Wayne LaPierre goes batshit crazy

He's in it for the cash. Convincing people they need more guns, insures a steady stream of contributions from the industry.
Wayne La Pierrre's article in the Daily Caller shows just how nutso-parnoid this nut has gone.

"The NRA's long journey into "prepperism" has been fascinating to watch. The gun lobby even sells a ragnarok-ready machete with its logo on the handle. But it feels like one more feint that alienates the NRA from the gun owner it's supposed to represent. How many recreational gun owners are 1) worried about an apocalypse and 2) have guns or ammo clips that stand any chance of being banned right now?" ~ David Weigel

The Nightmare Vision of Wayne LaPierre

By David Weigel
Feb. 13, 2013

The NRA's volcanic spokespundit begins his State of the Union response tour in the virtual pages of the Daily Caller. (Given that the DC runs a gun giveaway contest, it's a perfect pairing of voice and medium.) It's as coherent as you'd expect, but it includes a rhetoric shift that the NRA's been making more and more since a "gun ban" of any kind became politically ludicrous. Used to be that you had to fear a powerful government taking the guns away, depriving you of the power to resist tyranny. Now, you have to worry about the government collapsing, leaving you in a Mad Max universe with no gasoline.

After Hurricane Sandy, we saw the hellish world that the gun prohibitionists see as their utopia. Looters ran wild in south Brooklyn. There was no food, water or electricity. And if you wanted to walk several miles to get supplies, you better get back before dark, or you might not get home at all.
You could pause here and ask which gun prohibitionists see this as "utopia." It's as fatuous as suggesting that Randians all want to emigrate to Somalia. It's also mostly false, because many looting rumors were bogus, and -- famously, we thought -- murders slowed, then stopped, during the blackout. But forget it, Wayne is rolling.
Meanwhile, President Obama is leading this country to financial ruin, borrowing over a trillion dollars a year for phony “stimulus” spending and other payoffs for his political cronies. Nobody knows if or when the fiscal collapse will come, but if the country is broke, there likely won’t be enough money to pay for police protection. And the American people know it.
Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Riots. Terrorists. Gangs. Lone criminals. These are perils we are sure to face—not just maybe. It’s not paranoia to buy a gun. It’s survival. It’s responsible behavior, and it’s time we encourage law-abiding Americans to do just that.

Find LaPierre's meltdown here> Stand and Fight | The Daily Caller

The only nuts are the author of this opinion piece and the blind sheep that agree with him.

Nothing Lapierre said was unfactual. But that's right. You idiots on the left only understand hyperbole and lies.
He is doing his best to kill the NRA from the inside.

kinda like the current republican partys plan for the USA

don't worry your wee head about it, the nra will be around and is growing stronger because of people like you and slate

close your eyes and cover your ears and scream la la la la all you want.

real life will hit you anyway

Speaking eyes closed. I think you're blind!

The NRA is growing stronger everyday you stupid fuck!!!
don't worry your wee head about it, the nra will be around and is growing stronger because of people like you and slate

close your eyes and cover your ears and scream la la la la all you want.

real life will hit you anyway

Speaking eyes closed. I think you're blind!

The NRA is growing stronger everyday you stupid fuck!!!

Thanks to obama and the left, so is the gun industry.

The NRA has bitch-slapped the left for so long, their desperation has unhinged them.
Wayne La Pierrre's article in the Daily Caller shows just how nutso-parnoid this nut has gone.

"The NRA's long journey into "prepperism" has been fascinating to watch. The gun lobby even sells a ragnarok-ready machete with its logo on the handle. But it feels like one more feint that alienates the NRA from the gun owner it's supposed to represent. How many recreational gun owners are 1) worried about an apocalypse and 2) have guns or ammo clips that stand any chance of being banned right now?" ~ David Weigel

The Nightmare Vision of Wayne LaPierre

By David Weigel
Feb. 13, 2013

The NRA's volcanic spokespundit begins his State of the Union response tour in the virtual pages of the Daily Caller. (Given that the DC runs a gun giveaway contest, it's a perfect pairing of voice and medium.) It's as coherent as you'd expect, but it includes a rhetoric shift that the NRA's been making more and more since a "gun ban" of any kind became politically ludicrous. Used to be that you had to fear a powerful government taking the guns away, depriving you of the power to resist tyranny. Now, you have to worry about the government collapsing, leaving you in a Mad Max universe with no gasoline.

After Hurricane Sandy, we saw the hellish world that the gun prohibitionists see as their utopia. Looters ran wild in south Brooklyn. There was no food, water or electricity. And if you wanted to walk several miles to get supplies, you better get back before dark, or you might not get home at all.
You could pause here and ask which gun prohibitionists see this as "utopia." It's as fatuous as suggesting that Randians all want to emigrate to Somalia. It's also mostly false, because many looting rumors were bogus, and -- famously, we thought -- murders slowed, then stopped, during the blackout. But forget it, Wayne is rolling.
Meanwhile, President Obama is leading this country to financial ruin, borrowing over a trillion dollars a year for phony “stimulus” spending and other payoffs for his political cronies. Nobody knows if or when the fiscal collapse will come, but if the country is broke, there likely won’t be enough money to pay for police protection. And the American people know it.
Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Riots. Terrorists. Gangs. Lone criminals. These are perils we are sure to face—not just maybe. It’s not paranoia to buy a gun. It’s survival. It’s responsible behavior, and it’s time we encourage law-abiding Americans to do just that.

Find LaPierre's meltdown here> Stand and Fight | The Daily Caller

Lets see the facts...

