way of the beggar and ligth worlds

When you forgive all offenders of all the life at you the internal child will appear.
Internal child this complete reminiscence of all childhood. At what memoirs become a big complete piece
How will you know that the internal child appeared or not to start me up. I can tell you anything and you wouldn't know it is real or not. You just need to teleport me a telepathic communicator and we can talk back and forth at will. You can train me how to sell roller skate technology to aliens as a cover occupation while I am on a secret mission to wage wars and shit as a secret agent. Deal?

thriller isn't very thrilling :(
He is giving me a hard time. He just wants the money and doesn't want me to be a secret agent of Agarty in the Worlds of Anuaks. Now he came up with a bunch of shit instead of telepathically communicating. I am losing faith in him. I am very close to say that he is faux. A false fucking prophet plagiarizing from some fantasy book. It would be a great disappointment if it turned out to be true.
When you forgive all offenders of all the life at you the internal child will appear.
Internal child this complete reminiscence of all childhood. At what memoirs become a big complete piece
How will you know that the internal child appeared or not to start me up. I can tell you anything and you wouldn't know it is real or not. You just need to teleport me a telepathic communicator and we can talk back and forth at will. You can train me how to sell roller skate technology to aliens as a cover occupation while I am on a secret mission to wage wars and shit as a secret agent. Deal?

thriller isn't very thrilling :(
He is giving me a hard time. He just wants the money and doesn't want me to be a secret agent of Agarty in the Worlds of Anuaks. Now he came up with a bunch of shit instead of telepathically communicating. I am losing faith in him. I am very close to say that he is faux. A false fucking prophet plagiarizing from some fantasy book. It would be a great disappointment if it turned out to be true.

Just glad you didn't pick up and move to Guyana with him.
defcon4 thriller doesn't participate with people who reply. Moving on......
I am toughing it out since I set my eyes on being a secret agent waging wars and shit. I'll catch you later outside of here. Thanks for coming over to see what a fucking hard ball I have to play to get the intergalactic job.
When you forgive all offenders of all the life at you the internal child will appear.
Internal child this complete reminiscence of all childhood. At what memoirs become a big complete piece
How will you know that the internal child appeared or not to start me up. I can tell you anything and you wouldn't know it is real or not. You just need to teleport me a telepathic communicator and we can talk back and forth at will. You can train me how to sell roller skate technology to aliens as a cover occupation while I am on a secret mission to wage wars and shit as a secret agent. Deal?

thriller isn't very thrilling :(
He is giving me a hard time. He just wants the money and doesn't want me to be a secret agent of Agarty in the Worlds of Anuaks. Now he came up with a bunch of shit instead of telepathically communicating. I am losing faith in him. I am very close to say that he is faux. A false fucking prophet plagiarizing from some fantasy book. It would be a great disappointment if it turned out to be true.

Just glad you didn't pick up and move to Guyana with him.
Do you think he has enough cool-aid in reserve for everybody?
When you forgive all offenders of all the life at you the internal child will appear.
Internal child this complete reminiscence of all childhood. At what memoirs become a big complete piece
How will you know that the internal child appeared or not to start me up. I can tell you anything and you wouldn't know it is real or not. You just need to teleport me a telepathic communicator and we can talk back and forth at will. You can train me how to sell roller skate technology to aliens as a cover occupation while I am on a secret mission to wage wars and shit as a secret agent. Deal?

thriller isn't very thrilling :(
He is giving me a hard time. He just wants the money and doesn't want me to be a secret agent of Agarty in the Worlds of Anuaks. Now he came up with a bunch of shit instead of telepathically communicating. I am losing faith in him. I am very close to say that he is faux. A false fucking prophet plagiarizing from some fantasy book. It would be a great disappointment if it turned out to be true.

Just glad you didn't pick up and move to Guyana with him.
Do you think he has enough cool-aid in reserve for everybody?

He's probably using something more fancy like crystal light. :dunno:
thriller said:
...Then it is necessary to transfer focus of attention to a little finger of the right leg, ...
First of all, that's not a "little finger" on Drifter's right leg, it's a benign finger-shaped cyst. :eusa_naughty:

Secondly, speaking on Drifter's behalf (because she's too gotdamn nice to speak up for herself sometimes), I demand to know the name of the CIA agent who told you about it! :dev2:
Curriculum Vitae

Name: Defcon4
Objective: To gain employment as a secret agent of Agarty in the Worlds of Anuaks for waging wars, collect taxes and creating light worlds
Replanted some flower pots
Watched James Bond/007 movies to gain theoretical knowledge of intelligence work and secret agent tricks of trade
Recharged flash light batteries to gain knowledge of light world creation.

As it is immediately apparent I am well qualified for the positions offered and I will be a great asset/secret agent for Agarty as well as for Anuaks.

Contact information: right here since we are in touch right here already.

References: Capstone
Damaged Eagle


Don't go towards the light!!!!!!

Only the dark side can save you...


You need to lift the kundalin by means of yoga.

You lifted kundalin what to do farther?

It is necessary to grow up a kundalina garden which is called Clouds over Trees.

God has a Party which can be cured if all living beings grow up Initial trees in the mentality. It is part of religion of religion of treatment of God under the name KOTT.

Religion essence. It is necessary to lift kundalin and to meet some conditions and then over the head not material Trees will grow. Whom bestelesy bees will pollinate.

Then it will be possible to help to create the light worlds in which there will be a huge number not of material other trees. The religion is called Sacred seeds of life. Light trees treat God too.

