Wayne LaPierre goes batshit crazy


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
Wayne La Pierrre's article in the Daily Caller shows just how nutso-parnoid this nut has gone.

"The NRA's long journey into "prepperism" has been fascinating to watch. The gun lobby even sells a ragnarok-ready machete with its logo on the handle. But it feels like one more feint that alienates the NRA from the gun owner it's supposed to represent. How many recreational gun owners are 1) worried about an apocalypse and 2) have guns or ammo clips that stand any chance of being banned right now?" ~ David Weigel

The Nightmare Vision of Wayne LaPierre

By David Weigel
Feb. 13, 2013

The NRA's volcanic spokespundit begins his State of the Union response tour in the virtual pages of the Daily Caller. (Given that the DC runs a gun giveaway contest, it's a perfect pairing of voice and medium.) It's as coherent as you'd expect, but it includes a rhetoric shift that the NRA's been making more and more since a "gun ban" of any kind became politically ludicrous. Used to be that you had to fear a powerful government taking the guns away, depriving you of the power to resist tyranny. Now, you have to worry about the government collapsing, leaving you in a Mad Max universe with no gasoline.

After Hurricane Sandy, we saw the hellish world that the gun prohibitionists see as their utopia. Looters ran wild in south Brooklyn. There was no food, water or electricity. And if you wanted to walk several miles to get supplies, you better get back before dark, or you might not get home at all.
You could pause here and ask which gun prohibitionists see this as "utopia." It's as fatuous as suggesting that Randians all want to emigrate to Somalia. It's also mostly false, because many looting rumors were bogus, and -- famously, we thought -- murders slowed, then stopped, during the blackout. But forget it, Wayne is rolling.
Meanwhile, President Obama is leading this country to financial ruin, borrowing over a trillion dollars a year for phony “stimulus” spending and other payoffs for his political cronies. Nobody knows if or when the fiscal collapse will come, but if the country is broke, there likely won’t be enough money to pay for police protection. And the American people know it.
Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Riots. Terrorists. Gangs. Lone criminals. These are perils we are sure to face—not just maybe. It’s not paranoia to buy a gun. It’s survival. It’s responsible behavior, and it’s time we encourage law-abiding Americans to do just that.

Find LaPierre's meltdown here> Stand and Fight | The Daily Caller
Wayne La Pierrre's article in the Daily Caller shows just how nutso-parnoid this nut has gone.

"The NRA's long journey into "prepperism" has been fascinating to watch. The gun lobby even sells a ragnarok-ready machete with its logo on the handle. But it feels like one more feint that alienates the NRA from the gun owner it's supposed to represent. How many recreational gun owners are 1) worried about an apocalypse and 2) have guns or ammo clips that stand any chance of being banned right now?" ~ David Weigel

The Nightmare Vision of Wayne LaPierre

By David Weigel
Feb. 13, 2013

The NRA's volcanic spokespundit begins his State of the Union response tour in the virtual pages of the Daily Caller. (Given that the DC runs a gun giveaway contest, it's a perfect pairing of voice and medium.) It's as coherent as you'd expect, but it includes a rhetoric shift that the NRA's been making more and more since a "gun ban" of any kind became politically ludicrous. Used to be that you had to fear a powerful government taking the guns away, depriving you of the power to resist tyranny. Now, you have to worry about the government collapsing, leaving you in a Mad Max universe with no gasoline.

After Hurricane Sandy, we saw the hellish world that the gun prohibitionists see as their utopia. Looters ran wild in south Brooklyn. There was no food, water or electricity. And if you wanted to walk several miles to get supplies, you better get back before dark, or you might not get home at all.
You could pause here and ask which gun prohibitionists see this as "utopia." It's as fatuous as suggesting that Randians all want to emigrate to Somalia. It's also mostly false, because many looting rumors were bogus, and -- famously, we thought -- murders slowed, then stopped, during the blackout. But forget it, Wayne is rolling.
Meanwhile, President Obama is leading this country to financial ruin, borrowing over a trillion dollars a year for phony “stimulus” spending and other payoffs for his political cronies. Nobody knows if or when the fiscal collapse will come, but if the country is broke, there likely won’t be enough money to pay for police protection. And the American people know it.
Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Riots. Terrorists. Gangs. Lone criminals. These are perils we are sure to face—not just maybe. It’s not paranoia to buy a gun. It’s survival. It’s responsible behavior, and it’s time we encourage law-abiding Americans to do just that.

