Water, Wow!


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
Water. Wow!


Interesting Thought Experiment
Suppose you took just over a tablespoon of water (1.22 tablespoons, actually), and put it into a glass. If you could wave a magic wand over that water, increasing the size of every water molecule to just half an inch, what would be the volume of the water afterward? Go big. Go really, really, really big.

The Big Water would raise the ocean level about 1,300 feet worldwide. This gives you some idea as to how small atoms and molecules are.
18 grams ... that's the molar mass of water ... a "mole" is 6.023 x 10^23 atoms or molecules ...

For comparison ... there are 33 million seconds in a year ... and 13.7 billion years in a universe ... or 4.5 x 10^16 seconds ... yeah, there's more than 100,000 ten million (?) times the air molecules in a quart jar than there are seconds in our universe ... but that's more a statement about how young our universe is, still newborn and infantile ...

Check your math ... your "half inch water molecules" would fill the solar system pretty much ... 100,000 Earth-volumes not including the space between molecules ... and I used quarter inch radius in my calculations ...

But then again ... our solar system is tiny in the grand scheme of things ...
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Curious about what could possibly prompt Sparky to post a picture of the Milky Way, I clicked "Show Ignored Content" of ReinyDays, who was placed there for obvious reasons.
A mole of marbles half an inch in diameter would not even fill a sphere the size of earth, much less the solar system. The boy is always in over his head.

Vol earth =2.596 x 10 to the 11 cubic miles
2.035 x 10 to the 15 marbles per cubic mile
To fill a sphere just the size of earth would require 5.28 x 10 to the 26th power marbles, almost one thousand times Avogadro's number.
Curious about what could possibly prompt Sparky to post a picture of the Milky Way, I clicked "Show Ignored Content" of ReinyDays, who was placed there for obvious reasons.
A mole of marbles half an inch in diameter would not even fill a sphere the size of earth, much less the solar system. The boy is always in over his head.

Vol earth =2.596 x 10 to the 11 cubic miles
2.035 x 10 to the 15 marbles per cubic mile
To fill a sphere just the size of earth would require 5.28 x 10 to the 26th power marbles, almost one thousand times Avogadro's number.

Volume of a half inch diameter marble is 4π/3 r^3 = 4π/3 (1/4 inch)^3 = 0.0654 in^3/marble ... (6.54 x 10^-2 in^3/marble) x (6.02 x 10^23 marbles) = 3.9 x 10^22 in^3 ...

Also ... (5280 ft/mile x 12 in/ft)^3 = 2.43 x 10^14 in^3/mi^3 ... dividing 3.9 x 10^22 in^3 by 2.43 x 10^14 in^3/mi^3 = 1.60 x 10^8 mi^3 ...

For the Earth ... 4π/3 (4,000 miles)^3 = 2.68 x 10^11 mi^3 ...

I guess I owe ChemEngineer an apology ... he has me on ignore, so someone please quote this so he sees it ...
I guess I owe ChemEngineer an apology ... he has me on ignore, so someone please quote this so he sees it ...
There are scores of names on my Ignore List, but one fewer now than before.
Sparky's image of the Milky Way was beautiful and intriguing. I was curious as to what prompted his post and looked into ReinyDays' comment. I rechecked my calculations and instead of 1300 feet sea level rise, the correct answer is approximately 2 miles.
ReinyDays had the class to offer his apology to me, something extremely rare in these rough and tumble tete-a-tetes.

What can you do with such an act except change your mind. Apology accepted and name removed from IL. I changed my figure from 1300 feet to 2 miles and appreciate the (sort of) heads up from Reiny. Now we good buddies.

I will forward him a private message with the delivery date for his new red Cadillac CTS to be delivered as my Halloween Gift to him. Hey, what are friends for, huh?

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