Wayne LaPierre goes batshit crazy

* A 1997 survey of more than 18,000 prison inmates found that among those serving time for a violent crime, "30% of State offenders and 35% of Federal offenders carried a firearm when committing the crime."[25]

And the latest NRA position is to oppose background checks that would prevent the above mentioned from legally buying a gun the day they walk out of prison.

We oppose registration, not background checks.

Registration leads to confiscation. Just ask the Canadians.

Wrong on both counts.

The NRA is on record opposing the universal background check, and no,

registration does not lead to confiscation. We've been registering and permitting handgun ownership in NY for 50 or more years,

and the handguns are still here. Stop being stupid.
the scotus has already said the people are allowed to have guns.

They have also said gun laws are perfectly constitutional.

That means they cant take all your guns.

stop lying people

Truth is they can't take ANY of our guns.

Then when LaPierre et al keep ranting about how they're going to take your guns,

they're not telling the truth.

You're catching on.

Are you saying the liberals do NOT want to ban any guns?

Oh and please link to LaPierre's quote.
And the latest NRA position is to oppose background checks that would prevent the above mentioned from legally buying a gun the day they walk out of prison.

We oppose registration, not background checks.

Registration leads to confiscation. Just ask the Canadians.

Wrong on both counts.

The NRA is on record opposing the universal background check, and no,

registration does not lead to confiscation. We've been registering and permitting handgun ownership in NY for 50 or more years,

and the handguns are still here. Stop being stupid.

You claim registration does not lead to confiscation. Really? Why don't you ask the people of California that question. They were made to go on a list, then the people who owned Ak-47's, and Ar-15's were sent a very polite letter informing them they needed to turn their guns in. So the answer is yes... Registration does lead to confiscation. Stop ignoring the history of the California assault weapons ban with regards to gun confiscation.
* A 1997 survey of more than 18,000 prison inmates found that among those serving time for a violent crime, "30% of State offenders and 35% of Federal offenders carried a firearm when committing the crime."[25]

And the latest NRA position is to oppose background checks that would prevent the above mentioned from legally buying a gun the day they walk out of prison.

We oppose registration, not background checks.

Registration leads to confiscation. Just ask the Canadians.

Bingo! You win the trip to Hawaii!:eusa_angel:

You want to know how crazy liberals can be?

The Mayor of Toronto decided he was going to end gun violence in the city.:cuckoo:

So he stopped leasing property to gun ranges. Legal guns, legal shooters, no gang bangers.

Nice normal people who just like to target shoot. See article. Including Olympians.

He banned the nice people. Gun violence isn't down in Toronto.

Mayor David Miller wants to close recreational shooting ranges in Toronto, along with giving the city power to block gun manufacturers and wholesalers from opening new plants or warehouses.

"Nobody can deny that hobby directly results in people being shot and killed on the streets of our city," Miller said of sport shooting yesterday, amid debate on a possible gun bylaw.

Canadian Olympic pistol shooter and downtown resident Avianna Chao begs to differ. She says that if Miller gets his way, it could mean an end to her sport – and it won't make the streets one bit safer.

Miller wants shooting ranges shut down | Toronto Star
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And the latest NRA position is to oppose background checks that would prevent the above mentioned from legally buying a gun the day they walk out of prison.

We oppose registration, not background checks.

Registration leads to confiscation. Just ask the Canadians.

Wrong on both counts.

The NRA is on record opposing the universal background check, and no,

registration does not lead to confiscation. We've been registering and permitting handgun ownership in NY for 50 or more years,

and the handguns are still here. Stop being stupid.

How long have you been a member of the NRA? And did you not read the latest newsletter?

The opposition to "universal back ground checks" is because of the belief it will turn into a universal registry on law-abiding people.

If you remember Obamacare wasn't a tax until it needed to be.

You may trust the government, but we don't.

Last year Canada ended its national long gun registry, a national database of every rifle and shotgun in the country that was supposed to help police track the movement of and sale of weapons. When it was introduced twenty years ago critics said the registration of firearms would eventually lead to confiscation, a criticism dismissed as ridiculous, yet that’s what happened and more right up until its dismantling.

As recently as last winter law abiding gun owners who had complied with the registry were having their rifles confiscated. In late 2011 hundreds if not thousands of people who had legally purchased the Armi Jager AP80, a .22 calibre variant of the AK47, were informed that their rifles had been deemed illegal and must be surrendered .

“You are required by law to return your firearm registration certificates, without delay, either by mail to the address shown in the top left corner of this page or in person to a peace officer or firearms officers. You have 30 days to deliver your firearms to a peace officer, firearms officer of Chief Firearms Officer or to otherwise lawfully dispose of them,” read the letter sent by the Canadian Firearms Centre.

Canadian News Anchor Issues Ominous Warning to America: Gun Registration Will Lead to ‘Confiscation’
The 2nd amendment prevents the 'disarmament' of America and the 2nd amendment is not going to be repealed.

Paranoia is the fear of something imaginary. The disarmament of America is imaginary.