Find LaPierre's meltdown here> Stand and Fight | The Daily Caller

Let the nutcase keep on talking.. :cuckoo:
Used to be that you had to fear a powerful government taking the guns away, depriving you of the power to resist tyranny. Now, you have to worry about the government collapsing, leaving you in a Mad Max universe with no gasoline.

When exactly did the government change to where you don't have to fear it any longer ?

Now you only have to fear the government leaving and providing for you ?
He is doing his best to kill the NRA from the inside.

kinda like the current republican partys plan for the USA
He is doing his best to kill the NRA from the inside.

kinda like the current republican partys plan for the USA

don't worry your wee head about it, the nra will be around and is growing stronger because of people like you and slate
He is doing his best to kill the NRA from the inside.

kinda like the current republican partys plan for the USA

don't worry your wee head about it, the nra will be around and is growing stronger because of people like you and slate

close your eyes and cover your ears and scream la la la la all you want.

real life will hit you anyway

Joe Scarborough: "Nobody should be stupid enough to support what LaPierre said in this article, so why does Lindsey Graham [forehead slap]..."
because the current republican party is running scared from the very fact free base they created.

They will in the end have to walk away from this base.

They can not win with them or without them.

The only way the republican party becomes relevent again is to change the vast majority of their postions.

Its moderate or become a permanent joke.
don't worry your wee head about it, the nra will be around and is growing stronger because of people like you and slate

close your eyes and cover your ears and scream la la la la all you want.

real life will hit you anyway

Joe Scarborough: "Nobody should be stupid enough to support what LaPierre said in this article, so why does Lindsey Graham [forehead slap]..."

lol, little joey Scarborough wetting himself on national tv....say it ain't so..he should get a clue no one cares what he has to say anymore..
close your eyes and cover your ears and scream la la la la all you want.

real life will hit you anyway

Joe Scarborough: "Nobody should be stupid enough to support what LaPierre said in this article, so why does Lindsey Graham [forehead slap]..."

lol, little joey Scarborough wetting himself on national tv....say it ain't so..he should get a clue no one cares what he has to say anymore..

Scarborough is on a crusade against the gun lobby. Everytime LaPierre opens his stupid mouth, people hate him and Republicans more. You all need to understand how much these mass murders are affecting normal people.
i still dont understand whats wrong with what he uttered.

Nothing. The NRA has been bitch-slapping the left for decades and they are tired of it. Being clueless idiots, they think they sense a weakness in the NRA's strength these days and are attacking. Nothing that the NRA hasn't seen before.

Except now people are seeing the NRA for what it is. A lobbying group for the gun industry that has no interest in gun owners other than as patsies.
close your eyes and cover your ears and scream la la la la all you want.

real life will hit you anyway

Joe Scarborough: "Nobody should be stupid enough to support what LaPierre said in this article, so why does Lindsey Graham [forehead slap]..."

lol, little joey Scarborough wetting himself on national tv....say it ain't so..he should get a clue no one cares what he has to say anymore..

Awww come on.. He just wants to be loved by the media and his left wing co-hosts on the show.... Didn't you see his little temper tantrum when Mika said the he had had a "chauvinistic" moment?

I thought he was going to get on his hands and knees and cry.
When I give money and support to an organization like the National Rifle Association, it's mostly for their lobbying abilities in support of my rights. I expect that the people I'm giving my money to will fight just as hard as the people who are trying to take my rights away.

The gun grabbers are getting loonier and loonier with every passing day and the NRA and LaPierre can be forgiven if they are becoming equally looney in order to combat them. That is why I give them my money. Otherwise it's a waste.
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i still dont understand whats wrong with what he uttered.

Nothing. The NRA has been bitch-slapping the left for decades and they are tired of it. Being clueless idiots, they think they sense a weakness in the NRA's strength these days and are attacking. Nothing that the NRA hasn't seen before.

Except now people are seeing the NRA for what it is. A lobbying group for the gun industry that has no interest in gun owners other than as patsies.

See what I mean? Right on que.
close your eyes and cover your ears and scream la la la la all you want.

real life will hit you anyway

Joe Scarborough: "Nobody should be stupid enough to support what LaPierre said in this article, so why does Lindsey Graham [forehead slap]..."

lol, little joey Scarborough wetting himself on national tv....say it ain't so..he should get a clue no one cares what he has to say anymore..

Thing is "little joey Scarborough" and 92% of his fellow Americans...

National (US) Poll * February 7, 2013

38. Do you support or oppose requiring background checks for all gun buyers?

Support 92%
Oppose 7


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