In this religion of the Cloud over Trees there are roots of yoga, a tantra, martial arts and a miracle of trees. Entirely this religion is called on another of the Cloud over Trees, it is a verse of poetry of life. For example Samurais before death wrote a verse on the life, it is part of knowledge of poetry of life.
The verse can be written just living definitely pleasing to God...

Way to write a verse the life about Clouds over Trees a set.

I will describe some of them.

- To grow Initial Trees it is necessary to walk in the summer in the wood and to look for good mood;
- It is necessary to learn to struggle with the fear by means of duels of karate, an insurance of judo and festivities in the wood;
- It is necessary to do karate warm-up, gymnastics for eyes and massage of a nose and ears, to lay down then in a pose of the dead person in terms of yoga and to relax completely. Then it is necessary to transfer focus of attention to a little finger of the right leg, then to translate attention to the next finger, then serially moving to translate attention to a thumb of a leg. Then to do the same with the left leg. Then to translate attention to a point under the name of the Cloud;
To find this point it is necessary to turn in previously under itself legs and to lay down on the left side. Then to bend an index and middle finger of the left hand and to put them on a hip from above of a hip in the middle of a hip, the anonymous finger-tip then straightened to press on an internal surface of a hip, there where there is an artery. The finger-tip will lay down on the Cloud point;
- It is necessary to finish the 6th monthly program of a kundalina of yoga happiness this your right from the birth;
- It is necessary always to try to repay the debts;
- It is necessary to drink holy water of orthodox church;
- It is necessary not to outrage upon the first love, this religion suits those who already had the first love;
- It is necessary to learn to relax bathing in the small river in the wood;
- It is necessary to store honor and to cultivate in itself nobility, for example by means of yoga and karate;
- It is necessary to be kind that bees did not bite;
- It is necessary to learn the difficult vital choice to grow in itself big heart and ability to strong empathy. Essence of the difficult vital choice. Whether each person in life has a choice to make the decision pleasing to God or being afraid of fear of punishment or fear of loss to make not correct decisions avoiding thereby suffering


I generally find it easier to use the farce...


I am yoga, I was pupil of the God Shiva.
I havev unique chakra between eyebrows.
You don't help me to be an Agarty secret agent so Karma bites you in the ass. Such is life. You can expect help if you help others, makes sense?
I do not want to hurt your feelings but you are no fucking saint. You are selfish fuck. You don't help you get no help dickhead.
You are a blasphemer.
Agarta is the world of Saint Kings.

You will never be Agarta's agent.
I truly serve God and I politicize at the same time.

I am a developer of new ideology of global level. The essence of ideology is a treatment of the Parties of God and mass construction of special temples from integrity.
I am clairvoyant Prorok and the telepathist. I am a contactor, it means what with me telepathic is told by Aliens.

The space in space is arranged very difficult. There are parts of space which we do not see sight. Therefore also Shambhala it is not visible usual sight. Though Shambhala is in a space orbit over the Himalayas.

I helped to create five worlds in which light trees and other plants grow now. These worlds are not visible usual sight too, but they are in Solar system.

It is the world:
- the world Got down;
- world of Oaks;
- world of Birches;
- world of Sweet cherry;
- world of an ancient garden of Lu;

These worlds - storages of seeds of Life. Trees in these worlds - live, though they and light. These trees are connected telepathic with mentality of Saint people of our planet but not all nationalities. One world is connected with Saint Chinese, another with Saint Slavs, and the third with Saint Jews. Trees blossom, and then yield fruits - sacred seeds of Life and these fruits will be stored in these worlds till the moment when the Sun does not blow up. When through hundreds of millions years the Sun blows up - sacred seeds of Life will be carried on the Universes.
The part of these light worlds is connected with Earth trees. For example the world of Birches - is connected with birches which grow in Moscow in Lianozovsky park. I have a mutual love to some trees of this park.

Under a surface of the Moon there is intelligent life, there are underground cities. The world of Birches is also connected with Lunyanami and with People from the Moon.

I have a choice now. Or to lead life of the ordinary person or to continue to create the light worlds with trees.

The highest Gods officially already allowed me to create three more worlds:
- world of Larches;
- world of Pears;
- world of Apple-trees;

Creation of the following worlds was still discussed:
- world of Cypresses;
- world of Cherries;
- world of Plums;
- world of the Mespilus;
- world of a yellow Mountain ash;
- world of the Sea-buckthorn;
- world of the Aspen;

In total in Solar system it is possible to create about 500 light worlds - any more will not sustain the Sun.

To help to create the new light worlds I need money. I need money for travel to other countries, for livelihood, for occupation by yoga and on keeping of my daughter.

The light worlds are technologies of far future mankind, perhaps people will learn to work with these worlds through one million years. Even Inhuman civilizations are not able to create the light worlds. It is ancient knowledge which was lost long ago. I am a unique person, the Prophet.

The future not only the different people of mankind, but also the future of many Inhuman civilizations is connected with the light worlds.

The way of the Beggar is a noble way. I ask to give me money for the humanistic purposes and for creation of the light worlds.

My purses in the WebMoney system:

You must live in Colorado, and smoke mota. How about you give ME money, dingbat?
Give money to the beggar
Why am I a fucking blasphemer? Are you fucking nuts? You started to be an asshole and then you fucking threatening me of never becoming an Agarty secret agent in the Worlds of Anuaks. Are you fucking kidding me? If I run into Agarty or Anuaks I'll tell them what a fucking asshole you are blocking the recruitment of a well qualified secret agent material. What an asshole, you can't see the gold in the pig iron.
I am the Saint beggar.

And you do not believe in God. You are sociopaths.

Give money to the Saint beggar.
I am the same Saint as well as God Jesus.

I was a pupil of God Jesus.

As it is not a shame to you to behave so.

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