pistol to his head and the Enola Gay obliterating Hiroshima.

I predict nothing like that this time around, but the rise of nationalism and the retreat of American power have been seen before. A familiar figure appeared in Kiev and identified himself to the New York Times as Nikolo. “Nationalism is what I believe,” he proclaimed. “The nation is my religion.” Susan Rice should meet him. His boots are already on the ground. –Washington Post
Read recently Gregory is driving the longest running show in TV history into the ratings basement, so the suits at NBC are contemplating other options one of which was replacing failing David with Scarborough and the blonde bimbo from Morning Joe. Don't recall if that would mean scrapping the MTP name/format or not, but it sounds like the kind of idiotic decisions that typically come from the ivory tower programming execs. Take a couple who host a daily morning show that hasn't been able to generate any meaningful viewership in years now and slide them over into Sunday and that will end the ratings decline and, hopefully, grow the audience.

Well at least they pay the decision makers a lot of money.

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