Watching Meet The Press....what a joke

Nothing but wall to wall gay propaganda with a side salad of guns.

No mention of Korea or the Middle East or a booming stock market or high unemployment or anything else on the minds of everyday Americans.


Where the fuck did our media go?

There are newsworthy items. Liberals ignore those because their audience is more interested in what assholes like Kim Kardashian her enormous ass and her illegitimate child than they are in current events.
I stopped watching the Sunday AM news magazine shows because they are infested with liberal personalities and replete with liberal points of view.
Every time a person who is conservative is invited on the set, there are always two or liberals and the liberal point of view is always offered the last response.
Conveniently the show host says "we're out of time"...
The majority of so called journalists are products of liberal education and uphold the liberal point of view almost with lockstep consistency.

Most of the youth in America get their news from The Daily Show.
We don't get the news we need, we get the news we want.

I say that in the most general sense of "we".

"The media" is profit-driven. It reports on the news that sells. Constantly talking about unemployment isn't what America wants to see - they want to see the tawdry issues, the sexy ones.

Trying to make this some partisan thing is just self-justification.
I understand reporting on what SCOTUS is doing but there ARE other issues facing our nation.

The MSM motto is "if it bleeds, it leads"!
They are NOT interested in what the majority of Americans want.
They are not reporting the news but making news.

Whatever happened to the good old days when...

Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' | NewsBusters

OK Mr. Thomas that sounds about right - FAIR and Balanced Right ! Objective reporting!

But when it comes to Obama/Democrats??? this same Bush Bashing Editor of NewsWeek.... Evan Thomas calls Obama god!

I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, June 5, 2009.
Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters

Or the FACT that:
Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democratic candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
The Democratic total of $1,020,816 was given by 1,160 employees of the three major broadcast television networks, with an average contribution of $880.

By contrast, only 193 of the employees contributed to Republican candidates and campaign committees, for a total of $142,863. The average Republican contribution was $744.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller

Now If 1,160 (85%) of 1,353 employees of ABC,CBS & NBC gave $1.02 million (88%) to Democrats so is the MSM stupid?

If they want them to win why wouldn't they put news favorable or to democrats i.e. Obama suppress unfavorable news!

Maybe now you can see how the MSM bias has shaped our world to the worse!

Rather than report the news, these so called news outlets 'report' what they believe viewers will watch. And they will report the news in such a way so as to not have the public do any thinking for themselves.
In other words, instead of reporting the facts( who what when where how and why) the main stream media reports the facts then puts their point of view in with the story.
One of the problems with liberalism is that they believe that humanity doesn't need a moral structure.

Well, jenny can fuck and abort as she please
Well, jack can fuck johny as marriage means noting
Well, little timmy(10 years old) can learn about porno and sex
Well, Trayvon doesn't need a father and can learn gangsta life.

See these people sooner or later will have us no better then some third world shit hole. Morals are what gives us the discipline to have a educational system to remain a first world nation.
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Meet the Press? The "Let's welcome Senator John McCain back this week!" show? Tends to be 4 Republicans and a token wimpy Democrat. God forbid they invite an actual liberal.

I also wonder why Gramps think "Easter" is breaking news, and discussion of it the mark of the SeriousUnbiasedMedia.
THat is the biggest pile of cat shit ever.
On these shows( they are not news) libs always outnumber conservatives.
Look, if you have the need for comfort living a lie, so be it.
Meet the Press? The "Let's welcome Senator John McCain back this week!" show? Tends to be 4 Republicans and a token wimpy Democrat. God forbid they invite an actual liberal.

I also wonder why Gramps think "Easter" is breaking news, and discussion of it the mark of the SeriousUnbiasedMedia.
THat is the biggest pile of cat shit ever.
On these shows( they are not news) libs always outnumber conservatives.
Look, if you have the need for comfort living a lie, so be it.

and your examples of who is a liberal and who is a conservative would be hilarious if posted
Nothing but wall to wall gay propaganda with a side salad of guns.

No mention of Korea or the Middle East or a booming stock market or high unemployment or anything else on the minds of everyday Americans.


Where the fuck did our media go?

Meet the Press has not been the same since Tim Russert passed away.

Tim Russert was a highly overrated talk show host
One of the problems with liberalism is that they believe that humanity doesn't need a moral structure.