No one is buying your bull shit.

If no one takes our guns, it will be because of the efforts of Wayne LaPierre and the NRA. It isn't because they don't want to, or because they won't try.
I've said this before and I'll say it again: I pay the NRA to defend my right to own any gun I want to and if LaPierre has to act bat-shit crazy just to combat the epic insanity of the gun grabbers then good, that's what I pay for.
Honestly how do you come up with conscription?

The purpose of the 2nd was to ensure a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State. This was crafted at a time when we were in danger of being invaded by Britain or another power.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Ah but you have to look at the Second thru the lens of the Fourteenth. You missed my fabulous debate with Dante didn't you?


Heller vs DC was a tad vague but McDonald vs Chicago clearly tied the Fourteenth to the Second.
The 14th came almost 100 years later.

It has no relevance or insight into the 2nd's intent, from the founders' perspective.
I've said this before and I'll say it again: I pay the NRA to defend my right to own any gun I want to and if LaPierre has to act bat-shit crazy just to combat the epic insanity of the gun grabbers then good, that's what I pay for.
His acting crazy is just what President Obama (praise be unto Him!) is counting on. The American public does not like 'crazy'.

Keep up the great work!
Prove you have automatic weapons.

There are many States which allow fully automatic firearms.

In Texas you have to have a Class III FFL and I think it's the same in most other states.

Yes... All of the States which allow them basically make you sign your Rights away, and allow your home to be searched at any time once you obtain the license. I've been told it really isn't worth the aggravation.
I've said this before and I'll say it again: I pay the NRA to defend my right to own any gun I want to and if LaPierre has to act bat-shit crazy just to combat the epic insanity of the gun grabbers then good, that's what I pay for.
His acting crazy is just what President Obama (praise be unto Him!) is counting on. The American public does not like 'crazy'.

Keep up the great work!

Do you realize how many people the left has labeled gun nuts here in my blue State that are registered Democrats?
Keep up the good work!
I've said this before and I'll say it again: I pay the NRA to defend my right to own any gun I want to and if LaPierre has to act bat-shit crazy just to combat the epic insanity of the gun grabbers then good, that's what I pay for.
His acting crazy is just what President Obama (praise be unto Him!) is counting on. The American public does not like 'crazy'.

Keep up the great work!

I don't give a rat's ass what the American Public likes. The American Public has proven that it is about as smart and a bag of hammers (The election of obama being exhibit A). As long as LaPierre is fighting, as long as gun sales are up, as long as gun manufacturers are getting rich, as long as obama and the left keeps trying to take guns, the NRA will maintain it's power.
I've said this before and I'll say it again: I pay the NRA to defend my right to own any gun I want to and if LaPierre has to act bat-shit crazy just to combat the epic insanity of the gun grabbers then good, that's what I pay for.
His acting crazy is just what President Obama (praise be unto Him!) is counting on. The American public does not like 'crazy'.

Keep up the great work!

Do you realize how many people the left has labeled gun nuts here in my blue State that are registered Democrats?
Keep up the good work!

Perhaps they are gun nuts.
The purpose of the 2nd was to ensure a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State. This was crafted at a time when we were in danger of being invaded by Britain or another power.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Ah but you have to look at the Second thru the lens of the Fourteenth. You missed my fabulous debate with Dante didn't you?


Heller vs DC was a tad vague but McDonald vs Chicago clearly tied the Fourteenth to the Second.
The 14th came almost 100 years later.

It has no relevance or insight into the 2nd's intent, from the founders' perspective.

Hey stupid, both are part of the Constitution.

WA Supreme Court: '2nd Amendment applies to the states via 14th Amendment due process clause'

Supreme Court: Second Amendment Applies to States.

The Supreme Court today held that the Second Amendment -- as recently redefined in D.C. v. Heller , in which the Court overturned D.C.'s handgun ban -- applies to the states, not just the federal government. Heller made this decision inevitable, so the only suspense with today's ruling was with respect to 1) the size of the majority and 2) what rationale the justices would use to "incorporate" the Second Amendment. The Court -- with the same 5-to-4 lineup as Heller -- chose to incorporate the Second Amendment through the due-process clause of the 14th Amendment rather than through the "privileges and immunities" clause.
I've said this before and I'll say it again: I pay the NRA to defend my right to own any gun I want to and if LaPierre has to act bat-shit crazy just to combat the epic insanity of the gun grabbers then good, that's what I pay for.
His acting crazy is just what President Obama (praise be unto Him!) is counting on. The American public does not like 'crazy'.

Keep up the great work!

I don't give a rat's ass what the American Public likes. The American Public has proven that it is about as smart and a bag of hammers (The election of obama being exhibit A). As long as LaPierre is fighting, as long as gun sales are up, as long as gun manufacturers are getting rich, as long as obama and the left keeps trying to take guns, the NRA will maintain it's power.

This is the kind of attitude that let Obama win in a landslide and let the Senate pick up even more Democratic seats, and will keep Democrats in power for a long time.

Keep up the great work!

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