There were 56 thefts reported in a 28-day span ending on Sunday, a 1,020% jump from the five burglaries investigated during the same period last year, the records show.
Other areas that looters targeted included Coney Island in Brooklyn’s 60th Precinct, which reported a 171.4% spike in burglaries during the same four-week stretch.
Areas hit hard by Hurricane Sandy suffer big rise in burglaries - NY Daily News

So where was LaPierre "BAT CRAZY" if these people had 1,000% increase in burglaries???
The rightwing nuts think that the NRA is getting stronger because the NRA is increasing its appeal to them. But in the process it's moving further and further away from normal America.

Remember how Glenn Beck's stock moved up with the rightwing nuts the nuttier he got?

That's what's happening with the NRA now. Why? Because the NRA is following the business plan that all the organizations in the conservative entertainment complex have followed,

in order to get rich.
The rightwing nuts think that the NRA is getting stronger because the NRA is increasing its appeal to them. But in the process it's moving further and further away from normal America.

Remember how Glenn Beck's stock moved up with the rightwing nuts the nuttier he got?

That's what's happening with the NRA now. Why? Because the NRA is following the business plan that all the organizations in the conservative entertainment complex have followed,

in order to get rich.

NRA membership is increasing. No matter how you try to spin it you can't argue with the facts.
The rightwing nuts think that the NRA is getting stronger because the NRA is increasing its appeal to them. But in the process it's moving further and further away from normal America.

Remember how Glenn Beck's stock moved up with the rightwing nuts the nuttier he got?

That's what's happening with the NRA now. Why? Because the NRA is following the business plan that all the organizations in the conservative entertainment complex have followed,

in order to get rich.

NRA membership is increasing. No matter how you try to spin it you can't argue with the facts.

They argue with facts all the time! Of course, liberals have a fall back position. The NRA and gun makers are "getting rich". That should be enough to stop people from wanting to protect themselves. But it isn't.

65 million guns have been sold since obama took office. There are millions more on order because gun stores are sold out. Yet, the liberal media will not report facts, they are relying on lies and class warfare. Someone is getting "rich" and they need to be punished.

Well Over 65 Million Guns Sold Since Obama Took Office

According to cnsnews.com, since February 1, 2009 there have been over 65,000,000 background checks for gun purchases in the United States.

That number is probably a good bit lower than the actual number of guns sold though since many states allow purchasers to show their state carry permit to purchase a gun without a background check and one background check can be good for multiple guns.

To put that into perspective, that is enough guns to arm all of the of residents Alabama, South Carolina, Louisiana, Kentucky, Oregon, Oklahoma, Connecticut, Iowa, Mississippi, Arkansas, Kansas, Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, West Virginia, Nebraska, Idaho, Maine, New Hampshire, Hawaii, Rhode Island, Montana, Delaware, South Dakota, Alaska, North Dakota, Vermont, District of Columbia*, and Wyoming.
The rightwing nuts think that the NRA is getting stronger because the NRA is increasing its appeal to them. But in the process it's moving further and further away from normal America.

Remember how Glenn Beck's stock moved up with the rightwing nuts the nuttier he got?

That's what's happening with the NRA now. Why? Because the NRA is following the business plan that all the organizations in the conservative entertainment complex have followed,

in order to get rich.

NRA membership is increasing. No matter how you try to spin it you can't argue with the facts.

NRA membership is increasing, gun sales are increasing, and the number of concealed carry licenses the states are issuing is increasing but the looney lefties insist that the NRA is out of touch.

Liberalism is a grave mental disorder.
The rightwing nuts think that the NRA is getting stronger because the NRA is increasing its appeal to them. But in the process it's moving further and further away from normal America.

Remember how Glenn Beck's stock moved up with the rightwing nuts the nuttier he got?

That's what's happening with the NRA now. Why? Because the NRA is following the business plan that all the organizations in the conservative entertainment complex have followed,

in order to get rich.

NRA membership is increasing. No matter how you try to spin it you can't argue with the facts.

They argue with facts all the time! Of course, liberals have a fall back position. The NRA and gun makers are "getting rich". That should be enough to stop people from wanting to protect themselves. But it isn't.

65 million guns have been sold since obama took office. There are millions more on order because gun stores are sold out. Yet, the liberal media will not report facts, they are relying on lies and class warfare. Someone is getting "rich" and they need to be punished.

Well Over 65 Million Guns Sold Since Obama Took Office

According to cnsnews.com, since February 1, 2009 there have been over 65,000,000 background checks for gun purchases in the United States.

That number is probably a good bit lower than the actual number of guns sold though since many states allow purchasers to show their state carry permit to purchase a gun without a background check and one background check can be good for multiple guns.

To put that into perspective, that is enough guns to arm all of the of residents Alabama, South Carolina, Louisiana, Kentucky, Oregon, Oklahoma, Connecticut, Iowa, Mississippi, Arkansas, Kansas, Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, West Virginia, Nebraska, Idaho, Maine, New Hampshire, Hawaii, Rhode Island, Montana, Delaware, South Dakota, Alaska, North Dakota, Vermont, District of Columbia*, and Wyoming.

I'm happy that gun manufacturers are getting rich. that means they will remain powerful and it means that my right to own firearms will prevail.

Ask me who I think will take away my guns, the government or the gun manufacturers? Even a brain-dead liberal can figure out the answer to that question.
Don't you just love liberals?

Now if you are to believe in the Second Amendment, you are a gun nut.
Used to be that you had to fear a powerful government taking the guns away, depriving you of the power to resist tyranny. Now, you have to worry about the government collapsing, leaving you in a Mad Max universe with no gasoline.

When exactly did the government change to where you don't have to fear it any longer ?

Now you only have to fear the government leaving and providing for you ?

There's a difference between legitimate concern for the misuse of power and paranoia.

The entire foundation of the conservative fringe is build on a faux reality; is it one framed by lies or mental illness? I suppose the answer depends on a case by case examination. Some, like OODA_Loop seem to be a result of both.

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