Well, jenny can fuck and abort as she please
Well, jack can fuck johny as marriage means noting
Well, little timmy(10 years old) can learn about porno and sex
Well, Trayvon doesn't need a father and can learn gangsta life.

See these people sooner or later will have us no better then some third world shit hole. Morals are what gives us the discipline to have a educational system to remain a first world nation.

If liberals do get gay marrige, I hope churches denounce marriges as it will be newly redifined, and redoes it so only a man and women can only be wed. Let the gays waste their money. Under God only a man and woman can get married, no matter what goverment wants to call it. I will always call gay marrige a civil union.

Odd how not all churches agree with you.
Nothing but wall to wall gay propaganda with a side salad of guns.

No mention of Korea or the Middle East or a booming stock market or high unemployment or anything else on the minds of everyday Americans.


Where the fuck did our media go?

Meet the Press has not been the same since Tim Russert passed away.

Tim Russert was a highly overrated talk show host
Why because he would challenge the left as hard as he would the right?
Nothing but wall to wall gay propaganda with a side salad of guns.

No mention of Korea or the Middle East or a booming stock market or high unemployment or anything else on the minds of everyday Americans.


Where the fuck did our media go?

The fact that today is Easter Sunday seemed to escape them as well.

So? Not everyone celebrates that Pagan holiday, you know.
Nothing but wall to wall gay propaganda with a side salad of guns.

No mention of Korea or the Middle East or a booming stock market or high unemployment or anything else on the minds of everyday Americans.


Where the fuck did our media go?

The fact that today is Easter Sunday seemed to escape them as well.

So? Not everyone celebrates that Pagan holiday, you know.

I bet only 10% of their viewers are heathens
Nothing but wall to wall gay propaganda with a side salad of guns.

No mention of Korea or the Middle East or a booming stock market or high unemployment or anything else on the minds of everyday Americans.


Where the fuck did our media go?

There are newsworthy items. Liberals ignore those because their audience is more interested in what assholes like Kim Kardashian her enormous ass and her illegitimate child than they are in current events.
I stopped watching the Sunday AM news magazine shows because they are infested with liberal personalities and replete with liberal points of view.
Every time a person who is conservative is invited on the set, there are always two or liberals and the liberal point of view is always offered the last response.
Conveniently the show host says "we're out of time"...
The majority of so called journalists are products of liberal education and uphold the liberal point of view almost with lockstep consistency.

Most of the youth in America get their news from The Daily Show.

No doubt more honest news.
Nothing but wall to wall gay propaganda with a side salad of guns.

No mention of Korea or the Middle East or a booming stock market or high unemployment or anything else on the minds of everyday Americans.


Where the fuck did our media go?

There are newsworthy items. Liberals ignore those because their audience is more interested in what assholes like Kim Kardashian her enormous ass and her illegitimate child than they are in current events.
I stopped watching the Sunday AM news magazine shows because they are infested with liberal personalities and replete with liberal points of view.
Every time a person who is conservative is invited on the set, there are always two or liberals and the liberal point of view is always offered the last response.
Conveniently the show host says "we're out of time"...
The majority of so called journalists are products of liberal education and uphold the liberal point of view almost with lockstep consistency.

Most of the youth in America get their news from The Daily Show.

Meet the Press? The "Let's welcome Senator John McCain back this week!" show? Tends to be 4 Republicans and a token wimpy Democrat. God forbid they invite an actual liberal.

I also wonder why Gramps think "Easter" is breaking news, and discussion of it the mark of the SeriousUnbiasedMedia.
THat is the biggest pile of cat shit ever.
On these shows( they are not news) libs always outnumber conservatives.
Look, if you have the need for comfort living a lie, so be it.

and your examples of who is a liberal and who is a conservative would be hilarious if posted
Face palm..
Liberal=someone that wants to destroy the moral frame work of this nation. This is a person that would agree with giving the government control of every part of our life. On the other hand anything that has to do with morality=bad.

Conservative=someone that doesn't want to destroy that.
Liberal=someone that wants to destroy the moral frame work of this nation. This is a person that would agree with giving the government control of every part of our life. On the other hand anything that has to do with morality=bad.

Conservative=someone that doesn't want to destroy that.

That's brilliant, Matthew.
Liberal=someone that wants to destroy the moral frame work of this nation. This is a person that would agree with giving the government control of every part of our life. On the other hand anything that has to do with morality=bad.

Conservative=someone that doesn't want to destroy that.

= wishful thinking and bullshit.

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