Watching Meet The Press....what a joke

I think he was whining that Obama cut funding for missile defense on the theory it doesn't fucking work...

Which of course, it doesn't... unless the purpose is to make a few assholes rich selling expensive weapons.

Hey, here's a whacky Idea. Japan is Rich. South Korea is Rich. They are getting rich because these countries for decades have been undercutting our manufacturers with cheap, government subsidized goods.

Maybe they are rich enough to defend themselves against a country with cutting edge 1960's technology.

That's why the Israelis have deployed Iron Dome, right? Because it doesnt work?
Yeah, Obama has cut funding for the military and brain dead leftists like you thought it was a great idea. Let's see how great you think it is when NK nukes your ass.

NOrth Korea doesn't have a nuke that can hit the US, unless you are counting Alasksa and who gives a fuck about Alaska.

Incidently, the Israelis "Iron Dome" takes care of rockets someone made in their garage. Um, yeah.. Okay. Whatever gets them through the night, I guess.

Missile defense doesn't work. Mostly because it's like hitting one bullet with another bullet. But we've pissed billions into this technology since the 1980's... that we could have invested in schools and infrastructure and stuff to make this country more prosperous.

We actually dont know whether NK has such missiles or not. And I am sure all those citizens of Alaska will disagree with you.
Missile defense works fine, thank you Mr Reagan.

We actually dont know whether NK has such missiles or not. And I am sure all those citizens of Alaska will disagree with you.
Missile defense works fine, thank you Mr Reagan.

NO, it really doesn't.

The Patriot Flawed? - CBS News

But it turns out, that wasn't true. Almost none of the Patriots had worked. Some of them had failed to hit the incoming Scuds. Some had shot at missiles that didn't even exist. But most of them still exploded in the sky, leading everyone to believe they'd scored a kill, when in fact they hadn't.

"The best evidence that we found supports between two and four intercepts out of 44," says Cirincione. "About a 10 percent success rate."

Cirincione said the Army responded angrily to his findings: "The Army insisted that they knew they had some problems with the Patriot, but it didn't serve any purpose to make these public. We would just be aiding the enemy. And that they would take care of it in the course of normal product improvement."

But why would the Army do this? Why is this system so important to them that they would ignore evidence presented by a committee sent by the Congress to investigate it?

"The Patriot is a multi-billion dollar system. There's a lotta money involved. There's a lotta careers involved," says Cirincione, who says the Army continued to claim that the Patriot was a success after he presented them with his findings.

We actually dont know whether NK has such missiles or not. And I am sure all those citizens of Alaska will disagree with you.
Missile defense works fine, thank you Mr Reagan.

NO, it really doesn't.

The Patriot Flawed? - CBS News

But it turns out, that wasn't true. Almost none of the Patriots had worked. Some of them had failed to hit the incoming Scuds. Some had shot at missiles that didn't even exist. But most of them still exploded in the sky, leading everyone to believe they'd scored a kill, when in fact they hadn't.

"The best evidence that we found supports between two and four intercepts out of 44," says Cirincione. "About a 10 percent success rate."

Cirincione said the Army responded angrily to his findings: "The Army insisted that they knew they had some problems with the Patriot, but it didn't serve any purpose to make these public. We would just be aiding the enemy. And that they would take care of it in the course of normal product improvement."

But why would the Army do this? Why is this system so important to them that they would ignore evidence presented by a committee sent by the Congress to investigate it?

"The Patriot is a multi-billion dollar system. There's a lotta money involved. There's a lotta careers involved," says Cirincione, who says the Army continued to claim that the Patriot was a success after he presented them with his findings.

Uh, Joe. That's a report from 2007. Don't you think they've done some work since then?
Nothing but wall to wall gay propaganda with a side salad of guns.

No mention of Korea or the Middle East or a booming stock market or high unemployment or anything else on the minds of everyday Americans.


Where the fuck did our media go?

Sucked into the obama void in 2008
Funny. Some cable outlet should start a show exposing all the bs on all the media

Comedy Central did, with Jon Stewart. Jessie Ventura says it all the time - but they written off as left-wing conspiracy theorists to destroy their credibility.

They don't focus on hacks in the media. They focus on politicians.
you people need to get out of your bubbles more,

cable tv shows and internet videos have been ding just that for decades

I watch about a total of 4 tv shows. Perhaps you shouldn't pretend to know what you're talking about

America's Funniest Videos, The Voice, Reruns of Star Trek and I Love Lucy do not count
you people need to get out of your bubbles more,

cable tv shows and internet videos have been ding just that for decades

I watch about a total of 4 tv shows. Perhaps you shouldn't pretend to know what you're talking about

America's Funniest Videos, The Voice, Reruns of Star Trek and I Love Lucy do not count

I watch mtp fns the walk8ng dead and the history channel. You're still a dunce and you just proved my point. Crawl back under your bridge troll
I have to agree...
From right up to the election and now well past it.
All the left seems to want on the table is talk of abortion,birth control and gay stuff.

The left hates the culture that built civilization. They're of a mindset that one shouldn't be responable or moral. Somehow they believe society won't fold in on its self as people stop giving a damn about the value of another persons life.
Nothing but wall to wall gay propaganda with a side salad of guns.

No mention of Korea or the Middle East or a booming stock market or high unemployment or anything else on the minds of everyday Americans.


Where the fuck did our media go?

There are newsworthy items. Liberals ignore those because their audience is more interested in what assholes like Kim Kardashian her enormous ass and her illegitimate child than they are in current events.
I stopped watching the Sunday AM news magazine shows because they are infested with liberal personalities and replete with liberal points of view.
Every time a person who is conservative is invited on the set, there are always two or liberals and the liberal point of view is always offered the last response.
Conveniently the show host says "we're out of time"...
The majority of so called journalists are products of liberal education and uphold the liberal point of view almost with lockstep consistency.
Nothing but wall to wall gay propaganda with a side salad of guns.

No mention of Korea or the Middle East or a booming stock market or high unemployment or anything else on the minds of everyday Americans.


Where the fuck did our media go?

The fact that today is Easter Sunday seemed to escape them as well.

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